Tang's dining table

Chapter 1200 The trouble caused by the round head

In the past, Yun Chu always felt that he was a man who grew up under the red flag. The education he received since childhood was resistance. Only those who dare to resist all injustices and seek welfare for the public are heroes.

When facing the feudal dynasty, it is inevitable to rebel at the back of the head and look down upon the wolf. In the end, you will either be beheaded by the emperor and kill the nine clans, or you will not follow the imperial court, praise and worship without fame, go to the palace with swords and shoes, sleep in the harem at night, and become useless. Setting up an emperor is like changing a breed of pig...

I thought that the only person with such an idea was myself, a rebellious person by nature. Unexpectedly, the words of Pei Xingjian and Xue Rengui also revealed that they also wanted to enter the court without following, praise and worship without fame, and go to the palace with swords and shoes. I want to be the father of Prince Li Hongya... the meaning of Taifu.

"So, we must get closer to the prince as soon as possible so that we can deal with the twists and turns in the future."

During Pei Xing's inspection, Xue Rengui did not hide his thoughts at all, and told Yunchu all his thoughts straightforwardly.

"Pei's daughter is the Crown Princess. It is fair for you Pei to board the Crown Prince's ship. However, Lao Xue, you are His Majesty's first wife. Isn't it too inappropriate to alienate His Majesty and get close to the Crown Prince at this time?"

Yun Chu's words were unpleasant, but Pei Xingjian and Xue Rengui didn't mean to be angry. The purpose of the two of them meeting Yun Chu today was to tell the truth, and the truth never sounded good.

Over the years, although the three of them have never dealt with each other, they all believe in each other's character, and naturally there is less concealment and roundaboutness in their conversations.

"I'm losing ground."

Xue Rengui's answer was concise and to the point.

Pei Xingjian said: "Old Xue was promoted by Your Majesty, and you have more trust in him than others. Your Majesty is ignoring Old Xue now. He obviously came back from a great victory, but he was tricked by some ghosts." Seniors always make things difficult for me, and I will inevitably feel unfair."

Hearing what Pei Xingjian said, Yunchu felt that this guy had bad intentions.

Originally, the position of Prince Li Hong was as stable as Mount Tai. Li Zhi had nothing to say about his son. When he was in poor health, he left part of the government affairs to Li Hong, not only to Li Zhi. Hong turns a blind eye to secretly strengthening his own strength.

At this time, if it is really for Li Hong's good, then the status quo should be maintained instead of reaching out to the emperor's old team. This will not do any good to Prince Li Hong.

"what are you worried about?"

Yun Chu frowned and asked Pei for inspection.

"Pei's daughter is the crown princess, and the son she gave birth to is also the heir apparent. At this time, Old Pei Qian wants to bring Old Xue in. Does he want the Crown Prince to create a situation where flowers are blooming and brocade is blooming, and fire is cooking oil?"

Pei Xingjian said: "I can't see Lao Xue being angry."

Yun Chu looked at Xue Rengui again and said, "Can't you bear it?"

Xue Rengui said: "My heart is empty."

Yun Chu said: "That's right. Maybe His Majesty is testing you. Speaking of which, I'm very surprised. You two are both heroes in the world. Can't you understand this?"

Pei Xingjian picked up the wine jar and took a bold sip and said to Xue Rengui: "You see, they don't care about the two of us at all."

Xue Rengui watched Yun Chu take a sip of wine and said, "As long as he is consistent with His Majesty, that's all."

Yunchu took a sip and said, "What's the reason?"

Xue Rengui looked at Yun Chu's face that looked at him carefully and said, "Some people say that you look down upon the wolf."

Pei Xingjian came behind Yunchu again, stroked the back of his head and said, "Some people say you are born rebellious."

Yun Chu turned around and looked at Pei Xingjian's flat head, which he deliberately took a nap to facilitate his wearing an official hat, and said, "Is it because my head is rounder?"

Xue Rengui took off his hat and revealed his flat head and said: "My head is also relatively flat, so you can't use your birth background to explain the problem of having a bone in the back of your head."

Yun Chu said: "My adoptive mother raised me for the purpose of becoming a hero on the grassland, sleeping with countless women, giving birth to countless children, building a large tribe, and finally becoming a famous king on the grassland.

You didn't want me to wear an official hat in the future, so you didn't sleep with my head like a retarded flat head like yours. Why, is there a problem with this? "

Pei Xingjian laughed and said, "The two of us are here to test you. Who do you think sent our brothers here?"

Yun Chu smiled and raised the wine jar, took a sip of wine and said, "Of course..."

Halfway through the words, the wine jar in Yunchu's hand exploded and shattered on Pei Xingjian's flat head. Although he was suddenly attacked, Pei Xingjian's fat body retreated quickly driven by his warrior instinct. Yun Chu lost it. He opened the circle of the jar in his hand, lifted the heavy flower stool with his feet and threw it towards Pei Xingqian.

"How dare you fool me, you bitch!"

Pei Xingjian pushed the stool away with a slap and then backed away.

"You look like this, why don't I test you? Even if I don't say a word, it's a matter of national importance to directly accuse you."

Xue Rengui knew that Pei Xingjian could not defeat Yun Chu now, so he stood between the two and said to Yun Chu: "True gold is not afraid of fire. After this incident, no one will make trouble with your round head."

Pei Xingjian continued: "The three of us are too involved. It seems that the three of us dislike each other, but others think that the three of us are in the same group.

You don't even mention marrying a wife, but you still keep your integrity and don't quarrel with other women. This shows that you are not lewd.

You can turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain to get as much money as the sky, but you can also scatter it completely in an instant. This shows that you are not a money-loving person.

You are obviously a talented poet. Half of the most famous lines in the Tang Dynasty are written by you, but you just don’t cherish them. You are known as a butcher because you killed people on the battlefield and your bodies are everywhere. When others want to compliment you, they can’t even say a few words. Open your mouth, it means you don't have a good reputation.

You are proficient in wine, sex, wealth, and wealth, but you don’t miss any one. After all, a person must have a pursuit. If you are not lustful, don’t seek wealth, and don’t want fame, then there is only one thing left, and that is to have great ambitions. want to seize power.

If we don't figure out your thoughts as soon as possible, if you jump up and rebel, our brothers will be harmed.

How can I accomplish such a big thing if I don't understand? "

Hearing this, Yun Chu loosened his clenched fists and said to Xue Rengui, "Do you think of me the same way?"

Xue Rengui said with piercing eyes: "From the day I met you, I thought you were a treacherous minister, but after so many years, you are more like a loyal minister than me.

Don't say that you are only doing this for the world. I was born as a farmer. What I hate most are those who are dedicated to the world. They say they are for the world, but in fact, as long as they start to serve the world, the taxes and corvees on the farmers will be reduced. will increase.

Just like the sergeants hate fighting with a general who is dedicated to the country, damn, as long as the general is dedicated to the country, the sergeants will suffer heavy casualties. So, today, the three of us brothers will tell the truth, even if you say If you want to rebel, I will never sue you.

It's amazing that in the future, you and I will fight to the death on the battlefield. "

Yunchu thought for a while and finally sat down quietly. A large group of people came in and quickly tidied up the messy room.

Yun Chu took a sip of wine and said to Pei Xing: "When I said goodbye to His Majesty the day before yesterday, Your Majesty told me that benefiting the world is just a way of saying it, and there is no way to make it happen."

Pei Xingjian shook his left hand, which was sore from being hit by a stool, and said, "It's impossible to implement it. If everyone in the Tang Dynasty is rich, how can they appear as wealthy as us?

Unless the people's wealth is vastly different from ours, the people will have a relatively easy life. "

Yun Chu nodded and said, "I understand. I heard that the firewood that your Pei burned was all carved with flowers?"

Pei Xingjian said: "The Pei family has too many talents. Some people who want to attract the attention of a certain family spend all day carving flowers on firewood, and are eventually promoted by a certain family."

Yun Chu looked at Xue Rengui again and said, "I heard that the eggs you eat have paintings on them?"

Xue Rengui said: "You also know that my wife was born in a poor family. When she entertains guests, she is often despised by a group of educated women like your wife. They all say that when entering Xue's banquet, you need to apply more powder, otherwise you will be contaminated." The whole body smells earthy.

My wife was driven into a hurry, and she usually likes to eat chicken, so she came up with a good idea to paint on eggs and use them to entertain guests. What, is there a problem? "

Yun Chu sighed and said: "This is why you can't do anything to benefit the world. Even a dirt hammer like your wife knows how to paint on eggs. In the future, your family will never develop to use silk to wipe their buttocks. , to the point of using a maid as a spittoon.

In order to show your differences, you really go to any lengths. "

Pei Xingjian said: "Your family's luxury is different, but it makes people hate you even more."

Yun Chu spread his hands and said: "Yun's house is famously small in Chang'an, Yun's food is famously simple in Chang'an, and Yun's servants are famous in Chang'an for being kind and have nothing to do with luxury. "

Xue Rengui nodded and said: "A certain family would really like to see your winter jasmine tree worth a thousand gold, and also want to see your wall worth a thousand gold, and see the pharmacy that the old god installed for your family. Yun Shizi’s original copy of the scriptures, wear the jade ornaments made by the carving craftsmen of the Tang Dynasty royal family, experience your home’s bed that makes people feel like they are in the clouds, and also want to taste your home’s ordinary ones that seem simple but are complicated to make. Food, if you are willing, our two families can exchange mansions. You will live in my big mansion, and I will live in your humble house."

Pei Xingjian sighed and said: "I would like to see your Yun family's family education, the sex room that your Yun family has prepared for the female family members, and the house where you can use the toilet in the bedroom but have no intention of being dirty... Yunchu, when it comes to extravagance, you, the Yun family, are number one in the world, and we are just trying to make people laugh."

Yun Chu smiled when he heard this, and said to Pei Xingjian and Xue Rengui: "In that case, the two of you just accused me of not being lustful, not loving money, and not knowing how to enjoy myself. Isn't it too much?

What you just said is enough to prove that I, the Yun family, are the ones who really want to live a good life. The reason why you think I am weak-minded and bent on seeking power is entirely because your vision and experience are so bad. , unable to see through the Yun family's wealthy life, they were just talking in their sleep.

To be honest, in the eyes of a certain family, you two are nothing more than two cowardly people. To say that you are a bird that knows the ambition of a swan is just a compliment.

You know, my heart is in Chang'an, and I want to build Chang'an into a paradise on earth.

I want to make the grassland people's longing for Chang'an become a reality. "

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