Tang's dining table

Chapter 1124 The most advanced and the most barbaric

"Your beauty is climbing the wall!"

When Wen Huan saw Di Guangsi starting to put on his armor, he kindly informed him.

"She is fighting for what she thinks is her hope, so climbing the city wall is the right thing to do." Di Guangsi replied casually.

"If she was splashed from head to toe with a pot of golden juice while climbing the city wall, would you still want her?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as she is washed, she will still be beautiful."

"When you kiss her, you suddenly think that her mouth is stained with gold juice. Can you still kiss her?"

Di Guangsi did not answer, stuck four short spears into his back and left in a hurry.

Wen Huan also put on his leather armor and ran in the direction Di Guangsi went.

When they came to a gentle slope in the east, many dandies from the dandy camp had gathered on the top of the gentle slope. They were all dressed in armor and looked very excited.

Li Chengxiu held a horizontal knife, slapped each dude's helmet and said loudly: "I know that the brothers have been in a bad mood recently, and I also know the reason for the bad mood, that is, they did not get what everyone expected. Long-lasting military exploits.

There is nothing we can do about it. Killing the Wuman, the Cuan people have no military merit to gain. However, it is different today. In the mountains and forests to the east, there are 10,000 Baiman who have killed my soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. According to my military law of the Tang Dynasty, Beheading a white barbarian is equivalent to gaining military merit.

Now, those military heroes are on their way. Once they leave the woods, the brothers ambushing by the woods will set fire to the dense forest and cut off their retreat.

The two-hundred-foot slope in front of us is the best place for us to gain military merit.

I know that on average, the beheading of less than 20 people per person makes everyone dissatisfied. Fortunately, the big head is behind us. We are advancing towards Sheng Luopi's lair, and our military achievements will only increase.

Finally, I would like to say that while getting military merit, remember to save your life. Don't rush and kill indiscriminately. The safest way is to enter through the gap opened by the heavy cavalry to reap the military merit. "

Cheng Hu said loudly: "Don't heavy cavalry also have to share the battle merit?"

Cheng Hu's words caused a burst of laughter.

Li Chengxiu slapped Cheng Hu on the head with the back of his knife and said, "If you don't want to, get out!"

After punishing Cheng Hu, Li Chengxiu raised his horizontal sword and said, "Today, we will avenge the six thousand soldiers and ten thousand civilians who died in the Tang Dynasty!"

"Here! Revenge!"

Yun Jin looked around and said to Wen Huan and Di Guangsi, "It's still a bit risky."

Wen Huan shook his head and said: "There is no way, this is a group of people who are eager for military achievements and no longer care about life and death. If you don't feed them with military achievements, it will be difficult to dispatch them in the future.

However, these guys have selected some powerful followers from the Wuman people. Although there are not many in number, they are all heroes who dare to charge and kill. Don't worry, we will win this battle. "

Yun Jin looked at the thousand people who were ambushing on the long slope and couldn't help but shook his head. He didn't know since when, the Guanzhong Tang people, even the dudes, firmly believed that one Guanzhong Tang people could fight against ten people. It's a routine operation.

One thousand Tang people defeated ten thousand enemy troops, which is not considered a glory. The defeat is the beginning...

Just when the fire started to burn in the stone city, the forest to the east of the city began to become restless. In a moment, groups of gray-white barbarian troops wearing vine armor and leather armor holding spears poured out of the forest like an iron stream.

Yun Jin watched them descend from the height to the bottom of the slope, and watched as their forward began to run towards the high slope here. Then he glanced behind him.

One hundred heavy-armored cavalry wearing black iron armor and sitting on tall horses had already put on their ferocious visors, and their nearly one-and-a-half-foot-long horse trunks were tucked under their ribs, and they were ready for an assault.

The most terrifying thing about the heavy cavalry is not the soldiers on the horses, but the horses also wearing iron armor. These horses basically come from the Western Regions. They are tall and strong. Once their ears are blocked by plugs, they only know how to charge forward.

Yun Jin looked at the grenade box hanging on their waists. The lid had been opened. As long as the grenade was taken out of the box and thrown out, the grenade would explode.

"It looks like they are preparing to use grenades to clear the way..." Wen Huan whispered to Yun Jin.

Just when Yun Jin was about to answer, Li Chengxiu, who was standing at the front, shouted loudly: "Archers, prepare."

Yun Jin immediately forgot what he was about to say and drew his bow and arrow to prepare for shooting.

"The enemy has passed the No. 1 ranging arrow."

"The enemy has passed the No. 2 ranging arrow."

"The enemy has passed the No. 3 range-finding arrow. When the bow reaches eight points, raise your hand with three fingers and shoot three times. Shoot quickly!"

Group archery has never focused on precision, but only on coverage. Therefore, the long bow in Yun Jin's hand kept vibrating. In an instant, three feather arrows were shot out. Then, the long bow was nocked, waiting for Li Chengxiu's next order. In short, Before the White Man army rushed to the top of the slope, after all the twenty-four feather arrows in the quiver were fired, it was time to throw the grenades.

"The enemy has passed the No. 5 range-finding arrow. Full the bow. Raise your hand with one palm. Shoot three times. Shoot quickly!"

Yun Jin raised the shooting angle, and once again shot out three feather arrows in a split second. There were more than 700 people who made the same move as him. Every dude was not only a soldier, but also a qualified archer.

Because they were behind the slope, they couldn't see how many enemies they had killed after the arrows hit the ground. They just hoped that after they had finished shooting the twenty-four arrows in their hands as soon as possible, they could go to the battlefield and wait for the heavy cavalry to kill them. A battle achievement.

The charge of tens of thousands of people was boundless. Piluoge was not in the vanguard, but the second group rushed out of the forest. By the time he rushed to the bottom of the slope, it was exactly when the vanguard was rushing to the top of the slope.

He saw a cloud of arrows flying out from behind the slope, and was surprised at first. However, after seeing the range of the arrow rain, he was no longer so worried. Archers with no more than a thousand people could not stop him. Ten thousand troops attacked.

The siege battle in Shicheng was reaching a critical point. He did not believe that there were many Wuman people behind the slope. He even thought that it was a miracle that the Wuman people knew how to consider the retreat while attacking the city.

Therefore, Pi Luoge raised his long sword and shouted to the deputy general: "Crush them!"

However, the rain of arrows behind the slope seemed to have no end, and was covered in areas with great purpose. He originally thought that his soldiers holding rattan shields were enough to resist the rain of arrows, but he did not expect that all those who were covered by the rain of arrows would In this place, there were almost no living white barbarian soldiers.

After the jet-black rain of arrows fell, even if there was a shield blocking it, it would break through the shield smoothly and nail the white barbarian soldier under the shield to the ground.

After Yun Jin fired the last armor-piercing cone, she dropped her long bow, took off a grenade from her chest, and waited for Li Chengxiu's order to throw the thing out.

The waiting time is a bit long...

Wen Huan said with a smile: "It seems that the effect of the arrow rain coverage is good."

Yun Jin smiled and said: "If you use the same money to hit them, you can kill a lot of them. By the way, have you written your name on the armor-breaking awl?"

Wen Huan said: "I've written it. Here's a three-string coin. In these rounds of arrows, 50,000 string coins have gone out. I can still use it after I picked it up."

Piluoge stopped in the middle of the slope and looked suspiciously at the top of the slope where there were only a few people. Not many of the forward troops came back alive under the rain of arrows. This caused the white barbarian army to be crowded in the middle, no matter how the generals drove them away. Soldiers, the soldiers can't advance any faster.

The pace of those in front slowed down, while those behind were still running with all their strength. Pi Luoge knew that this was not good, so he came to the front and slashed to death a few white barbarian soldiers who were moving forward, and roared: "Behead those who retreat!"

Li Chengxiu once thought that the Baiman soldiers would retreat, but unexpectedly, they just panicked for a while and began to charge quickly to the top of the slope again.

Seeing that the white barbarians were about to rush to the top of the slope, Piluoge breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to catch the black barbarians on the top of the slope and behead them all in public.

Li Chengxiu yelled: "Grenade, release."

So, after thousands of grenades were briefly launched into the air, the ground began to tremble and tremble, and the entire top of the slope was filled with gunpowder smoke.

After the grenade hit the ground and exploded, Pi Luoge, who was following behind, could clearly see that some of his men were torn apart in the explosion of the grenade, some fell to the ground, and some were blown up with their flesh and blood flying everywhere.

"Tang people——"

Pi Luo Ge's roar almost consumed all the breath in his chest. Unfortunately, his roar was completely drowned out by the dense explosion of grenades, so he quickly turned back to look at the forest he had just left.

When he saw thick smoke starting to rise from the edge of the forest, his liver and gallbladder almost burst. The situation was already obvious. Shicheng was a trap, a trap for the white barbarians.

The smoke had not yet dissipated. Amidst the thunderous sound of horse hooves, a group of black-armored heavy cavalry emerged from the smoke. The horses with terrifying hoods rushed down from the heights like monsters.

Every ten war horses were connected with iron chains, divided into ten teams, and swept down the top of the slope like an iron stream.

Just behind these heavy cavalry, there were countless Tang troops wearing leather armor and running wildly downwards, shouting...

Ziqi Aguo swung her sword to cut off a spear sticking out of the city wall, climbed up the city wall with one hand and pushed herself onto the arrow stack. Before she had time to see the situation clearly, several spears were stabbed at her.

Ziqi Aguo jumped up, smashed the gun barrel with her body, and smashed the gun barrel to the ground. Then she rolled hard and rolled her body along the gun barrel in front of the gunman. She waved her sword one after another, and several Cuan clan soldiers Blood spurted out from his neck.

Ziqi Aguo grabbed a spear, lay on the ground and danced the spear into a big flower, forcing back several Cuan people who wanted to attack him, then threw the spear in his hand and penetrated a Cuan. human chest.

Shi Bao yelled, pulled out the feather arrow stuck on his shoulder, pinched Cuan Ren's face with one hand, his thumb dug into Cuan Ren's eye socket, Shi Bao picked up Cuan Ren's body, and stood at the top of the city. Sweep, together with Ziqi Aguo, were firmly nailed to the top of the city, covering more Wuman people coming to the city.

Chahei waved his machete and urged the Wu barbarians to climb the city. Not only did he have to command, but he also had to guard against the corpses falling from the city. He was so busy at the moment that it seemed that he would not be able to climb up the city for a while.

When the Wuman people under his command began to climb the city in an orderly manner, Cha Hei took out a kettle and took a big sip of water, watching happily as the Wuman people continued to climb up the city.

At this time, Chahei was already convinced that Shicheng was broken.

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