Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 366 Central Continent


Another laser cannon blasted out, but this time it landed on a fighter jet not far from the Warhammer, and exploded that fighter jet directly.

Fang Yun and the great will attacked each other violently, making this space form a doomsday zone.

A moment of thunder explosion, and a moment of laser burst.

At the same time, various electromagnetic wave attacks are also going on.

Fang Yun is also using cell aberration to deal with this giant beast, but he can't see any effect for the time being. This guy's lifespan is really high.

When all kinds of attacks were bombing, the people on the spaceship also collapsed, and some of the attacks they couldn't dodge, smashed them directly on the spaceship.

After a while, seven spaceships burst open.

This kind of unpredictable disaster caused those intelligent creatures who were originally nervous to the extreme, began to collapse one after another, and then they controlled their spaceships and began to shoot at Fang Yun and the great will.

The two giant beasts in the battle stopped attacking each other all of a sudden, and then turned their heads in unison to look at the spaceship where the intelligent creatures were.


Fang Yun's huge scarlet tongue stuck out a few times in the triangular hole between his upper and lower jaws. The next moment, he slammed it and flew towards a spaceship that had attacked him earlier.

Do not!

In that spaceship, the crew members were all screaming in horror. From their perspective, it was a terrifying giant python that was more than ten kilometers long, biting towards them.

The object of Fang Yun's attack was a spacecraft called Huanxi, which belonged to a large company. Before, this spacecraft bombarded him with two laser cannons one after another.

Fire, fire! Hit me hard!

In the wisdom room, the captain screamed like a collapse, and the shield of the spaceship had been closed, and all the firepower was poured on the giant python that was attacking them.


Fang Yun's body is constantly experiencing explosions,

But every time the wound after the explosion, it will recover quickly, which is very miraculous.

At this time, Fang Yun also came to the side of the spaceship, and the huge body was wrapped around it. In the sound of click, click, the spaceship was directly twisted into a twist.

And this twist also entered his stomach.


Fang Yun roared silently, and the next moment, he turned his eyes to another place.

Both Fang Yun and Jin Great Will are encountering indiscriminate attacks, but none of these attacks are fatal. Fang Yun and Great Will, who have survived these attacks, are also furiously retaliating against the spaceships of those intelligent creatures.

Spaceships are being destroyed one after another, and the attack of the great will is extremely powerful. Likewise, it is also devouring those spaceships.

Fang Yun found that this guy seemed to have a doubling ability.

For example, in the past, he saw the head of the great will slammed forward, and its head suddenly became extremely huge. It bit a spaceship in one bite. After chewing a few times, it swallowed it. in the stomach.

Too...too terrifying...

Looking at the purgatory on earth opposite, in the command room of the Warhammer, Redick was about to urinate.

They have a total of 21 fleets, and the number of spaceships is more than 50, but at least 30 ships have been destroyed in the hands of these two monsters.

And most of them were eaten by them.

Frightened like this?

On one side, Keweier restrained himself, and when he saw the expression on Redick's face, he couldn't help shaking his head, The war between the two empires is a hundred times, a thousand times more terrifying than it is now.

He had experienced a battle, and although it was only on the edge of the battlefield, he was also shocked.

All kinds of fighter planes flew in the sky, like dragonflies forming a torrent. Unfortunately, after these fighter planes encountered each other, they burst open one after another.

Among these fighters, there are also star destroyers, but the star destroyers also explode from time to time.

A battlefield of that level is the real meat grinder.

Hyperdrive ready.

Redick took over the Warhammer and began to grit his teeth and give orders, Get the ship out of this area first.

The engine of the spaceship's horizontal orientation began to turn its direction, and immediately it was a sensation, and it flew out towards the rear.

Damn, this, this is too cruel, right?

In the farthest distance, One-Eyed Roger stayed in the command room of his spaceship. He saw red lights bursting out in front of him, and the muscles at the corners of his mouth couldn't stop shaking.

It's so terrifying, there's almost no one-trick enemy.

This level of creatures, they even thought about coming to hunt and kill.

Go, go!

He yelled, Let's get out of here!!


The engine of his spaceship started to rush out rapidly around him, because he was far enough away, otherwise he would be affected now, and he would not be able to escape at all.


Fang Yun then landed a laser cannon on top of a spaceship, breaking the opponent's shield, and then drove straight in, swallowing the spaceship like before.

The brutal attack continues, and the Warhammer is now fully charged, and the hyperspace engine is turned on again.

Bring me back.

Fang Yun was about to prepare to use the anti-gravity field, but another laser cannon bombarded him, preventing him from using his skills.

In just this breath, the Warhammer had already run away.

On the other side, One-Eyed Roger and the others also left some distance away, but the people on the spaceship were still terrified.

Twenty-one fleets, the last...the last...

Roger swallowed. He had never experienced such a miserable sight.

Twenty-one fleets, the final complete fleet, only they are left, the others, except for the Warhammer, are all destroyed.

What level of star beast is that, and why is it so powerful?

The Warhammer, which was in the state of passing through the hyperspace window, was not pulled out by the gravity well this time, which made Kevir breathe a sigh of relief.

He looked at the scenes on the screen, of a giant python and a golden beast bombarding their spaceships.

After I go back, I must report it to the commander immediately, and let him send a Star Destroyer crew to sweep here and make sure to get rid of these two beasts.

While Warhammer and One-Eyed Roger fled frantically, Fang Yun and the giant golden-clawed beast had already destroyed all the nearby Fei Space Flight.

At this moment, the two terrifying beasts were fighting together again.

The terrifying aftermath of the battle swept away wave after wave, and the surrounding space was distorted.

In the end, the golden-clawed beast escaped again.

But this time, it left a giant claw behind.

Fang Yun swam over, grabbed the giant claw in one bite, and headed towards a dark space.

I can evolve.

Next, Fang Yun was looking for a place to start his evolution, and while he was wandering in space, Roger One-Eyed and the others also began to spread the message.

In an instant, this area was boiling again.

There are not two calamity-level starry sky ancient beasts here, but also a pathogen in the third form.

This news not only spread among this area, but also spread to the center of the Grave Star Battlefield - the Central Continent.


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