Tang's dining table

Chapter 195 From now on, I will only focus on daily necessities

Chapter 1270 From now on, only care about firewood, rice, oil and salt

Yun Jin and Li Si came back just before dinner.

As soon as they sat at the table, Li Si told Yun Chu a big news before they had a sip of soup.

The queen went to Jiucheng Palace in person and did not see the emperor.

Yun Chu paused while filling the soup, and then continued to fill a bowl of soup for Yu Xiurong, and continued to drink the bowl of soup that Yu Xiurong had just filled for him.

The longer a couple spends together, the more they should take care of each other's emotions, and they should not forget to care about each other because they are too close.

Yu Xiurong filled soup for Yun Chu for a lifetime, and during this period, Yun Chu would also fill a bowl for Yu Xiurong from time to time. No one's care can be taken for granted, and there must always be a return.

Li Zhi is a real emperor. He always feels that as an emperor, he should take care of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, others should care about him more, whether it is the queen, the prince, or the ministers, even the subjects of the world should respect him.

And it is natural to respect him.

Even so, he was still not satisfied, and would use various means to test whether the people of the world truly respected and loved him.

The most terrible thing was that every time he tested others, he would hit the other party's soft spot. Who could withstand such a test?

Yun Chu always believed that people could not withstand repeated tests. People who could forget their own interests for the emperor were already rare confidants. Repeatedly sacrificing their own interests at the cost of loving the emperor wholeheartedly was anti-human.

There was no such person in the world.

No one would hurt himself again and again for the benefit of others, even if this person was the emperor.

Speaking of which, the people who can really be kind and soft-hearted are young people, and the people who really have a kind heart and a heart of sympathy are also young people.

They will give everything for love, sacrifice their lives for their ideals, and help with all their strength for something that has nothing to do with them.

When people get old, it won't work.

The old people's hearts are very hard. Perhaps they have lived long enough. When they were young, they gave so much kindness to the world. After not getting enough rewards, they felt that they were so stupid when they were young. They wanted to turn back the long river and go back to the past to cut their young selves a few times.

They seemed to have forgotten that when they were young, they did so many good things, but they didn't think about getting rewards. They just wanted to make themselves feel better and feel better.

Therefore, it makes sense that the old man who doesn't die is a thief.

Yun Chu served some more dishes to Yu Xiurong. Seeing that his son and daughter-in-law were looking at him strangely, he was more generous and served some dishes to his son, daughter, and daughters-in-law, trying to make himself look like a kind and loving head of the family.

Yun Jin looked at the lettuce in his bowl. He hated it the most. He always felt that it smelled like the crushed elder sister Hua. However, this was what Aye put in his bowl, so he held his breath and ate it in one gulp. Then he said, "His Majesty summoned me to Jiucheng Palace to serve as his secretary."

Yun Chu smiled and said, "It seems that His Majesty has killed all the people who can serve as secretary in the secretarial office."

Li Si nodded repeatedly and said, "He killed four people. One of them actually submitted the queen's memorial to my father after my father clearly said that he would not see the queen's memorial.

No one expected that the man would do such a treasonous thing. things."

Yun Luan swallowed a mouthful of rice and said, "Doesn't that mean that we have to kill people who own one acre of land at a time?"

Li Si looked at his brother-in-law and said, "People who don't own one acre of land, only a few mu of land, nine of them died."

Yun Jin looked up and said, "Why is the queen forcing the emperor so much? What does she rely on?"

Yun Jin said, "Hebei and Shandong."

Li Si sneered and said, "We have been managing Hebei and Shandong very well, but my father ordered us to withdraw from Hebei and Shandong. I don't know if those cooperatives are still there now."

Yun Jin sighed and said, "They are, but they have become a place for a few people to make money. In places like this, the rules and regulations we set up have disappeared. I always thought that with those systems, the farmers were in the upper hand, everything was in their favor, and as long as they resisted, they would be able to protect their interests. As a result, after a few people died, they dared not resist.

In the end, a good supply chain became a good tool for the nobles to exploit and make money. Now, the farmers who participated in the cooperative said that we set a trap for them in the beginning, causing them to become livestock raised by others.

They also said that if they had not listened to our instigation, they would have been fine. Plant your own land. "

Li Si said angrily: "They didn't resist themselves, but threw a few people who had the courage to resist out to resist the thunder. Such people deserve to be oppressed and will never live a good life.

They were afraid at the beginning, and they were crazy after tasting the sweetness. They retreated after encountering resistance and surrendered after encountering harm. Aye said that they were just a group of rabble, but I didn't believe it at that time.

I always feel that their laughter at that time was joyful, their confidence was firm, and with the blessing of interests, it was impossible for them to live worse than before.

The result is this? "

Yunchu said with a smile: "This is the consequence of being unorganized. Your Majesty saw it very accurately at the beginning. A decree ordered you to withdraw from Shandong and Hebei. Once you withdrew, the queen immediately followed up and used the queen's methods to deal with a group of people without organization." The result is not surprising at all given the rabble of the organization.”

Li Si put down his chopsticks angrily and said, "Yeah, I want to return to Shandong and Hebei!"

Yun Chu said in surprise: "You want to organize them again?"

Li Sidao: "Yes."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "It's impossible. People who were willing to follow you before are now eager to eat your flesh and drink your blood. If you go again, they will hate you more than they hate those who oppressed and oppressed them.

Stay at home well, and take advantage of the good days that Yun has been watching from the sidelines for the past two years to have more children. "

Li Si lowered his head and looked at his belly, then at Yun Jin, and then pinched Yun Jin's thigh. Yun Jin's expression did not change, but the hand holding the rice bowl trembled.

After dinner, the Yun family went to do whatever they needed to do.

Yun Chu took Yin Erhu and rode a black horse to the Wannian County Yamen to go to work.

Yun Jin prepared two fast horses and planned to ride to Jiucheng Palace to work as the emperor's secretary in one day. Otherwise, the emperor would probably uproot the secretary prison.

Li Si didn't want to go back to the princess's house, so she went into the east yard and continued to mess with her bugs.

Yunjin's Caiyun Building is now regarded as one of the biggest businesses in Chang'an. As the owner, she needs to take charge and spend some time with Li Chengxiu.

Yun Luan naturally put on his backpack and went to the second workshop. The place was now as lively as a market. The long history of Princess Taiping Mansion could bring hundreds of people into the second workshop to visit the artillery workshop at will. In the past, The strict guard has now become a big joke.

That's fine, people in the city can go out freely, and people outside the city can also come in at will, just like the many satellite cities in Chang'an.

Yunchu didn't like to ride in a carriage to go to work on weekdays. He always liked to ride a horse. In this way, he could use his own eyes to see every subtle change in Chang'an City.

Although Chang'an has experienced so many things over the years, the changes have never stopped. Some dilapidated buildings are gradually disappearing, replaced by some clean and solid stone houses, and some dark corners are gradually being cleared out and turned into parking spaces for carriages. In this place, even some of the sweet-scented osmanthus trees planted that year had already bloomed last year. Once they bloomed, the whole city was filled with the fragrant scent of sweet-scented osmanthus.

The only pity is that there are too many merchants in the city, especially the tea stalls and snack stalls everywhere, making the streets of Chang'an look a bit messy.

Wu Chengsi had always wanted to expel these vendors from both sides of the street, saying that these people were the source of chaos in Chang'an.

These words sounded harsh, but the reality still existed. What Yun Chu could not bear the most was that these people would pollute the water sources on both sides of the street. Wu Chengsi said that these people would even urinate into clear water canals... This makes it difficult to speak well of them.

Wu Sansi tried to rectify it several times, but to no avail.

Chang'an is not only a city for the rich, there are also many poor families in the city. The vendors work from dawn to dusk all day long just to feed their families.

If Wu Chengsi was allowed to ban or drive away those people, many families in Chang'an would be without their source of food and clothing.

Since those people urinate into clear water canals, it only means one thing. There are too few public toilets in Chang'an City, and education and guidance have not kept pace. It is better to use a different way of thinking to do a job than to do it roughly across the board. good.

Yunchu entered a public toilet halfway, and was kicked out by the maggots and flies inside. The furious Yunchu immediately found the bad handsome man and the chief who managed the place, took off their pants and beat them twice in the street. People screamed in agony, and after that, the two of them were asked to personally clean up the filthy public toilets.

After returning to Wannian County, Yunchu held a meeting, focusing on the cleanliness and sanitation of the many public toilets in Chang'an City.

Lu Zhaolin took charge of this arduous task. He issued a military order and prepared to use twenty working days to ensure that all public toilets in Chang'an City would not leak out the contents and prevent the smell from leaking out. They must also be limed every day. Three kills.

Yunchu was very satisfied with this.

Now that the Wannian County government is ready to sit back and watch, the important affairs of the court will be left to the adults. Wannian County only needs to focus on people's livelihood issues.

Brothers Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi sat in the meeting hall like two wooden figures. No matter what Yun Chu said at the meeting, the brothers agreed casually without raising any different opinions.

When Yun Chu returned to the official residence with a parched mouth, Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi had already cooked pots of tea for Yun Chu. Even the pancakes for drinking tea were baked crispy. This time, only Yun Chu One person was drinking tea, and their brothers stood respectfully beside him.

"Your Majesty, help me——"

Yun Chu glanced at the Wu brothers who were kneeling at his feet and said, "Why, He Chun, the Commander-in-Chief of Baiqisi, refuses to give face to your brothers?"

Wu Chengsi said bitterly: "We can't even get through the gate."

Wu Sansi also said dejectedly: "There are already rumors outside, saying that our brothers sent a statement to Baiqisi, and that's why the literati was captured by Baiqisi."

Yun Chu sighed and said, "The queen can't even enter the gate of Jiucheng Palace."

Wu Chengsi trembled and said, "Your Majesty, you want us brothers to die."

Yun Chu said, "You have forgotten that you brothers can have what you have today, firstly because you are the nephews of the queen, and secondly, because you brothers have made outstanding contributions over the years.

Now, the first and the second are in conflict, and it is time for you brothers to make a choice anyway."

Wu Chengsi shook his head firmly and said, "We brothers will not betray the queen."

Yun Chu said, "The result of you wanting everything is that you get nothing."

Wu Chengsi laughed bitterly and said, "The queen is the foundation of us brothers. If we betray the queen, we brothers will die without a burial place. Now, I only ask the prince to show us brothers a way to survive."

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