Tang's dining table

Chapter 1071 The joy here is endless (Thanks to the leader of 20220913173144229 for the reward

Yunchu's memorial was very long, so it was impossible to use large characters. It was very inconvenient for Li Zhi to use small regular characters.

However, this time he did not ask Wu Mei for help. Instead, he called Secretary Cheng and asked him to read Yunchu's memorial word for word. Occasionally, he would pick up the memorial with difficulty and compare it to see if there was anything missing.

Wu Mei knelt down opposite the emperor with an expressionless face. Secretary Cheng read the memorial in a trembling voice, dripping with sweat, while Li Zhi listened carefully to the content.

Yunchu told the emperor in his memorial that although Nanzhao was a poor and barbaric land, when the Tubo people had already left Nibala, Nanzhao was at its weakest.

Take advantage of his illness and take his life at the right time.

If we can capture Nanzhao at this time and move the people from the mountains to live in Sichuan, it will be a great opportunity that has not been seen in a hundred years. Once the Tubo people visit Nanzhao again after capturing Niboluo, at that time, Nanzhao will become a Maggots attached only to bones will make the Tang Dynasty bleed forever.

Yunchu also said in the memorial: "The Tang army entering Nanzhao this time will be lightly armed. Although light armor is not as good as heavy armor in protecting the lives of the soldiers, in view of the crude weapons of the Nanzhao barbarians, even light armor will It is still beneficial to Datang.

The defeat of the Tang Dynasty was not due to the failure of the Tang Dynasty's iron armor, but because the Tang Dynasty's iron armor was used in inappropriate places. In a humid, hot and rainy place, wearing heavy armor would not only not protect the soldiers, but would instead Their burden.

The defeat of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty was entirely due to their reckless advancement in seeking success.

Yunchu explained to the emperor in detail the problems that a large army would encounter if it rashly entered an area full of enemies without a solid back line, food roads and fortified cities.

"When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue!"

Li Zhi recited the strategy of the barbarians against the armored soldiers of the Tang Dynasty that Yun Chu mentioned in his memorial, and sighed and said to Wu Mei: "This is my real general of the Tang Dynasty.

Duke Ying once said that Yun Chu could dominate the world with three thousand cavalry, command six thousand soldiers and horses without fail, and command tens of thousands of soldiers and horses as generals to defend the city. Commanding one hundred thousand soldiers and horses could lead to the loss of an army and humiliation of the country.

Now it seems that Yunchu's talent is enough to serve as the general manager. "

Wu Mei remained silent.

Li Zhi insisted on reading Yunchu's memorial, rubbed his temples and said to Wu Mei: "Wang Fangyi and Cheng Wuting are too timid to fight. Since they like to fight in the Western Regions, then they should go to the Western Regions and become a guard."

Wu Mei said softly: "They just didn't ask for a fight, and they weren't timid."

Li Zhi chuckled and said: "I said cowardice means cowardice. Since they don't like to go to the Western Regions to be guardians, then go to Annan's prefectures and counties to join the army as recorders. Set off immediately without delay."

Wu Mei saw that although the emperor was smiling, there was no warmth in his words. She knew that if she helped these two people again at this moment, the emperor might send them to work as prostitutes in front of the Liaodong Army.

When the emperor saw that Wu Mei was silent, he said to the secretary who was accompanying him in the hall: "From now on, memorials from important border generals will be sent directly to the emperor."

Wu Mei looked ugly but did not leave. She looked at Li Zhi and said, "Is Your Majesty planning to appoint Yun Chu as the general manager of the Jiannan Road march?"

Li Zhi glanced at Wu Mei, put his hands calmly on his knees and said, "You think it's inappropriate?"

Wu Mei said: "Once Yunchu takes office as the military commander-in-chief of Jiannan Road, all the forty-two states and counties in Jiannan Road will be controlled by Yunchu. Your Majesty, Jiannan Road is different from Guanzhong. The terrain there is dangerous and the environment is blocked. Once Jianmen is closed, Once it is closed off, Sichuan will become its own world."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "In the past, the power and talent of the heroic prince were much higher than those of Yunchu. I still handed over the Tang Dynasty's 40% to 380,000 troops to his hands. Then, I harvested, what, I harvested the entire Liaodong, Destroying the three kingdoms of Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla in one fell swoop was an unparalleled feat and comforted the heroic spirits of our ancestors.

I have told you before that I have given Yun Chu a lot of trust and he will repay me a hundred times. I would rather believe that Yun Chu is my general Dashu than believe that he will be my Zhao Tuo! "

Wu Mei said expressionlessly: "In this case, Your Majesty needs to carefully consider the choice of deputy general."

Li Zhi said: "Who do you think is better?"

Wu Mei said: "It needs to be selected among the courtiers."

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "I will not equip Yun Chu with any deputy generals, just let him choose his own."

Wu Mei was shocked and said: "Your Majesty, how can military and national affairs be such a trivial matter?"

Li Zhi looked at Wu Mei and chuckled: "Have you just listened carefully to the content of Yun Chu's memorial?"

Wu Mei frowned and said, "I heard this."

Li Zhi said: "Since you listened, you should have heard that what Yun Chu asked for was only fifty thousand soldiers, three thousand soldiers, and the Linbian Prefecture at his disposal to jointly put pressure on the southwest. Listen clearly, we must Those state capitals formed a front with him and jointly suppressed to the southwest to reduce Sheng Luo Pi's area of ​​activity. Once Sheng Luo Pi's main force was accumulated in one place, his army could be wiped out in one go.

I can afford to pay back a mere 50,000 soldiers and 3,000 soldiers.

If the queen is worried, she can give more instructions to the governor of Yizhou. Yao Hong, the guard of Jianmen Pass, can just keep an eye on Yun Chu. "

Wu Mei said: "Since your Majesty has made a decision, I will just obey your orders."

Li Zhi waved his hand and said, "Step back, I'm tired."

Wu Mei sighed quietly and stood up to say goodbye.

When Wu Mei walked away, Li Zhi coughed lightly, and Ruichun appeared in front of Li Zhi like a ghost. Li Zhi pointed at the shivering Secretary Cheng and said to Ruichun: "Kill him."

The secretary-general was kowtowing like a fool, but was dragged out of Shangyang Palace by two armed eunuchs covering his mouth.

A moment later, Ruichun walked in with a plate and lifted the red silk covering the plate. Secretary Cheng's distorted face appeared in front of Li Zhi.

Li Zhi waved his hand and said: "A generous burial!"

Ruichun agreed and turned around to leave.

Li Zhi was about to close his eyes and rest when he heard the sound of the giant bear's fat paws stepping on the floor. He waved and the giant bear ran over happily and sat next to Li Zhi holding his paws like a man.

Li Zhi patted the giant bear's leg and said, "I'm going to sleep, please help me keep an eye on it."

After saying that, he turned around, fell on the brocade and fell asleep.

Li Si's hair was already a foot long. She didn't pull it up, but casually tied it into a lively short ponytail at the back of her head. The ponytail jumped up and down when she walked. The girl has a delicate but attractive face. Even Li Hong, who is used to seeing her in men's clothes, feels that his girl looks very good today.

Pei Wanying, who was with the prince, saw Li Si holding a black clay pot in his hand, and immediately picked up her son Li Shou nervously, for fear that the child would touch the pot.

Li Hong wrinkled his nose and sniffed: "Did you make chicken soup today?"

Li Si smiled and said: "Centipede and rooster soup."

Pei Wanying turned pale when she heard the word "centipede", but Li Hong said enthusiastically: "Do you have any explanation?"

Li Sidao: "First take out twenty large Lingnan centipedes and place them on the tied rooster, and let these centipedes bite as much venom into the rooster's body as possible. Then put the centipedes into boiling water, boil them, and drain them out. After the centipede is boiled and soaked in ice water, the shell of the centipede will be easily torn off and become a chopstick-long piece of white meat.

At this time, take off the chicken feathers, remove the internal organs of the rooster, wash them, and finally add only these three ingredients: onion, ginger, salt, centipede meat, and rooster meat. Put a crock pot on high heat and bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat for two hours. This pot of centipede rooster soup is It's done. "

Under Pei Wanying's horrified eyes, Li Si took out a bowl of centipede rooster soup from the earthen pot and placed it in front of Li Hong.

Before Li Hong could speak, Pei Wanying shouted: "The rooster was bitten to death by a centipede. Prince, this chicken is poisonous."

Li Hong seemed not to have heard it. In front of the Crown Princess and all the palace people, Li Hong picked up the bowl and took a sip of the soup. Then he raised his brows and laughed and said, "It's really delicious."

Li Si's eyes widened with laughter, and she fished out several pieces of crystal-clear centipede meat from the jar, and put them into Li Hong's bowl along with the chicken nuggets. While Li Hong was eating deliciously, she filled another bowl He pushed the bowl to Pei Wanying and said, "Drink the soup. After drinking it, you will be immune to all poisons."

Pei Wanying, who had been stunned for a long time, was so frightened by Li Si's words that she trembled. Seeing that the prince was very busy drinking soup and eating meat, tears flowed down from his eyes.

Seeing that Pei Wanying refused to eat, Li Si took the bowl back and said to Pei Wanying while drinking the soup: "The more poisonous the poison, the more delicious the meat tastes. After the centipede venom enters the rooster's body, it can stimulate the delicious taste of the chicken.

I bought these centipedes from the forests of southwest China. Each centipede is more than a foot long. I used twenty centipedes for this pot of soup. My sister-in-law won't eat it. It's a pity. "

Li Hong smiled, slapped Li Si on the head and said, "Don't tease your sister-in-law."

Then he turned around and started filling himself with centipede meat and chicken. After making a large bowl, he said to Pei Wanying: "This is not the first time I have eaten this. The last time I ate it, I was at the old god's place." A bowl, it’s really delicious, you really don’t want to try it?”

Pei Wanying heard that the old immortal had not been poisoned to death after eating it, so she finally felt relieved and asked doubtfully: "Is it true that after eating this thing, you can be immune to all poisons?"

Li Hong smiled and said, "Don't listen to Sisi lie to you. It doesn't have that effect. However, this thing is really delicious. I will keep a bowl of it later and I will send it to Mr. Xu."

Pei Wanying couldn't see the greedy appearance of the brother and sister, so she hugged the child and left with the palace guests.

After Li Hong drank the last sip of soup in the bowl, he said to Li Si: "You have always been stingy. Why are you so generous today? Are you willing to take out your precious treasure to make soup for me, my brother?"

Li Sidao: "I'm going to the southwest. These things are of no use anymore."

Li Hong sighed when he heard this and said, "I want to go too, but it's a pity that I don't have the chance."

Li Si smiled and said: "You are destined to only guard your throne in this life and cannot go anywhere."

Li Hong said with a smile: "There is endless joy in this. If you don't understand, just stop saying sour words."

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