Tang's dining table

Chapter 1033 Li Ji’s Typhoid Fever

Yun Chu looked at his cracked boots and frowned, and said to Shen Ru: "Zhang Jia has lost ten thousand years of prestige in my county. I will punish him with twenty sticks."

After that, without looking at the squirming Ge Shu, he turned around and returned to his mansion.

Just when everyone thought that the county magistrate had spared the life of this barbarian, Geshu began to vomit blood in his mouth. At first, it was just bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and soon it became a gush. Finally, his whole body was soaked in his own blood. .

The faces of the Wu brothers were extremely pale.

Zhang Jia said with a ferocious smile: "I can't beat you, how can it be that the county magistrate can't beat you to death?"

Shen Ru coughed, waking up the officials present, and said to the head of the household department: "Go and take the county magistrate's horse to the county government stables."

The head of the household department accepted the order and left.

Shen Ru then said to the head of the Criminal Department: "Tug the body away, tell his family to come and collect the body, and also inform the cause of death."

The head of the criminal department immediately followed the order and left.

Without waiting for Shen Ru to look at the Wu brothers, Wu Chengsi immediately said: "We brothers are willing to admit defeat, so we will order the cashier to pay the bet."

Shen Ru said to the officials present: "Let's all disperse."

As everyone went back to the public house, only Zhang Jia was left in the yard who was hit by a board. He laughed while being hit by a board, as if the board fell on someone else's butt.

After everything was sorted out, Shen Ru came to Yunchu's official residence and saw the county magistrate drinking tea. He smiled and said, "The county magistrate has always been kind, why did he deal with it so harshly this time?"

Yun Chu didn't answer, he just picked out a document from the pile and handed it to Shen Ru.

Shen Rukai read it and said, "Fumeng Chengyun, a Qiang from Tongzhou?"

Yun Chu said: "Geshu, Fumeng Chengyun, these two people are both carefully selected Hu people. Geshu has made great contributions across the Western Regions, and Fumeng Chengyun is a Qiang people. He has almost become a Qiang in the Tang Dynasty for many years." He was born in the Tang Dynasty. Judging from his resume, this person can be regarded as an official. I heard that his husband Meng was planning to change his surname to Ma.

These two people should be my favorite type of people. Geshu Hu's temperament has not changed, but he has a heart for the Tang Dynasty. If I am willing to accept this person and train him for a while, he will become a great talent.

There is also this husband, Meng Chengyun, who has been an official in the Western Regions all year round. I heard that he was attacked while transporting grain in Shishitan. He defeated tens of thousands of bandits with only 500 horsemen under his command. Although his achievements are not detailed here, Judging from the subsequent awards, this person must be proficient in military affairs. "

Shen Ru said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, speaking of it, what Chang'an is lacking now is fierce generals and people who know how to fight. Now, the fierce generals have been beaten to death by the County Lord. If that husband Meng Chengyun, who knows how to fight, comes, It probably won't end well either.

County Lord, can’t we..."

Yun Chu looked at Shen Ru and said, "If it's a Han family member, just use it, and forget about the barbarians. They were specially arranged by the queen according to my preferences. If one of them is killed, the rest will stop.

This is called hitting with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches. "

Shen Ru whispered: "Why is the county magistrate so wary of the Hu people? Isn't there a spy sent by the queen among the Han family?"

Yun Chu glanced at Shen Ru and said, "His Majesty originally sent you here to monitor me, so what now? I originally had no ambitions, and all my goals were on how to build a city of Chang'an that would shine brightly for eternity.

I believe that as long as they are members of the Han family, they will not have any objections to my goal. If they have no objections, they are just partners. It doesn’t matter who you are. Anyway, Chang’an only needs people who work.

The Hu people are different. Chang'an has too many secrets. Once the Hu people get involved, Chang'an's secrets cannot be kept.

This is why I beat Geshu to death. To be honest, Geshu is really a pity. "

Shen Rudao: "Would it be detrimental to the county magistrate to report it like this? After all, this Ge Shu is an official selected by the Ministry of Personnel."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "If we just report it like this, we are not even busy with matters in Chang'an. How can we have extra time to deal with those bad things that are secretly poked at? After such a start, let's see who dares to deal with Hu in the future." People are heading to Chang'an."

After Shen Ru got the exact answer, he went back and wrote the secret book. Unlike Zhang Donghai, he was a scribe who could recite poems and compose poems, so there was no need to trouble Wen Wen to write the secret book for him.

An invincible general from the Western Regions was rude to the Duke of Lantian at the county government office and was beaten to death by the Duke.

The news spread throughout Chang'an before nightfall. The one who spread the news most vigorously was undoubtedly the Nancheng Renovation Engineering Department led by the two Wu brothers.

Contrary to their expectations, the people of Chang'an did not react with much surprise to the news.

The magistrate's temper was bad to begin with, and the Liushui brand exploded, leaving his house empty and relying on the help of his sister to have a good meal. This is almost a shame and humiliation for a person like the magistrate. At this time, there are still people who don't If you flirt with someone with long eyes, isn't that asking for death?

As for the so-called invincible generals from the Western Regions, the people of Chang'an even sneered. They thought that when the county magistrate was thirteen years old, he could move freely among the millions of Turkic troops. What does it mean to beat a so-called invincible general of the Western Regions to death?

There were not many other things in the Tang Dynasty, but there were many fierce generals. From time to time, enemies of hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand appeared, which made the poets in Chang'an City not like to write about their heroic deeds.

There are benefits to beating an invincible general to death.

That is, the swordsmen, knights, escorts, and quickies who were ordered by the county magistrate to re-examine their identities are being investigated obediently, and no one dares to jump out and cause trouble to the county government.

After stopping the business of these people, the merchants who were eager to leave Chang'an had no choice but to give it a try and put their business on the liushui sign again.

However, it is still not much, only 20% of the previous trading volume.

After the results came out, Yunchu planned to increase the intensity of the review.

The result was not good, many escort agencies acted in a hurry, and the leaders of the escort groups became honest farmers. They were good people even eight generations back, let alone three generations back.

All the ruthless guys whose ancestors had committed crimes, as well as those who had committed crimes themselves, all became the old farmer's assistants overnight.

The government did not continue to strictly investigate this kind of thing, but chose to turn a blind eye.

However, the government has formulated new rules. If these people want to do their old business, they must pay a deposit as a guarantee for the safe transportation of the goods. If the goods arrive at the destination safely, the money will naturally be refunded. If the goods are If you lose it or get robbed by bandits, be prepared to pay for it.

As the saying goes, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. Officials in Wannian County soon discovered that powerful forces had joined forces. Looking at the personnel and equipment configuration of their escort team, they looked like small armies.

Not to mention that bandits are afraid of such a team, even small countries and small tribes will be afraid if they are pulled outside.

Of course, Yunchu's purpose was not to control these people, but to raise the protection fees that businessmen had to pay.

As the staffing and equipment configuration of the escort agency increases, the protection fee will naturally increase. This allows merchants to consider the flowing water brand more when faced with the flowing water brand or transporting and selling goods by themselves.

The Yun family seems to be getting rich again, which is the consensus of many people in Chang'an.

The county magistrate killed a man from the Western Regions and got a hundred fine horses. Among the hundred fine horses, there were three Dawan dragons. They were the Pegasus horses that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent an army of 20,000 and traveled tens of thousands of miles to get. .

It is said that every dragon-bred horse can travel a thousand miles in a day and eight hundred miles in a night.

Li Zhi finished reading Shen Ru's secret performance with one eye and said to Ruichun with a smile: "That two hundred and fifty still doesn't like Hu people."

Ruichun answered: "I heard that Yun Chu was raised by Hu Ji."

Li Zhi said: "Because he grew up in a barbarian den, he has a clearer understanding of the nature of the barbarians. However, he is still somewhat petty in doing so.

All the people in the world are my subjects. Even if they are not my subjects now, they will be in the future.

He cannot tolerate barbarians, and Chang'an will be nothing more than a small city in the future. "

Ruichun lowered his head and didn't reply.

Li Zhi beat his head helplessly and said in distress: "It's a pity that this broken body cannot match my Tang Dynasty."

This is not the first time the emperor has said this. Ruichun heard a strong smell of corruption from these words for no reason.

Li Hong singled out all the memorials that impeached the cruelty. He did not read these memorials and asked the eunuchs to take them to the incinerator and burn them.

Wu Mei saw the terms of the memorial to impeach Yun Chu, but did not see the memorial. When she learned that the prince had ordered it to be burned, she just sighed and did not react too much.

In June, Chang'an is already as hot as a furnace. Although construction sites are still intensifying everywhere, the wealthy people in the city have left Chang'an one after another and went to their own villas and farms to escape the summer heat.

Lishan Mountain is not high, so it is not a good summer resort. And because of the hot springs, rich people from Chang'an prefer to spend the winter here.

Li Ji, who lives in Lishan Villa, felt extremely cold in this fiery June.

Even though he was wrapped like a rice dumpling by the fur quilt, Li Ji still couldn't feel much warmth. However, when the old servant touched Li Ji's skin, he thought he was generating heat.

Since entering June, Li Ji has felt uncomfortable, with general weakness, loss of appetite, cough, sore throat, and chills.

Through these obvious symptoms, as a self-taught doctor for many years, he diagnosed himself with typhoid fever.

Li Ji knew that typhoid fever was contagious, so the entire Lishan family was expelled by Li Ji, leaving only the old servants around him and an old guard who had followed him for decades.

Yun Chu didn't feel any surprise when he got the news. June was here, and the old god had concluded that Li Ji would not live until June. It was not surprising that Li Ji behaved like this.

Because typhoid fever is a relatively well-known disease, doctors at Chang'an Tai Hospital have figured out the transmission route of typhoid fever, which is fecal-oral infection, and the possibility of contact infection is not high.

Therefore, at Li Chengxiu's request, Yunchu invited Lao He to lead a team and stationed in Lishan Villa with a complete medical team.

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