Tang's dining table

Chapter 191: Getting the Most Painful Blow When You Are Most Proud

Chapter 1266: The most painful blow when you are most proud

Li Hong has been in Chang'an for sixteen days. Finally, on the seventeenth day, he came to the Yun family again.

Perhaps someone notified that today, there were no scholars shouting at the door of the Yun family, and it seemed very quiet.

Li Hong frowned and said, "Master, this won't work. No one will be fooled by such a simple trick."

Yun Chu took a sip of tea and said, "After a long time, there will always be people who take the bait."

Li Hong said, "How about I reward a few guys who come to the door to curse?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I can be shameless, but you must have face. Remember, you must never lose your face before you are buried."

Li Hong smiled and said, "Disciple knows that I must be upright."

Yun Chu said, "Emperor Taizong was a hero in his lifetime. Although there are many criticisms, he is a rare emperor who dares to act and take responsibility. If you want your Li family to move up a level, you can only be bright. Just the four words "open and aboveboard".

For you, all the conspiracies and tricks are just small tricks that are not worthy of being on the stage. If you stick to these four words, the Tang Dynasty can continue for another hundred years. "

Li Hong frowned and said, "Master, you are so good at plotting here, but you want your disciples to be aboveboard. How unfair it is."

Yun Chu ignored Li Hong's complaints and frowned, "What do you think of the second workshop these days?"

Li Hong shook his head and said, "The disciple has been guarding the big teapot for a day. Except for seeing that the steam can blow several leaves to rotate, there is no other discovery."

Yun Chu sighed and took Li Hong back to the study.

After lifting a large cloth, an exquisite small teapot appeared in front of Li Hong. Moreover, there are many mechanisms connected on this teapot, and there are even six wheels underneath. Under the wheels is a track made of flat iron, and some wooden strips are laid at the bottom, which looks weird.

Yun Chu filled the teapot with water and poured some red-hot charcoal into the fire under the teapot. After a while, the teapot began to emit steam, and the long connecting rod began to reciprocate. Then, the wheel connected to the connecting rod began to rotate.

Finally, the entire teapot was carried by the rotating wheels on a not-so-small map model along the track across mountains and ridges...

Li Hong's eyes moved with the teapot, but Yun Chu pulled him to another piece of cloth. After lifting the cloth, there was still a teapot here, but the hook-up device on this teapot was connected to a waterwheel. As Yun Chu filled the teapot with water and lit the stove, when the steam came out, the huge waterwheel began to rotate continuously, eventually lifting the water at the lower part to the highest point of the waterwheel radius, and finally lifting the water at the lower part to the higher part.

Without waiting for Li Hong to figure out the principle of the self-rotating waterwheel, Yun Chu lifted another piece of cloth. It was also a teapot, but this teapot had four wheels under it. When the steam was boiled, the teapot with wheels automatically ran on the ground.

As the teapot passed between Li Hong's legs, Yun Chu lifted another piece of cloth. Under this cloth was a suspended jujube-shaped Kongming lantern. Under the Kongming lantern was not only the fierce fire oil device that Li Hong had seen before, but also a delicate small teapot at the back. As Yun Chu added water and lit the stove, two propellers at the back of the Kongming lantern began to rotate violently, pushing the two-meter-long jujube-shaped Kongming lantern to shake wildly.

Without waiting for Yun Chu to continue to lift the cloth at the back, Li Hong personally took action, added water to any teapot he saw, and lit it... Then, the large study room, which had just been dead silent, was filled with the unique puffing sound of steam, and the study room, which had been still just now, immediately became a lively activity venue.

Li Hong used one finger to press against the train that was climbing the mountain, and the wheels of the train immediately began to rotate in place. Yun Chu turned the valve, and the thrust on Li Hong's finger became stronger and stronger...

Yun Chu whispered: "Compared with these things, what is Chang'an? What are those petty tricks? What is the so-called glory and wealth? Even the so-called emperor of the ages is insignificant in front of these things!

Everyone says that I, Yun Chu, love the prosperity of Chang'an and am reluctant to give up the little power in my hands, but they don't know that Chang'an is just a driving force for me. These things have been transformed from toys into tools that can be used in all kinds of industries.

As long as these teapots are filled with water and have fire burning them, they can work day and night, tirelessly, without complaining, and even less rebellious, and will only add wealth to the Tang Dynasty.

This is the real way to enrich the country and strengthen the army. "

Li Hong stood up and let the train run freely on the track, and said with some emotion: "It has to be the master--"

After that, he rolled up his sleeves guiltily and stretched out his palm, as if he had made a mistake in his youth and waited for the master to punish him.

Yun Chu looked at Li Hong and said, "You have resentment in your heart, right?"

Li Hong answered honestly, "I just feel that the master doesn't love me as much as before."

Yun Chu sighed and said, "You have forgotten everything I taught you. If you use the thinking and perspective of those academics to consider the problem, you will definitely not understand anything after visiting the second workshop."

Li Hong followed with a sigh and said, "My father's giant bear died of old age. My father was immersed in grief all day long and couldn't extricate himself. He also ignored the government.

At this time, my father's trust in my mother surpassed his trust in me..."

Yun Chu sneered and said, "You underestimate your father too much."

Li Hong gritted his teeth and said, "My disciple has tried it several times, but there was no response from my father."

"You said it was a test. Do you think you can detect your father's true thoughts? Li Hong, you are confused. Your current behavior is the same as that of Prince Chengqian back then."

Li Hong was startled, and just as he was about to retract his palm, the ebony ruler in Yun Chu's hand was knocked down. With a snap, Li Hong felt that his palm had lost all feeling, and then a pain like a needle pricked him. He couldn't help but scream.

Immediately, his body jumped out faster than his mind... If he accepts the master's punishment honestly, the master's punishment will be endless. Therefore, when accepting the master's punishment, it is best to run away... at most, he will be chased. Just a fight.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Yunchu's family politely sent Li Hong, who had a full beard and tail, out of the house. The two of them still chatted at the door for a while.

When Li Hong got into the car, he threw himself into Naha's plump arms and rubbed them randomly. Naha thought that Li Hong had become interested in this place, so she pushed Li Hong's head away and found that Li Hong's tears and nose were flowing. Not to mention, he knelt on the car board and walked quickly, his hands constantly rubbing his calves, and occasionally he would have a free hand to scratch his back.

It can be seen that Li Hong is really in extreme pain at this moment.

Naha grabbed Li Hong's palm and realized that his palm was swollen like a pig's trotter. She opened the hem of his robe, took off his socks, and found that Li Hong's calves were covered with purple and blue ribs...

Li Hong bit Naha's sleeve and kept letting out slight growls in his throat, but he refused to let any kind of scream come out of his mouth.

Naha hugged Li Hong and her tears flowed down like a waterfall. She was very scared. Although her elder brother had taught Li Hong a lesson before, all the previous lessons combined were not as powerful as this one.

She didn't know if her eldest brother's behavior would ruin their master-disciple friendship, and she didn't know what she should choose at this time.

By the time Li Hong calmed down, he had already arrived at the East Palace.

Li Hong, who was curled up in a ball just now, was still walking vigorously when he got off the carriage.

But when she returned to the dormitory, Naha took off Li Hong's clothes, and then she realized that except for one face, her whole body seemed to have been touched. There was basically no good piece of meat anywhere on her body.

"Master whipped me today and broke four of my rulers. Can you believe it?"

Li Hong finally roared.

The tears in Naha's eyes flowed more violently, and she rubbed Li Hong's purple body hurriedly and said: "What are you doing, what are you doing?"

Li Hong, who was heartbroken, roared: "Because he is too stupid. Master hates fools, and he hates even more that his founding disciple is a super fool who buys coffins for pearls."

"That's not right, hasn't my brother always praised you for being smart?"

"No, Master, I'm sorry that I'm a fool and he's trying to deal with me."

"Everyone in the world says you are the best prince in the Tang Dynasty."

"Everyone in the world is coaxing me and preparing to coax me to be even more stupid so that I can be slaughtered and eaten."

"Brother Hong, please don't hate me, okay?"

"Why don't I hate the master? He could have used other methods to educate me, but he chose to use a board. Ah - it hurts so much. This kind of education method only belongs to the Wu brothers, this does not belong to me -"

At dawn, Yun Jin, Li Si and Yun Jin were missing from the Yun family's breakfast table. The three of them had stayed at Princess Anding's Mansion last night, and only Yun Chu, his wife and Yun Luan were left at home.

Yunchu still had that calm look, and the voices of scholars from Chang'an criticizing him could be heard vaguely in his ears, but he drank a bowl of millet porridge that was extremely sweet.

Yu Xiurong didn't look as good as Yun Chu. His eyes were black and blue, and it looked like he didn't sleep at all last night.

Yunluan was stalling for time by eating salted soybeans one by one.

It wasn't until Yun Chu put down his job that Yun Luan asked in a low voice: "Aye, did you beat the prince yesterday?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "No."

Yun Luan's face suddenly wrinkled into a bun, and he whispered: "The prince's screams can be heard clearly outside the big study."

Yun Chu glanced at his son and said, "No, that's because the prince was too excited after seeing the steam engine."

Yun Luan put down her chopsticks and said, "My son can still tell the difference between a scream and a scream."

Yun Chu said expressionlessly: "The time has come, you should go to work."

Yun Luan had no choice but to leave sadly.

As soon as his son left, Yu Xiurong asked worriedly: "Is everything really okay?"

Yun Chu sighed and said: "He was successful at a young age and his path was smooth and steady. Everyone thought that he would be the next emperor of the Tang Dynasty. However, is there really such a sure thing in this world?

The old emperor is not dead yet, and the queen and the prince are fighting each other. What do you want the emperor who is not dead to think?

He seems to have forgotten that it is this emperor who can really ascend the throne of the emperor, not how much territory he occupies in the Tang Dynasty or how many ministers he has won over. Once the emperor really wants to depose him, believe me, Li Hong can ascend the throne. The hope for the throne was extremely slim. "

Yu Xiurong whispered: "Didn't you say that because the giant bear died, the emperor just lived in Jiucheng Palace and ignored everything?"

Yun Chu looked at Yu Xiurong with his sparkling eyes and said, "The Zhechongfu of the three counties of Pucheng, Weinan, and Dali in the East Prefecture were just replaced six days ago. There are left and right Guoyi Duwei, a special general, a chief secretary, and a military officer."

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