Tang's dining table

Chapter 1168 God cannot see perfection

It’s not just Chang’an that’s hot. From Chang’an eastward to the sea in Hebei Province, there hasn’t been a drop of rain since June. It’s not just the autumn grain harvest near Chang’an that has failed. The autumn grain harvest in Hedong and Hebei has also failed. .

If only the northern region had been hit by the disaster, people would have been able to survive the famine with the abundant summer grain harvest. However, the volume of water in the Yangtze River, which was originally flooded, was less than half of previous years. The Yan prefabricated reactor at the mouth of Qutang Gorge under Baidi City was completely exposed. After getting out of the water, people saw Yan Yudui's true appearance for the first time.

This object is seven feet high, five feet wide, and fourteen feet long.

It is this thing. No less than thirty ships are buried in the Yangtze River every year. The boatmen all say that the Yanyu is as big as a horse and cannot be lowered into Qutang. The giant whale in the East China Sea is no different.

Taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the local government collected more than 20,000 kilograms of gunpowder from the army and blew up this scourge at once. From then on, a cancer on the Yangtze River shipping was completely removed.

It is a good thing to blow up the Yan pre-reactor, but the water volume of the Yangtze River has been reduced by half compared with the previous year, and the water volume of various tributaries in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River has also dropped sharply.

Even the originally vast lake surfaces of Dongting, Poyang, and Taihu Lake have shrunk by 30%. The former vast areas have now turned into large tracts of grassland.

The Huaihe River, which required special precautions in previous years, is also short of water this year because the water level of the Yangtze River has dropped sharply, causing water from Fanliang Lake (Gaoyou Lake) connected to the Yangtze River to flow back into the Yangtze River, and even water from Hongzepuli connected to Fanliang Lake. Also entered the Yangtze River.

At this point, the disaster on Huainan Road is unavoidable.

Yunchu's army had just come out of Ziwu Valley and faced a nationwide drought.

The officials who came to welcome the return of Yunchu's army had forced smiles on their faces and barely finished the welcome ceremony. Liu Rengui pulled Yunchu to the side and whispered: "The army cannot be disbanded. We need to do a good job in suppressing the rebellion." preparation."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "The army must be disbanded without receiving His Majesty's order. Moreover, I think what we need to do now is to devote all our efforts to disaster relief, rather than thinking about how to suppress the incoming refugees.

Besides, I have no interest in suppressing refugees. "

Wen Wen said: "This drought has affected five of the ten realms of the Tang Dynasty. It is an unprecedented drought. Riots among the victims are imminent. If the court cannot make preparations before winter, the emergence of refugees will be inevitable."

Yun Chu said: "The real prosperous age does not depend on how much the army expands the territory, nor does it depend on how many world-class articles the literati write, but on the court's ability to fight disasters.

Let me tell you, if we can work together to overcome this disaster and ensure that no one will die, but few will die, I tell you, this move can at least make the Tang Dynasty continue for more than a hundred years. "

Di Renjie said: "This is the truth, but food cannot be conjured up for nothing."

Yun Chu squinted his eyes and said to the three royal families of Yong Wang Xian, Ji Wang Shen, and Cao Wangming who came to welcome the triumphant army: "Our Tang Dynasty has been in good weather for seven or eight years in recent years, and it has vaguely appeared that things are prosperous and people are prosperous.

Let me tell you, the existing food must be enough for all of us in the Tang Dynasty, but the food is unevenly distributed.

Do the three princes dare to use all the food to help the victims while retaining enough food for the palace? "

When Ji Wangshen and Cao Wangming heard what Yun Chu said, they all turned their attention to Yong Wangxian. It was obvious that as long as Yong Wangxian dared to do it, they dared to follow.

After not seeing Yong Wangxian for two years, this guy has grown into a beautiful boy. Except for the big steel teeth in his mouth, which are a bit dazzling, the four words "rich and romantic" describe this guy.

"Why not? If my father asks, just say that my nephew borrowed it from his two uncles."

Although Li Xian's voice is not loud, it is sonorous and powerful. Just listening to him speak, you know that this person is a very responsible person.

When Yunchu saw Li Xian looking at him, he smiled and saluted, "I will just follow you."

Li Xiandao: "Forget it, the food has been given to me. It's hard to explain to the prince."

Yun Chu laughed and said: "If the prince even cares about this little thing, he is not worthy of being followed by a certain family."

Li Xian smiled and said: "What do you think, Lord, I would like to go to Hebei Road, which is the worst-hit area?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Prince Yong should go to Huainan and Jiangnan."

Li Xian smiled and said, "Why can't you go?"

Yunchu said: "If King Yong goes to Hedong or Hebei Road, what your Majesty has done before will be in vain."

Li Xian laughed and said: "Why is it better to guard against a lonely king than against a tiger?"

Yun Chu smiled and said, "Because King Yong at this time is better than a tiger or a leopard."

Li Xian waved his hand and said: "In this case, for the sake of the world, the lonely king will submit a memorial and personally escort the grain and grass to Huainan and Jiangnan."

After Yun Chu thanked Li Xian, he said to Wen Wen, Di Renjie and Liu Rengui: "Get started. This time the drought on Guanzhong Road will be borne by Chang'an."

Before waiting for Wen Wen and others to reply, Li Xian said quietly: "The Lord thanked you by mistake just now. It should be the lonely king who thanks the wise ministers like the Lord."

Watching Li Xian leave with all the civil and military officials, he whispered softly: "This guy has made a lot of progress. When you were not in Chang'an, this guy compiled three books in one breath, and all of them flattered the emperor." Snap.

The emperor rewarded him with a lot of money.

This guy has money and doesn't have to pay off the money he owes Liushui Brand, but he spends a lot of money to build a huge library and collects books from all over the world. Now, I heard that there are nearly 150,000 volumes and 18,000 books in it. Just like this, the major printing houses in Chang'an are still printing books for King Yong's library day and night. I heard that this guy's current dream is to include all the books in the world, and his tone is as crazy as Taizong.

That's all. He also used half of his Prince Yong's Mansion to open a reading room.

Nowadays, scholars can enter and exit Prince Yong's Mansion just like entering and exiting their own residence. Anyone who is willing to study can now go.

I didn't like this guy, so I sent someone to pretend to be a beggar and said he wanted to go in to study. I thought he would be beaten out with sticks. Unexpectedly, the disciple gave the beggar a little test and found that he was really literate, so he actually let the beggar in. Yes, I just ask the beggar to wash his hands and face before reading, and not to deface the books.

Everyone is like this. If I do something bad again, it will really be against the will of God, so I have to give up. This guy seems to know that I am causing trouble, and he personally came to my house and took away sixteen lonely books from my house.

It made me so embarrassed. "

This was the first time Yun Chu heard from Wen Wen about his lack of food. He couldn't help but shake his head and said: "It can't be fake if it's true, and it can't be true if it's false. Yong Wangxian is now deeply aware of the three flavors.

I still have a lot of books at home that are not available outside. Please go back to my house and send them to King Yong. "

Wen Wen said in surprise: "Including those books you compiled? Those are the secrets of your Yun Sect."

Yun Chu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Once it's written, it's for people to read. Brother, open your mind. As long as it's a good thing, just support it. The success doesn't have to be mine."

Wen Wen sniffed and said, "You are becoming more and more like a disgusting saint now. Killing 300,000 lives in the southwest in one breath is inconsistent with the status of this saint. It seems that Zhuang Zhou is right. If a saint does not die, there will be no more thieves. This sentence still makes sense.”

Yun Chu said doubtfully: "This sentence shouldn't be understood this way."

Gentle said: "I am willing to understand this way. Is there anything wrong with it?"

Yun Chu didn't have time to talk nonsense with Wen Wen. After all the troops gathered with the captain to set up camp in Chang'an and collect the harvest, he was about to take people to Luoyang. He wanted to turn around to talk to Di Renjie, but he couldn't find anyone.

"Stop looking for him and go kill Di Guangsi."

Yun Chu sighed and said, "Please be patient. The child is older and has his own ideas."

Wen Wenwen snorted coldly: "I'm going to kill Wen Huan too."

Yun Chu said in surprise: "A Huan is a very stable child. He has not made any intolerable mistakes. Besides, I have already taught him a lesson."

Wen Wen said angrily: "You didn't read the letter he wrote to me. If you had read it, you would kill him."

Yun Chu shook his head. He had no time to care about the entanglement between the two father and son. If Li Si was not the child he raised, he would also want to kill Yun Jin.

Captain Zhechong of the Thirty-Six Prefectures in Guanzhong and the more than 50,000 soldiers under his command were looking at him eagerly, and they had to be settled first no matter what.

When the army returned from the expedition, Yun Chu did not see the people coming to greet the victorious King. He only saw large groups of nearby soldiers and their family members carrying various utensils, waiting for him, the commander, to make this announcement. The bonus of playing in the battle.

Yun Chu had nothing to say about this. Firstly, the people of Chang'an had long been accustomed to seeing Master Wang returning victoriously. Secondly, the weather was too hot. It was not worth the heat stroke to welcome the returning army.

Chang'an has long been a city that has been fed by victory. It is purely natural to treat the army returning from the expedition in this way. After all, in the eyes of the people of Chang'an, this army was led out to make a fortune by the county magistrate.

Now that I have come back rich, I won't give them a share. If they see it and they get angry, it's better not to see it.

As soon as the army approached Chang'an, large groups of merchants gathered around them. Many people ran back and forth holding tall flags. Yun Chu took a look and found that they were all advertising slogans.

"If you want to build a house, look for Lu's. Lu's construction can build a house for a hundred years."

"Yaozhou is a good scalper. If you buy it, you will make a profit."

"It is better to buy a wife than to marry one. Authentic Silla maid, with good color..."

"Standard goldware is passed down from generation to generation, bringing wealth and wealth from generation to generation..."

Yun Chu was stunned when he saw it, and the army commander Ma Jiang Xie beside him was also stunned. After a long time, he said to Yun Chu: "It seems that the soldiers can't take their money home."

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