Tang's dining table

Chapter 1027 A dilapidated house should be demolished and rebuilt

After Li Hong came out of the queen's palace, he went to see Xu Jingzong.

Xu Jingzong's spirit was very bad. Even though his whole body was surrounded by the sunlight coming in through the window, he still couldn't see much vitality. His thin body was wrapped in thick black cotton clothes, which looked indescribably funny. .

"The peonies in Luoyang are about to bloom."

Xu Jingzong's clear face showed a smile.

"The first time I saw a peony was when I followed Aye to Chang'an. At that time, I was thinking, how could there be a flower with more abundant flowers than leaves in the world? I also felt that this kind of flower was not an auspicious thing.

Later, after I heard the rumor that peonies should eat more meat if they want to grow well, I disliked peonies even more.

Later, at the hairpin banquet held by Emperor Taizong for the eighteen bachelors, I fell in love with peonies again, for no other reason than because peonies were put on Du Ruhui's hat by Emperor Taizong himself.

But I only got a camellia..."

Li Hong glanced out the window, jumped out, and picked the reddest and largest peony bud from the flowerbed outside the window. He held the bud that was about to bloom with both hands and rubbed it vigorously. Immediately spread out and bloomed into a flower.

Li Hong arranged the petals and forced the bud to bloom, then jumped in from the window, stuck it on Xu Jingzong's hat and said: "Keep your spirits up. When the lonely king ascends the throne, you will be allowed to hairpin hundreds of flowers."

Xu Jingzong chuckled and said: "Actually, there is nothing. After Du Ruhui died, Hou Junji rebelled. Originally, there was no such thing as Du Ruhui's youngest son, Du He. I was ordered to ask him, but Du He became arrogant and rude in front of me. It was also the time when the peonies were in full bloom, which aroused my nameless anger and listed him as one of the main culprits.

Then, Du He was beheaded. This guy refused to admit his mistake before he died. He stood upright and refused to kneel to suffer the torture. However, under the executioner's knife, whether he knelt or not was not that important.

After Du He's death, his wife Princess Chengyang remarried, and his brother Du Gou was also sent to Lingnan, where he finally died. Since then, the Du Ruhui clan has perished. "

Li Hong sat opposite Xu Jingzong and said, "Why do you think of these things?"

Xu Jingzong asked: "Isn't His Highness angry?"

Li Hong asked: "Should the lonely king be angry?"

Xu Jingzong smiled and said: "It seems that Yun Chu has taught His Highness well, and he already looks like a wise monarch."

Li Hong said: "Teacher never speaks useless words. Today, when we talk about the past, have we learned anything from Li Hong?"

Xu Jingzong said: "Yunchu is slowly stripping away the queen's power in a planned way. This is very dangerous."

Li Hong put his hands on his knees and said: "The Queen Mother should not fight for power with the Solitary King. The Tang Dynasty belongs to the Solitary King, and it can only belong to the Solitary King."

Xu Jingzong whispered: "This is what I want to say. Yun Chu can fight with the Queen, but His Highness cannot."

Li Hong frowned and said, "The lonely king is not a person without responsibility."

Xu Jingzong looked at Li Hong and said, "Since the first generation of Li Tang, the world has been fighting against each other. The second generation has been fighting against each other. In the third generation, are you ready to kill mother and son?"

Li Hong frowned and said, "I don't have this idea."

Xu Jingzong sighed and said: "Your Highness is doing this. The queen sent Xizuo to Chang'an was extremely secretive, but when it arrived in Chang'an, it became a joke. The news that Yunchu wanted the queen to know came back. This should belong to His Highness the Crown Prince." Handwriting, right?

And His Highness went to see the Queen today, probably just to hammer the last nail in the coffin of the Chang'an South City Reconstruction Project, right? "

Li Hong said in surprise: "How did Taifu know about this?"

Xu Jingzong sighed and said: "Yun Chu has always liked to make a fortune in silence. In the past, the Chang'anfang City reconstruction project was not silent until the money was put in his pocket. No one suddenly realized it.

Why has there been a change this time?

Not only did Yong Wangxian have the idea of ​​taking over the Nancheng reconstruction project, but it was also known to everyone in Luoyang. I felt that this was not like Yunchu's personality, so I asked his disciples and former officials in Chang'an to inquire about it.

As a result, the news that came back from there said that everything was normal and that the reconstruction of the foundations and streets and alleys was proceeding as scheduled. However, after asking more people, I discovered that the people of Chang'an talked more about the Nancheng reconstruction project and did less.

If I hadn’t thought about it when Yun Chu was rich, even if Yun Chu was buying and selling short, there wouldn’t be any problem. The problem now is that all Yun Chu’s money is stuck in the running water sign and he can’t get it out. , the Nancheng renovation project was probably initiated by Yun Chu in order to raise more money to restart the Liushui brand.

Now, Yun Chu has no money in his hand. This is a fundamental problem, and it is also a big problem. Once there is any trouble, Yun Chu's wisdom will inevitably find a way to replace Tao Jiang with luggage.

The reconstruction project of Chang'an South City is so huge that it cannot be carried out without millions of dollars. As a result, there are not many people in the world who can be Yunchu's choice, and even the queen is the only one.

Today, the prince hurriedly went to the queen, probably to veto Yong Wangxian's Chang'an South City reconstruction project, right? "

Li Hong applauded in admiration and said: "The master is indeed able to discern the subtleties."

Xu Jingzong said again: "In this case, I am here to give advice to the prince - don't use the convenience of being a son to hurt your mother. This is extremely unfair to your mother and will also open a big gap for the emperors after the Tang Dynasty. A bad example - a son can kill his mother.

The Tang Dynasty governed the world with filial piety and righteousness. Your Highness must not think that filial piety and righteousness were only for the subjects and could not restrain the royal family.

If Your Highness thinks this way, you are totally wrong. Xiaoyi is not only the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, but also the foundation of human beings. This foundation must not be touched. Once it is hurt, Your Highness will have to pay thousands of dollars in the future. Even a hundred times the cost cannot heal this wound. "

After hearing Xu Jingzong's words, Li Hong looked ashamed, saluted Xu Jingzong and said: "The matter has come to this, I can't help but do nothing."

Xu Jingzong smiled and said: "It's not serious. Just don't do it next time."

Li Hong spread his hands and said, "What should we do this time?"

Xu Jingzong smiled and said, "Just remove all traces of His Highness's involvement."

Li Hong looked troubled.

Xu Jingzong said: "Old minister, just do it."

Li Hong added: "If the master can think of it, others will also..."

Xu Jingzong sneered and said, "Taizong's old troops are far stronger than His Majesty's ministers."

Li Hong looked at Xu Jingzong's old body regretfully and said, "It would be better if Taifu were thirty years younger."

Xu Jingzong chuckled and said, "If I were thirty years younger, would Your Highness think you could still hear such heartfelt words today?"

Li Hong sighed and said: "It's a pity that Yun Chu imprisoned himself in Chang'an..."

Xu Jingzong said: "This is because Your Highness grew up in the Yun family mansion. Otherwise, Yun Chu would not have been so sharp and exposed all his abilities to the world. Naturally, there would be no issue of imprisoning himself in Chang'an."

Li Hong grabbed his hair hard and said: "Real wise men like to hide themselves. What are they doing?"

Xu Jingzong said: "When the world is in chaos, countless wise men will emerge from the sky and use all means to bring the world back to its stable origin. At that time, the stars will shine brightly.

When the world is at peace, true wise men often disappear. Even if they enter the court as officials, they just want to come in and watch the excitement. "

Li Hong asked again: "When the dynasty is destroyed and the building is about to collapse, why is it so difficult to see people who can turn the tide?"

Xu Jingzong said: "Shouldn't a rotten house be demolished and rebuilt?"

Li Hongdao: "So, the Taifu just persuaded the lonely king not to harm the mother, is it because the mother is also an important component of the Tang Dynasty building?"

Xu Jingzong smiled and said: "The Dao of Kun is the earth, the foundation."

Li Hong nodded, saluted Xu Jingzong again, and exited the room.

Xu Jingzong plucked the peony from his head, looked at the gorgeous petals and spat, "It's an advantage for you."

Li Hong returned to the study and walked around alone for a long time before he called Li Si and went to the small kitchen with Pei Wanying.

He kneaded the dough himself, Pei Wanying picked up the vegetables, and Li Si lit the fire.

This was the first time Pei Wanying saw the prince cooking in person. Seeing the prince skillfully kneading the dough, she couldn't help but open her mouth.

Li Si gave the princess a large green onion and said, "You need a lot of green onions for mutton noodles."

Pei Wanying held the green onion and said excitedly: "Your Highness knows that today is my concubine's birthday?"

Li Hong said: "You can have a bowl later."

Li Sidao: "I want to eat too. You didn't give me anything you made before."

Li Hong was very satisfied when he looked at the dough he had kneaded. He basically achieved the elements of kneading the dough - the surface light, the basin light, and the hand light.

I had been talking to the master for a long time at night, and I was hungry. The master didn't want to trouble Er Fei and the others anymore, so he took him to the kitchen and made a pot of fragrant mutton noodles. The master and the apprentice squatted in the kitchen. Finish the pot full of noodles and then go back to sleep.

Li Hong learned it the more times he did it.

Pei Wanying watched in disbelief as the prince cut the mutton, prepared the ingredients, heated the pan with oil, fried the peppers, stir-fried the mutton very skillfully, pulled the noodles, pulled out the noodles, and blended the five flavors very skillfully.

"Queen Yun Na must have eaten it, right?"

Somehow, this sentence came out of Pei Wanying's mouth.

Li Hong glanced at Pei Wanying and said, "I've had it, many times."

Pei Wanying obediently lowered her head and said, "That's right."

When Li Hong saw that the photos were ready, he took matters into his own hands and filled two white porcelain basins. There was still some left in the pots. He picked up the two food boxes and hurried away on horseback.

Seeing Li Si fill a bowl of boss for herself, Pei Wanying said angrily: "Your Highness gave this to me, why are you eating so much?"

Li Si bared his white teeth and said with a smile: "I'm afraid it's hard for such crude food to enter the mouth of the Crown Princess."

Seeing Pei Wanying taking away his job, Li Si was not angry. He pointed at the pieces of dough in the pot and said, "It's really pitiful to have never learned arithmetic. There's only so much left in the pot."

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