Tang's dining table

Chapter 1066: Cherish your life when doing big things, forget your life when you see small profits

Light is always a panacea to heal the pain of the soul.

This is especially true for Li Xian.

Just like the sense of satisfaction that many people feel from the bottom of their hearts when they see farmers busy harvesting in autumn, there is also the same feeling as they watch piles of raw materials gradually become finer in the hands of craftsmen and finally become exquisite products. feelings.

Chang'an Workshop is undoubtedly the most positive place in the world.

Li Xian took out a dark green bead from a shelf, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and then said to Yun Chu: "The fragrance in the pear tent?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "The ingredients are complex and the process is complicated. After sixty-seven processes, such a piece of goose pear incense is produced. When worn on the body, it not only has the effect of repelling mosquitoes, but also adds fragrance."

Li Xian looked at the fragrant ball with a silk tassel hanging on his waist and said, "It's always money."

After saying that, he looked at the three-foot-long grooved wooden board in front of him. Every groove of the wooden board was filled with the kind of beads he had on him.

"How many are there? Three thousand?"

The waiter next to me laughed and said, "In response to your words, this edition has 3,200 pieces."

Li Xian stretched his neck and looked into the depths of the workshop, and found that there were seven or eight large wooden boards like the one in front of him. He asked Yunchu doubtfully: "There are so many, who are they selling to?"

Yun Chu said: "There should be no less than five hundred of these in His Highness's house."

Li Xiandao: "Even if all the nobles' mansions have this thing, I'm afraid they won't be able to buy much, right?"

Yun Chu said: "People in the Tang Dynasty are not very smelly, so the Tang Dynasty is not the main market for this stuff. Didn't His Highness just entertain people from the Western Regions some time ago? He should be deeply impressed by their body odor."

Li Xian licked his big steel teeth with his tongue and said with some fear: "I almost want to run away."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "So, for the people of the Tang Dynasty, this thing is just a luxury, whether it is available or not is not a big problem, but for those barbarians, it is a necessity.

Because this thing is small and precious, it has become a good commodity that Hu merchants compete for. A lot of it can be sold at the commodity fairs in spring and autumn every year, and it can bring about 5,000 guan to Chang'an every year. tax. "

Li Xian nodded and carefully put the bead in his hand back into the groove of the board. Thinking of the pile of weeds and tree bark he saw in the raw material preparation area, he said to Yun Chu: "Turn decay into magic. This is the real truth." Good stuff."

Yun Chu stretched out his hands and said to Li Xian, "This is the greatest reliance on us to become the king of all things."

Li Xian installed big steel teeth today and followed Yun Chu to visit no less than ten workshops. The last one he arrived at was a textile workshop. In this workshop, more than nine people in the workshop were women.

It was also the first time for Li Xian to enter this place called the Daughter's Country by the people of Chang'an. Looking at the busy female textile workers, Li Xian held his hands and said, "A woman supports the family?"

Yun Chu said: "A family where both husband and wife have errands to do is far richer than a family where only the man works outside the home."

Li Xiandao: "In this case, doesn't it destroy the ethics?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Men farm and women weave, where is the damage?"

Li Xian smiled and said: "You should not be harsh in front of the lonely king. It is a good thing to have the ability to quarrel with the gentlemen in the Ministry of Rites."

Yun Chu said: "Xu Jingzong, the former Minister of Rites, said nothing."

Li Xian lowered his head and smiled: "His family reputation is not good, so he probably has no face to criticize you."

Yun Chu said: "The previous Minister of Rites, King of Lu Li Lingkui, didn't say anything either."

Li Xian sighed and said: "His head is rotten, so naturally there is no way to tell."

Yun Chu added: "The current Minister of Rites, Li Jingxuan, also said nothing."

Li Xiandao: "I heard that he was at odds with his stepmother."

"So, why is the Ministry of Rites talking about me? In my opinion, even if we lose money, we should open more workshops. His Highness also knows that Yun is used to raising children, but he doesn't know that this is not Yun Chu's ability, but It’s my wife’s ability.

According to my experience accumulated over the years, whether a child is smart or not is closely related to whether he has a sensible mother. If the mother is a virtuous and virtuous person who can do everything, the child will definitely not be that far behind.

Does Your Highness know that in Chang'an City, where are the people most willing to let their children study? "

Li Xian has been extremely intelligent since he was a child. When Yun Chu said this, he pointed at the busy female textile workers and said, "Is it them?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "They don't earn much, but they collectively paid for the teachers to educate their children. The workshop also specially set aside a yard for these gentlemen to teach students in the yard. Your Highness, would you like to go and have a look?" ?”

Li Xian said in surprise: "They paid for it themselves? The lonely king really wants to see it."

Yun Chu led Li Xian through the huge workshop and walked out of a side door. As soon as he went out, he was stunned, because in front of him, a seemingly large-scale school suddenly appeared in front of him. It was definitely not Yun Chu's. A small courtyard in the mouth.

The courtyard covers an area of ​​five acres and is surrounded by rows of school buildings. Through the open windows, you can see rows of schoolchildren sitting inside, and the sound of reading is orderly and orderly. Li Xian, who has always loved reading, heard no less than fairy music.

After standing outside the window and listening for a while, Li Xian whispered to Yun Chu: "I have learned the Analects of Confucius."

Yun Chu pointed to the school building at the back and said, "The Spring and Autumn Annals should have been taught there."

Li Xian took a breath and said, "These are already considered scholars. Will they have to take part in scientific examinations in the future?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "A very small number of people with extraordinary talents will naturally take part in scientific examinations. They will enter the four schools, even the Imperial College, the Imperial College, and finally become officials of our Tang Dynasty.

The rest of the people with mediocre talents will either enter the Ministry of Industry as craftsmen or enter the Sinong Temple as a doctor of agriculture according to their preferences. Those who are unwilling to be poor will enter various workshops and learn the ways of merchants from the clerk. If nothing goes wrong If so, within ten years, when His Highness inspects various workshops again, there should be shopkeepers who come out to entertain His Highness. "

Li Xian came to the middle of the school, walked around and said, "How many students are there in this school?"

Yun Chu smiled vaguely and said, "Three thousand!"

"Three thousand?" Yun Chu could feel Li Xian's nostrils beginning to breathe heavily.

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Such a school is called a textile school. There are such schools in the first and second cotton spinning factories, and there are also two such schools in the two large textile workshops affiliated to Baiqisi.

It is said that Baiqisi will also recruit Baiqisi employees from his own workshop and school. "

Li Xian stepped in front of Yun Chu and said, "Does this mean there are four such schools, each with 3,000 students?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "The largest school, that is, the original No. 1 Textile Workshop School has the largest population. It is said that it has nearly 4,000 students."

Li Xian said in disbelief: "They opened four such large schools just by relying on the donations from those female workers?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Of course it's not like this. In the beginning, there were only three or five gentlemen. It was true when there were a hundred or ten students. It's not the case now. For thousands of years, the two counties of Chang'an have allocated 6,000 guan to these four schools every year. The mountain chiefs in every school here are also real eighth-grade officials of our Datang."

Li Xian was silent for a long time and then said to Yun Chu: "What is the purpose of your invitation to me here?"

Yunchu sighed and said: "Since the Liushui brand exploded..."

When Li Xian heard that Yunchu started talking about the Liushui brand again, he jumped three feet high like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, quickly waving his hands and said: "Your Majesty, just tell me what you need the lonely king to do."

Yun Chu said: "Go back and elaborate."

Li Xian returned to the Wannian County Yamen with Yunchu with a worried look on his face, and came to an empty official mansion with an uneven floor and a huge tarpaulin covering it.

After the clerks carefully took away the tarpaulin, Li Xian's eyes immediately widened, because he saw the Yellow River, as well as the mountains, plains, and cities on both sides of the Yellow River.

After taking another look, Li Xian was sure that he saw only one section of the Yellow River, starting from Jincheng in Lanzhou and ending at Fenglingdu.

"What are you going to do?" The big steel teeth that Li Xian had just installed rattled when they touched up and down.

"With the help of the power of the Yellow River, we can absorb the wealth of the north and enhance the prestige of Chang'an."

"King Gu, the governor of Yongzhou, cannot make the decision..." Li Xian's face turned even paler.

Yun Chu glanced at the trembling Li Xian and said, "Why are you shaking, Your Highness?"

Li Xian's eyes widened and he said, "You want to rebel?"

Yun Chu said in confusion: "This has already been discussed in court, what does it have to do with rebellion?"

"Have you discussed it? Hey, is this the northward strategy among the southward and northward strategies currently being debated in the court?"

After understanding the matter, Li Xian immediately stopped shaking and began to carefully observe the crude sand table that Yun Chu had specially made with great interest.

After Yunchu explained what the Yellow River Ring Project was, Li Xian looked very calm when he looked at Yunchu again.

"King Gu always thought that the prince belonged to the prince."

Yun Chu said a little impatiently: "I am from the Tang Dynasty. I am your Majesty's minister. I am also the prince's minister. It can also be said that I am your highness's minister. In such important matters that affect the honor and disgrace of our Tang Dynasty for a hundred years, your highness still sees things." Being so narrow-minded is not the way to do things.”

Li Xian said unmoved: "Your Majesty, by doing this, you are encouraging the lonely king's ambition to seize the throne."

Yun Chu said angrily: "Your Highness's ambition will only make your future more miserable and will have no effect whatsoever."

Li Xian said angrily: "How dare you underestimate me like this."

Yun Chu also said angrily: "That's the case. There's nothing to say. The prince is now a half-king. Anyone who peeks at the prince's position is doomed. I thought His Highness had given up this ambition long ago. Why? Are you still talking about this?"

"If you think so, why did you bring me in?"

"Because you are King Yong, half of the places in my Yellow River Ring Plan are nominally under your rule."

"If I don't do it, I'm seeking death. The prince will beat me to death."

"If you don't want to do this, why don't you do it? What do you want to do? Or, do you want to do nothing but just wait to die like Ji Wangshen and Cao Wangming?"

"The lonely king can open a workshop and a school."

"It takes money to open a workshop, and it takes money to open a school. I dare to ask, His Highness still owes Liu Shui Brand millions of dollars, so what can he use to open a workshop or a school? It's better to do something big. Such small things are not in line with King Yong. temperament.”

"No, I can ask my father for money to open a workshop and a school!"

"Give me the money you owe me first."

"No, Gu Wang doesn't owe you money, he only owes Liu Shui Brand money. You can't even think about coercing Gu Wang to participate in any of your Yellow River ring projects. Don't even think about it..."

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