Tang's dining table

Chapter 966 The river is overflowing

"The Tianhe is leaking. The best way is not to plug the leak, but to escape!"

"Anyone who dares to plug the leak is usually a fool and will definitely be drowned by the water from the sky."

"Yun's little money is not enough to plug the leak. Plus, Di Renjie's is not enough. Yun is like a mantis in front of the carriage of this disaster, and you two are like - ants? "

"Why do we have to rush in to fix the leak?"

"Actually, it's all for fame!"

"The Yun family failed to stop the leak. The Wen family will be punished. If the Wen family fails, the Di family will be punished. After the Di family fails, who should be punished? Should King Yong, the initiator, be punished?

So, by analogy, who should King Yong go to after his failure?

In the past, our goal was the queen. When the queen came, it was the end of the matter, because she was the king. I didn’t expect that this fool, King Yong, would fatten the pig on his own, so I had no choice. Anyway, which pig should I kill? ? "

"If King Yong fails, if the emperor doesn't want to cut his son into pieces to appease the public's anger, then he will be the only one to use the money to continue patching up the sky.

I asked Zeng Fu to take the accountant to Luoyang, Yangzhou, Jinyang, Chengdu and other places where the Liushui brand is located in the past two years, and asked them to use the worst assumptions to calculate the worst result for me.

Then, they came up with a number - sixteen million strings!

The total tax revenue in the second year of Longshuo's reign in the Tang Dynasty was only 9.6 million guan, which also included silk and linen, of which Chang'an contributed 2.73 million guan. Note that this is pure money.

In other words, even if the emperor filled up the private treasury of the Shaofu Supervisor and even the national treasury, it would not be enough to fill the sky. "

"The reason why we have to bravely fly into the flame is to give the emperor the illusion that this hole can be filled."

"Except for us, no one knows that what they want to make up for is not money, but reputation, and reputation cannot be bought with money."

"But, we brothers are like moths rushing to a flame to mend the sky. What we lose is money, an insignificant thing, but what we gain is reputation that is hard to buy.

When our credibility is truly established, the snobbish thing about money will come to us. "

"Our money, King Yong's money, the prince's money, the emperor's money, after so much money is invested, will it really be wasted?"

"Copper coins are copper coins. They exist in physical form. As long as they exist, they will not disappear. But before credibility is established, these coins will just sleep and will not produce any benefits."

"If we establish credibility, you will be surprised to find that the money you invested in the past has magically returned. The capital pool that used to be only two million yuan suddenly became five million. , seven million."

"Chang'an is short of money, very short of money. I just want to use this big change to let more money flow into Chang'an..."

"Only when money is in Chang'an, people in the Tang Dynasty will understand the correct use of money."

"Do you think my reasons are sufficient?"

Yun Chu finally said everything in his heart, and then said to Di Renjie in a confused and gentle manner while blinking at the innocent man.

Wen Wen twisted her body tied to the tree and said, "What are you talking about?"

Di Renjie on the other tree had a face full of anger. He was a person who could tell what you said through the shape of your mouth, so what he saw was the back of Yunchu's head.

Yun Chu untied the two of them from the tree. Wen Wen immediately took out the two large balls of cotton from his ears and roared, "What are you talking about?"

Yun Chu spread his hands and said: "I feel uncomfortable holding some words in my heart, so I have to tell you. However, I am afraid that you will look down on me if you find out, so I have to use this method."

Di Renjie rubbed his wrist and walked over and said, "Shameful things?"

Yun Chu sighed and said: "There is no way, it is really shameful."

Gentle said: "Is the matter too serious to tell us?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "I have nothing to hide from you. What I said just now is my in-depth analysis of what we are doing now. You also know that when doing things, we should ignore the deeds and the heart. No one is perfect and cannot withstand analysis, so as long as you know the matter, you don't need to hear my voice."

Wen Wen nodded and said: "It makes sense. Sometimes I worry that you will hear my heart. If you hear it, you might kick me to death."

Di Renjie said: "Chang'an should be in chaos now."

Yun Chu said: "It's not an ordinary chaos. I guess people in Chang'an today can't even see a smile on their faces. The bustling East and West cities in the past may now be deserted. The bustling Pingkangfang in the past may now become a ghost town. You Maybe you can’t see Hu Ji waving by the wine shop, nor can you see the scholars and ladies hanging out by the Baqiao.

There should be a lot of corpses piled under the five-story Liushui brand building, and there are businessmen queuing up to jump down on the roof..."

Wen Wen frowned and said, "How miserable."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "This has just begun. Before December, the government must pay all the autumn taxes, and most merchants are used to paying on December 15th. Now, they have no money. Even if the goods are gone, what can we use to pay the autumn tax?

The government will not pay attention to this. If you have money, you have to pay taxes. If you have no money, you still have to pay taxes. And there is generally no money in the market. Even if they want to sell their houses, they will sell their children and daughters, but no one will buy them. "

Di Renjie said: "Don't those merchants who took away the money from the capital pool also have money?"

Wen Wen said: "Those who plunder the people's wealth and anointing at this time will die very, very miserably."

Di Renjie was silent for a long time and said: "Let's go back. Duke Liang of Yanmen County has passed away. You should also go back and place a stick of incense in front of his grave."

Yun Chu was silent for a moment and said, "Lao Liang was buried with Zhaoling, right?"

Di Renjie said: "Sleeping in Zhaoling has always been Lao Liang's long-cherished wish. He likes to follow Emperor Taizong. When he gets there, he will definitely have a lot to say to Emperor Taizong."

Yunchu sighed and said, "Maybe..."

Wen Wen said: "Let's go back. Before the incident came out, I wished the world would be turned upside down. Now that the incident has come out, I feel extremely flustered. This is no longer a royal matter, but also a matter for us officials.

I don't want to be laughed at by Liang Gong in the underground, saying something like the scholars running around and cowardly people weeping. "

Yun Chu said: "It seems that you are ready to break up your family and make trouble?"

Wen Wen spread her hands and said: "It's not limited to my wife's dowry. From now on, we will have to make a living by eating soft food. Fortunately, during this period of time, we can maintain good health by fasting and chanting Buddha's name."

Di Renjie said to Yun Chu seriously: "Go back. Although it is more beneficial to us to delay the matter, I am worried that many people may not see the day when you give them hope again."

Yun Chu looked at Di Renjie and said, "Did you hear what I just said?"

Di Renjie said: "I can tell based on the way the muscles on your face twitch, and it's intermittent and unwritten."

Yun Chu opened his arms and said, "Then go back."

When Shopkeeper Zhao came out of the Liushui Brand Hall, he first looked up and made sure no one jumped off the building, then he walked out of the hall carefully and quickly. After he came out, the servants extinguished the last light in the hall. .

The reason why he came to the hall that had been closed for five days today was to receive 60,000 guan of silver coins from Prince Yong's Mansion. In the past five days, more than 250,000 guan of silver coins had been shipped to Prince Yong's Mansion. , including the 110,000 yuan taken away by Liu Nayan.

The money of 250,000 yuan was taken away by the merchants who had been waiting here just after entering the Liushui Brand Hall. Although the money could not make up for their losses, it could still make up for it slightly.

In today's Liushui Brand Hall, there is only money going out, not money coming in. Although Mr. Yun sold his property at all costs and transferred it to Liushui Brand, it is a pity that facing the huge debt of Liushui Brand, there are so many people. Creditors are just a drop in the bucket.

When he came out of the Qujiang City Bridge, he smelled the smell of corpses. This was emanating from Liu Nayan and Shi Zangjie, who were hung on the bridge by King Yong. Although winter had already entered Chang'an, there was still a lot of smoke these days. It was so warm that the body began to rot.

In the past, the bridge was always brightly lit, but now it was dark, with only two corpses hanging high on the bridge swinging in the wind.

Shopkeeper Zhao drove his four-wheeled light carriage across the bridge. He did not look at the huge ditch under the bridge. These days, corpses floating in the ditch can often be seen, all with their heads down, like I don't have the face to see anyone.

Within ten miles, a light carriage pulled by a horse arrived quickly. Chang'an City, which had never set up guards in the past, now had to line up to enter, and the guards guarding the city gates were changed from bad guys to Jin Wu guards with golden helmets. .

Just as they were queuing up to enter the city, a commotion suddenly broke out in front of them. A man was found carrying a horizontal knife, shouting slogans that he wanted to kill King Yong, and charged into the city desperately...

When Shopkeeper Zhao entered the city, he saw the man's body. He was lying quietly on a straw mat with several holes poked by spears on his chest.

Entering the door is Zhuque Street. In the past, the shining copper bull was illuminated by the street lights even at night. Now there are many people tied to it with iron chains. These iron chains were not tied by the government, but by themselves, they said. It was clear that Liushui Paizi owed them money, and they had to use the copper bull to pay off the debt. However, the copper bull was too heavy and they couldn't pull it away, so they had to use this method to declare their sovereignty.

Walking and looking all the way, every copper bull has people tied to it. Who would have thought that these unkempt guys were the high-rollers who frequented Qin Tower and Chu Pavilion five days ago.

Shopkeeper Zhao turned the car into Fang City halfway. It was dark here. There were street lights, but no one lit them. It was probably because the county government no longer had money to light the lights for the people.

After finally returning home in the dark, after washing up, my wife brought the food, and shopkeeper Zhao, who had been busy for a long day, devoured it.

It's just strange that he only ate half of the meal tonight, and the other half was placed on the rice plate.

The wife said strangely: "I always say it's not enough on weekdays, why did I only eat half of it today?"

Shopkeeper Zhao shook his head and said, "From now on, we will eat breakfast in the morning and two meals in the evening."

The wife asked worriedly: "Is the world bad?"

Shopkeeper Zhao said with a downcast face: "It's very bad, very bad."

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