Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 276 Yearning for the Ocean

The various forces on the mainland have actually completed the unification, formed a country, and then began to flourish.

Now a lot of things that were there before are reappearing.

Cars, cell phones, TVs, whatever.

They knew that these things existed, and to reverse the process with the results, although there will be many difficulties, it is not so surprising to do.

Although human civilization has become more advanced, a lot of previous information has been lost over time and battles between various forces.

What they know about this world is that this planet is called Blue Star, and it has been attacked by alien life-giant beasts.

Before the people on this planet and the alien life fought a battle, in the end of the war, both sides were lost, and almost the same situation appeared.

The previous human civilization was destroyed and entered the age of wilderness, and then alien life was completely wiped out.

In this way, is it a victory for their humanity?

However, in the recorded information, there are no words such as space channels.

The post-peace continental civilization, in addition to developing itself, also began to become curious about the world outside the mainland. Some people went into the field to conduct archaeology, and wanted to obtain more information about the human civilization that existed before. .

There are also people who have fantasies about overseas, because the various materials handed down show that in addition to the mainland, there are other continents on this planet, and there are also human civilizations on those continents.

So all kinds of expedition boats set off, they used wind sailboats, even the kind that required rowing.

There is no way, there are also gasoline ships, but such ships are very expensive and cannot be afforded by ordinary people.

And because energy is very scarce, refueling is a powerful burden for ordinary people.

Officials are very much in favor of such expeditions.

There is no shortage of people now.

Humans grow up so fast that they can reach full adulthood at the age of eight. After the war, the number of adults has reached a terrifying level.

If it weren't for the fact that the various food crops would still be the same as before, there would be various bumper harvests, and now there would definitely be chaos on this side of the mainland.

According to the census, there are now millions of people on the mainland.

These expeditions came to explore those unknown sea islands, and on the other hand, they went to explore other continents to see what development achievements were made on those continents.

In addition, these explorers are also required to try their best to find the location of various minerals, and the discoverers will receive a large commission.

It is because of this that a large number of people began to go to the sea.

Especially after a sea monster incident, people's yearning for the sea is even deeper.

At noon this day, in a city on the coast of the mainland, which was the former Donggang City, this city built on a ruin, now began to gradually highlight their lively atmosphere.

On the beach, many people are basking in the sun, and not far away, there is a pier where workers are unloading goods.

Oh, what is that?

However, when the people on the beach were playing enthusiastically, one of the tourists suddenly shouted and then pointed in one direction.

The people nearby moved in unison, and then looked out in the direction they pointed to, only to see that in that direction, rows of waves were surging towards this side.

And between the rows of waves, a black object was approaching.

Some girls were so frightened that they started to cry, and then began to retreat to the rear.

The boys wanted to be a little more daring. After they stepped back to the side, they looked towards it with a look similar to that of curiosity.

Brother Han, what are you talking about over there?

in the crowd,

A fat white man wearing a pair of beach pants asked softly to the man next to him.

how could I know?

The man beside him frowned and said, The sea is so wide, the ghost knows what the hell is growing in it.

As the waves pushed more and more toward the beach, the mass of objects became clearer. This was an animal, an extremely huge animal.


The people on the beach all made a sound of swallowing saliva at this moment, and they looked at the huge animal on the opposite side in shock.

My God, what kind of creature is this, so huge.

Some people were amazed, only to see that the creature opposite them had an extremely huge and round head.

Then it has a number of thick tentacles.

Is this an octopus?

Someone shouted and recognized the identity of this creature, but now this octopus is obviously beyond their cognition.

Brother Han, how big is this octopus. I don't know how many octopus balls can be made.

The fat white man in beach pants looked at the octopus monster body that was pushed by the waves on the opposite side, and said naively.

The octopus seemed to be dead, just letting the waves push it forward.

Is this the terrifying beast that destroyed the previous human civilization?

Regarding what the terrifying behemoth looks like, there is no detailed picture book for reference, and they have not found the corresponding corpse or skeleton after that.

Humans are getting more and more excited about this octopus monster, because it means that they seem to be able to uncover the secrets of the destruction of some previous human civilizations.

Many experts are studying the detailed process of the destruction of human civilization before, but they know too little.

All that is known is that aliens invaded, and then there was a sudden flood, after which the aliens disappeared.

In addition, they also have no information on aliens - giant beasts.

The current historians believe that the giant beasts recorded in the handed down materials are the so-called aliens. Many experts hope to find the bones of aliens in the wild, but they have always found nothing.

Why can these creatures destroy the previous human civilization?

The fat white man stared in amazement at the octopus corpse that had been pushed to the beach by the waves, and wanted to see the flowers from this creature.

This creature looks very huge, but the previous human civilization has very powerful technology.

far stronger than their current technological strength.

It is said that human beings at that time had gone to the sky, carried out space tourism, and had ships that could fly to the sky.

After the octopus monster landed, someone bravely approached the past and carefully examined the appearance of this creature.

Some people also called the relevant departments at this time and asked them to come and deal with the body of this monster.

PS: the update is complete

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