Tang's dining table

Chapter 1179 Reason in Chaos

The evening breeze brings a coolness.

I don’t know why, but neither Li Zhi nor Yun Chu seemed to have any intention to speak.

The giant bear came over and leaned behind Li Zhi to shield him from the wind, while Ruichun took the initiative to serve the wine.

Yun Chu and Li Zhi drank bowls of slightly sweet rice wine, and the atmosphere became even better than before.

One jar of wine was quickly consumed, and Ruichun opened another jar.

Li Zhi leaned on the giant bear, looked at the lantern swaying slightly in the evening breeze and sighed: "It's so boring."

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "It's interesting."

Li Zhi looked at Yun Chu and said, "Is the current Chang'an the Chang'an you want?"

Yun Chu said disdainfully: "It's far worse."

Hearing what Yunchu said, the lazy Li Zhi seemed to be interested and asked: "Do you really want to wrap Chang'an with gold foil?"

Yun Chu walked with his hands behind his back and said: "In our Tang Dynasty, the world is at peace, and the seas and rivers are clear. I have the right time, place, people and people in my hands. If I don't take this opportunity to make Chang'an what I want, how long will it take?" Woolen cloth?"

Li Zhi sighed and said: "A severe drought is just around the corner. How long do you think the Haiyan River in the Tang Dynasty can remain clear?"

Yun Chu said without hesitation: "Victory over natural disasters."

Li Zhi disliked the dazzling lantern in front of him, so Ruichun immediately took it away. The surrounding environment suddenly darkened. Yunchu couldn't see Li Zhi's face clearly, but heard some vicissitudes in his voice.

"Why do you say that?"

"A great era will inevitably lead to great achievements. The reason why a wise king is called a wise king must be that he can accomplish things that others cannot. Your Majesty has razed the world since Yuji, leaving the Tang Dynasty without any foreign enemies.

This in itself is a miracle created by His Majesty.

He is no different from the wise king in legend.

With this alone, His Majesty's achievements far surpass those of the Qin and Han dynasties. If you go further, Your Majesty will be comparable to the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. "

Li Zhi waved his hand and said, "No blasphemy."

Yun Chu said: "Three of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors achieved sainthood by fighting against disasters and famines."

Li Zhi said: "Fight against famine?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Since ancient times, only those who have fought against the sky and won can become saints. From Pangu's creation of the sky to Nuwa's mending of the sky, Hou Yi's shooting of the sun, Xing Tian's anger, Jingwei's filling of the sea, even the old man Yu Gong Old people all have the ambition to move mountains.

Your Majesty, in my opinion, it is your bounden duty to take good care of your people and maintain the country you conquered. "

Li Zhi said with some confusion: "My bounden duty?"

Yun Chu said: "Yes, this is your Majesty's bounden duty."

Li Zhi said: "How to say?"

Yun Chu looked up at the dark night sky for a while and opened his mouth and said: "In ancient times, people suffered many disasters. Only when a saint came out did he teach the people a way of life that supports each other and became their king or teacher.

Drive away those snakes, insects, and beasts, and settle people in the Central Plains. Teach them how to make clothes when it's cold, and teach them how to grow crops when they're hungry. Living in trees is easy to fall off, and living in caves is easy to get sick, so they were taught to build houses.

He also taught them to be craftsmen and provide the people with daily necessities. He also taught them to run commerce and adjust the availability of goods.

Medicine was invented to save those who died short-lived, and a system of burial and sacrifice was established to enhance the love between people.

Establish etiquette to distinguish the order of superiority and inferiority.

Making music to vent the frustrations in people’s hearts.

Make decrees to supervise those who are lazy and lazy.

Establish punishments to eradicate those violent people.

Because some people cheated, they made talismans, seals, douhu, and scales as proof of trust.

Because there was competition and robbery, cities, armor, and weapons were set up to defend the country.

In short, when disaster comes, try to prepare for it; when disaster is about to happen, take precautions as soon as possible.

Therefore, I believe that the emperor is not so much the first person in the world, but rather the first person who serves the people of the world. "

Li Zhi thought about it for a long time while holding the wine bowl, and then said quietly: "So, I am the servant of the people of the world?"

Yun Chu clapped his hands and said: "Your Majesty summarized it very insightfully. I am willing to call you a public servant."

Li Zhi poured the wine into his mouth, wiped the wine stains on his beard with his sleeve boldly and said: "What you said just now is obviously not what you thought of, nor does it seem to be something written by Xuanzang or Sun Simiao, let alone It's like you recited it.

Tell me, where did you get this weird theory? "

Yun Chu patted his head and said, "I don't even know why I said those words just now."

Li Zhi said: "Are you the son of Master Xuanzang?"

Yunchu understood why Li Zhi asked this. It was obvious that when he recited Han Yu's "Yuan Dao" just now, Li Zhi had some strange thoughts.

"No!" Yun Chu said firmly.

"Why not?" Li Zhi asked further.

Yun Chu said helplessly: "Your Majesty, even Master Xuanzang said no."

Li Zhi said with a confused expression: "If he says it's not, then it's not?"

Yun Chu said angrily: "Your Majesty, the person you are using is me. It has nothing to do with whether I am the son of Master Xuanzang, right?"

Li Zhi said disdainfully: "If you were not closely related to Master Xuanzang, do you think you could get within ten feet of me in Jinchangfang? If you were not suspected to be Master Xuanzang's son, do you think the Queen Will you leave the young prince in your hands?

If it weren't for Master Xuanzang, do you think Sun Shenxian would give Anding to you to raise?

What are you thinking about?

The talented people in the world are like crucian carp crossing the river. There are too many to count. You can count them on your fingers. Which talented person has an opportunity like yours? "

Yun Chu's face kept beating, and finally he sighed and said, "So, do you want me to be Master Xuanzang's son, or do you not want me to be Master Xuanzang's son?"

Li Zhi thought for a moment and said, "There is a 90% chance that you are the son of Master Xuanzang."

Yun Chu said: "This kind of thing, if it is, it is, if it is not, it is not. How can we come up with such a possible judgment?"

Li Zhi stood up and said: "Master Xuanzang gave you a very strange answer about your birth, and your adoptive mother in the Western Regions also gave you a jaw-dropping answer about your birth.

I used to think that this was Master Xuanzang's excuse for colluding with your adoptive mother.

As a result, the officials who went to the Buddhist country in the Western Region came back and said that your adoptive mother was a stupid shepherdess. With her brains and knowledge, she would never be able to make up such a story unless she saw it with her own eyes.

Even if Master Xuanzang told her, it should have been exposed long ago due to the insinuations of specialized officials. However, the officials came back and said that what your adoptive mother said was what she saw.

Just because of this, I give you a 90% answer. "

Yun Chu said dumbfounded: "There was a stone doll as big as a mountain on the Gobi. My adoptive mother saw the child sleeping alone in the desert, so she wanted to hug the child. As a result, the child was too big, too heavy, and too hard, so she couldn't hold it. Do not move.

Just when she was feeling regretful and sad, the mountain-sized stone disappeared with a whoosh, and then, a small, soft baby appeared on the ground.

My adoptive mother took me away in a fur coat, and then proudly told all the women in the Aries department that I was born to her...

Your Majesty, please listen...is this appropriate? "

Li Zhi's face also twitched twice, and then he said: "All the news and clues point to the truth of what your adoptive mother said. The only possibility that it is not true is that Master Xuanzang, who was also there at the time, used countless weapons. This is a wonderful way to make your adoptive mother feel that it is real."

This is how big people talk.

They are never willing to expand on a problem in an organized manner. Instead, they talk to you in random directions and it seems like nonsense. Only when you go back and review the conversation will you find that their so-called nonsense is actually a plan to start from multiple sources. direction, verify it from multiple angles, and evaluate the multi-faceted nature of what he wants to know.

It was like this when talking to big leaders in my previous life, and it's still like this when talking to Li Zhi now.

In your previous life, if you didn't want to say something, the big boss would insist on saying something. In this life, if you are embarrassed, Li Zhi must study clearly why you are embarrassed.

Li Yuance's words "chief slave" in the Jinluan Palace opened the door to the tragedy.

Therefore, Li Zhi wanted to know why these two words stepped on Yunchu's tail...

From the beginning to the end, the conversation between Yunchu and Li Zhi actually revolved around the expedition to the southwest. From the beginning, when Li Zhi asked Yunchu if he was doing well recently, to when Yunchu joked about getting tens of thousands of southwest women back, to when they talked about He Jingxiong, until the two of them began to study whether Yunchu was Xuanzang's son, they had basically finished the issue of the Southwest War.

This was a high-level conversation.

In the Battle of Southwest, Li Zhi didn't ask about such small things as how many people Yun Chu killed, how many people he helped, and whether the purpose of the war was achieved.

Because this is the responsibility of Yun Chu, the general manager of Jiannan Road March, his focus is on Yun Chu.

As long as he thinks there is nothing wrong with Yun Chu, then everything Yun Chu does in the southwest is OK. If he thinks there is something wrong with Yun Chu, then the battle in the southwest needs to be reconsidered.

We’ve all talked about the Jinluan Palace Massacre, which is basically about to end.

It seemed that Li Zhi was generally satisfied and did not ask more pointed questions or raise more questions.

"How about I ask His Majesty to issue a decree?" Yun Chu said cautiously.

Li Zhi looked at Yun Chu and said, "Let your son come and beg me in person!"

Yun Chu smiled bitterly and said, "I have already punished you."

Li Zhi smiled ferociously and said: "Family law or national law, which one is greater and which one is lesser?"

Yun Chu was stunned for a moment and said: "Children's misbehavior cannot rise to the level of national law, right?"

Li Zhi said angrily: "The son born to my legitimate daughter will be the king, what do you think?"

Yun Chu waved his hand and said, "I've never heard of it. There is no precedent for the son of a consort to be crowned king in the past."

Li Zhi said with a dark face: "It will happen in the future."

Yun Chu thought for a moment and said immediately: "Does Your Majesty want to depose the titles of non-legitimate children?"

Li Zhi nodded and said: "For the purpose of the Tang Dynasty, only direct descendants cannot be granted real titles. If Li Sir gives birth before marriage and messes up my plan, I will never let your family go."

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