Chapter 408

Tang Yin smiled at the boss, nodded slightly, and said politely, and then said to Pan Yuan: "Even what Brother Pan wants to eat, don't be kind to your brothers."

"This is natural." Pan Yuansong loosened his armour and smiled. "I'm the least likely to pretend." In a word, he looked up and introduced to the boss wife: "These are all my brothers, how about it, Everything is magnificent! "

The proprietress laughed aloud, stretched out her hand, and naturally put it on Tang Yin's shoulder, saying, "This little brother looks really energetic, even more handsome than Captain Pan."

"Haha!" Pan Yuanfei was not angry, but he laughed on his back and said, "On the appearance, I am far better than the brothers!" After a pause, he said, "Lady, put your bacon on a plate, The rest of the dishes are casual, wine, come ... a pot is enough. "

Although Feng Jun hasn't hit Pu Feng yet, it's an extraordinary period, and Pan Yuan is afraid to drink more.

The boss smiled with a smile and reminded: "Captain Pan, the price of bacon can rise now."

"A price increase? How much?"

The lady boss extended three fingers and said with a smile, "Three or two."

"Three or two? One or two a while ago ..."

"This is also no way!" Said the boss, innocently: "Now the city is closed, the most lacking is meat, I am a small shop, I can't lose money to do business!"

Even so, Pan Yuan still feels too expensive. You should know that Mo Bing ’s army battalion is less than two or two silver a month. Although he is the captain, he is only two or two a month, not enough to eat a plate of bacon!

He was about to speak, Tang Yin waved his hand, stopped him, and smiled: "Three or two, three or two, just small money, why should Brother Pan care about it." He said to the boss, "Hurry up, we are all hungry. . "

"It's still this little brother." While talking, the boss hadn't forgotten Pan Yuan's glance, and whispered softly: "It's more generous than your big brother Pan." After speaking, she twisted away from the waist Already.

It can be seen that Pan Yuan should be a frequent visitor here, at least with the boss's wife. Tang Yin asked casually: "Is Brother Pan often eating here?"

"I used to come here often, but now I can't do it. The price of vegetables has increased several times compared to before. How can a poor soldier like us who only live by eating army soldiers come every day!" Pan Yuan shook his head again and again.

His words immediately resonated with nearby Mo Bing. The crowd answered, "Yeah, now that everything is rising in the county, our army is not going to rise."

"Don't mention what army is up. When the wind army comes over, we can't go out alive if we are alive. I'm afraid there will be no money to spend ..."

Through the complaints of the Mo Bings, Tang Yin and others can feel that the fighting spirit of ordinary soldiers at the bottom is not high. This is true of Pan Yuan, and so is everyone else.

Tang Yin's eyes turned and he said, "We can't say the same thing. Our army is not less powerful than the wind army. Besides, the city defense of the county is also very strong. As long as our grain is sufficient, it is definitely no problem to resist the wind army."

Pan Yuan patted Tang Yin's shoulder, and said half-sneerly and half-jokingly, "General Deng likes your aggressive gimmick like you!"

Tang Yin was puzzled and asked, "Isn't it? Isn't there enough grain in the county? I see a lot of grain in the granary!"

"What's the use of more? Can the grains replace us to fight?" Pan Yuan shook his head and said, "Wait until all people are finished, and there are more grains and grasses left for Fengren."

Anyway, Pan Yuan gave no hope for the upcoming battle of Pu Feng.

Tang Yin also wanted to talk. At this time, the boss lady had brought food and drink.

One pot of rice wine, two plates of four dishes, bacon, potatoes, stewed cabbage, and celery fried celery. In addition to bacon, the other three dishes can not even see a meat nail, especially the last one. I saw nothing but celery.

"Little brothers eat more. The dishes in our restaurant are not very good, but the taste is still good." The owner said to Tang Yin with a smile and leaned on him intentionally or unintentionally.

When he saw this, Mo Bingma who was eating around expressed dissatisfaction, and some people shouted, "The boss is too unkind. How can you not be so enthusiastic about our brother and see others?"

The proprietress straightened her waist without changing her face, turned her head and looked at the crowd, and said, "If you also order these dishes and pay the money, I will be just as enthusiastic."

In a word, everyone was speechless. They are all ordinary soldiers. It is not easy to come to the restaurant for a meal. Where can they spend a few dollars?

"Little brother eat slowly, call me if you need anything." The boss told me again before leaving.

Everyone wanted her to stay for a while, and Tang Yin couldn't wait for her to leave early.

After the boss's wife left, he glanced at Le Angel. The latter knew, picked up the jug, filled the crowd with wine, and then greeted Pan Yuan and raised a glass of toast. There are only two or two pots of wine. They are divided among six people, and even the wine glasses are dissatisfied. After only one round of wine, the jug was empty. Lotte called the boss lady and asked for another six pots of wine in one breath. Pan Yuan was startled, and he waved his hands again and again, saying, "It is necessary, do not drink more, if this is known by General Deng, we all have to be beaten!"

"We don't say, Brother Pan doesn't say, how would General Deng know!" Lotte is the head of the Fengguo intelligence agency and is good at socializing with others. He also persuades him to drink wine very well. People even have reasons for rejection. Can't find it.

Listening to what he said, Pan Yuan himself loves wine, so he doesn't stop it. Soon, six jugs of wine were delivered, and Tang Yin and everyone took a jug and drank and talked.

During this period, Tang Yin said positively, "I think Brother Pan is too pessimistic. We have great hopes of defeating the Wind Army. The county town is so strong and we have so many people. As long as we have enough grain, the Wind Army will definitely not win us. "

Seeing that Tang Yin shook his head and talked wildly, Pan Yuan could only shake his head secretly. Who wouldn't talk about the paper? But how can Fengjun be as simple as you think?

Seeing him showing disapproval, Tang Yin whispered deliberately: "Brother Pan is so unsure, isn't there enough food in the city?"

"Insufficient?" Pan Yuanle said, smirking, "Now there is not much in the county, that is, there is more food in the county. If we don't have to fight with Fengren, and we only have more food than others, then we must win!"

Hearing this, Tang Yin's heart moved, there was a lot of grain in the Pufeng granary, but not too much to make such a pessimistic Pan Yuan so confident!

Thinking of this, he pretended to be unconvinced: "I don't think this is necessary, the soldiers and horses are not moving, and the forages come first. I don't think there will be fewer forages!"

"No more than we do!"

"The grain in the granary is at best ..."

Before he finished, Pan Yuan laughed and said, "That's only part of it." At this point, he paused, looked to the left and right, and saw that Mo Bing who had eaten around had gone seven or eight, and the rest The few people were far away from themselves, so they said in a low voice: "There are dark warehouses in the county, and there is no less grain in the warehouse than in the clear warehouse. This is a secret, brothers do n’t say it. ! "

There are dark warehouses! Tang Yin took a sigh of relief, and Lotte, Cheng Jin, A San, and A Si also frowned.

Tang Yin leaned over to Pan Yuan and asked quietly, "Is there such a thing? Where did you hear such an important thing? Is it reliable?"

"Hey!" Thief Pan Yuan said with a smile: "Brothers forgot what my brother and I did? Keep the gate! Every day the food goes in and out, we have to pass this level. No one knows more about the city than me. After that, he straightened his body and patted Tang Yin's shoulder again and said, "So, brothers don't have to worry about the matter of forage, even if we are trapped for a year and a half, as long as the wind army can't get in, we I ’m not hungry ... But, I do n’t think we can stop the army for so long, brother, you have n’t fought against the army, but my brother and I have fought against them. Those people are simply crazy-eyed madmen ... "

Next, Pan Yuanluo ’s chase was nonsense for Tang Yin. He did n’t care about the combat strength of the wind army and how Mo Bing evaluated it. He was concerned about the dark warehouse mentioned by Pan Yuan. Information is too important.

While pretending to listen carefully, she nodded in agreement from time to time. After waiting for Pan Yuan to express her feelings, Tang Yin sighed falsely: "Yeah, listening to Brother Pan's words, Feng Jun is really powerful!"

"It's more than terrible, it's just horrible. Don't hide your brother, you said, when we fought against Fengjun, many of our brothers had the heart to die ~ ~ Early death and relief!" Pan Yuan sighed .

At this point, Tang Yin also understood that Pan Yuan was one of the batch of Mo Jun who had retired from Zeping County to Hao Wan County. This batch of Mo Jun has been frightened by his own side. It can be said that a shadow has left in his heart In the future, whenever there is a confrontation with your own army, you will feel a sense of fear from the bottom of your heart. In addition, the number of Mo forces is still quite large, and the number is about 300,000.

This may be the effect of 'once bitten by a snake, afraid of well rope for ten years'!

Afraid to fight the grass and startle the snake, causing Pan Yuan's suspicion, Tang Yin didn't dare to ask too much. He hinted that Rakuten would need more pots of wine and continue to drink with Pan Yuan.

Gradually, Pan Yuan's black face turned dark red, and his eyes seemed a bit blurred. Tang Yin felt the opportunity came, so he asked, pretending to be curious: "Brother Pan, where is the dark warehouse you said? I didn't see any dark warehouses in the city either! "

"Haha!" Pan Yuan laughed and said, "Brother, since it is a dark warehouse, how can it be seen! Don't say that you just entered the city, even the patrol teams who wander around the city every day don't know the dark warehouse Where is it! "Then he looked around and looked at his head, his voice couldn't be lower, and said," Actually, the dark warehouse is ... "

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