Tang's dining table

Chapter 1051 You can get anything under torture

Suo Yuanli is different from Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing likes to punish corrupt officials or people in high positions. This guy may be born with a great prejudice against powerful and wealthy people, so as long as he has the opportunity, he will do anything to these people.

On the contrary, ordinary merchants and ordinary people who fall into his hands will get a fair result.

Suo Yuanli is different. He likes to turn small cases into shocking cases.

There was a woman in Ping'an, Luoyang, who had an affair. As a result, her man caught an adulterer and was killed by the adulterer. The adulterer and adulteress threw the man's body into the house, and then set the house on fire, intending to pretend that he died in a fire. .

Naturally, this trick could not be hidden from the policeman, and the case was solved easily. Unfortunately, the person who was investigating the case was Suo Yuanli. He felt that the case was so simple that there must be fraud, so he dug deeper into it.

After the case in Pingan was finally revealed to the world, a total of 128 people were arrested, and as many as 17 officials were implicated, with the highest ranking being a fifth-grade official.

In the end, there were fifty-one people sentenced to Qiu Jue, and the rest were exiled or imprisoned.

Looking at the files, none of the prisoners on death row were wrongly accused, and all of them had confessions written in their own handwriting.

As soon as this case came out, Luoyang's Fenghua cases disappeared for a while. No one wanted to ruin the nine tribes just for a moment of romance.

This guy used the same method in several subsequent cases. Two men fought over the water source. After he settled the case, no one was fighting for the water source, because all the strong men who had the strength to fight for the water source were sent away. To Longyou.

In other words, this barbarian stepped on the corpses of common people to become a sixth-grade judge.

In a short time, the clerk led someone to bring in two horses, including Yunchu's mount, a bay-red horse.

When the bay-red horse saw Yun Chu, he immediately ran in and rubbed his big head against Yun Chu's face. Yun Chu pushed him away in disgust, pointed at a rope connected to a clamp and said to the bay-red horse, "Pull harder."

The clerk swung his swollen right hand to tie the rope to the saddle of the bay-red horse. He squatted down and said to Suo Yuanli, "You wish for more blessings."

Suo Yuanli looked at Yunchu and said, "How dare you——"

Yun Chu looked at Suo Yuanli and said, "Tell me, how much money did you take from Li Lingkui?"

Suo Yuanli was stunned for a moment and said, "You are spitting blood."

He thought that Yun Chu would continue to threaten him, but he didn't expect that Yun Chu would pat the neck of the extremely handsome BMW, and the damn horse immediately started to move forward. At the same time, the other brown horse started to move in the opposite direction. Walk.

Until his fingers began to twist and deform, Suo Yuanli couldn't figure out why he ended up like this. Yun Chu was just a county magistrate, who gave him the courage to torture the queen like this.

The stick used to clamp the stick was a tough jujube wood stick, and the rope used to pull the clamp was made of raw silk. This rope was extremely tough, and the two horses were extremely powerful. Soon, under everyone's gaze, Suo Yuanli His ten fingers were hanging on the clamping stick, with only a layer of skin connected to his palm.

Suo Yuanli shouted and fainted.

The people he brought had no time to cry out for the unconscious Suo Yuanli, because the government officials, who looked like tigers and wolves, had already raised the board high, and then filmed it with the sound of wind, without any hesitation. mean.

Amidst the intensive crackling sound of boards, the two tortured guys held their disabled hands and kowtowed as if they were pounding garlic.

A basin of cold well water woke Suo Yuanli up. He reluctantly opened his eyes and saw Yun Chu vaguely not far away covering his mouth and nose with a handkerchief. He said weakly: "You're done."

Yun Chu looked at the clerk and said, "What other punishment can be used on him? I remember that the wooden donkey in the execution room of the Yamen has not been used for a long time."

Before the clerk could speak, a prisoner kneeling on the ground said hurriedly: "Report to the county magistrate, it is for punishing adulterers. Suo Yuanli made a punishment called a cage himself, and the county magistrate can use it on him." On the body."

Yun Chu said: "If you are so powerful, why haven't you confessed yet?"

The prisoner said: "It hasn't been used yet. If it had been, I would have done it long ago."

Yun Chu followed Shan Ruliu and signaled the junior officials to lead the men in the execution room to bring up the cage.

Yunchu said to Suo Yuanli, who was weak and panting, "Your cage is here. How to use it, tell them later."

Suo Yuanli's face was ashen. Hearing the sound of someone lifting heavy objects outside, his head drooped and he whispered: "Whatever the Duke wants, Suo Yuanli will do it."

Yun Chu said: "What did Lu Wang Li Lingkui conspire with you?"

Suo Yuanli trembled with his lips and said: "King Lu asked me to put all the responsibility for the collapse of the Tianshu Pillar on the great craftsman of Chang'an, so he gave me five hundred coins for this."

Yun Chu said to the clerk: "Remember it? He is another short-sighted person. He is willing to help others with such a big thing for five hundred guan. In Wannian County Yamen, this kind of thing cannot be done without two thousand guan." "

The clerk was taken aback and said quickly: "Your Majesty, is this inappropriate?"

Yun Chu said contemptuously: "I don't even care, you, a secret agent of Baiqisi, are still so careful?"

The clerk looked around and found that everyone was busy and no one was looking here, so he said awkwardly: "Your Majesty, please don't tell anyone if you see through it."

Yun Chu said: "There is nothing shameful about me. Just write it like this. It is best for the queen to see it and let her know what kind of trash she has."

Even though Suo Yuanli had already expressed his full cooperation, after the cage with a height of one person came in, Yun Chu still ordered Suo Yuanli to be put into the cage.

This is a structure with a small opening at the top that can only accommodate a head. Next to it is a small wooden prong with a thick top and a sharp bottom, which is used to "wedge" the featureless iron cage into the person's head.

Baiqisi's young official said to Yun Chu vividly: "Put the prisoner's head into the small mouth, then use those smooth wooden wedges to fix the prisoner's head, and then use a hammer to continuously hit the wooden wedges, and finally squeeze the prisoner's head. The purpose of the head removal is that the process is extremely painful and can sometimes forcefully squeeze out the criminal's eyes."

Suo Yuanli's hands were useless, but after entering the cage, he kept hitting the cage with his body, making loud clattering noises.

Yunchu asked Suo Yuanli: "Why are you here in collusion with King Li Lingkui of Lu?"

Suo Yuanli said loudly: "Abolish the Chang'an Ministry of Industry and make craftsmen work."

Yun Chu said: "Why? Do they have any deep hatred against Chang'an Craftsman?"

Before Suo Yuanli could speak, a master craftsman from the Ministry of Industry who was being interrogated by Suo Yuanli said loudly: "My lord, I know, I know, Li Lingkui is here for the imperial mausoleum that is being built."

Upon hearing this, Yun Chu smiled and said to Suo Yuanli, "Is that so?"

Suo Yuanli glanced at the young official who was eager to try with a gavel on one side, and nodded decisively: "That's right, Li Lingkui is the Minister of Rites, and he was the first person to supervise the construction of the imperial mausoleum. In May of this year, the imperial mausoleum collapsed. On the other hand, the master craftsmen of the Chang'an Ministry of Industry are unwilling to bear this responsibility, so Li Lingkui hopes that I will use torture to kill these master craftsmen who are dangerous to him."

Yun Chu asked logically: "So, Li Lingkui must have embezzled a lot of money in the process of building the imperial mausoleum."

A master craftsman from the Ministry of Industry said loudly: "Not only did he embezzle money, he also prepared to build a secret passage in the imperial mausoleum."

When Yun Chu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, he looked at Suo Yuanli and said, "Why did he open the secret passage?"

Suo Yuanli shook his head with difficulty and said, "I really don't know."

The clerk holding the mallet in his hand said excitedly: "You must know, tell me quickly." As soon as he finished speaking, the guy hammered a wooden wedge down an inch.

Suo Yuanli screamed miserably, and the blood vessels on his forehead were as dense as earthworms. He endured the pain and said: "After his death, he plans to bury his body in the imperial mausoleum and abandon the emperor's body in the wilderness."

Hearing what Suo Yuanli said, Yun Chu slapped the clerk on the shoulder and said, "You have made a great contribution, and then you can get out of Wannian County and live your prosperous life."

The clerk swallowed his saliva and said, "It's all the county magistrates who command well, and the subordinates are just walking around."

"Go away, I don't care about this kind of credit. Call your accomplices quickly and drag them all to Baiqisi. If you dare to mention me even a little bit in the documents, even if you become famous, I can still catch you. Stuff it in this cage."

The clerk bent down and said with a smile: "If you treat me like this, I will inform the deputy governor."

Yun Chu asked in surprise: "Where has your Commander-in-Chief Fuchun gone?"

The clerk chuckled and did not dare to answer.

Yun Chu spat and said, "Isn't it in Lishan? I saw him."

The clerk continued to giggle.

Yun Chu glanced at the government officials in the lobby and said in a deep voice: "Keep your mouths shut tightly one by one. If you really can't control your mouth, cut off your tongue. Anyway, as long as I hear even a little bit of rumors outside, I'll take it." You all take it out.”

The government officials were frightened out of their wits after hearing what Suo Yuanli said. Is this something they can listen to?

Now that they heard the county official's warning, knowing that it was the county official who was protecting them, the panic in their hearts slowly subsided. He knelt on the ground and pointed at the sky and the earth, promising that he would never speak nonsense.

Yun Chu then said to the clerk: "I am responsible for my people. Some people are not under my control."

The clerk looked at the sixteen people Suo Yuanli brought and said, "They can't reveal anything."

Yun Chu looked at the two master craftsmen whose hands were crushed and said, "I can only help you so far."

The two of them kowtowed heavily and said, "I wish you a long and prosperous descendant, and may your princes and princes live forever."

Yun Chu sighed and said, "Whether you live or not depends on your own luck."

After saying that, he led the bay red horse and left the lobby.

When Yunchu walked away, the clerk raised his head and laughed arrogantly, then took out a bronze waistband from his arms and said to the head of the Yamen: "Baiqisi is handling the case, and the rest of the people are waiting to get out of the way."

The chief clerk, Shen Ru, looked at Lin Changshu, the clerk in the household department, with doubts. He led a group of Baiqisi people from the county government office in a arrogant manner and led many people away. He couldn't help but look at the equally curious person standing with his hands behind his back. Yun Chu, who was at the yamen gate, said, "My lord, what does this mean?"

Yun Chu squinted his eyes and said, "Haven't you seen it yet? That guy is a spy from Baiqisi. He has been lurking in our yamen. Now that a big case has been discovered, why not leave now?"

Shen Ru shook his head and said: "Baiqisi may not be able to fight against Suo Yuanli. I heard that guy is the Queen's man."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Even the Queen's Aye will not escape death this time."

Shen Rudao: "Is it so serious?"

Yun Chu said: "Yes, when Li Lingkui was building the mausoleum for His Majesty, he dug a secret passage, intending to steal His Majesty's bones and discard them after his death, and then put his bones in..."

Hearing this, Shen Ru felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He looked at Yun Chu blankly and said with difficulty: "The county magistrate harmed me..."

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