Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 443 The situation suddenly changed

Come and have a look.

Fang Yun thought so in his heart, and then, his body moved, and then he followed the fleet far behind, locking on that fleet at the same time.

Under its perception, this fleet is extremely large, and among the team, there are ten Norton-class Star Destroyers.

It seems that the Star Blue Empire has encountered some trouble, or is this fleet sent to the Milky Way? Fang Yun guessed in his heart, and at the same time, carefully carried out one of the ghost-class Star Destroyers. Network intrusion, he needs to know where this Star Destroyer is going.

Soon he got the news, but he didn't know what this fleet was going to do, he just got the location coordinates of the destination.

According to the location coordinates of that destination, they should not be going to the Milky Way.

Follow up and see what these guys are trying to do.

Fang Yun made up his mind, and then used a special method to summon the sea turtles and followed behind the fleet.

About three days later, they came to a space, and this is the place where the space jump is performed, and Fang Yun and the others are also space jumping at this place, and they also need to go to that place.

Payne, what's going on?

In the control center of the command ship, Payne's adjutant Oliver asked him, Are you on your mind?


Payne nodded, Oliver, you said that this time our Star Blue Empire went to attack the Milky Way, is it a mistake?

We put too many troops there.

He shook his head and sighed: Although our top combat power is one level stronger than that of the Milky Way, the Norton-class Star Destroyer cannot be mass-produced. If we want to conquer such a huge galaxy, with the current Star Blue Empire It’s still a little bit more difficult.”


Hearing this, Oliver smiled bitterly and said, Payne, don't say such words again, what can you and I do about what has been decided above?

He shook his head helplessly, Let's think about it, how to complete the task as soon as possible this time, the Emperor Star needs us.


Payne nodded, and in the end didn't say any more, just frowned into a Sichuan character.

Just as Payne and Oliver were talking, the entire fleet began to jump in space, and fleets of fleets disappeared into space.

Let's go too.

Fang Yun and the big turtle also disappeared into space.

Now both of them can travel long distances in space, after all they have evolved many times.

Soon, they reached their destination, and when they pretended to be out of the hyperspace, they had already arrived in another area.

This area is undoubtedly much more desolate than the one he stayed in before. Fang Yun began to look for the location of the fleet, but the fleet was not found, but he found another thing.

He found that in space, there was a warning pole, with red and blue lights flashing on it, accompanied by a harsh electromagnetic wave.

It seems to prevent the entry of the spacecraft.

Fang Yun looked at the piece of space inside, and couldn't help but feel surprised. He knew that this was a sign of the blockade of the piece of space inside.

It happened that he was interested in the space inside, and he immediately greeted the sea turtles and went inside. According to his thoughts, the reason why Xinglan people sent people here is probably because of what happened inside. matter.

In the ancient and lonely space, Fang Yun walked silently with the sea turtle. About a week later, Fang Yun discovered a planet.

There are a lot of Xinglan people living on this planet, but at this time, he found that there were three Star Destroyers flying over here from a distance, and then began to attack this planet. .

My own people beat my own people.

After seeing this scene, Fang Yun couldn't help but be amazed. The battle presented a slaughtering posture. The Star Destroyer of the Star Blue Empire dealt with that planet like chopping melons and vegetables.

The people above were completely unable to stop their bombardment. After several bombardments, all life on this planet died.

The powerful laser cannons continuously bombed the ground, causing volcanic eruptions, various plate movements, and finally causing the mass extinction of the entire planet.

Come on, let's go to the next infected planet.

Based on his monitoring of that fleet, Fang Yun discovered that the captain said to his subordinates.

Infect the planet?

After hearing the conversation between the captain of this fleet and his subordinates, Fang Yun's heart suddenly became clear, it turned out that there were infected people here.

There are infected people, and most of them have pathogens nearby.

A pathogen has actually caused the Xinglan Empire to dispatch so many people.

Fang Yun thought about it, and suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, That pathogen, wouldn't it be that golden-clawed beast?

If Fang Yun was alone at this time, he would definitely have a twitching expression.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt possible.

Although it is quite far from where he and the golden-clawed giant beast met, it is not impossible for the giant beast to come here.

Hey, if the golden-clawed giant beast sees me again, I don't know how it will feel?

Fang Yun's heart became wicked, and several times in a row, after he saw the golden-clawed beast, he let it shriveled, and that golden-clawed beast probably had a psychological shadow on him.

The fleet in front of him, after completely destroying the life on that planet, went to the next human planet.

Are they going to annihilate all the Xinglan people in this area?

Fang Yun shook his huge head, but he didn't have any sympathy. First, he was no longer human, and second, he didn't like the people of Xinglan Empire.

Tang Guo's disappearance was caused by these guys.

I don't know how big the area has been infected by the golden-clawed beast, but this guy is really good enough. He actually made such a big force dispatched from Emperor Star.

Fang Yun followed that fleet for more than a week, and found that this fleet had destroyed more than 30 planets.

This situation also made Fang Yun secretly smack his tongue. The ability of that giant golden-clawed beast to infect creatures is simply getting stronger and stronger.

Fang Yun has been following that fleet, and it has always been the fleet that destroyed the infected planet, but on this day, the calm days before suddenly changed.

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