Chapter 394

"Listen to what the two of you mean. Is the defeat of the Ninth Army due to the failure of the King to deploy soldiers in Changdu?" Tang Yin asked with a soft laugh.

"You can say that!" Ye Tang and Gao Yu answered simply. Qi Heng was sweating in the rain, but he didn't dare to stop him and him from speaking. He could only pray silently in his heart: Two ‘Masters’, do n’t you say that again!

Tang Yin clenched her fist slowly, but still couldn't help but slammed the table and yelled, "You two are so brave! How dare you blame the king in public, aren't you afraid that he wants your two heads?"

"King, the defeat is all in the body of the general, and the king will punish the general if he wants to punish!" Qi Heng suddenly raised his head and looked at Tang Yin of the carriage.

Originally, his impression of Ye Tang and Gao Yu was very ordinary. They felt that these two were rigid and stubborn, often opposed to themselves, and embarrassed themselves everywhere, but at the critical moment, the two of them could stand up for themselves. Re-associating that the two of them had saved their lives, Qi Heng was bitter, astringent, and warm, and he also cut out. In order to save Ye Tang and Gao Yu, it does n’t matter if he lost his life.

As soon as his words fell, Ye Tang shook his head slightly at him, signalling that he didn't have to take his mistakes to himself. He said to Tang Yin positively: "The king is a prince, and naturally he will not kill innocent people who are outspoken."

"What a Mingjun! A Mingjun will make the king say nothing to you ?!" Tang Yin's words sounded like an angry question, but his tone has been softened a lot, and his fists have been slowly released. Flicked my nails all at once.

Ye Tang and Gao Yu bowed their heads, and no one dared to speak more. They also have a sense of content, knowing what can be said before the king, what can't be said, and what should be done till the end.

At this time, a wind army detective came to Tang Yin's carriage suddenly, turned over and dismounted, kneeled down to give a salute, and said hurriedly, "Master, an unknown number of Mo Jun was found five miles away!"

"Oh?" Tang Yin raised an eyebrow. Qi Heng busily said, "King, that must be Mo Jun who chased down our army!"

Mo Jun actually hunted down the Ninth Army in turn, showing how bad the Ninth Army lost in this battle! Tang Yin felt dark and asked, "Where is General Nie?"

"The end is here!" Hearing Tang Yin's call, Nie Ze hurriedly stepped in and saluted.

"Hundred battles are fighting! Be sure to completely kill Mo Guo's chase!" Tang Yin said coldly.

"The end will obey!" Nie Ze commanded, turning and about to leave, Ye Tang reminded quickly: "General Nie, Mo Jun has hundreds of broken crossbows, so be careful!"

Nie Ze froze a moment, then smiled, and said, "Thank you, General Ye, for reminding me." The Zhen army might have been afraid of breaking the crossbow, but now they are also the wind army, and they also have a large number of broken crossbow There is nothing to be afraid of against the army.

In accordance with Tang Yin's instructions, Nie Ze commander-in-chief of the Hundred War Army greeted the enemy first.

However, they did not touch Mo Jun. When Mo Jun heard that the Ninth Army had merged with the main force of the Wind Army, they immediately gave up hunting, returned to the camp, and put on a defensive posture.

They chose to retreat. This time, the army of the wind is still not spared. Tang Yin commanded the army and went all the way south, and soon arrived at the Mo Jun camp. Looking at it, the scale of this Mo camp can be huge enough. Even if you stand on a high point, you can't see the end of the camp. The camp is connected to the camp, and the barracks are next to the barracks, row by row, row by row. Unclear number. If such a large battalion is built according to the establishment of the entire army, the strength of this Mozambican army will not be less than 500,000.

After observing the Mo Jun camp, Nie Ze asserted to Tang Yin that this was the main camp of Mo Jun. The Mo Jun force in it would never be less than his own. Offensive battles, three times as many as the enemy, can only win steadily. With the same strength, the offensive side cannot theoretically beat the defensive side.

What Tang Yin despises is the theory. The soldiers are impermanent. The theoretical things can only be used as a reference, not the fundamental basis of tactics. Due to Tang Yin's repeated insistence, Feng Jun launched a strong attack on Mo Jun camp.

The ninth legion was completely useless for this attack of the wind army. First, the ninth legion was too easy to be restrained by the broken crossbow. In addition, heavy cavalry could not mix with the infantry, and the mobility of the heavy cavalry was too poor. It is easy to control, and it is easy to accidentally hurt yourself in battle.

After removing the Ninth Army, the combatable soldiers of the Wind Army actually have only half of the direct army, one hundred combat army, and half of the 50,000 flying dragons. Together, they are less than half a million, but they want to break through six. One can imagine the difficulty of Mo Jun, one hundred thousand turtles shrinking to death.

As a legion with high hopes by Tang Yin, the Hundred Battle Army naturally took the lead and launched an attack from the front of the Mo Jun camp. The advancing of the 300,000 army was quite swallowing, and the atmosphere of the Mo Jun camp opposite was extremely tense.

The wall of the wall was already full of General Mo who was waiting for the battle. In addition, the broken army crossbow had been erected high. Within the camp, the stone throwers were ready, waiting for the wind army to enter the range to launch a deadly attack. .

The two sides fought violently and the fierce battle broke out. As the roar of the hundreds of troops advanced, the distance between the two sides became closer and closer. The first to attack was the wind army's stone thrower.

Along with the shouting and shouting, the stone throwing machines set up by Feng Jun launched together, one by one, flying into the air, and then smashing into the Mo Junying Village with the sound of the roaring wind.

For a time, Mo Junying's walled blasts, landslides continued to blossom, both inside and outside, especially the wall of the wall. The continuously falling stone bombs hit the wood chips and fluttered back and forth, and most of the soldiers in the army were directly Lie on the ground, afraid of being thrown off the wall.

Withstood the round-by-round blows of the Fengjun's stone bombs, the hundreds of battles outside the army have entered Mo's range.

The generals who commanded battles at the walled wall frequently issued commanders, regrouping the scattered soldiers, and then launched a volley of the WWII outside. At the same time, the broken crossbow also exerted its unique characteristics. Great destructive power.

The Mo Jun in the wall can shoot Mo Jun. Similarly, the Mo Jun from outside can also shoot Mo Jun. You and me from both sides, the arrows shoot continuously, and the sound of screams is everywhere. number.

In battle, Mo Jun ’s broken crossbow can often kill two or three wind troops with a single arrow, but the wind army ’s broken crossbow and city break crossbow can easily pass through the fence of the wall and directly kill the Mo army behind.

This is a **** and deadly battle of even close rivalry. The attacking wind army fell down one row after another in the process of advancement. The soldiers in the rear all stepped on the corpse of their brothers and approached Mo Junying Village a little; the defending Mo Jun was also killed in waves. Thousands of troops were able to support a wall of less than 50 meters. In an instant, people were killed or injured. When the soldiers behind continued to advance, even the corpses and the wounded were too late to deal with, and the horse had to be put into battle. among.

Thousands of wounded soldiers were killed by their own people alone.

The fierce fighting in the front made the soldiers watching in the back scared. Tang Yin, who was sitting in the carriage, frowned secretly. In front of this Mo army, no matter it is combat strength or fighting spirit, it looks like a reborn, compared with the previous Mo army, it is almost two people. Xu Lengzhi, the commander of the Mo Guoshui Army, really has something special about him. He despised this person before.

It seems that it is very difficult to break through the Mo Jun camp with only 100 battle troops ... Tang Yin rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment, he stood up, moved down the carriage, and said to the generals around him, "The Flying Dragon Army is here. , The generals followed me to the rear of the enemy battalion, and attacked the battalion! "

Tang Yin's intentions are clear. The military of the 100 battles has attracted Mo Jun's main energy. Then the back of the camp must be a weak point of defense. If his side can unknowingly go to the back of the enemy camp and launch a surprise attack, he will be able to win in one shot. .

Immediately after being impatient, the head coach Wu Ying was impatient. After hearing that the king would lead his direct army to attack the enemy barracks, she was overjoyed and intervened: "Let's prepare for the end!"

Seeing Wu Ying's excitement, Tang Yin had to say coldly: "Dancing general, you can stay here for the battle of the battlefield, I can lead my brothers to go!" Wu Ying is Wu Mei's younger sister and his sister-in-law. , He will try to avoid Wuying to participate in any dangerous action.

Wu Ying's mood immediately fell to the bottom of the valley. The direct army was going to attack the enemy's camp, but his commander had to be left aside and unable to participate. What is the rule of this? Taking a deep breath, she shook her head and said, "No! King, the end will have to go!"

Tang Yin insisted: "Hundred battles are fighting fiercely with the enemy forces ~ ~ There needs to be someone here to preside over the whole situation, so you don't have to argue anymore."

At every critical moment, the king always throws himself down, which makes Wu Ying unbearable. She didn't know where she had the courage. She suddenly reached out and grabbed Tang Yin's uncle. She said firmly, "The army general is like a cloud, and they can all stay to preside over the whole situation. The final general must go this time. ! "

"You—" Wu Ying really wants to hold on, Tang Yin can't take her too, the latter stares at her for a moment, shakes her awkwardly, shakes off Wu Ying's hand, and then said in a deep voice, "You can go!"

After listening to the king's approval, Wu Ying's face immediately showed joy, and she arched her hand and said, "Thank you for your success!"

"When you get to the battlefield, you have to listen to me. If you don't follow the order, I can make you tie you back!" Tang Yin tapped Wu Ying's helmet with his fingers, then turned over the horse. Although his words were threatening, his actions unconsciously revealed doting.

Tang Yin and Wu Ying led the immediate army and withdrew first and then went around. In order to avoid the observation of Mo Ying, they went around a large circle and quietly approached the back of the Mo Jun camp.

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