Tang's dining table

Chapter 214 Orderly Conflict

Chapter 1289 Orderly Conflict

The ultimate form of conspiracy, deception, and intrigue is sincerity!

No matter how good the disguise is, the true face must be shown in the end, because it involves the final harvest.

It is impossible to give the fruits of success to others, not even a penny.

Therefore, whenever a fruitful scene occurs, a large number of people will appear who want to snatch the fruits.

Master Xuanzang and Sun Shenxian were not like this. They came to see Li Zhi, one to resolve a cause and effect, and the other to sincerely thank Li Zhi for his support to Tai Hospital over the years.

Li Zhi's oppression of Buddhism was very limited, and he gave Buddhism a good way out of Yangguan in the west. Buddhism originally came from the west, and now returning to the west is a good result.

The prosperity of religion is generally closely related to the prosperity of imperial power. According to the current situation, wherever the influence of the Tang Empire reaches, there will be fertile land for Buddhist missionaries.

The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty means the prosperity of Buddhism. Therefore, in terms of maintaining the stability of the Tang Dynasty, Buddhism and the royal family have the same attitude. Only when the Tang Dynasty prospers can Buddhism be able to maintain the stability of the Tang Dynasty in the beautiful borderlands. , built so many Buddhist jungles.

Engage in construction during the prosperous times, and return to the temples to eat the savings left over from the prosperous times during the troubled times. This in itself is the only way for Buddhism to continue indefinitely.

Sun Shenxian was originally a free old god. Unfortunately, since a high-level hospital appeared in Chang'an that could really serve the people of the world, this happy god had a big iron ball tied around his ankle, and he could no longer do anything. Traveling around the world.

Now, with the Taiyuan Hospital gradually advancing in all the capitals of the Tang Dynasty, the old immortal is now tied with iron balls all over his body. Not to mention flying in the clouds and mist, it has become an illusion to even have a pair of feet off the ground.

The old man traveled all over the world to relieve more people's illnesses. Since he established the Taiyuan Hospital, he can share the worries of the people to a greater extent.

In short, it was a great cause, great enough for the old immortal to give up his reputation as an immortal and become the director of all the imperial hospitals in the Tang Dynasty.

"Everyone in the world will remember His Majesty's kindness."

After the old immortal pulled out a few silver needles from Li Zhi's neck, he began to praise Li Zhi.

There was nothing that could be done about it. The emperor's body had basically run out of fuel and his spirit was extremely depressed. If he hadn't cheered him up with a few words of praise, the old god would have been worried that Li Zhi would die in front of him.

Li Zhi shook his head when he heard this and said, "It's so embarrassing."

Sun Simiao said while sterilizing the silver needle with alcohol: "Your time is coming, do you still care about trivial matters?"

Li Zhi looked at Xuanzang with kind eyes and said, "It's still too embarrassing."

Xuanzang smiled and said: "Your Majesty has done everything he wanted to do in his life, and the most important thing is that he succeeded. For many years, your Majesty has dominated the world, and there is no one in the world who dares to claim military power. What else is there to be dissatisfied about?"

Li Zhi said stubbornly: "I'm still a little embarrassed."

Xuanzang chuckled and said: "When a lion is about to die, even ants can invade it; when a flying dragon lands, even a silverfish can blind its eyes. Even though Your Majesty is lying in a deserted village, there are still people who are bravely fighting to see Your Majesty. Fighting."

Li Zhi sighed and said, "He came here to see my jokes. You guys also come here with good intentions."

Sun Simiao smiled and said: "It will be more lively after all. By the way, have you written the edict of succession?"

Li Zhi smiled and said: "After writing it, the prince laid out the paper, the queen studied the ink, and finally the two of them dictated it. I finished it in one go."

Xuanzang said: "In this case, the world is at peace."

Li Zhi smiled and said: "Everyone in the world is doing well, but I feel uneasy."

Sun Simiao said: "A man has shouldered the responsibilities of the world, and now he has been relieved of a huge burden. It is time for him to relax for a few days, but your Majesty is unwilling to let him go. What's the reason?"

Li Zhi said in disbelief: "Does the old god want me to admit this humiliation?"

Sun Simiao spread his hands and said, "How about killing them?"

Li Zhi laughed bitterly.

Xuanzang smiled and said: "Buddha said that there was a merchant in the Lion Kingdom who was going to cross the plains of Wanhe Valley to do business in Shelin Kingdom. However, he encountered a pack of wolves. When he was about to be killed by the wolves, he jumped down into the ravine, but was killed. Unable to die, he was rescued by a dead tree growing on a cliff. Just when he was overjoyed to escape, he found a poisonous snake in front of the dead tree, climbing toward him.

He quickly stood up and prepared to fight with the poisonous snake. The dead tree was shaking endlessly. When he turned around, he saw a group of big rats gnawing at the roots of the dead tree. When he wanted to climb down the cliff, he found that there was another one at the bottom of the cliff. The lion opened his mouth wide and waited for him to land.

So, there is a wolf above, a lion below, a poisonous snake in front, and a giant rat behind. How do you think the merchants of the Lion Kingdom should behave? "

Li Zhi said sarcastically: "You monks always say that Buddha is everywhere, so naturally they are saved by Buddha."

Xuanzang said: "This merchant from the Lion Kingdom is not a good merchant. He once killed his companions and robbed his companions' goods and made a lot of profits. Therefore, he is destined to be plagued by wolves."

This businessman from the Lion Kingdom is not a person who respects his elders. He ignored his mother and watched her die of poverty and illness. The lion was the result of his mother's resentment and was waiting for him to repay her flesh and blood.

This businessman of the Lion Kingdom is not a kind person to his children. He abandoned his young children in the year of famine and allowed them to starve to death. Therefore, he deserves to be bitten by poisonous snakes.

The merchants in the Lion Kingdom are unkind, unfilial, and unkind. They are entangled in karma and cannot be freed. Naturally, they have no chance of survival. Those giant rats will naturally cut off their roots. "

Li Zhi said angrily: "Are you saying that I'm in this situation all because of myself?"

Xuanzang smiled and said: "Obsession is the source of all kinds of suffering. Why don't you let it go?"

Li Zhi said: "What benefits will there be after letting it go?"


Xuanzang looked at the clear sky outside the Liangfeng Palace and said: "At this time when life and death were uncertain, a merchant from the Lion Kingdom suddenly found that there were ripe wild berries on hand. At this moment, he forgot about the wolves, giant rats, and male berries. Lion, viper, pick that wild berry and taste the sweetness of the wild berry with all your body and mind..."

Yun Chu didn't know it at this time, but he had become the sweetest wild berry in Li Zhi's mouth. Jiucheng Palace was modeled after Chang'an Palace when it was first built. Therefore, although the roads to Jiucheng Palace extend in all directions, there are many obstacles on both sides of the road. The tall buildings have become the best means of defense.

As long as someone is willing, his small cavalry team can easily be surrounded, cut up, and annihilated on the spot.

Ma Chuqin died at the hands of Yun Chu's horse. That was because the soldiers and horses of Zhe Chong Mansion in Shangzhou once served under Yun Chu. Although Yun Chu did not personally command them, General Yun's accumulated prestige could still be Easily shake their military morale.

When Yunchu saw General Zhang Xuanyu of Youjin Wuwei appearing in front of him with a group of soldiers and horses, he knew that neither Wu Mei nor Li Hong was going to give him any face anymore.

Unlike Ma Chuqin who was born in Zhechong Prefecture in Guanzhong, Zhang Xuanyu who was born in Zhechong Prefecture in Hebei Province really wanted to kill Yun Chu. This guy followed Wang Xiaojie, the governor of Yingzhou, to send troops to Liaodong to destroy the Tang general Wang Xiaojie. He was humiliated by losing his master in Yezhu Plain, and he was also defeated by others in Huangzhang Valley.

The main culprit of this defeat was Guo Daifeng. Yunchu killed Guo Daifeng in Jialan Temple. This guy managed to escape the blame and stayed in Yingzhou as a general and even got a promotion.

However, after Wang Xiaojie's defeat, the army of Yingzhou Camp was rarely taken seriously by the court. After ten years of failure to make any progress, Zhang Xuanyu naturally threw himself under the queen's skirt. Within two years, he A general of the fourth rank was promoted by Wu Mei to the general of Youjin Wuwei of the third rank.

"Yun Chu quickly dismounted and was about to capture him."

Zhang Xuanyu, who was wearing iron armor, was also sitting on a horse like a black tower. Behind him were all Hebei soldiers wearing black armor.

Yun Chu sat on the horse and said leisurely: "The Jinwu Guards were supposed to be wearing golden chain armor, serving as the emperor's vanguard and serving as the emperor's right and left side. Where did you bastards in tattered iron armor come from?"

Zhang Xuanyu is not a talkative person, and he has no time to talk nonsense with Yunchu. He has just received the news that the people of Guanzhong outside the city followed a lord in the form of a team of 100. Under the leadership of Secretary Yunjin, The queue is heading towards Liangfeng Temple.

Once these people are allowed to occupy Jiucheng Palace, they will definitely not end well.

Zhang Xuanyu waved his hand, and the five hundred soldiers under his command pressed towards Yunchu. At the same time, grenadiers holding gunpowder bombs and kerosene bombs appeared on the wall.

He wanted to fight quickly. Of course, he would try not to kill anyone if he could, so as not to form a deadly feud with Yun Chu. He knew very well that even if Yun Chu was captured alive by him, His Highness the Crown Prince would never let Yun Chu die. Here it is.

When Yun Chu saw the grenadiers standing on the wall pretending, as if they were going to blow up all the cavalry here with gunpowder bombs in the next moment, he said to Yin Erhu next to him: "Look, it's best for the army not to get involved in political struggles. In the middle, if you want to kill but don’t dare to kill, that’s the way to die.”

After saying that, he picked up his carbine from his horse bag, raised his hand and pulled the trigger towards Zhang Xuanyu. As the carbine in Yun Chu's hand rang out, the carbine in the hands of Yin Erhu and others also rang out almost immediately. In an instant, 90% of the The gunshots from the palace rang out like exploding beans.

Zhang Xuanyu was shot between the eyebrows. The bullet entered from the center of the eyebrow and made a small hole. When the bullet left the back of his head, a fist-sized hole had been opened in the entire back of his head.

The same results as Zhang Xuanyu were those grenadiers standing on the high wall. At a distance of less than ten meters, the bullets spit out by the carbine could easily penetrate their leather armor. For a moment, the grenadiers standing on the wall The grenadiers fell off the wall like raindrops. Until they were all dead, no grenadier had time to pull away the gunpowder bomb in his hand.

Yun Chuyi fired eight shots in a row. It wasn't until the last bullet was shot that he put down his carbine and took advantage of the gap in the battle to load more bullets into the gun.

After the faint smoke dissipated, the narrow streets were already covered with corpses, and wounded soldiers were wailing there from time to time.

Jiucheng Palace itself is not very big, and the distance from the front door to Liangfeng Palace is only five miles. The sound of gunfire could easily reach Li Zhi's ears in the canyon-like Jiucheng Palace.

Others may not be very familiar with the sound of gunfire, but Li Zhi is different. When he was in the second workshop, he not only liked cannons, but also did some research on guns.

After thinking for a moment, he said to Xuanzang, "Yunchu has already arrived at the waterfall viewing pavilion."

Xuanzang sighed and said: "He is different from us. It always takes a lot of trouble to see His Majesty."

Li Zhi was silent for a moment and said: "For the sake of the Tang Dynasty, I cannot grant Chang'an to Yunchu."

Sun Simiao said: "Even if your Majesty gives the edict, no one will agree with it at this moment."

Li Zhi shook his head and said, "I am still the nominal emperor of the Tang Dynasty. What I said is legally feasible. As long as Yun Chu is given the legal basis, I think with his ability, he should be able to implement my will. After all, the combination of legal basis and strength is an irrefutable truth."

Xuan Zang waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty is wrong. Yun Chu has no intention of plotting against Chang'an. He may want the Tang Dynasty to be intact more than anyone else. He came to see Your Majesty today only for friendship."

A smile appeared on Li Zhi's face, and he said to Xuanzang and Sun Simiao: "After I die, he will not have a good life."

Sun Simiao said: "Those who focus on their work will be blessed by God."

Li Zhi listened attentively and found that there was no more gunshot, so he said to Sun Simiao: "What does this heaven refer to? I know that the heaven here does not refer to me."

Xuanzang smiled and said: "When I came, I drew a swastika on Yunchu's forehead, and Taoist Sun told him that the way of heaven is left-handed, the way of earth is right-handed, and the way of man is natural."

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