In the command ship, both John and Odyssey stared blankly at the electronic display screen in front of them, and the behemoth inside was completely plunged into a frenzy.


Odyssey held his head, and the instruments in the control room were frantically calling the police. They sensed the Pengbai energy fluctuations that swayed from the golden-clawed beast.

John, it looks like we're going to be here today.

Odyssey smiled bitterly, and then said, We have known each other for a hundred years, and we have been colleagues for more than seventy years. Time flies by so fast.

I must do it in my next life, hello brother.

He patted John's shoulder hard.

Odyssey, don't be so sad.

John pushed the Odyssey away and said, We won't necessarily hang here, I don't believe it, my John Skinney's life is over like this.

Everyone pay attention, hit me hard, don't keep it a little bit, blow it up!!

He yelled madly at the microphone in front of him.

All the power units, energy units, and weapon units of the spaceships were all running frantically, and then locked on the giant golden-clawed beast opposite them, ready for the final confrontation.

On the opposite side of them, the golden-clawed giant beast seemed to be exposed to the extreme, the blood energy surging all over his body, and a heart-pounding aura swept out from this giant beast.

It raised its paws and looked ready to attack.


But at this time, as soon as the streamer suddenly flashed from behind him, the aura that had been accumulating madly in his body suddenly stopped, and then he saw it raised its head and looked over it.

Seeing this, the golden-clawed giant beast shuddered and let out a violent roar.

This guy, hate me so much?

Fang Yun looked at the golden-clawed giant beast in front of him, speechless. Just as he was about to have a good fight with this golden-clawed giant beast, he suddenly found that the golden-clawed giant beast flashed, and it turned out to be facing towards. The rear flew out.


Seeing this unexpected scene, Fang Yun was obviously stunned.

This guy actually escaped.

What are you doing, I thought I was trying to fight with me, but I tried my best to escape?

Fang Yun felt that he was insulted, he was actually played by a monster, and at the same time as his figure flashed, he chased forward.

The next moment, he chased after the giant golden-clawed beast, and then started a battle with the opponent.

In the distance, John and Odyssey in the command ship. They saw this sudden scene. Both of them were petrified. No one thought that things would turn out like this.

John, I didn't dream, did I? Another pathogen?

Because Fang Yun also showed his breath, the instruments in their control center specially used to detect pathogens also began to alarm.

A battle between two pathogens?

John looked at the scene on the electronic screen, he was speechless for a while, and after a few seconds, he answered the second half of the sentence, These two pathogens have a grudge.

As soon as the giant python pathogen appeared, Fang headed towards the golden-clawed beast. It seemed that there was a grudge between them.

By the way, let's get out of here quickly.

John immediately thought that they could take the opportunity to slip away, and all the spaceships began to retreat at this time. At the same time, John and the command ship where Odyssey was located began to start the hyperspace engine at this time, preparing to escape from here, but far away Fang Yun threw an extreme gravity over and pulled out all the spaceships that wanted to travel in hyperspace.

Damn, we can't do hyperspace travel.

John shouted with an ugly face, and then said, Odyssey, let's go to the escape pod.

Other staff members were assigned to those fighter planes.

In front of the door of the belly compartment of this Star Destroyer, fighter jets began to fly out, and there were several escape pods in between.

Escape pods are faster than fighter jets and can travel short distances in hyperspace.

Not only command ships, but other large ships as well.

Fang Yun didn't care about the guys who left in the fighter plane. He only cared about the spaceships, the sea cow, and the golden-clawed behemoth in front of him.

This golden-clawed giant beast was called a great will by the previous Earth Star aborigines, but now in front of Fang Yun, its performance is completely unworthy of this title.

The battle between the two went back and forth at the beginning. After all, the strength of this giant beast is not bad. It is a little worse than Fang Yun, but the gap is not particularly big.

If Fang Yun is the fifth form of pathogen, this guy is estimated to be almost the fifth form.

However, it had experienced a battle before, and there were injuries on its body, so after a few rounds, it fell into the disadvantage, and then it was pressed and beaten by Fang Yun all the time.


Fang Yun landed another laser cannon on the golden-clawed beast, directly blasting a big hole on its back.

The situation of the golden-clawed giant beast is quite miserable now. There are several large pits on its back, and the golden blood is constantly being thrown out. Only three of its eight legs are left.


Fang Yun whipped the golden-clawed beast heavily with its tail again, and after throwing it away for a distance, an antimatter bomb flew past.


After the explosion, the golden-clawed giant beast exploded in half.

Should it hang up?

Fang Yun looked at the group of monster stumps on the opposite side and thought hesitantly in his heart, but his eyes suddenly saw that the stump of the monster was in a frenzy.

Not dead yet?

Fang Yun was shocked by the tenacious vitality of this golden-clawed giant beast. Just when he was about to take another shot, the stump of the monster suddenly banged and exploded into a blood dance. Then disappeared into this space.

It ran away again.

The last time, this golden-clawed beast was defeated by Fang Yun. At that time, it left a leg. This time, it was blown up in half by Fang Yun, but it ran away again.

I won't let you run away next time.

Fang Yun shook his huge head, feeling a little pity, this golden-clawed beast should be able to provide him with a lot of biological energy.

Besides, this guy escaped again and again, and then met him again and again, making Fang Yun a little doubtful in his heart, whether he had any fate with it.

The most important thing is that this pathogen is also rapidly increasing its strength.

So Fang Yun felt that if we meet again next time, he must get rid of this guy.

After putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, Fang Yun's eyes suddenly fell on the terrifying beast that was thousands of kilometers long.

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