Tang's dining table

Chapter 129 Brother, brother, come quickly

Planting trees is something that requires the participation of all people.

Only if the trees in front of them are planted by themselves, people will not have the desire to destroy them.

Therefore, if each family plants five trees or five bamboos, there will be 30,000 plants in Jinchangfang.

Chang'an is extremely hot in summer and extremely cold in winter. These extra trees should create a relatively mild environment.

After talking to the Zhike monk from Da Ci'en Temple, and after getting a good sentence, "The winding path leads to a secluded place, and the Zen room is deep with flowers and trees." The Zhike monk pointed out that whether it is Da Ci'en Temple or Jinchangfang, in terms of environment, this The two are integrated and need to progress and develop together, especially in the planting of precious flowers and trees. We must ensure the survival rate and the safety of every fund provided by Da Ci'en Temple. We must also pay attention to the additional funds provided by Da Ci'en Temple. Special funds for precious flowers and trees should be used well and solidly.

It was difficult for Yunchu to understand the Tang people's crazy pursuit of poetry. Whether they were monks or laymen, they racked their brains to write beautiful sentences.

However, he soon understood, because after he removed the poems and songs from the Tang Dynasty in his mind, he found that there were indeed not many good things that could be passed down to future generations.

Ms. Cui was very proud because on the way to the farm, she saw a strange-looking locust tree with dragon claws. Not to mention its strong branches, the whole tree was really like a dragon with its twists and turns.

So, Mrs. Cui spent 500 money to buy this tree, which was not easy for farmers to chop firewood. After having the gardener trim off the excess branches and leaves, she dug up the roots and planted it in the Daci'en Temple. It was deeply loved. Good reviews from Zhike Monk.

Of course, Cui also earned ten thousand dollars from it.

Before the arrival of March, all 30,000 trees in Jinchangfang had been planted, and 160 precious flowers and trees in Daci'en Temple had also been planted. For this Jinchangfang landscape renovation, Jinchangfang spent seven years The price is one hundred and eighty dollars.

Of course, the main cost is not labor and flowers and trees, but the cost of moving stones to build a small landscape strip.

Yun Chu didn't know whether Di Renjie's five hundred coins would be enough. Anyway, it was impossible for Qiu Shenji to get such a large sum of money from the people of Feng'anfang because they didn't have it.

Di Renjie will not compete with Yun Chu. He has his own rhythm and plan, and will not go against the grain just because Yun Chu suddenly exerts his strength.

Yunchu felt that Qiu Shenji might not be able to bear it.

The construction of Jinchangfang is not blind. Its construction is based on the premise of creating labor jobs and increasing the income of Jinchangfang. On average, every thirty dollars invested can provide a long-term stable and sustainable labor positions, and these investments will slowly increase in value.

This is why the people of Jinchangfang have no resistance to construction and actively hope to speed up the pace of construction.

When the orphans, widows, sick and disabled people who were responsible for sweeping the floors could receive one hundred dollars plus two buckets of corn as wages, Jinchangfang slowly came back to life.

One person's tragic end is a blow to everyone around him. Only when the lives of these people who belong to the lower limit of the city are dealt with, and when it is no longer a tragedy, everyone will feel that life has become better. .

Yunchu was planning to expand the bathhouse. The original bathhouse was obviously not enough after the arrival of more than 500 students.

And after bathing becomes a daily habit, its consumption prospects are very good.

Especially when bathhouses provide scrubbing services, people's resistance to bathing suddenly became much lower.

Especially men, there is only one reason why they don't like taking a bath - laziness.

This time Liu Yi not only did not object, but actively participated in it. He also calculated the amount of firewood and carbon, and finally decided to use Mo Dan as fuel to boil water.

Yunchu didn't know what Mo Dan was at first, but after Liu Yi brought it, he realized that it was coal.

For a long time, Yun Chu thought that people in the Tang Dynasty did not know that coal could be used to make fires and keep warm. It was not until he was awakened by Liu Yi's eyes that he looked like a fool and listened to Liu Yi's words again. Only then did he realize that the people in the Tang Dynasty had been using coal for a long time, and could even use it to make fires. As far back as the Han Dynasty.

The reason why this thing is not used for heating is that it smells too bad and the smoke is too big. After burning the smoke in the coal, and then using the remaining charcoal for heating, people will die for some reason, so people rarely use this thing. .

As for how to boil enough hot water, Yun Chu once racked his brains to think about it. As a result, the craftsmen in Jinchangfang made some thin and winding copper pipes out of copper and filled the copper pipes with water. water, and then put the red-hot charcoal under the copper pipe to heat it. Then, cold water goes in from this end, and when the water comes out from the other end of the copper pipe, it becomes hot water.

You can adjust how hot you want it to be. Anyway, the temperature of the hot water depends on the length of the copper pipes burned by the charcoal fire... The craftsman also suggested that Yun Chu go to the pottery workshop to order a batch of pottery pipes for boiling water, which can save more money... …

Anyway, ever since the bathhouse was built, Yun Chu rarely chatted when the craftsmen were working. He only managed safety matters. Otherwise, he felt that if he said something wrong, he would be laughed at and degraded. His prestige in Jinchangfang.

The progress of Jinchangfang project and construction continued to accelerate, and the smile on Di Renjie's face became less and less.

He walks around Jinchangfang every three days, and he knows more about the progress of various projects in Jinchangfang than Yun Chu, the mayor of the area, knows.

He looked very tired. He went to the bathhouse every day and fell asleep while soaking. Sometimes he fell asleep while Er Niu was giving him a bath.

The amount of food has been reduced a lot. Some of the meat that was cooked with fatty pork some time ago has disappeared. The whole body has turned black and has a bit more vicissitudes.

Yun Chu didn't ask the reason, because he knew the reason. He had experienced this before, even worse than Di Renjie.

The residents of Liquanfang are very obedient and will do whatever you ask them to do. However, they will never move unless you tell them.

The sweepers only had to sweep the floor. It was none of his business if bricks fell off the wall. The wall builders only had to build the walls as instructed. As for the direction, position, etc., they didn't care. Therefore, Di Renjie was almost exhausted.

It was different here in Yunchu. When he said he wanted to build a wall, many people immediately provided him with suitable wall-building plans. He chose one to implement, and the rest was waiting for acceptance. The craftsmen would naturally consider this wall. The problem of matching the wall with the overall style of the city.

When the sweepers in Jinchangfang see the flowers and trees drying up, they will know how to water them. When they see the well lids are not closed, they will know how to take the initiative to cover them, and then scold those who forget to cover the wells after fetching water.

So, when Yun Chu put on his spring clothes and prepared to take Naha, Cui, and a group of old women for an outing, Di Renjie started to grow a mustache.

And Qiu Shenji heard that he had already killed someone.

The first choice place for Chang'an people to travel is Longshouyuan behind the imperial palace.

The two carriages of the Yun family could not accommodate so many people, because Naha had to take a large group of people with her, and she also had to take her beloved goats, one large, two small, and three.

He also borrowed two donkey carts from the villagers. The cart contained adults, the donkey cart contained men, women, children and three sheep. Yunchu rode a horse.

The group happily left Kaiyuanmen, turned another corner, and walked five miles to Longshouyuan.

There was an endless stream of cars and horses on the road. The Yun family's team was not considered good, but it was not the most miserable.

At least, there was a covered ox cart following behind them. The ox looked very old, with more bones than meat all over its body, but it had a very stubborn temper and wanted to keep up with the Yun family's carriage and donkey cart. The old cow was panting heavily due to its weak body.

On the way uphill to Longshouyuan, a little girl driving the cart wanted to let the old cow rest, but the old cow refused to obey. It mooed and kept chasing. It seemed that this old cow was also unwilling to admit defeat.

The driver of the bullock cart was an old woman, who kept nagging the old cow, saying that it should not compete with younger animals because it was old, while the group of children on the donkey cart were making noises, hoping that the old cow could run faster.

Meeting a cow with such a personality, Yun Chu asked Fei Jiu, the leader, to slow down so that the stubborn cow could keep up.

Yunchu was also very experienced in looking at cattle. The cattle was a big yellow cattle. Although this cow looked weak, its huge frame was still there. If it were a few years younger, the donkey cart might not be able to catch up with this cow. ox.

This cow really lived up to its expectations. After Yunchu and his group slowed down, it was able to keep up with them in a leisurely manner, and even wanted to overtake them.

The old woman who drove the bus was also a very interesting person. Although she didn't have many teeth, she liked to play nonsense with the children. In addition, she broke some cakes and gave them away, so the children naturally called her Grandma Sun.

Although Yun Chu kept following the carriage, his eyes remained on the group of children. Especially when he saw Naha taking the broken cakes and eating them, he sighed a little.

A little maid got out of the bullock cart, put a basket in Grandma Sun's hand and said, "The little lady said that the people in front are good people and there are many children, so she said that she would share this basket of cakes with them. .”

Naha stretched her neck to peek in through the gap in the oxcart curtain, then jumped onto the oxcart, opened the curtain and got in. She suddenly screamed inside, then got out of the carriage and rushed towards her. Yunchu jumped on his feet and shouted: "Brother, brother, I found my sister-in-law!"

Yunchu, who was originally worried that something bad had happened to the little girl, almost fell off the maroon horse when he heard Naha shouting like this.

The little maid pulled Naha and tried hard to push her out, but she was the opponent of Naha who practiced martial arts every day. After a few moments, Naha was riding under her and she couldn't move. She could only cry loudly.

"Brother, brother, come quickly. I have really found my sister-in-law. Please catch her quickly."

Yun Chu stopped for a moment, waited for the bullock cart to come over, then grabbed Naha by the collar, lifted her onto the maroon horse with one hand, held her hands towards the wide gap in the curtain of the bullock cart and said, "My sister-in-law." Meng Lang, Yun Chu is here to apologize for disturbing the little lady."

After saying that, he pushed Naha into his arms and urged the bay red horse to run quickly. It was really embarrassing for Naha who was still screaming for her sister-in-law in the house.

When the little maid was able to stand up, she stood on the car with her hands on her hips, pointed at Naha who was walking away, and cursed her for being rude.

Seeing that she was obviously furious and the most vicious words she uttered were just rude, this meant that her tutor was good.

"Brother, you will regret it!"

When Naha saw her carriage and donkey cart speeding away, she said angrily to Yun Chu.

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