Tang's dining table

Chapter 1134 The dragon-slaying technique is not spread to outsiders

Di Guangsi frowned and said after a long time: "You are not simple——"

Ziqi Aguo said: "Since I was twelve years old, I followed Aye to wander in the forests of the southwest. I met a lot of people and went to many places. At that time, we danced around the fire, drank wine, and talked about giving a gift to the southwest. A different world for people.

Over the years, some people have died, some have changed their minds, and some have betrayed us to help Sheng Luopi. They have forgotten the promises they made around the campfire and what they once said. , and became a more cruel person than Sheng Luopi and Cuan.

There are fewer and fewer people who like us. Even my Aye, the legitimate son of the Cuan family, is not tolerated by the Cuan family.

Over the years, we have been working hard to make Dongcuan, Xicuan, Wuman, Baiman, Bo people and even the Baiyue people in the south become brothers. To this end, we do our best to help everyone we meet in the forest. , As a result, you have also seen that even Shi Bao, who we think is the most determined, is not willing to waste time with us.

Therefore, now I can only follow you to pick up some of the women and children you don’t want, and start all over again. "

A beautiful picture appeared in Di Guangsi's mind involuntarily. Under the moonlight, beside a bonfire, a group of Southwesters wanted the Southwesters to live a peaceful and united life. Women were dancing by the bonfire, and men were stepping on their feet. Sing... When the bonfire goes out and the wine is finished... this will mean it's over.

In fact, you can't accomplish anything big by relying on passion.

This is what Master taught us a long time ago.

The most difficult thing to change in the world is the human heart. The reason is that the human heart does not have a constant standard to refer to, because it is a variable, a variable that can change uncontrollably due to various external factors at all times.

This is why it is easy for a person to do one good thing, but it is difficult to do good things for a lifetime.

It seems that the life of the Southwest people is inseparable from the bonfire. As long as they are around the bonfire, the Southwest people will become excited, talkative, and even excited. If there is a pot of wine to pass around, they can maintain this passion until the end of time.

Bonfires can bring light, warmth, and safety to people in the Southwest.

Even if they are in a safe place, they still need a bonfire to ignite the joy in their hearts.

It can be seen from this that the people of the Southwest felt very insecure during their long-term battle with Lin Mang. The place where the fire shines is the human world, and the place where the fire does not shine is the devil's realm.

"You are wrong because you should unite those people, open up your own territory, make your bonfire bigger and bigger, gather more people, and let more people feel the warmth you bring.

Rather than having a big drink and then scattering and leaving, you gather together and it becomes a bonfire. Unfortunately, after you disperse, it can't even compare to the fire on the buttocks of a firefly, and failure is inevitable. "

Ziqi Aguo buried a few plump pine nuts in the hot ashes. After a while, she pulled the pine nuts out of the ashes and pushed them towards Di Guangsi's hand to indicate that he could eat them.

Di Guangsi bit open a pine nut and took out the pine nut that exuded the rosin inside. He did not eat it, but put it on his handkerchief. As he peeled the pine nut, he said: "If you want to subtly change people's hearts, it is not impossible to succeed. But it takes too long, and requires people with lofty ideals to fight and sacrifice one after another. Only after this kind of fighting and sacrifice has been recognized by most people in the Southwest can success naturally begin.

If you want to speed up this process, other than rebelling, hacking people with knives, completely defeating them, killing all those who are contrary to your ideas, and then using the power in your hands to transform the people, can you achieve the peaceful coexistence of everyone you want. . "

Zi Qi Aguo said: "You Tang people have killed so many people in the Southwest this time. The people of the Southwest will never forget their hatred."

Di Guangsi shook his head and said: "You are wrong, it was not the Tang people who killed people."

Zi Qi Aguo said: "Many people know it."

Di Guangsi plucked the silver bell next to his ear and said, "I am a Wuman."

Zi Qi Aguo said: "You are not. There are many people who know that you are from Tang Dynasty."

Di Guangsi said: "Ten thousand people say that I am from the Tang Dynasty, and that is what ten thousand people are referring to. A thousand people say that I am from the Tang Dynasty, and that is called a crowd of gold. A hundred people say that I am from the Tang Dynasty, and that is called a hundred people who cannot argue. Ten people say that I am from the Tang Dynasty. When they say I’m from Tang Dynasty, I’ll kill nine.”

"Why not kill ten?"

"Don't worry, no one believes what the tenth person said. What's more, when the Tang people came to the southwest, they wanted to do the same thing as you. They just thought that in the future, people of all ethnic groups here could be as happy as brothers and sisters. life.

In the end, there is no distinction between them. "

Zi Qi Aguo said: "It's impossible, Wuman people are the most vindictive."

Di Guangsi said: "The people who killed the Wuman people were the Wuman people themselves and the Cuan people. The Baiman people have nothing to do with us, the Tang people."

Zi Qi Aguo said: "You instigated the Wu barbarians to rob."

Di Guangsi said: "You are wrong. We robbed it together. Everything was divided by the Wuman people. Our brothers didn't want anything."

Seeing that Ziqi Aguo was still talking, Di Guangsi stood up and pinched Ziqi Aguo's chin, forcing her to open her mouth, and put a handful of peeled pine nuts exuding rosin into her mouth, and squeezed out a smile. He said: "Keep picking up things. I'm going back to discuss how to break through the Savage Dragon Cave."

Zi Qi Aguo's mouth was stuffed with pine nuts. She did not expect that Di Guangsi would do this. Just when she was a little embarrassed, she suddenly heard Di Guangsi saying loudly in the distance: "The old world can only be wiped out, and the new world will be wiped out." Only then can the world stand up. All revolutions without armed support or giving up armed struggle will eventually fail."

While chewing the fragrant pine nuts, Ziqi Aguo tried hard to think about Di Guangsi's words. In the end, she felt that it made very, very sense.

In the southwest, weak people will only be bullied and will never be respected.

After Di Guangsi returned to the camp, Yun Jin, Wen Huan, and Li Chengxiu first looked at the way Di Guangsi was walking. When they saw that he was walking steadily, they all turned their heads. It seemed that they didn't kiss this time. .

"I kissed you."

Di Guangsitian said to Yun Jin and the others shamelessly.

Yun Jin smiled and said, "Does it mean that you have adapted to Miss Huang's poison?"

Di Guangsi said: "Ziqi Aguo told me the location of Manlong Cave."

Wen Huan came over and looked at Di Guangsi's face and said, "It seems that you finally gained something."

Di Guangsi smiled and said: "There is no big river in this area, but the forests here are more lush than in other places. Haven't you ever thought about the reason?"

Yun Jin patted his head and said: "I was blown away last time, so I didn't want to think too much, so I just gave the answer."

Di Guangsi smiled and said: "All the creeks here and the water in the creeks all come from the underground river in Manlong Cave."

Wen Huan, who was in charge of the scout mission, got up and ran out with a group of people.

Yun Jin lowered his head and looked at the map in front of him, drew a circle at the gathering point of the river in the south and said: "It seems that there is a wild dragon cave hidden under this rocky ridge. No wait, send the order to the investigation, the army Let’s head towards Manlong Cave together.”

Not long after, large flocks of birds began to fly in the forest ahead. The entire forest seemed to be shaking, and their vanguard pointed directly at the Manlong Cave.

Piluo Pavilion and Manlong, the cave master of Manlong Cave, stood on the rocky ridge, looking at the birds rising in the distance with solemn expressions.

"They are almost exactly heading towards Stone Ridge. Master Manlong Cave, have you thought of a way to deal with them?"

After hearing what Pi Luo Ge said, the leopard-like fierce dragon glanced at Pi Luo Ge and said, "Didn't you bring them here?"

Pi Luoge said calmly: "I came from the Leech Forest."

Barbarian Dragon shook his head and said: "The cubs haven't grown up yet, so as long as you endure it, you can still get over it."

Pi Luoge said: "Let's think of a way quickly. They will arrive at Manlong Cave in one day at most."

Manlong sneered and said: "If you think of me, Manlong Cave, then go through the nine turns and eighteen turns first. I want them to die in half before they reach Manlong Cave."

Pi Luoge said: "The people who came are not Tang people like Zhangqiu Xiaofang, but Wuman people. They also have the ability of Baiman people in the mountains and forests. Baiman people have the ability to climb mountains and cross ridges, and they also have it.

The traps you set up at the nine turns and eighteen turns may not be able to stop them. "

Manlong didn't say any more nonsense to Piluo Ge. He took off a horn from his waist and started blowing "beep, beep, beep, beep."

Not long after the sound of the horns was heard, dense horns sounded in the forest, and finally merged with the horns of the wild dragon into a deep and thick war song.

After one of the front scouts was stabbed to death by a bamboo thorn, the elite scouts led by Shi Bao climbed to the big trees and used common vines in the forest to weave a line between the big trees that was only suitable for barbarians. Take the ropeway.

Wen Huan watched the Wuman people swishing from one tree to another. He also wanted to experience it, but was stopped by Cha Hei. He said in a low voice: "Not many people will pass by like this. I have sent the old man to do it." The hunter is exploring the way ahead. Those traps cannot stop the old hunter. As long as the traps are cleared, we will soon reach the Manlong Cave.

Manlongdong is one of the richest tribes here in Baiman. Those who want to get rich can make a road out for us without us going up there. "

Wen Huan looked at the body of the Wuman next to him that had been pierced by flying wood thorns, and nodded repeatedly. So many people were surrounding the Manlong Cave from all directions. As for how to capture the Manlong Cave, it was still a big problem. He really didn't have it. Everything must be done first.

Ever since the army started to move, Di Guangsi had become the queen. The reason why he was chosen to be the queen was entirely at Ziqi Aguo's request. She hoped that Di Guangsi could tell her more about the rebellion.

Moreover, she also wanted to know what method Yunjin and the others should use to break through the Savage Dragon Cave with exits everywhere.

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