Tang's dining table

Chapter 1126 A gunpowder bag that should not be modified randomly

When Yun Jin threw an eight-pound gunpowder packet, he could usually throw it about 26 to 7 meters away. This time, with a high altitude and a favorable wind, the gunpowder packet flew to a place 30 meters away.

The guys in the dude camp can basically throw them twenty meters away. Guys like Li Chengxiu and the Cheng brothers with strong arms can usually throw them farther.

Yun Jin held up the shield with both hands, preparing to face the coming blast of air.

As for the white barbarians who were about to collide with him, Yun Jin chose to ignore them. A spear had already pierced Yun Jin's shield. He retreated and tried his best to keep the white barbarian warrior in front of him.

Just when Yun Jin opened his mouth and shouted, the world seemed to lose its color and sound. Yun Jin's body was carried backwards by the shield, like a leaf blown down by the autumn wind.

Even after it fell to the ground, Yun Jin's chest felt tight due to the shaking of the earth. After finally standing up, her body was knocked to the ground by the air waves blowing from elsewhere.

The ground kept shaking, and Yun Jin felt like a bean bouncing in an iron pot. For a moment, Yun Jin even thought she was going to die.

He swore that he would never use such mindless tactics in the future. Throwing gunpowder packets should be left to the trebuchet.

It's not like he hasn't tried it before, and he thinks that the distance of twenty meters is quite safe. However, this time he threw hundreds of gunpowder packets at one go, and the power of the explosion will be superimposed.

What's more, the explosion times of the gunpowder packets are different. Many of the gunpowder packets deviate from the scheduled explosion position. That is because there are layers of people in front of them, so the gunpowder packets do not explode on their side.

The explosion lasted for at least a minute, and this minute seemed to Yun Jin to be as long as a lifetime.

When he knelt down on one knee, all the muscles and bones in his body were sore and weak as if they had been shaken loose by the shaking earth.

With buzzing in his ears and countless golden flowers flashing in front of his eyes, Yun Jin stared blankly at the smoke-filled place. His brain seemed to have lost the ability to function. Only one thought was left running wildly - it's over, Aye will be beaten to death. I.

Fortunately, it started to rain, but why was the rain red?

Yun Jin raised his hand that was stained red by the rain of blood and put it in front of his eyes for a look. He turned around and saw Wen Huan lying on the ground and twitching violently. His instinct drove him to run towards Wen Huan and then picked up Wen Huan's head. , Wen Huan got into his arms in fear, and Yun Jin knelt on the ground holding Wen Huan's head, protecting him tightly and preventing the rain of blood from falling on him.

Li Chengxiu seemed to be yelling, Di Guangsi was rolling around on the ground holding his head, and Cheng Long stood in the rain of blood like a fool with his hands open and seemed to be laughing.

The blood rain stopped falling after a while, and various human tissues began to fall from the sky...

There was a string of intestine-like things hanging on Cha Hei's head. He raised his head from the ground in confusion, and then a foot landed in front of him. This foot was complete, and the hairs on the instep could be clearly seen.

After the gunpowder explosion, the battlefield was peaceful.

Wen Huan poked his head out of Yun Jin's arms and said with a runny nose, "I was pretending to be scared just now."

Yun Jin's ears were still buzzing, and Wen Huan's words were read by his lips.

So, Yun Jin stood up and began to observe the battlefield carefully.

The war was actually over from the moment the gunpowder package exploded. Those who were killed were already dead, and those who were killed by the shock wave were also dead. Those who were lucky enough to survive were all huddled together at the bottom of the slope, with their weapons lost. In one place, it seems that there is no fighting ability left.

Pi Luoge overturned the body on his body and stood up holding Heng Dao. His condition was worse than Yun Jin. He was bleeding from his mouth and nose. It was estimated that the huge shock wave had damaged his brain stem and there was no way to control it. Balance, even with a horizontal knife, he was still unsteady and kept falling to the right.

There were many people vomiting crazily on the battlefield, whether they were Tang people or white barbarians. There were also many people stumbling around the battlefield like drunkards.

Zha Hei approached Yun Jin fearfully and heard Yun Jin say: "Clean up the battlefield."

Upon hearing Yun Jin's order, Cha Hei's courage suddenly came back. With a loud shout, he led the trembling Wu Barbarians and began to capture the White Barbarians all over the world.

Yun Jin kept picking his ears, but his hearing still didn't respond. It was like there was a huge honeycomb in his head.

Wen Huan sat next to him and giggled. After a while, Di Guangsi came over and leaned on Yun Jin's back, staring blankly at the smoke in the sky that had not yet cleared.

Li Chengxiu came over and opened his mouth. After Yun Jin saw the shape of his mouth, he couldn't help but shed tears. In this battle, the Dandy Battalion lost forty-seven people.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say that there should be a better way, but unfortunately, he couldn't tell the best way.

It is still feasible to use the Wuman people to deal with the Cuan people, but using them to deal with the Baiman people is basically free of charge. The rogue bandits fight against the regular army. As long as the regular army still has rules, the rogue bandits will have no way to defeat the officers and soldiers.

This point was made very clear by my father when I was studying the art of war with him.

There are more rules for infantry to fight with heavy cavalry. These rules are definitely not something that a group of savages in the forest can master in a short time. If the most powerful heavy cavalry in the world is used together with rogue bandits, regardless of victory or defeat, after returning, , Yunjin felt that Aye would definitely kill him.

While Yun Jin was still wailing for the forty-seven brothers who died in the battle, Cheng Hu came over with his round face, raised his hand towards Yun Jin, and stretched out his five fingers.

"Fifty! I have accumulated fifty heads of slave chiefs in my account!"

Although Yun Jin was still grieving, he still refused to believe Cheng Hu's reported military exploits because it was impossible.

When Cheng Hu pointed his finger forward, Yun Jin finally knew where the fifty heads of military merit came from. At this moment, the dudes in the dude camp woke up from the sadness and shock far earlier than Yun Jin did. They He is working hard at the front to accumulate military merit.

The so-called way to accumulate military merit is to let the Wuman people support them, and then let the Wuman people carry over the half-dead white barbarians who were bombed. Finally, let the Wuman people grab his wrist and stab him with a knife. A military meritorious leader. The level is obtained.

Dandies are very ambitious, and they don't want military honors that they didn't get by themselves.

He Zhao walked over wearing a dark red armor weighing eighty kilograms. He held Yun Jin's chin with one hand and pushed the wine bottle into his mouth. He poured the spicy anti-toxic medicine into his mouth, and a line of fire went straight from his throat. into the stomach.

Perhaps the pain was transferred from his head to his stomach. Yun Jin's tinnitus symptoms finally eased a little. She immediately grabbed He Zhao's hand and said, "General, can you not mention the gunpowder bag to my father?"

He Zhao shook his head and said, "Do you think I have the courage?"

Yun Jin said: "Forget it, it seems there is no way to escape from this beating."

He Zhao smiled and said: "You won a great victory over eight hundred enemies. Do you still have to be punished when you return home?"

Yun Jin lazily shook his head and said: "My family is different from others. We only care about the process and don't care about the results..."

He Zhaodao: "It stands to reason that there is a safe distance of ten feet for an eight-pound gunpowder bag. This is allowed in the military. Even if the gunpowder bag thrown by the prince is less than ten feet, it should not be in the way. Moreover, this place is on a slope. , the height difference of ten feet is more than ten feet, which is enough to offset part of the explosion impact.

Why did the gunpowder packet thrown by the Crown Prince seem to explode more violently? "

Yun Jin looked at He Zhao and said, "I can't say."

He Zhaodao: "New gunpowder?"

Yun Jin shook his head and said: "General, don't ask, this is military confidentiality."

He Zhao looked at the messy battlefield and said faintly: "It's the last general Meng Lang."

Wen Huan stood up and said to He Zhao: "Everyone who should know knows that the reason why the general doesn't know is because his rank is not enough, but after this battle, the general's rank should be enough.

The reason why we know this is because we created this thing. "

He Zhao nodded and began to look at these young people seriously for the first time.

Before coming, He Zhao was unconvinced. He always felt that the commander-in-chief sent heavy cavalry to Shicheng, which seemed to be for personal use. Now, this feeling has disappeared.

Yun Jin, Wen Huan, Di Guangsi, and Li Chengxiu no longer have much energy to consider what He Zhao is thinking, and they don't care. Although this person is a fierce general, who is not a fierce general?

At this time, the importance of Cha Hei immediately became apparent. Others were busy capturing prisoners, but only Cha Hei led a group of people to get a lot of spears and vine armor, and used these two things to make sledges one by one. Let Yunjin and the others sit on it, and then find a Wuman to drag one end of it, and drag them up the long slope of two hundred feet.

Di Guangsi did not dare to shake his head. As long as he moved, he felt that his skull and brain had been separated. If he moved, he would not only feel dizzy but also feel pain.

He angrily said to Yun Jin who was on the other sledge: "If I put icing sugar in gunpowder again, I will be a dog."

Yun Jin closed her eyes and said, "We are too impatient and too confident."

Wen Huan said: "I think it's very enjoyable."

Yun Jin knew that Wen Huan was warning him not to tell anyone about his embarrassing performance on the battlefield, so she smiled and said, "Ah Huan is the most powerful."

Li Chengxiu said: "I seem to see Ah Huan crying."

Di Guangsi, who had already fallen silent, said: "I'm still crying in Ajin's arms, much like a baby in confinement..."

Pi Luoge always wanted to escape, but unfortunately, he couldn't walk in a straight line, and his body would always fall to the right involuntarily. Naturally, he couldn't escape from the battlefield with this crab-like walking style.

Therefore, like the white barbarians, he was tied tightly with ropes by the black barbarians.

The ringing in his ears made him feel very bad and impatient. He knew the habits of the Tang army. Generally, if they were captured during battles, there was still a chance of survival.

However, when seeking revenge, they generally do not leave anyone alive.

In other words, these captured Baiman soldiers had only one fate - to be slaughtered by the Tang people as sacrifices.

Thinking of this, Pi Luo Ge shouted to the tall heavy cavalry leader: "I am Pi Luo Ge, the second son of Sheng Luo Pi, and the second prince of Nanzhao. I want to see Commander Yun."

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