Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 414 Hunter Galaxy Fleet

Angele grinned and looked at the fleet of the Hunter galaxy in front of him, with a wanton light in his eyes. After the war broke out between the Hunter galaxy and the Milky Way, they originally just wanted to take this opportunity to grow bigger.

Unfortunately, a fleet of the Hunter constellation galaxy inadvertently broke into their Blue Star base camp. As a result, in that battle, the Blue Star civilization was almost wiped out.

But fortunately, the Blue Star people's defense was quite strong over there, and finally blocked the attack of that fleet, and then moved their positions.

But even so, there were a large number of Blue Stars who lost their lives in that battle. It was because of this that the Blue Stars had an unforgettable hatred for the fleet of the Hunter Galaxy.

After stabilizing, the Blue Stars also sent fleets into space. If they encountered a small fleet of Hunter Galaxy, they would directly launch a bombardment.

The military strength of the Hunter galaxy is stronger than that of the Tianhe Empire, and their fighters and ships can generally be compared with the top fighters and ships of the Tianhe Empire.

And some large-scale offensive weapons, the Tianhe Empire has not yet produced.

As for the current Blue Star civilization, the top-level military technology is one step weaker than that of the Tianhe Empire, and there is still a huge gap with the Tianhe Empire in terms of size.

However, the teams dispatched by Blue Star Civilization are all the top combat power they possess. As long as these fleets do not encounter the most powerful fleet in the Hunter galaxy, there will be no problem.

In fact, the most powerful fleets in the Hunter galaxy are basically concentrated in the central battlefield, so they are similar to guerrillas, and it is almost impossible to encounter those powerful fleets.

It is precisely because of this that the fleet of Blue Star Civilization can be at ease in space. After all, it is basically the most common fleet in the Hunter galaxy, which is a bit similar to Tian Ji's horse racing.

Block their escape route and don't let a spaceship escape.

Angele instructed his subordinates, and in an instant, their fleet dispersed, with a total of seven spaceships in the fleet.

Three of them are large cargo ships, 30 kilometers in length.

Although the size is still the same, the performance has been improved, and the flexibility and speed are greatly improved.

In addition, the other four spaceships are all star destroyers, and the combat power of these star destroyers is between the Tianhe Empire Victory-class Star Destroyer and the Empire-class Star Destroyer.

However, the command ship that Angele was on was comparable in combat power to the Empire-class Star Destroyer of the Tianhe Empire.

This kind of Star Destroyer was just developed by the Blue Star people, and there were only eighteen ships in total.

The command ship is in the center, and the other three Star Destroyers are used as attack weapons, galloping towards the fleet of the Hunter constellation galaxy ahead.

The Hunter galaxy's fleet also has three Star Destroyers. In addition, there are two cargo ships and hundreds of fighter planes. After seeing the approaching three Star Destroyer Star Destroyers, they immediately launched a defensive stance. .

They're not a gang.

At the front, Huang Liang also noticed the scene behind them. They were surprised at first. When the last fleet appeared before, he thought that another Hunter galaxy fleet appeared.

Captain, I heard that in this area, there are already three Hunter constellation fleets that have lost contact. It was also rumored that there is a mysterious star beast here.

In front of Huang Liang, Lao Ma said this.

Indeed, the reason why they came here is actually because of this rumor, to see if they can scare the fleet of the Hunter galaxy that is constantly chasing them from the rear.

But now it seems that things are not like this, because there is a powerful fleet here.

Which civilization does this fleet belong to?

Huang Liang was caught in the thought, is this the local civilization of their galaxy, or is it from other galaxies?

In either case, this is something to ponder.

If it is the former, a civilization comparable to the Tianhe Empire has appeared in the mainland of the Milky Way. They hadn't noticed it before. This is a big problem.

If it is the latter, it is even worse, which means that there is a third galaxy involved in this war, and it is still fighting in their own galaxy.

Three galaxies are fighting in the Milky Way, I am afraid that the Milky Way will be destroyed.

Captain, what should we do now?

The old horse in front of him asked Huang Liang now.

After pondering for a while, Huang Liang immediately came up with an idea, Pay attention to the actions of the fleet at the back. If they attack the fleet of the Hunter galaxy, we will cooperate with them in their actions.

Anyway, let's get the fleet of the Hunter Galaxy first.


The old horse responded heavily, and then issued Huang Liang's instructions to all the spaceships in the fleet.


At the rear, after Angele and the others deployed their encircling posture, the command ship in the middle, that is, the Star Destroyer where Angele himself was, suddenly launched an attack on one of the other's cargo ships.

First of all, Angele and the others locked the cargo ship with the tractor beam, and then launched a frenzied bombardment, but said that the response of the cargo ship was not slow at all, and when they were locked by the tractor beam After that, the defensive shield was deployed.

One after another laser cannons landed on the defensive shield, exploding brilliant rays of light.

At this time, the fighter planes in the fleet of the Hunter galaxy began to spread out to avoid being completely wiped out by a wave of firepower. At the same time, they began to fly towards Angele and the others, preparing to rescue the cargo ship.

The fighter planes in Angele and his ships began to be dispatched to prevent those fighter planes from interfering with the actions of their Star Destroyer.

A wave of war begins.

One after another splendid rays of light appeared in this piece of space, and not long after, a fighter plane was hit and exploded.

And just after the battle between the fleet of the Hunter galaxy and Angele and the others, Huang Liang at the forefront, they were originally fleeing, but then a carbine came, which cooperated with Angele and the others, and the Hunter. The galaxy's fleet went into battle.

The fleet of the Hunter Galaxy was extremely uncomfortable. Their fighter planes exploded one after another, and even their main spaceships exploded.

For example, the cargo ship that was initially locked by Angele's command ship with the tractor beam has now completely exploded away.

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