Tang's dining table

Chapter 1021 The emerging modern civilization (Thanks to Brother Cao Mianzi for the reward)

The Japanese slave was in the east and his son was in Qujiang. Yun Chu turned his horse's head and went to Qujiang.

It is said that the sky waits for misty rain, and today is the first rain in spring. I don’t know if this spring rain can help my son complete the sky that will be bright for eternity.

The spring rain rustled behind them, and the maroon horses ran in front of the spring rain. By the time they reached Qujiang, one person and one horse had already been watered by the spring rain.

The porcelain kiln is at the far west of Qujiang City. When Yunchu passed by the Liushui Brand Trading Hall, he didn't go in. Anyway, there were more shopkeepers there than merchants, so there was no need to go in.

Besides, Chunyu is still chasing behind.

"Aye, why are you here?"

Not only was the bald Yun Jin covered in dust, but his face was also stained with some oil paint.

Yun Chu took off his half-soaked cloak and threw it to Yun Jin. The child immediately held the cloak and hung it to dry by the edge of the porcelain kiln.

On the firewood pile of the porcelain kiln, Wen Huan and Di Guangsi were sleeping soundly, unaffected by the noisy environment here.

Yun Jin said carefully: "The two of them watched the fire with the craftsmen last night. They basically didn't sleep. They were really sleepy just now."

Yun Chu said: "Why didn't you sleep?"

Yun Jin smiled and said, "My child can resist."

Yun Chu found a long stool and sat down, and said to Yun Jin, "Aye will watch it for you. You go and have a nap. I will go home with me tonight."

Yun Jin shook his head and said, "My child is not tired."

Yun Chu raised his hand to wipe off the paint on his son's face and said, "Why, are you still thinking about how to match the colors?"

Yun Jin sighed and said: "Ah, there are too many factors that affect the color, especially the temperature. As long as there is a slight difference, the fired color will be completely different."

Yun Chu said: "How do you measure the temperature?"

Yun Jin said: "The experience of old craftsmen is mainly to look at the color of fire."

"Have you never thought of building an accurate instrument that can measure temperature?"

"Wen Huan did a test with the mercury thermometer in Taipei Hospital. If the temperature of the ice-water mixture is set as zero, the highest temperature measured by the mercury thermometer is about 350 degrees. No matter how high it is, it will not be valid. Glass is still It will melt.”

"Why not?"

"Because when the temperature exceeds 350 degrees, the mercury boils."

"Have you never tried other media to replace the mercury?"

"Wen Huan and Guang Si have tested it. The kerosene thermometer is more sensitive, but it is not as good as mercury in measuring high temperatures. However, we are still testing it."

Hearing what Yun Jin said, Yun Chu did not continue to ask. As long as they knew about the experiment, sooner or later they would find something suitable to measure high temperature.

Of course Yunchu knew what to use to measure high temperature - an infrared temperature detector, which was useless.

"Is there any finished product these days? Take me to see it."

Yun Jin said: "The craftsmen here are all borrowed from the Yaozhou Kiln. We have fired a lot of porcelain these days. Among them, black glaze, white glaze, celadon glaze, and tea powder glaze are the main ones. These things are also It is not the porcelain that Aye mentioned, it can only be regarded as semi-porcelain. After we increased the temperature of the porcelain kiln, we experimentally obtained some porcelain, but the color and shape were wrong, and we still need to continue to explore.

In the past two days, we have been restoring white-glazed green, brown, black and three-color pottery to see if there will be any new changes in these things in the high-temperature kiln. "

Under the guidance of Yun Jin, Yun Chu saw some strange things again. As Yun Jin said, the color was wrong, the shape of the vessel was wrong, and it could only be said that he got a bunch of porcelain pieces.

Yun Chu looked at the spring rain outside the window. He felt that this spring rain was in vain. Yun Jin and the others were still a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from burning out the good color of the sky after the rain.

It was raining in the sky, so Yun Chu forcibly took the three children back, and they worked so hard at the beginning. It is estimated that they would die before the azure color appeared.

The wind and rain are as dark as the sky, and the rooster is crowring. I will see the gentleman. Isn't it happy?

This was how Yin Erhu felt when he saw Xue Changfeng again.

But Xue Changfeng stood in the spring rain wearing a raincoat, looking at Yin Erhu from across the courtyard door and smiling happily, but refused to take a step forward.

Yin Erhu wanted to get closer, but Xue Changfeng stepped back a few steps: "I just came from the slave camp. God knows if I have any diseases on my body. I haven't seen you for a long time, so I couldn't help but come over to see you."

Yin Erhu said: "You don't have to be so careful."

Xue Changfeng shook his head and said: "There were 20,000 people when we set out, but only 16,000 were left when we arrived in Chang'an. More than 4,000 people died on the way. Before the people in Taiyuan Hospital are confirmed, I'd better not get close to you. After all, you are the boss now. It’s a whole family.”

Yin Erhu jumped, grabbed Xue Changfeng's arm and said, "Let's go to the Imperial Hospital together."

Yin Erhu's wife, Rou Niang, was standing in the yard holding a fat little girl, and there was a five or six-year-old girl standing next to her legs. Seeing this scene, Rou Niang felt an inexplicable sadness in her heart. , since she followed Yin Erhu until today, this man has never treated her like this once.

"Tell me, what is the Japanese country like?"

"What else could it be like? When I first set foot on the land of Japan, I thought I was in the country of children. The world is full of short people less than five feet tall."

"Hey, you're so short, how do you manage so many things?"

"My legs are short, but I am very strong. I can carry a sack of 100 kilograms on my shoulders and walk away. I can do it, but I can eat a lot. As long as the owner does not skimp on food, one person can catch up with a donkey."

"Oh, that's pretty much it. But, with so many people going to the Japanese country, why did you capture the most Japanese slaves?"

"You don't know this. When I first started catching them, they were harder to catch than wild boars. Later, I put the grains in the traps and waited for the Japanese slaves to come and get them. Finally, I could catch a bunch of them by turning on the mechanism.

Later, I suddenly discovered that I didn’t actually need to set any traps. As long as I put the food there, Japanese slaves would come over. You also know that I had some Japanese slaves as my subordinates, and they could catch people much faster than me. .

Sometimes, just in one night, they can bring a young man from the village to me, and they don't even ask for wages, just give him something to eat.

In this way, the speed immediately increased, which was much better than those children of aristocratic families who brought their generals and Korean soldiers.

Those people all went to other people's cities, and they had to attack cities and forts along the way. Only I went to the countryside, so all the Japanese slaves I got back were strong and capable male Japanese slaves. "

Yin Erhu was stunned for a moment and said: "There is no woman?"

Xue Changfeng shook his head and said: "Many women wanted to come, but I rejected them. Since they are invited to work, it is best not to be burdened. Think about it, if women also come here, what kind of scene will it be? Aren’t you going to have a litter next year?”

Yin Erhu nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes..."

The two of them walked through the streets and alleys talking and laughing, and arrived at the entrance of the Taiyuan Hospital. Just as they were about to go in, they were driven into the backyard by a group of doctors wearing masks.

There were countless huge water tanks, and some doctors were stirring the flowers and flowers inside with wooden sticks. As soon as Yin Erhu and Xue Changfeng came in, they were ordered by the leading doctor to take off their clothes.

Just when Yin Erhu and Xue Changfeng were about to get angry, the leading doctor said: "There may be fleas and lice in the clothes. These are the source of the disease. The clothes must be burned."

Hearing what others said, although Yin Erhu felt that he should not have any on his body, considering Xue Changfeng's face, he took off all his clothes.

The two naked and strong men first entered a large vat of lime water under the doctor's instructions. According to the doctor's instructions, they soaked in it for a full time of a stick of incense. In the meantime, they had to bury their heads in the lime water and blow on it. Bubbles, when they came out, a doctor would pull a handle, and a large amount of water would pour down.

Taking a cold bath in the early spring weather instantly eliminated Yin Erhu's desire to talk to Xue Changfeng.

Thinking it was over, the two jumped into a large tank filled with willow water and continued soaking. This time, the soaking time was still the same as one stick of incense. Fortunately, the willow water was not cold, so the two of them could persist.

Then, the two of them were asked to lie down on two narrow beds, and their hands and feet were locked with locks.

Xue Changfeng turned his head and looked at Yin Erhu on the bed next to him and said, "Brother, why is this?"

Yin Erhu said with the same confusion: "I don't know either!"

Several doctors wearing white clothes, white hats, and white gauze masks on their mouths came over holding razors in their hands.

Xue Changfeng said angrily: "What are you going to do?"

A doctor said expressionlessly: "Prepare the skin!"

"What is skin preparation?" Yin Erhu also started to get nervous.

Xue Changfeng wanted to move, but was held tightly by the locks. The doctor saw Xue Changfeng shaking the narrow bed and creaking, and added two more restraints on his chest and waist.

When the razor fell on their hair, the two of them breathed out in unison. It turned out that they were just shaving their hair...

With their heads shaved clean, just when they thought they were done, the doctor started shaving their beards again.

"Is it too much?" Yin Erhu began to roar this time. He cherished the beard on his face very much.

After the hair in Xue Changfeng's nest was shaved clean, things still continued. Seeing the doctor holding the razor and going straight down, Xue Changfeng looked like a mad tiger and roared loudly: "Let me go, what are you going to do..."

After Xue Changfeng and Yin Erhu were evenly sprayed with anti-toxic drugs on their bodies, they basically felt that living was meaningless.

The moment those locks were released, two strong men with no hair left on them jumped up from the narrow bed. At this moment, they just wanted to squeeze to death these doctors who had made them suffer so much humiliation.

When the leading doctor took off his mask, the two strong men who had no intention of killing anyone forcefully closed their bodies.

Sun Simiao frowned and looked at the two strong men and said: "Preparing the skin means removing the hair. What if there are still fleas and lice hidden in your hair?"

Shivering in the cold wind, Yin Erhu covered Yin Erhu under him with his hands for a long time before whispering: "At least give me some clothes to hide my shame..."

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