Tang's dining table

Chapter 1045 The strong wind blew down the Chang'an Pillar (1)

Yunchu was not qualified to preside over this important ceremony, which was comparable to the beams of a house.

Therefore, the actual commander of the completion of the backbone of the Tianshu of the Great Tang Dynasty was Lu Wang Li Lingkui, and the main worshiper after the pillars were erected was Yong Wangxian.

In order to prevent accidents, the court officials believed that the craftsmen in Chang'an were not of sufficient quality to erect the pillars without fail, so they sent a team of the most elite craftsmen from Luoyang to handle the erection of the copper pillars.

Why is there such a behavior of looking down on the craftsmen of Chang'an?

Just because the Chang'an craftsmen led by Yun Chu believed that it would be very difficult to erect a main beam that is one hundred and forty feet high and weighs nearly two million kilograms. They hoped that the imperial court would allow them to divide the pillar into three parts for heaven, earth and people. Cut them up one by one, connect them with huge rivets and sleeves, and finally piece them together into a complete column.

The craftsmen in Luoyang have gone crazy in order to suppress Chang'an Craftsmanship. As long as the plan submitted by Chang'an Craftsmanship, they will oppose it without any reason.

He stubbornly believed that there was no need to separate the pillar weighing only 1.8 million kilograms at all. Just adding some winches and some force cattle would be enough to pull the pillar up.

Moreover, a consistent pillar can better demonstrate the majesty of the Tang Dynasty than the nonsense of the three talents of heaven, earth, man and man put forward by Chang'an craftsman.

In the eyes of Luoyang craftsmen, any fancy statement is actually a sign of lack of ability. They often use this method and are very proficient in it.

Therefore, the opinions of Luoyang craftsmen were naturally easily accepted by the courtiers. However, Pei Xingjian had dealt with Yunchu a lot, so he kept an eye on it and presented both plans to the queen. Which one was used in the end? , the queen has the final say.

Wu Mei has always been a proud and arrogant person. After reading the memorial, she immediately called the Luoyang craftsmen and carefully inquired about the pros and cons of the two options. Finally, with the strong guarantee of the Luoyang craftsmen, Wu Mei Next, we chose the integrated improvement plan proposed by Luoyang master craftsmen.

Different from the people of the Tang Dynasty who always pursue wealth and wealth through risk, Yun Chu never puts himself above the experienced craftsmen in terms of engineering construction. Only specialized people do specialized things is the attitude towards engineering.

Officials who are pragmatic can add their own ideas at will. In terms of engineering, if they continue to give random instructions, problems will arise.

Not to mention that the erection of this Tianshu of the Great Tang Dynasty was of extremely important significance to the Tang Dynasty. It was almost at the same level as the great sacrifice of the imperial court, so no mistakes should be made.

The major affairs of the country are to sacrifice and serve as soldiers.

If you make mistakes in these two aspects, you won't be able to complain even if you are beheaded.

Therefore, Yun Chu tried his best to file a memorial to support Chang'an Craftsman's plan to erect the three parts. For this reason, he did not hesitate to fall out with Luoyang Ministry of Industry and Craftsman, but the final result was failure.

Not only did he fail, he himself was kicked out of the sacrificial group and became an insignificant spectator.

1.8 million jins, a full 900 tons.

This kind of thing was definitely not a trivial matter when he was a minor official. Even with heavy lifting equipment, it cannot be guaranteed to be foolproof. Just rely on some winches, iron chains, hemp ropes, and a herd of cattle?

However, the great craftsmen of Luoyang were not fools with no merits. They had already placed this copper pillar on a huge slope made of thick logs.

There is a tall scaffolding on the slope. They used the principle of leverage to pull up the copper pillar little by little, and then continued to raise the slope below, making the angle of the copper pillar closer and closer to 90 degrees.

Today, what the craftsmen have to do is to lift the copper pillar, move it a distance of two feet, and insert the copper pillar into the stele base that Yun Chu and the others had built long ago.

Therefore, in order to accurately insert the copper pillars, a wooden mountain made of giant logs appeared at the gate of the imperial city.

Yun Chu looked at this wooden mountain, his heart bleeds with distress. He originally suggested that people use mounds of earth, but in the end, he was mercilessly ridiculed by the master craftsman from Luoyang.

Next to Chang'an is Zhongnan Mountain. There is no shortage of wood in the mountain. However, the wood used by these bastards are giant trees that are more than a hundred years old. As a result, when I look back at Zhongnan Mountain now, it is completely bald.

It was the wasteful behavior of these bastards that led to more than a thousand years later, only shrubs and no trees grew on Zhongnan Mountain.

Naha was 250 years old. She deliberately chose the best position for herself to watch the copper pillar being pulled up. Obviously, this position was very unsafe in Yun Chu's opinion.

Naha was looking at the copper pillars shining in the sun, while Yong Wangxian not far away was looking at Naha. For some reason, Yunchu saw an evil look in this fake's eyes.

Just as he was about to go over and take Nahara away, the slogans of the craftsmen on the construction site below rang out one after another.

Yunchu had to admit that Datang's engineering and construction technology was indeed very advanced. They could already calculate the maximum force required to pull up this copper pillar.

Therefore, when the five hundred strong cattle exerted their strength together, the cattle on both sides that controlled the direction of the copper pillar also began to exert their strength in sequence. The copper pillar that was originally leaning on the wooden slope slowly rotated as the huge winch rotated. He also slowly raised his body.

Li Shen, who was originally standing in the first row to watch the ceremony, came to Yun Chu's side at some point and whispered: "Why are you here?"

Yun Chu said: "Because it is a full one hundred and eighty feet away from the base."

Li Shen looked at the bronze pillars that were slowly getting up and nodded: "There are many. The pillars are only one hundred and forty feet tall and cannot hit here."

Yun Chu looked at Li Shen and said, "Can you hope for the best? If this pillar falls, all officials in Chang'an, including you, will not be able to escape accountability."

"Why would I, a mere idler who came to watch the ceremony, be guilty?"

Yun Chu said: "Because people are not energetic enough, it brings bad luck to Tongzhu..."

Li Shen said: "Is this okay?"

Yun Chu sneered and said: "If you have nothing to do, go to the file room in Wannian County and look at some of the cases Zhou Xing has handled. Smelly farts are all reasons for killing people."

Li Shen swallowed and said, "Will you be okay?"

Yunchu said: "What?"

Li Shen mouthed to the copper pillar and said, "I mean, if the pillar falls, will you be fine?"

Yun Chu looked at Li Shen suspiciously and said, "Did you do something wrong?"

Li Shen immediately shook his head like a rattle and said, "How is that possible?"

Yunchu also felt that Li Shen didn't have the courage. Just when he was about to say that it was none of his business, he heard Li Shen say: "The reason why I got up late this morning is because I had constant nightmares last night. This is not a good sign. "

Yun Chu looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to them. They were all busy looking at the copper pillars, so he lowered his voice and said: "We are all old friends. Don't say I didn't advise you. You should seal your mouth tightly. You shouldn't." Don’t say a word of what you said.”

Li Shen sneered and said, "I'm going to choke myself to death. If I don't tell you, who will I tell you?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Don't talk about those who have it but don't have it. Let's take a good look at this masterpiece in the history of the Tang Dynasty project."

Li Shen looked at the cattle slowly moving forward, the look of disdain on his face getting stronger.

As the copper pillars were gradually straightened, even Yunchu was almost focused on the huge winches. This was the fundamental thing. As long as these winches could withstand the weight of 900 tons, the problem would not be too big.

The shafts of these winches are iron pillars as thick as human legs, and they go straight underground for more than three feet. Two two-foot-long horizontal branches are specially drilled at the ends of the iron shafts, and the holes are filled with boulders. The middle is also watered with Sanhe soil mixed with glutinous rice slurry. It stands to reason that such eight pillars are enough to complete the mission of erecting copper pillars this time.

After the tall copper pillars were completely erected, even Yunchu couldn't help but cheer for the precision engineering methods of Luoyang's master craftsmen.

Watching the thick copper pillars being restrained by iron chains and hemp ropes, and under the constant instructions of Luoyang master craftsmen, moving inch by inch towards the base, the cheers of the Chang'an people who came to see the excitement almost boiled.

At this moment, Yong Wangxian, who had been looking at Naha, suddenly covered his mouth in pain. Unexpectedly, a hidden weapon flew out from there and hit his mouth.

Yong Wangxian quickly looked around and found that everyone was shouting crazily for the copper pillar, and the direction from which the hidden weapon flew was obviously towards the copper pillar. There were many craftsmen there who were waiting calmly for the copper pillar's arrival. , no one should plot against him like this.

Yong Wangxian swallowed a mouthful of blood and spit it into his hand. Then, three teeth and a small iron rivet appeared in his palm.

Where do rivets come from?

Yong Wangxian endured the pain and looked in the direction of the copper pillar. As a result, he found nothing but a slowly moving copper pillar.

Helan Minzhi soon discovered something wrong with Yong Wangxian, and quickly asked in a low voice. Yong Wangxian put the three teeth and the iron rivet in Helan Minzhi's hand.

Helan Minzhi had been peeking at Naha until Yong Wangxian. He quickly glanced in the direction of Yun Chu and found that Yun Chu was more than ten feet away from Yong Wang The possibility of hitting Yong Wangxian in the mouth.

"Your Highness, let's go and bind up the wounds."

Yong Wangxian swallowed another mouthful of blood and shook his head. This was a critical moment and he didn't want to leave.

Helan Minzhi handed his handkerchief to Yong Wangxian to replace the handkerchief that had been stained with blood, and whispered: "As soon as the copper pillar is in place, I will immediately go find out where this rivet came from."

King Yong Xian shed tears of pain, but he still maintained the persistence that a prince should have. Even though his whole body was shaking, he still stood upright.

Yunchu's ears were very good. Although the scene was very noisy, the habit he had developed on the battlefield still allowed him to hear an imperceptible click in the noise.

Yunchu's expression changed drastically, and he immediately focused his attention on the winch...

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