Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 309 Tang Guo's Doubt

OH, what did I do earlier?

Fang Yun looked at the corpse of the giant whale in front of him, to be precise, the huge hole in the belly of the giant whale: I got into its belly, then bit its internal organs, and finally got out again?

Really, this is too dangerous, I actually did this kind of thing, well, this skill seems to be pretty good.

Fang Yun thought about it, if he was still in human form, he would definitely be holding his chin at the moment, he was invincible in defense, and he had a terrifying ability to restore blood. What if he was swallowed into the opponent's stomach? It won't hang up anyway.

Fortunately, there are not many creatures of this level. When encountering small creatures, even if the opponent has special skills, I can kill the opponent with speed and strength.

Now his long-range attack ability is a little weak, there are only Thunder Magnetic Storm, Laser Ray, and Overclocking Resonance, of course, now, these skills are enough to deal with the trouble he encountered, at least like It is this ten-kilometer-level Melville whale, even if he keeps bombing with those three skills, he can kill it.

It's just that his mood was affected a little later, and then... Then he developed a new attack method, which was more convenient and quicker to solve the opponent.

Where should I go now?

Fang Yun took the huge Melville whale and went away, preparing to find another place to eat.

Find an island overseas to live in, and when you grow to seven or eight kilometers... or more than ten kilometers, go to land to see.

The restricted area and the old soil are not far apart. Both continents will be my hunting areas.

Fang Yun smiled strangely in his heart: I don't know if the Blue Star people will cheer for my existence, after all, I will solve a lot of trouble for them.


Fang Yun exposed the water, and now he is far away from the sea area where Tang Guo and the others were. This is an uninhabited area, only a wide and calm sea.

The big turtle caught up, circled in front of Fang Yun, then swam to the other end of the giant whale, bit on the other side's mouth, and together with Fang Yun, dragged the giant whale's body forward.

Ha, just right, my cheeks are sore.

Fang Yun let go of his mouth,

This time it became the big turtle dragging the giant whale forward alone, which made the big turtle look at Fang Yun resentfully, but the latter ignored its eyes, and then slipped to the belly of the giant whale and began to eat.

And just as Fang Yun began to take a big mouthful of food, on the Conch, Tang Guo and the others looked at each other, and the light curtain on the deck showed that the sea below was completely calm.

And the sound that made them feel extremely uncomfortable before has disappeared.


Tang Guo said in her heart, That giant python won?

It's just that the giant python also disappeared, so, as Uncle Zhou said, both giant beasts died?

Baiyun, go down and check the conditions in the sea.

At this time, Uncle Zhou, who was beside Tang Guo, said something like this, and a huge floating sea ship began to fall. After entering the sea smoothly, they put an underwater robot under the sea to check the situation.

After some inspection, nothing was found under the sea.

Therefore, all the floating ships in the air began to fall. When they came to the sea, more underwater robots were dispatched to investigate the situation in the sea, but they also found nothing.

Get out of here first.

Uncle Zhou gave an order decisively. No one knew what happened to the previous battle. At this time, he didn't have the intention of picking up cheap goods. The main thing is that there is no cheap thing to pick up now.

Tang Guo had no objection, so the entire fleet began to leave at this time, but Uncle Zhou sent a message to the patrol and asked them to come and investigate the matter.

So that guy, is it the giant python?

Tang Guo, who was far away from the battlefield, lay on the bed in shock, looking at the curtain of light emanating from her watch, and said naively.

She sent several more messages to the other party, but the guy didn't reply once.

God, am I really chatting with a giant python?

Tang Guo felt that her three views were impacted, Aren't these giant beasts without wisdom?

Regarding what happened to Tang Guo and the others, it caused a sensation in the human world, and this time it was much bigger than the previous ones.

Two terrifying sea beasts entered the hunting area.

The news host looked at the opposite camera and said sternly: They started a battle, and the aftermath caused five ships to capsize and 378 people were killed.

The reason why this level of creatures appear in the hunting area is still under investigation.

After such news was broadcast, it was no surprise that it aroused discussions among all parties. After all, what appeared this time was a 5-kilometer-level terrifying giant python and a 10-kilometer giant whale.

In the battle between the two, there is still no conclusion about who wins and who loses. After that, the patrol team came to that sea area and found nothing.

Some people think it was the python that won, and some people think it was Melville Whale who won.

Fang Yun's video data was photographed, but it did not cause any suspicion, because the abilities he showed were also possessed by other sea beasts.

Moreover, the Blue Star people have changed many generations, and only in the past ten years, the average life expectancy has increased steadily.

In the past, everyone, regardless of gender, needed to go overseas or expand in the wild, and inevitably encountered various sea beasts or beasts, and the mortality rate was extremely high.

So almost no one knows about the name of the giant sea python.

Only in some dusty files, there are a few records of its existence, after all, compared with other materials, the giant sea python is insignificant.

Furthermore, this matter sounds scary. So many people died, but they did not enter the eyes of the high-level people. Most of their attention was on the old soil.

Guoguo, how's it going?

A middle-aged man looked at Tang Guo in front of him, his face full of love, Is it better?

He is Tang Guo's father, Tang Rong, chairman of the Tang Group.

After the baby daughter came back, he was in a trance all day. He thought that Tang Guo was in a trance because of what happened and was too frightened. Tang Rong felt extremely remorse, If I knew this, I shouldn't have let her go to sea.

I must be crazy, why does Guoguo have to inherit the family's company?

When Guoguo said she wanted to go to sea, she should have rejected her. Maybe her idea was that she wanted me to accompany her instead of really wanting to go to sea.

Tang Rong began to make up his mind, and then became more self-blame.


At this time, Tang Guo, who was in front of him, raised his head and asked him, Dad, are those sea beasts wise?


Tang Rong was surprised that his daughter would ask such a question, If those guys had wisdom, there would be no us humans on this planet now.

Wisdom means that the other party can have some cooperation.

Think about it, all the sea beasts and the beasts have intelligence, and these humans don't have much power to fight back.

Even if there is a lose-lose war, it is very likely that the beasts will survive in the end.

After all, sea beasts can hide in the deep sea.

Tang Guo was silent, and then she was more confused, but she was also more curious.

Dad, I want to enter your research institute.

Tang Guo raised her eyelids and said solemnly to Tang Rong.

PS: I would like to thank Denisa, who is the starting book friend, for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to the Penguin book friend [爱]5 2 O for the reward of 100 coins, thank you, thank you both.

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