Tang's dining table

Chapter 1198 Survival of the fittest applies to any species

Li Zhi seems to know everything.

Yun Chu was very sure that Li Zhi was actually talking about him when he said that Mozi's world was an underworld and Mozi himself was the underworld boss.

Li Zhi believed that Yun's family studies were in the same line as Mohist's theory, so his political goals were also in line with Mohism. In addition, Yunchu always looked down on scholar-bureaucrats, and instead cared more about the interests of the common people. Li Zhi believed that without any actual evidence Naturally, we came to a strange conclusion, that is, Yunchu was forming his own underworld and preparing to become the underworld boss.

In Yun Chu's opinion, Li Zhi's conjecture was more than 90% correct. Except for the two terms "underworld" and "underworld boss" that Yun Chu refused to accept, the rest were basically correct.

Under the sky of the feudal dynasty, Yun Chu did not consider the interests of the rulers or the interests of the scholar-bureaucrats. The society that was born was of course a gangster society.

Under Li Zhi's one-eyed gaze, Yun Chu sweated heavily on his back, but his face remained calm.

Li Zhi continued: "Now that there is a severe drought in the world, no one else is too anxious. You are the only one who worries about the drought as a first-class matter in the world, and you even do not hesitate to throw out weird things like the Ice Age to warn the world.

You should know that prosperity for all the people is not conducive to maintaining the stability of the country.

The world needs a certain number of poor people to do things that the rich are unwilling to do. If they all become rich, the appeal of the country will weaken, farmers will not be satisfied with the land, and soldiers will not be willing to fight to the death. This But it's a big problem.

The occurrence of such a thing is more terrifying than a mere drought.

Nowadays, the Tang Dynasty has no foreign invasion, so we must focus on the country. The class gap between scholars, peasants, industry, and merchants cannot be easily smoothed out. We, the politicians, must always have a line of fear over the heads of the people. An out-of-reach staircase.

Every year, a group of people must climb this ladder and become a role model for the world.

The emergence of natural disasters is actually a selection process for the country, screening out some vulnerable people and some stupid people, making them the lowest among the four people.

Let those who climb up have something to show off and something to despise. In this way, struggle, hard work, and hard work have real meaning.

I don't know if you have noticed, but the real wealthy families in Chang'an City used to be located where civilians lived. Only the newly hired officials and aristocratic families were willing to place their lintels close to the imperial city.

Over the years, you have been continuously renovating old and dilapidated markets in Chang'an, improving the living conditions of ordinary people in Chang'an. Those wealthy families are actually unwilling to do so, because the wealthy families in the past were not so conspicuous. .

Furthermore, universal prosperity actually means no prosperity.

Only a strong wolf king leading a group of bad wolves can have real fighting power. If a strong wolf king leads a group of wolves that are as fat as pigs, they will not be able to catch the sheep, let alone fighting.

The common prosperity that you Yunchu has always supported is not feasible. From now on, don’t talk about it again. "

After listening to Li Zhi's words, Yun Chu's scalp started to feel numb... After a long time, he said: "Isn't it possible to benefit the world?"

Li Zhi said with a smile: "No one can benefit the world. What even I can't do, do you think you can do it? As long as benefiting the world needs people to implement it, benefiting the world will become benefiting some people, and it will definitely benefit some people." There is no possibility of benefiting everyone in the world.

Yun Chu, all the good things in this world are fought for, such as kingdoms, beauties, money... and so on. Good things that can be evenly distributed to everyone are definitely not real good things. thing.

I can be considered the most benevolent king since ancient times, because I redistributed the land while I was firmly in control, giving everyone in the world a basically fair starting point.

God helps those who help themselves!

This drought is God’s backlash against my practice of redistributing the land equally four years ago.

The Tang Dynasty has been in peace for a long time. Although the national policy may not be truly fair, it must be basically fair. If there are still people who cannot prepare to fight against natural disasters at such a good time, they deserve to be swallowed up by natural disasters.

Therefore, this is the reason why civil and military officials do not pay much attention to fighting drought.

Until now, this drought has not posed a real threat to the Tang Dynasty, so don't worry about it. After the real disaster strikes, the people need to save themselves. After the people's power is exhausted, it is time for the government to intervene. , Moreover, the government’s rescue targets are definitely only targeted at some people, not all!

Only those who are worthy of being saved will be saved. Those who are not worthy of saving have no meaning of existence for Datang, and they will die if they die.

Datang is actually a large wolf pack, and it also needs to eliminate the weak and retain the strong.

If those useless people are allowed to multiply wantonly, the Tang Dynasty in the future cannot be called a wolf pack, but should be called a pig herd.

Yunchu, you are also a real sheep herder. I am here to ask you, when you were shepherding sheep in the Western Regions, when you slaughtered them in winter, did you kill the sick and weak sheep first, or the fat ones first? A strong sheep? "

Yun Chu looked at the one-eyed Li Zhi and sighed: "We must kill the sick and weak sheep first and keep the fat and strong sheep. The sick and weak sheep cannot survive the long and cold winter in the Western Regions."

Li Zhi spread his hands and said: "One reason, all reasons, hundreds of officials are actually helping our herdsmen. Do you think they are any different from you when you are a sheepherder in the Western Regions? What are the differences in their methods?"

Yunchu sighed and said: "I always think that people should be different."

Li Zhi stood up, looked at the sunset outside Ziwei Palace and said: "Although your idea is wrong, it makes me feel comfortable. Officials all over the world are acting as butchers. Suddenly someone shouting stop appears. This person's existence is almost It's so precious.

I have made my words very clear today. Since you don’t want to change, then just continue to maintain your original intention. It’s quite rare that you still have such an idea after you have reached the point where you are an official. "

Yun Chu pondered for a moment and said, "Wei Chen wants to return to Chang'an."

Li Zhi nodded and said: "Then go back. I also want to see how far you can lead Chang'an in my lifetime."

Yun Chu said goodbye and left, and Li Zhi took the giant bear to see him off Ziwei Palace in person.

When he arrived in front of the palace gate, Yun Chu suddenly turned around and saluted Li Zhi and said, "If your majesty needs anything, Yun Chu will definitely stay in front of your majesty."

Li Zhi waved his hand with a smile and said, "Go ahead, I understand."

Yunchu left the imperial city alone. The bay-red horse was waiting for him at the gate of the imperial city. Yunchu saddled the horse. When he sat on it, the bay-red horse's back sank a little. Soon, the bay-red horse straightened its back again. Carrying Yunchu on his back, he headed towards the Yun family next to the White Horse Temple.

Back home, Yin Erhu wiped the pale pink sweat from the bay horse with his hands and said to Yun Chu: "Junhou, it's time to change the horse. The bay horse is already old."

Yun Chu nodded and said, "I got this horse when I was thirteen, and it has been twenty-one years..."

He personally sent the bay red horse into the stable, and Yun Chu washed the horse himself before returning to the back house with a gloomy face.

Yu Xiurong brought in a pot of tea, leaned next to Yun Chu and said, "Isn't it pleasant for your husband to come to the palace today?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Everything is wrong, everyone is wrong. Ah Rong, I want to go back to Chang'an."

Yu Xiurong sighed and said: "When Chang'an is different from the rest of the Tang Dynasty, other places will alienate Chang'an. This is certain. It is natural that my husband will not go well in Luoyang."

Yunchu sighed and said: "Your Majesty really wants to imprison me in the lonely city of Chang'an."

Yu Xiurong chuckled and said, "There's nothing wrong with it."

Yun Chu took a sip of tea and nodded: "There's really nothing wrong..."

After Yu Xiurong left, Yun Chu recited today's conversation with the emperor. After looking at the words he had compiled for a long time, he could not find any loopholes in these words.

This is an article that is very consistent with the natural law of survival of the fittest. It is very reasonable and scientific.

It just doesn't feel human.

When the whole family was having dinner, Yun Chu didn't like anyone, especially Li Si. She actually asked the woman to open her face. The fine down on her face disappeared, and her whole face turned into a peeled goose egg.

Seeing that Aye looked at him unkindly, Li Si almost buried his face in his rice bowl and kept kicking Yun Jin, hoping that he could speak for him.

So, Yun Jin put down her job, looked at Li Si and smiled and said, "Sisi is very beautiful today."

Yu Xiurong rolled her eyes at Yun Jin.

Yun Jin deliberately turned her face sideways, revealing the light yellow fluff near her temples.

Yun Luan looked at her sisters and brothers in confusion. She felt that this matter had nothing to do with her, so she continued to eat.

Yun Jin spoke for Li Si, and the relationship between Yun Chu and Li Si immediately became that of father-in-law and daughter-in-law, and it was difficult to say anything wrong with Li Si.

When Yunchu punished Li Si, he usually did it in the name of his master, and occasionally in the name of his adoptive father. It was reasonable for both of them to punish Li Si, but the identity of father-in-law was very embarrassing.

"Haier has asked His Majesty to resign from his position as secretary. Your Majesty has agreed and allowed the boy to return to Chang'an to marry Sisi."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "The Ministry of Rites is in charge of Zongzheng Temple. The person who will serve as the head of the groom's family should be Ji Wangshen, and the person who will marry Sisi should be Yong Wangxian."

Li Sijiao quickly came to Yun Chu and saluted, "Thank you Aye for helping me gain face."

Yunchu snorted and continued eating.

Li Si was originally a piece of meat. Although Aye didn't like her now, Li Si felt that it was not a big deal. Once he married and gave birth to a grandson for Aye, the child that Aye loved most would still be him!

Seeing that Li Si was not being treated by Aye, Yun Jin quickly said, "My child has to go to Louguantai to participate in scripture debate. I wonder if Aye has anything to give me?"

Yun Chu pondered for a moment and said, "Searching for the skin of a tiger or picking chestnuts from the fire require your true ability."

Yun Jin smiled and said: "My child knows about inviting Buddhism and Taoism to live in Chang'an. However, before that, should Aye pay back all the money he owes to Buddhism? Otherwise, my child will not be able to speak forcefully."

Yun Chu glanced at Yun Jin and said, "If all the money is paid back, do I still need to ask you to go to Louguantai in advance?"

Yun Jin's brows furrowed into knots, and she said to Yun Chu in embarrassment: "Aye, the Taoist sect is not worth three million swords..."

Yun Chu said impatiently: "Find a way by yourself, your master is worth millions of gold alone."

Hearing the treacherous words coming from the head of the family, even people like the old god had marked the price. Except for Yun Chu, all the people who could eat at the Yun family lowered their heads to eat. It seemed that tonight's meal was particularly delicious. generally.

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