Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 230 Large-scale performance show

A roar rang out from the computer's speakers, and then Li Zhi saw three huge planes appearing on the computer screen.

These three planes came from a long distance in the sky. At first, they were just a small dot, but after a while, they could see their shapes clearly.

The whole body is painted in dark gray metallic color, the head is in geometric shape, and the lines are very hard. On the canards on both sides, there are two engines, one large and one small.

When approaching the island country's aerospace carrier, I saw that the two small engines began to rotate downward, and in the roar, a transparent blue flame spurted out, and its huge body was quietly suspended in mid-air at this moment. .


After seeing this scene, Li Zhi's eyes widened.

What plane is this?

As a man, he is quite interested in weapons such as planes and cannons. Occasionally, he will search for news about various weapons, especially domestic weapons.

But I have never heard that their country has such an aircraft.

New weapon?

In Li Zhi's mind, such an idea suddenly popped up, and immediately, his whole person became excited.

Not only did the Bald Eagles come up with new weapons, but their continent also had new things.

This giant plane looks like a fighter jet, but it is huge. According to Li Zhi's estimation, the length is probably more than 150 meters.

It is naturally incomparable to this air carrier, but it is also exciting enough.

They have mastered this air suspension technology, the engine problem seems to have been overcome, and their large aircraft is much faster than an air carrier.

K-1B, is this the model of this aircraft?

Li Zhi found that there were several fonts printed on the sides of the three giant planes, which seemed to be their model numbers.

Hahaha, with these three big planes coming, do you still dare to pretend to be a force in this island country?

Li Zhi was very excited. He opened the international forum he had browsed before, and as expected, there were all posts from mainland netizens, all of them seemed extremely excited, with a feeling of releasing all the suffocation in his heart.

There are also a lot of people lining up to apologize, they are the guys who were in the mainland who posted earlier.

Li Zhi read a few posts and thought it was funny. In fact, he also felt that the mainland was a little cowardly before. When others showed their weapons, they immediately slipped away.

What he didn't expect was that they didn't run away at all, but went to call the eldest brother at home.

However, after that, Li Zhi saw the posts of several islanders. They said that the levitating aircraft in the mainland was completely useless, and it was more ornamental than practical.

The bomb load is not as good as their air carrier, and the defense capability is definitely not as good. More importantly, their Kappa is still below.

Is it funny that these three levitating fighters from the mainland came over?

It's like a group of people are showing off their wealth, and everyone else is showing off tens of millions of luxury cars and mansions. Isn't it embarrassing that you drive hundreds of thousands of Volkswagen over here to pretend?

Li Zhi's heart was like being poured down by a basin of cold water, his heart froze, he switched back to the live broadcast page, and then watched the movements on the screen.

The three giant planes slowly circled around the island nation's helicarrier, seemingly giving them a warning, but the island nation did not show any signs of retreating.

In fact, they not only have no plans to retreat, but also shouted to the mainland on the channel, saying that they are currently in the high seas, and they have the right to conduct training activities here.

Sir, the mainland side said that they will give us three minutes to think about it. If we continue to move forward, they will launch an attack.

In the command room of the air carrier, the young soldier with the headset turned his head and said to Nobita Watanabe behind him.

Hearing this, Nobita Watanabe frowned.

He really couldn't imagine where the confidence on the mainland's side was, he hesitated, heeded the warning of the mainland, and then turned his head and returned to their waters.

There was a hint of retreat in Watanabe's heart. After all, the neighbor next to him was extremely powerful. Even if they had the equipment sold to them by the Bald Eagle, they couldn't compare with the mainland for the time being.

He looked at the time, hesitating in his mind at which point in time to make the retreat order.

A minute passed, another minute passed.


There was a mechanical sound, and then Nobita Watanabe suddenly saw that the top of the three giant planes opposite them, the top of the one in the middle, suddenly opened a hatch, and then a transmitter came out.

What do they want to do?

Nobita Watanabe was shocked, isn't it three minutes? He hurriedly rushed to the console, wanting to communicate with the mainlander on the opposite side, but it was at this moment that he stopped.

Li Zhi, who was in front of the computer, also saw the scene when the top hatch of the giant plane in the middle was opened. He was also shocked. Could it be that the mainland is going to take the initiative to open fire?

His heart could not help beating violently, and his eyes were fixed on the computer screen in front of him.

But what happened next moment made his nervousness relax a little.

The launcher was not aimed at the air carrier on the opposite side, but looked at the other side, only to see that at this moment, from a cannon barrel, a red light lit up, and then a missile flew out. .

With a thud.

The missile speed got faster and faster, and finally exploded in a sea area about five kilometers away.


A huge bang, even at such a long distance, was still captured by the camera of the air carrier.

However, when Li Zhi saw the scene after the explosion of the missile, he was stunned.

I saw endless water waves churning up on the sea surface, but instead of falling back into the sea, it was directly vaporized into a large piece of water vapor that spread around.

Not only the churning water waves, but even the sea water in the sea, there are also many directly vaporized at this moment, otherwise, it will not form such a thick white fog at all.

How high is the temperature after this missile explodes?

Li Zhi couldn't help but be startled. The water mist that had evaporated quickly spread out. Even from the air carrier, there was mist drifting over. The current scene on his computer screen was blurred. This was because of the camera's lens. There was a mist on it.

Li Zhi was extremely shocked, and then felt that the effect of this blow was a bit familiar, and felt that it was a bit like the effect of the laser beam of the Kaiju beast, high temperature.

The explosion of a missile or a nuclear bomb will cause high temperature, and the temperature is very high, but it is only an instantaneous temperature, and it will not cause any damage if it depends on the temperature.

However, at the moment, this kind of missile can completely rely on the hot temperature to form a powerful kill.

Li Zhi couldn't help but feel excited. Sure enough, the mainland did not come unprepared. The technology mastered by this giant aircraft is not just as simple as hovering in the air.

Anti-aircraft guns like this kind of weapon are useless at all, then you hit a lasing missile, and the high temperature of the explosion may also spread to the carrier.

In addition, this weapon can threaten Kaiju beasts.

In the past, someone had proposed an idea to obtain the ability of Kaiju beast's energy rays, and then use it to attack Kaiju beast.

However, this last proposal was left unfinished. There should be a strong difficulty that could not be overcome, but I didn't expect that such a thing would actually come up on the mainland.

He casually opened a post, clicked into it, and it was filled with comments from mainlanders, all of whom seemed particularly excited.

Six six six, isn't this the kind of energy ray of Kaiju beast? Except for the slower speed, there is nothing different.

Hahaha, I didn't expect such a treasure to be hidden in my continent.

You're so handsome, just shoot a missile to teach the island country to be a human being. Don't pretend to be forceful in front of the uncle.

Rabbit: Ouch!

Hahaha, the island nation has already begun to retreat.

Seeing the latter sentence, Li Zhi hurriedly switched back to the live channel. As expected, he saw that the sky carrier began to retreat, and in the sea below, Kappa was also retreating. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief. A feeling of exasperation.

This island country came to press people with power, but it has not left in despair.

In the command room, Nobita Watanabe looked at the scene on the screen in front of him. It was the area of ​​the sea where the missile hit. At this moment, there was still a large area of ​​water mist floating on the sea, and he couldn't help being horrified.

Unexpectedly, the mainland has mastered this technology.

Retreat now!

He decisively gave the order, Contact Kappa and prepare to evacuate.

The aerospace carrier began to retreat, and on the display in front of Nobita Watanabe, the sea area where Kappa was located was displayed. It was only at this time that Kappa also began to turn around and walked towards the rear.

Nobuyoshi Watanabe's heart is gloomy, as expected by the Bald Eagle, the mainland has mastered a powerful weapon. There was a scene that shocked him, his thoughts suddenly converged, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Li Zhi, who was in front of the computer, looked at the sky carrier that was starting to retreat, and after the Kappa, he laughed twice, and then prepared to switch back to the forum page, and then looked at the speeches of various netizens. .

After all, watching other mainland netizens post with such an uplifting tone will also give people a feeling of relief, as if a few friends stayed together and found a common topic.

However, when he moved the mouse to switch the web page, the action suddenly stopped, only to see a burst of bright light suddenly burst into the sea below on the display screen, bursts of crackling like lightning explosions The sound came from the speaker.

Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, but then he seemed to have thought of something, and he blurted out a national curse.



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