Tang's dining table

Chapter 1162 The way the parents behave

The emperor's family has many scumbag men, many scumbag women, and many scumbag things.

And it has been like this since ancient times.

To the imperial family, affectionateness is a genetic defect, a malignant gene that needs to be eliminated.

Therefore, being hurt emotionally by someone from the Imperial family is totally deserved.

Don’t they deserve to ask for something they don’t have?

After Wu Mei left, the giant bear came close to Li Zhi and opened his mouth to ask for lychees. Li Zhi gave it to him, so the giant bear ate an entire tree of lychees.

The lychee trees sent by Yunchu were actually not very big, mainly for the convenience of transportation, and the root system was not too developed, so there would not be too many fruits on the trees.

After Li Zhi had people weigh the cost of transporting lychees from Shu to Luoyang, he planned to finish all the lychees this season and not eat them in the future. The expense was too shocking.

This time, Yun Chu sent the Shu people back to Chang'an in advance, so he had to have such sufficient manpower to do this. If he did it just for a bite of lychees, although the lychees were delicious, Li Zhi couldn't do it. Go to this mouth.

It's just that what Yun Chu sent was a little short. This is what Li Zhi criticized.

You don’t need to think too hard to know where the remaining three hundred lychee trees went.

Yun Chu's monk father must give him a hundred trees. This emperor is not easy to care about. He is only Yun Chu's emperor. Although the emperor is the king and father of the world, he is not his father after all.

The Taoist master in Yunchu must give him a hundred lychee trees, and the emperor could understand that. After all, competing with the old immortal for lychee trees might be reviled by the world.

Li Zhi felt that there was room for discussion on the matter of giving a hundred lychee trees to his wife. However, he was a king in the prosperous age, and he still had some magnanimity.

It is not fair to say that the emperor has one hundred trees, the queen has one hundred, and the prince has one hundred. However, Yunchu said in the letter that his body was incompatible with lychees and he could not eat more.

Thinking of this, Li Zhi clicked his lips and said to Ruichun: "Who did the prince invite to the lychee banquet?"

Ruichun immediately said: "Almost everyone in the civil and military dynasties has been invited."

Li Zhi said strangely: "Almost, then, no one was invited?"

Ruichun said: "The Wu brothers and many North Gate bachelors."

Li Zhi thought for a moment and said, "Then send fifty more lychee trees to the East Palace."

When Ruichun took the order and left, Li Zhi said again: "Send thirty more lychees to the queen, in case there are not enough lychees for her lychee banquet."

Ruichun looked up at the emperor and saw that he had no other instructions, so he left Ziwei Palace backwards and hurriedly left.

Li Zhi did not keep any of the remaining lychees. The concubines in the harem distributed one lychee to each of them, but many people did not receive it.

After distributing the lychees, Li Zhi felt relaxed. He wiped his right eye that was prone to pus with a handkerchief, sighed slightly, and led the giant bear to the depths of Ziwei Palace.

"God shouldn't have treated me like this..." Li Zhi said to the giant bear when he came out of the deep tower.

Prince Li Hong looked down upon lychees.

The Crown Princess Pei wanted to hang herself on a lychee tree, but Li Hong was not even interested in taking a second look.

Therefore, when the Crown Princess became weak and pale due to eating too many lychees, Li Hong lost interest in taking another look and said that eating too much of anything was not good. The Crown Princess, even with this little self-control None, it’s just a joke.

Xu Jingzong is getting more energetic as he gets older. Perhaps after he passed the eighty-fourth hurdle, a lock of the old guy's hair magically turned black. Everyone said it was a sign of rejuvenation, and Xu Jingzong thought so even more.

He no longer locked himself half-dead in the deep palace without seeing anyone. He wandered around the East Palace all day long, and even took the initiative to participate in several court meetings. He seemed to be in great spirits.

For this reason, the prince secretly asked Tonaha to help him ask the old god if he was really rejuvenated. The old god replied - he was about to die.

Although he didn't know why the old god gave such an answer, Li Hong still believed it. When it comes to longevity, no one has more say than the old god.

Xu Jingzong ate thirty lychees in one breath, and then he sat on the dung bucket for a day. After a day, he couldn't sit still anymore, so he gave up his dignity and slept there. After three days, Li Hong When I went to look at it again, I found that Xu Jingzong's black hair had turned white, and his whole body was so thin that he had lost his human shape.

"Yunchu mistook my path!"

Hearing what Xu Jingzong said, Li Hong could only sigh.

The old immortal got a hundred lychee trees, but he only ate three or five of them. The rest were cheap to King Ji Li Shen, Naha, and the doctors from Tai Hospital.

Master Xuanzang got a hundred lychee trees. I heard that he ate three of them. The rest were cheap to the monks in Daci'en Temple and the good men and women who paid a lot of money to them. Master Xuanzang didn't eat the one. All the lychees on the tree went into the mouths of Yunjin, Yunluan and Yunguan.

Of the 100 lychee trees that Yun received, Yun's family ate the lychees from two trees, and the remaining five were distributed to the entire family in Chang'an.

Only Xu Jingzong ate thirty pills in one meal and eliminated all signs of his rejuvenation. He really couldn't blame anyone else.

Li Hong is a person who respects his teachers and respects his moral principles. Although Xu Jingzong is half dead now, he still comes to visit him every day and serves him with soups and medicines.

As for the people, everyone knows that lychees are delicious, but they don't know what they taste like. Only those officials and businessmen from Lingnan in central Sichuan have more things to talk about during gatherings.

Yun Chu continued to lead the army through the forest and lofty mountains. In order to speed up the march, Yun Chu even left all the gunpowder carried by the army at Jianmen Pass and handed it over to the guards here when passing by Jianmen Pass. Will Yao Hong.

This was not a private gift, but it was part of the emperor's decree. Gunpowder in the Tang Dynasty was not very stable and often exploded during transportation. Many people were killed or injured every year while transporting gunpowder.

Even so, there were still only two gunpowder workshops in the Tang Dynasty, one in Chang'an and one in Luoyang.

The border generals appealed to the emperor more than once, hoping to build gunpowder workshops throughout the Tang Dynasty. The emperor refused to agree and even issued an edict to reprimand those border generals who wanted to build gunpowder workshops on their own territory. He also made the most violent suggestions A general immediately sent an envoy to kill him.

From then on, no one dared to talk about building gunpowder workshops in other places.

Not only the gunpowder was left to Yao Hong, the guard of Jianmen Pass, but also two thousand pieces of armor from the army were left to Yao Hong, and at the same time, the two thousand pieces of tattered armor that Yao Hong had retreated from were taken away.

Yun Chu had calculated that if he passed Jianmen Pass, he would have nothing to do with Shuzhong; if he entered Jianmen Pass, he would have nothing to do with Guanzhong.

Therefore, Jianmen Pass is a real gate, a gate that can control the entry and exit of Guanzhong and Shuzhong.

If Yun Chu had second thoughts, he would have planned the Jianmen Pass at this time, lest the terrain here become difficult to attack.

After passing Lizhou, the road gradually became smoother. Li Si rode his horse and kept wandering in front of Yun Chu, sometimes even leaning down from the horse to grab wild flowers on the ground.

Of course Yunchu knew what she meant, but he didn't want to pay attention to her at this time. When he returned to Chang'an, it would be difficult for Li Si to get over Yu Xiurong's situation. Yu Xiurong had the final say in matters in the inner house.

The statue of Wu Mei in the Great Buddha Temple in Lizhou is now in tatters and is not being carved anymore. When Lizhou Baiqisi heard that Yunchu's army was coming again, they all sent out to distant Bazhou on errands. I guess I won't be able to come back within two or three months.

Tomorrow he will start crossing the Qinling Mountains, and Yunchu plans to rest at the foot of the Qinling Mountains for five days.

After setting up camp, Yun Chu and Jiang Xie went to see He Jingxiong and Li Yuance. Jiang Xie saw that He Jingxiong seriously told Li Yuance that "the tiger is going to eat him."

And Li Yuance replied with a smile, "That's what I ate."

It actually felt very harmonious, and the two people's faces were full of sincerity. It was hard to tell whether these two people were crazy or not.

Yun Chu sighed and said to Jiang Xie: "Give me some face, you must not go crazy."

Jiang Xiedao: "Commander, do you think these two people are pretending to be crazy?"

Yun Chu looked at the naive He Jingxiong and Li Yuance and said, "What does it matter if it's true or false? They've made it clear that they don't want to talk to me properly. If they're crazy, I can't kill them. Otherwise, I'm afraid they will be killed when they get to Luoyang." I can’t even explain it to His Majesty.”

Jiang Xie chuckled and said: "So, once you violate military regulations, pretending to be crazy is really a good way."

Yun Chu said: "It's a pity that the achievements of these two people who traveled thousands of miles to the southwest are gone. I don't know why they did this."

Seeing Yun Chu's helpless expression, Jiang Xie said to one side: "Commander, there is no need to worry. In this southwest battle, the general did not find anything wrong. We have completed all the military affairs that His Majesty has given us. We have completed all the military affairs that Your Majesty has not given." We have done everything we can to pacify the Southwest.

It's their business if they don't want credit. I don't believe they can say anything in front of His Majesty that the commander-in-chief is not here. "

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Rewards after victory are inevitable. The problem is that attacks from the ministers will follow one after another. Not all generals who return victoriously can escape unscathed."

Jiang Xie said: "There are still some generals here. Your Majesty will definitely not just listen to their one-sided words."

Yun Chu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll ask you to put in a good word for me when the time comes."

Jiang Xie nodded naturally and said, "This is natural."

Yun Chu raised his head and looked at the mist-shrouded Qinling Mountains in front of him and said to himself: "How can it be so natural?"

Li Si walked into Yun Chu's tent again, carefully carrying a red lacquered wooden tray. On the wooden tray was a bowl of soup, which was filled with steam and looked like it had just come out of the pot.

"Aye, this is the chicken soup that the kid just made to replenish Aye's health."

Yun Chu took the chicken soup and drank it, but he didn't say anything to Li Si. He finished the soup in a few mouthfuls, ate the chicken inside, threw the soup bowl into the wooden plate, and continued to do his own business.

With tears in her eyes, Li Si put away the soup bowl and left the tent silently. Today, Aye still didn't want to talk to her.

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