Tang's dining table

Chapter 1089 Li Si’s dowry

As fifty-six heads fell to the ground, Yunchu felt that he had exceeded the killing order given by Li Zhi.

He waved to Chengdu Yi Guoziping and left the city back to the Qixingqiao military camp.

At the same time, Zhangqiu Xiaofang's eldest son Zhangqiu Xianliang, He Rudao, and Liu Hanyuan were also taken away.

These three people are all from official families in Shu.

No matter how powerful Yunchu is, he is still an outsider in Chengdu. If he wants to establish himself in Chengdu, he will need the help of a few landowners.

Now, these three people are the Chengdu residents that Yunchu chose to help him.

Pulling them back from the brink of death is a favor, and letting them betray Chengdu Governor Yang Wenhua is to help them choose a firm position. No matter how closely they were integrated with the aristocratic families in Shuzhong before, now they only have There is only one way to survive by hiding under Yunchu's wings.

In fact, these three people wanted to join Yunchu wholeheartedly at this moment, because their whole family was taken to the execution ground and beheaded, and those relatives and friends did not come forward to help them, so there was no friendship at all. .

It can be seen that a general can make the people below him follow him without any choice, let alone the emperor.

Power, power, it can change a person's beliefs in an instant, that's what's so fascinating about it.

The three-way drum caused the moisture in the air in Chengdu to condense into rain and fall to the ground instantly. Therefore, after Yunchu executed Yang Wenhua, the blue sky was revealed, and the sun, which had not been seen for a long time, finally emerged from behind the dark clouds. Smiley face.

The wonders of nature, to a large extent, make Yunchu's simple and crude law enforcement evidence-based - kill the evildoers, kill the corrupt officials, and the sky will rise in Chengdu.

Maybe because Chengdu was a swamp in ancient times, they liked to build bridges.

There are a total of seven bridges on the two southwestern rivers.

Directly to the west gate of Pijiang River is called Chongqiao.

The southwest Shiniu Gate is called Shiqiao.

The south of the city is called Jiangqiao.

Nandu Liuyue Wanli Bridge.

Going west is called Yili Bridge, also called Zuo Bridge.

From the northwest of Chongzhi Bridge, it is called Changsheng Bridge.

There is Yongping Bridge to the west of Pijiang River.

It is said that these seven bridges were built by Li Bing and coincide with the seven stars in the sky.

It is these seven bridges that lock most of the roads in and out of Chengdu. Therefore, Yun Chu said: "An Jun should be among the seven stars."

With the army placed in the middle of the Qixing Bridge, Yunchu could firmly control Chengdu to avoid causing any trouble if the city's governor had just been killed.

Today, Yang Wenhua was killed, Guo Ziping was warned, and three local officials were recruited. Each of the above things clearly informed the officials and families in Chengdu that Chengdu belongs to the Tang Dynasty, not Chengdu people themselves, or it can He said that Chengdu is not a place where old people and young people can act recklessly.

Because of Zhuge Wuhou, most men in Sichuan like to wrap their heads with linen, while women like to wrap a square cloth handkerchief on their heads. Some people say that this is the people of Chengdu paying tribute to Zhuge Wuhou. Yun Chu I don’t take it seriously, I think it’s just a habit.

Huiling and Han Zhaolie Temple were supposed to be the imperial mausoleums and imperial temples of the Shu Han Dynasty. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, some good people built the Wuhou Temple here together. Gradually, people only remembered the Wuhou Temple and not the one step away. Han Zhaolie Temple.

Because Li Si was going to Jinguan City to select some fine silk for Yun Jin, when he passed by the Wuhou Temple, he deliberately stayed and went to see the Wuhou Temple with Yun Jin, Wen Huan, Di Guangsi and Li Chengxiu.

"The Wuhou Temple is bigger than the Zhaolie Temple, but does it still follow the principles of a monarch and his ministers? This in itself is transgression."

After coming out of Wuhou Temple, Li Si became angry.

Wen Huan said angrily: "Sisi, your royal butt is exposed again."

Li Si said proudly: "I am a royal."

Di Guangsi said: "When you marry, you must obey your husband, unless you are prepared to let Princess Yun Jinshang."

Li Si smiled and said, "I will not let Mei Yuer suffer such humiliation."

Li Chengxiu said: "It seems that the royal family is not as good as your husband, right?"

Li Si hugged Yun Jin's arm and said, "The royal name just sounds nice. That's what it means to have Mei Yu'er accompany me for the rest of my life."

Yun Jin smiled and said: "The incense in Wuhou Temple is strong, but the incense in Zhaolie Temple is sparse. It seems that this is an affordable choice for the people of Chengdu. You think so, Ah Huan."

Yun Jin turned around and didn't see Wen Huan. She looked in the direction directed by Li Si and found that Wen Huan had entered Wuhou Temple again.

Yun Jin asked: "Did he lose something?"

Li Si smiled and said, "I'm going to see some tricks in Chengdu."

As soon as Li Si finished speaking, Di Guangsi and Li Chengxiu also left.

Li Si hugged Yun Jin's arm and said, "You really only have me in your heart. You didn't see such a big group of colorful tricks?"

Yun Jin smiled and said, "Why are two honest men, Guang Si and Cheng Xiu, also there?"

"Guangji, I'm sorry. Chengxiu feels that he is still keeping his filial piety, so it's not appropriate to do so. Unfortunately, he still can't resist Ah Huan's temptation. If you want to go see me, I'll accompany you."

Yun Jin looked at Li Sido suspiciously: "You want to see it, right?"

Li Si touched his short hair and said, "I wish I could be born as a boy."

Yun Jin let go of Li Si's hand like an electric shock, turned around and ran away. Li Si chased after him with a giggle.

Jinguancheng was made by the government under the supervision of the Shaofu of the Tang Dynasty. The standard for making silk in the Tang Dynasty was the official silk produced in Jinguancheng. The silk produced here is generally not measured by the value of the silk, but by the value of the silk. The subject matter of three hundred coins.

A piece of silk is worth 300 yuan, which is obviously against the rules of the market. In Chang'an, a piece of silk in Jinguan City sells for 3,000 yuan. The reason why there is a ten-fold price difference is because the emperor does not want to pay more. , the result of forcibly squeezing Shuzhong.

Anyway, all the silks in Jinguan City have to be turned in, so there is no point in talking about how much.

This is also the reason why Yun Jin asked Li Si to help her purchase goods from Jinguan City.

Even if Yun Jin does nothing and sells the silk from Jinguan City directly to a silk shop, he will still make ten times the profit.

Li Si was one of the few people in the Tang Dynasty who had the power to directly take silk from Jinguancheng at the price of 300 yuan. Over the years, Li Hong, Li Xian, Li Xian, Li Dan, and Li Lingyue all came from Jinguancheng. Only Li Si has never taken advantage of the official city.

This time, Li Si decided to take back all the advantages he had not gained in more than ten years at once.

She had grown up in the Yun family since she was a child, and all her expenses came from the Yun family. Although there were rewards in the palace, they were all saved by Yu Xiurong and planned to be handed over to her when she gets married.

Li Si originally didn't care about rewards or not, but it was only when she lived in the East Palace recently that she realized that a little brat like Princess Taiping could get 500 pieces of silk from Jinguan City in a year.

This made Li Si feel very uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Five thousand bolts of silk of all colors!"

Standing on the official hall of Jinguan City, Li Si indifferently threw out a number. The doctor in charge of Jinguan City softened his knees and fell to the ground, not knowing how to answer.

Yun Jin stood up and came to the doctor and said: "I don't know if anyone has secretly used Princess Anding's name to transport silk from Jinguan City. Therefore, the purpose of Her Royal Highness Princess Anding's visit this time is to trace the date of Princess Anding's birth. Since then, how much silk has been exported from Jinguan City in the name of Princess Anding?"

Li Si chuckled and said: "Think clearly, once found out, it will be a crime of disrespect, enough to kill your three clans."

The doctor said in a low voice with a pale face: "Your Highness, please give me some time."

Yun Jin looked at Li Sid and said, "Your Highness, do you want to continue pursuing it?"

Li Si shook his head and said: "Forget it, it's not easy for them to live. If I suffer a little loss, I will suffer a little loss."

The doctor never expected that Princess Anding would be so easy to talk to, so he couldn't help but bow again and said: "Your Highness, Wannian."

Li Sidao: "I know that you want to use the end of the year to grind out some surplus. No matter what method you use, in January of next year, I want you to transport five thousand pieces of silk of various colors to Chang'an."

After saying that, Yun Jin dropped a backpack on his shoulder on the table with a dull sound. Yun Jin opened the backpack and shook out fifteen heavy gold coins. He said to the doctor: "This is one thousand five hundred coins." , remember to enter the account."

The doctor could only nod at this time.

Li Si looked at the steam-filled sheds not far from the official hall. He sighed in a low voice for some reason and said to the doctor: "I don't want five thousand horses. Just give me three thousand. The extra money will be given to me as a reward from the princess." Silk reeler."

The doctor was at a loss for a while.

Yun Jin already knew what Li Si was thinking, so she put the gold medals on the case back into her backpack and carried them on her body, leaving only three gold medals. She said to the doctor: "Forget it, don't let it be three thousand. You pick the best." Three hundred pieces of fine Shu brocade should be sent to Chang'an."

The doctor didn't understand why this pair of young nobles acted like this.

But I heard Li Si reciting in a low voice: "Anyone who went to the city gate yesterday and came back with tears on his face and clothes all over his body is not a silkworm breeder."

Yun Jin thought about it for a moment and said happily: "It seems simple, but in fact it is endlessly memorable. This song "Silkworm Woman" uses the simplest words to describe the deepest suffering in the world. It is a good song. poetry."

Li Si pointed to the steam-filled work sheds and said: "At this moment, everywhere is filled with scalding boiling water. Countless silkworm cocoons are floating in the boiling water. Beside the hot water pool, there are countless silkworm women wearing barely enough fig leaf coverings. He is putting his hands in hot water to reel the silk.

I want five thousand pieces of official silk. It will have no impact on them as officials. It will only cause hardship to those silkworm women. In the remaining two months, I don’t know how much hardship I will have to pay for these five thousand pieces of silk. "

Yun Jin nodded, put down two more gold coins on the table, and said to the doctor: "We will not take advantage of the silkworm woman."

Li Si said to the doctor who was completely at a loss: "Bring me a pen and ink."

The doctor quickly brought a pen and ink, and Li Si jumped on the table and wrote the song "Silkworm Woman" that he had just recited on the front wall of the official hall in Jinguan City.

The ink is very heavy and the writing is hearty and hearty. The thick ink constantly breaks away from the ink characters and slowly flows down, forming a string of ink stains like teardrops.

Li Si threw down his brush and said to the doctor: "Whenever the Prince's Mansion, Prince Yong's Mansion, Prince Ying's Mansion, Prince Ji's Mansion, and Princess Taiping send people to Jinguan City to pick up the Shu brocade, read this poem to them."

After hearing this, the doctor stepped in and said seriously: "Here."

Li Si, who originally came to take advantage, had already lost a lot of money when he left Jinguan City, so he was in a very bad mood.

Yun Jin felt that it didn't matter. Today's scene could inspire Li Sixuan to recite a good poem, which would be worth thousands of dollars.

Li Si in the carriage suddenly put his arms around Yun Jin's neck and said eye to eye with Yun Jin: "I took out all the dowry given to me by Master today. I feel so sorry for me. You must compensate me."

Yun Jin said dullly: "Did Aye write this poem to you?"

Li Si nodded and said: "Back then, Aye saw that I looked stupid, and was afraid that my father, the emperor, and my empress would not like me, so he specially prepared some simple and easy-to-understand poems for me, and asked me to recite them. Used in times of crisis.

Aye prepared it for me, you must have it too, right? "

Yun Jin looked at Li Si blankly and shook his head.

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