Tang's dining table

Chapter 1061: Superior theories are the best at capturing people’s hearts (Thanks to the leader of t

When Yun Chu is not hitting people, everyone likes to chat with him.

The main reason is that Yunchu's narrative style is very different from that of the Tang Dynasty. Not only is it very pleasant to listen to, sometimes I feel it is very vulgar when I listen to him speak, but when I taste it carefully, it makes sense.

Moreover, when Yun Chu looks at things, he usually points to the essence of things very directly, which is basically the essence of a wise man. Li Xian feels that Yun Chu's speech is very similar to Dongfang Shuo in the Han Dynasty.

Moreover, both Yunchu and Dongfang Shuo are talented people, and they are willing to take care of people with low intelligence, and are willing to express profound principles in spoken language.

There is no doubt that the mentally retarded people that Yun Chu was taking care of were Ji Wangshen and Cao Wangming, because some words that Li Xian understood immediately had to be broken down and said again when it came to Ji Wangshen and Cao Wangming.

People like to classify things into three, six or nine grades, especially the royal family. Because they themselves stand at the top, they naturally like to classify others into grades.

Yun Chu was so smart and funny, so he was naturally on the same level as him in terms of intelligence. As for Ji Wangshen and Cao Wangming, they were naturally classified as idiots by the proud Li Xian.

"Ten cents for a bowl of wine is too expensive."

Li Xian did not taste the wine in this shop. He asked his servant to buy a bowl and checked the quality, and then gave it to his servant to drink.

Yun Chu said: "Ten cents for a bowl of wine is actually a very good price. Your Highness does not know that the essence of wine is food. If there is too much wine, a lot of food will be consumed. And the food reserves of the Tang Dynasty It has always been insufficient. This is the reason why the imperial court issued prohibition orders many times.

However, the wine tax was a very important tax source for Datang.

The imperial court needed wine taxes, but did not want to cause food shortages in some places due to wine making. Therefore, it could only balance the two problems of wine taxes and food consumption by increasing the retail price of wine.

This is why the bowl of wine that His Highness saw was not of high quality, but it had to be sold for ten cents a bowl. "

"Hmm, why are good wines like Yuhuchun, Jiannanchun, antiseptics, and Sanlejiang so expensive?"

"The main reason is that the taxes are very high. The wines His Highness mentioned are classified as luxuries in Chang'an. Since they are luxuries, they are not something that ordinary people can enjoy. The presence or absence of these things does not affect people's lives.

Therefore, since someone wants it, the court cannot ban it. Since it cannot ban it, it will triple the wine tax. In this way, the price will naturally increase. "

"But, I heard people say that the wine sold in Pingkangfang often costs a few or ten guan. I heard that there are hundreds of guan of wine?"

"Wine is a matchmaker for sex. Wine and sex have not been separated since ancient times. This is another kind of enjoyment. Since those people have money to go to brothels, wouldn't it be very unjustifiable if the government does not draw some profits from them? "

"Hahaha, it's really like that..."

Ji Wangshen came over, looked at the two of them and said, "What's so funny about this?"

Cao Wangming also came over to express his confusion.

Yong Wangxian covered his mouth and laughed loudly: "I heard that the two uncles are wealthy guests at the brothel in Pingkangfang, but I don't know that every sip of wine consumed in Pingkangfang adds half a sip of wine tax to the country."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "One sip of wine will increase the tax burden of three sips of wine on the country."

Hearing what Yunchu said, Li Xian laughed harder and harder, while Ji Wangshen and Cao Wangming looked at each other, completely confused as to where Yong Wangxian was laughing.

It was obvious that Yong Wangxian was not a pervert, or that this child also had a strong mysophobia. When Yun Chu invited him to leave the tavern and go to the open space where the opening ceremony was held, he did not miss him for a moment. When he left, even the man who was about to lose his clothes The naked Hu Ji didn’t even look at her.

Ji Wangshen and Cao Wangming also stopped deliberately, waiting for Hu Ji to remove the last piece of veil that was in the way, and saw what they wanted to see, and then left with satisfaction behind the two of them.

Today is a big day for the Wu brothers.

Early in the morning, the two brothers came to the Nancheng construction site early to prepare for the opening ceremony and key-giving ceremony.

They also ingeniously changed the neighborhood where the relocated households in Nancheng live to Queen's Lane.

Yunchu approved their brother's suggestion without any hindrance. In any case, the Nancheng reconstruction project would have been completed long ago if it had not been for the Queen's financial support.

One person can tell that there is something wrong with the Wu brothers' bodies. Wu Chengsi gasps after taking a few steps, and Wu Sansi has to put his legs aside when walking. It seems that he has not been able to bear Yun Chu's kick until now, but , there should be no more blood in the urine.

Although they were feeling unwell, the smiles on the two brothers' faces were very warm.

Yun Chu understood how their brothers were feeling at this moment. After all, this Nancheng reconstruction project was the culmination of the most hard work the two brothers had put in so far in their lives. How could they not be happy now that it was bearing fruit?

No matter how valuable something is given for free, it is not as valuable as something obtained after hard work.

At this time, the slight pain coming from their bodies reminded them all the time how difficult it was for them.

Countless officials came to congratulate them, with flattering words on their lips and flattering looks on their faces. The people under the stage waiting to get the keys were all smiles, and words of gratitude were poured out as if they were free of money. Everyone thanked the Queen for building them a big house.

There is no coercion or deliberateness. What the officials said can be regarded as fart. However, it is impossible for all of these tens of thousands of people to be shameless. There will be some truth in their words.

It was in this environment that the Wu brothers forgot about their physical pain and the humiliation that Yun Chu had brought to them, and just immersed themselves in the supreme glory that they had created with their own hands.

Yong Wangxian pointed to the people rushing around to welcome guests. The Wu brothers who were receiving guests asked in surprise: "Why do their brothers look so tired?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Not long ago, I just beat him up."

Yong Wangxian didn't like the Wu brothers at all, so he asked, "Why?"

Yunchu sighed and said: "It's not because of the Tianshu Pillar matter that the Queen entrusted the Wu brothers to me. I also gave them an obvious ban, asking them to only work hard to complete the Nancheng reconstruction project. , ignore everything else.

As a result, after the pillar collapsed, King Yong lost his teeth and King Cao was injured. The final investigation found that the root cause was all on King Lu Li Lingkui. These two brothers actually dared to come to me to show off their power with Li Lingkui's bribe.

The minister was furious and beat their brothers. Unexpectedly, after the beating, they discovered that Li Lingkui was making friends with others with the intention of doing something disrespectful.

As a result, this beating allowed the brothers to escape without being affected by King Lu's case.

This may be because God helps fools. "

Hearing what Yunchu said, Li Xian, who had always had no news, covered his mouth and whispered: "What does King Lu want to do?"

Yun Chu was startled and said: "King of Lu Li Lingkui fought fiercely with Bai Qisi in Chang'an Prince Lu's Mansion for a whole day and night. Doesn't your Highness know that such a big event is happening?"

Li Xian looked a little pale and said, "I've been immersed in reading lately, and I haven't asked about outside matters."

After Yunchu explained Li Lingkui's matter to Li Xian in a low voice, Li Xian's face became even paler.

At this time, I heard Yun Chu say: "Money, there is nothing wrong with it. Too much can be a disaster. It is best if the money in your hands is earned by you upright and innocently. You can feel confident when you use it. Even if it is squandered, it will be a disaster." No big deal.

At least it won't affect your wealth or life. "

Li Xian's face became even paler, and he cupped his hands to Chao Yunchu guiltily and said: "Junhou, the King Gu destroyed the capital pool of Liushui Brand because he was deceived by an adulterer, and it was definitely not his true intention."

Yunchu snorted and said, "Because your highness made an unintentional mistake, now your highness only owes a lot of money and there is no other punishment. Speaking of which, because of the Liushui brand, all the officials in Chang'an almost lost their money, and Liushui The trading volume of the brand is still only 20% of what it was in its heyday, and it is estimated that there will be no one that cannot return to its heyday in three to five years."

When Yunchu mentioned the Liushui brand to his face, Li Xian felt extremely guilty.

Yunchu continued: "Actually, it's nothing. When things happen, we have to face it. If the sky falls, doesn't Nuwa Empress also make up for it? It's made up with colorful stones, so that we can have colorful clouds floating in the air. The earth sank to the southeast. Didn't Nuwa cut off the legs of the giant turtle in the East China Sea and prop it up?

When the money is gone, we just have to earn it. Just like the minister sang in the brothel, my talents will be useful, and all the money will come back again. As long as we have the heart and ability, we also have the ability to make up the sky and support the earth.

However, His Highness must think twice before doing anything in the future. The first question is whether he understands the matter. The second question is whether he can control the matter. The third question is whether he can bear the consequences of failure.

If His Highness, after thinking twice, feels that the conditions are met, then go all out to do it, go for it, and don't hold back. Even if you are a lion fighting a rabbit, you must do your best. Only in this way can you have the possibility of success. "

No one has ever spoken to Li Xian like this...

Li Xian's pale face gradually turned red. He looked at Yun Chu and said, "The prince has a master like you. I am no match for him."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "I am no longer the Taifu. In fact, His Majesty has never officially appointed me as the Taifu."

Li Xiandao: "Why, why would the prince abandon a master like Junhou?"

Yunchu looked into Li Xian's eyes and said: "It's not that the prince doesn't want me, it's that I want to stay away from the prince. I, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, am like a sun that is about to burst out. Before it rises in the east, we We can still see and get close to it, but once the sun rises high, if we continue to watch and get closer, our eyes will be burned by the sun and turned into ashes by the sun."

Li Xian's mouth grew so wide that the gold teeth fell out of his mouth without even realizing it. After a long while, he said with a serious leak, "I don't think the prince will treat you like this."

Yun Chu nodded Yong Wangxian's heart with his finger and said: "The sun is hot, and the nature of the light will not change in any way."

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