Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 361 Fang Yun's Whereabouts

I'm really looking forward to it. After I get a more advanced bloodline this time, I can go on a real interstellar journey.

Fang Yun was making plans in his mind. Of course, before his interstellar travel, he would definitely collect relevant information, that is, what kind of power distribution in this universe.

Now he knows the boss of the Milky Way, and there is a Sirius system next to the Milky Way.

However, the Milky Way and the Sirius system only belong to the Ninth Heaven Domain, and the ghost knows how many places like the Ninth Heaven Domain.

And in those heavens, there must be civilizations. Those civilizations are comparable to the Tianhe Empire, or even more advanced. Otherwise, would the Milky Way and the Sirius system be fighting in such a corner?

When thinking about this, Fang Yun's mind seemed to fly out.

He can perceive that his strength will become stronger and stronger, and the speed of strengthening will be particularly fast. When he travels, he will always find a way to return to the plane where the earth is.

I must go back and have a look.

Fang Yun said firmly in his heart.

This thought made his mood even more exciting, as if going home was just in front of him.

In front of Fang Yun, another meteorite appeared.

This time, Fang Yun, who was in a state of excitement, directly shot a laser cannon and defeated the meteorite.

It seems that he often encounters meteorites in space, but in reality, because he is very fast, he has to cross a long distance every time before seeing a new meteorite.

Swallowing the broken meteorite into his stomach, Fang Yun continued to move forward with the big turtle.

The big turtle also seemed to feel the excitement of Fang Yun, and also howled excitedly, and the electromagnetic waves spread out.

And in a sky hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from Fang Yun and them, two huge spaceships are slowly advancing.

These two spaceships belong to a gold rush team and are relatively well-known in the Grave Star Battlefield. The boss, Roger, nicknamed One-Eyed, was in the Grave Star Battlefield a hundred years ago. gold rush team.

And in the team,

There are also two huge spaceships of nine kilometers.

It is also a medium-sized gold rush team.

Shit, it's been five months since I saw the wreckage of the starship.

In the outer corridor of the spaceship in front, Roger One-Eyed cursed bitterly. It also costs them to travel in space. No wreckage of the starship is found, which means that there is no income. This is for gold diggers. is an unbearable thing.

Don't talk about the wreckage of the starship, even if it is a little cherished meteorite, I haven't seen one.

Behind One-Eyed Jack, Deputy Captain Alston came up and shrugged.

There are some meteorites that contain precious minerals, which can be sold for a lot of money, and even some meteorites, which are no less precious than a complete starship.

After hearing what his deputy said, One-Eyed Roger shook his head.

But it was at this time that a subordinate's voice resounded in Roger One-Eyed's headset: Boss, we detected a strange electromagnetic wave earlier, which seems to be from an ancient beast in the starry sky.

Hearing this, One-Eyed Roger's eyes lit up.

The starry sky ancient beast with a higher level is quite valuable.

Boss, what's going on? Seeing Roger's excited look, Alston couldn't help asking Roger.

Haha, it was Xiao Jiu and the others who detected a strange electromagnetic wave, most likely from the ancient beast in the starry sky.

One-eyed Roger smiled and continued, Second child, let's go, let's go back to the command room.

The two returned to the command room, and after saying hello to the people inside, they immediately asked the staff inside to convert the wave of electromagnetic waves they had detected earlier.

The next moment, from the stereo, there was a small sound, although it was relatively slight, but it could still be clearly heard. It was the sound of some kind of beast howling.


One-eyed Roger laughed loudly, It's finally time to open.

He waved his hand, Xiao Jiu, let's go.

Where to go is self-evident, they are going to capture the ancient starry sky beast that made this sound, although they did not know how big the ancient starry sky beast was, but this also made Roger and the others excited.

Because it means they can finally break the deadlock.

The spaceship accelerated, and the more intense the electromagnetic waves they detected, the clearer the sound from the sound.

Hahaha, right ahead!

The detected electromagnetic waves were extremely strong, which meant that the ancient beast in the starry sky was located not too far away.

All the staff cheered me up, and if they were able to capture that ancient starry beast alive, just give it to me!

The living ancient beasts in the starry sky are even more valuable.

Don't worry, boss, we all know that.

Everyone in the command room agreed.

One-eyed Roger and his second-in-command Alston came to a display screen, which showed the scene in front of their spaceship:

In a vast space, the stars are dotted.

And at this time, in the starry space, a huge shadow suddenly appeared.

Hahaha, it appeared!!

One-eyed Roger stared at the scene on the screen, and his breathing became short, because judging from the blurred image, the other party's body size should not be small.

The line of sight gradually approached, and the shape of the starry sky ancient beast was more clearly revealed on the display.


Seeing the other side's posture, One-Eyed Roger couldn't help but let out a snort, and the one swimming across from him was a giant tortoise.

A star tortoise.

But this is not the point, the point is that this is not just an ancient beast in the starry sky.

Right now, the giant tortoise in the starry sky is circling around a terrifying giant python.

Giant turtle? Giant python?

Such two combinations suddenly lit up Roger's heart, and he thought of the rumor that had been making a lot of noise during this time.

There are two dangerous starry sky ancient beasts, roaming together in the grave star battlefield area.

Because the place where the starry sky ancient beast appeared was a little off, Roger One-Eyed did not follow the crowd to try his luck there.

But what they didn't expect was that they were unintentional, they just planned to look for the wreckage of the starship here, but they actually encountered the ancient beast of the starry sky that others dreamed of.

Hahaha, we are lucky too.

One-eyed Roger laughed loudly, and said again: Everyone obeys the order, give me a hard...

Before he finished speaking, his voice stopped abruptly, the expression on his face was stagnant, and the corners of his mouth were twitching.

Looking at the other people in the command room, they are all staring at the screen playing the image in front of the spacecraft.

I saw on the screen, two ferocious-looking giant beasts were swimming quietly.

At this moment, the giant python suddenly opened its mouth, and a dazzling ray of light instantly spit out. A huge meteorite with a diameter of at least 15 kilometers, more than ten kilometers away in front of them, suddenly shattered.

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