Tang's dining table

Chapter 147 Life is not good at all

Erniu is a child with great business talent. After confirming that Yunchu likes rose oil, he immediately contacted Yaoniang who was taking a bath in the women's bathhouse through the small window in front of the dressing room and told her to let Na who was taking a bath no matter what. Miss Ha and Grandma Cui also use rose oil. If Da Fei is rich, they will also use it for Da Fei. Just say it was the chief who told him.

Three big deals were made in one go, maybe four big deals, and Erniu used extra force when massaging Yunchu.

So, Yun Chu was enveloped in the fragrant aroma of roses during Er Niu's hard massage, and fell asleep soon after. Before falling asleep, he was still thinking vaguely, if Er Niu was replaced by a beautiful woman, Put a lighted candle in the corner. How much should you charge for such a service?

After waking up from the bathhouse, she felt refreshed. Taking the equally fragrant Naha, Cui and Da Fei went to the dining hall.

At this time, it was the time for those students who were studying hard to have supper. Each of Yun Chu ordered a portion of wontons and ate them slowly.

At this time, Yunchu didn't mention the rose oil thing again.

It seems that this good thing has been forgotten.

Even if it were to be done, it would definitely not be done now, it would be too eye-catching.

The two thousand jars of alcohol business given by the old god can already guarantee that the Yun family will not only have food and clothing, but also make a fortune.

Coupled with the quiet quilt business at home, the income is already amazing. There is no need to invest everything just for money. In this world, there is always money to be made.

"Mr. Lang, I have already made an agreement with the lady who is doing the job today. It will be a good day in three days. We will let Dou, the most famous matchmaker in the city, visit the girl's house. She is an official matchmaker and she went to the house. Miss Rong’s family also has some respect among the neighbors.”

Naha raised her head at this time and said: "Monkey Grandpa said that he has already selected a little mare. She is blue and white, inconspicuous, but a good horse."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Qingbaihua, can't it be a cow?"

"No, it's a horse."

"Blue and white horses are really rare, Naha, have you seen them?"

Naha was busy eating and just shook her head to express that she had not seen him before.

Ms. Cui smiled and said: "What's wrong with the blue and white horse? Doesn't it mean that the Xiurong family is an innocent family?"

Yunchu ate the last wonton and said, "Naha, do you like riding a donkey?"

Naha also finished eating the wontons and wanted to wipe her mouth with her sleeve. Seeing her brother and Mrs. Cui looking at her, she took out a handkerchief and wiped it casually twice and said: "Ride a donkey now, and then a horse. Grandpa Monkey has prepared it for me." A foal, only three months old, all black except for four white hooves.

The name is Taxue Wuzui!

Grandpa Monkey said that he would never meet such a good horse in a hundred years, especially a female horse.

The monkey grandpa also said that he should work harder, lest he would not even be able to save a horse. "

Yunchu felt that the old monkey did it on purpose. He was very prestigious among the Hu people in the Western City. Whenever a large group of Hu merchants came to Chang'an from the Western Regions to do business, they would definitely visit him at this dock.

If there are any good goods, it is often the old monkey who is the first to look for them to find the most suitable buyer.

What Old Monkey can provide to the Hu merchants is financing. In other words, after the Hu merchants sell the goods they brought, they want to buy more Datang goods. If the money is not enough, they will go to Lao Monkey. Monkey, at this time, the old monkey will provide them with money to buy goods.

Although I don’t know how the old monkey guarantees that the money he borrowed will be returned, he must have his own safe channels.

This may be the earliest international financial trade in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, Naha has a monkey grandpa who is very big in international trade. It is not too much to buy the most expensive BMW.

It is said that the war horse Xiang Yu rides is called Taxue Wuzui.

Yun Chu and Ms. Cui looked at each other, with bitter smiles on their faces after once again confirming who the richest person in the family was.

Ms. Cui was even thinking that once the old monkey dies, will Naha have a chance to inherit the old monkey's rich inheritance?

No wonder Xuanzang didn't care whether Naha could read well or become a talented woman. It turns out that as long as a person has deep blessings, he really only needs to have a kind heart.

Yun Chu couldn't imagine what it would be like for Naha to become a wealthy woman who traveled across the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty.

When people stay in Chang'an, it is easy to lose vigilance, especially when all good news comes from the border, people will live in confusion.

In April of summer, Zhao Xiaozu defeated the southwestern barbarians, beheaded Xiaobo Nong chief to death, and captured Dabo Nong chief Yang Chengdian. The rest were all gathered together to protect themselves, the big ones numbered tens of thousands, the small ones thousands. Xiaozu all defeated them and surrendered, and the southwestern barbarians were settled.

After reading the imperial newspaper, Yunchu realized that Zhao Xiaozu, the general manager of Langzhou in Tang Dynasty, who was located at the junction of Yunnan and Guizhou, which was the territory of Yelang Kingdom in the past, went on a killing spree in the southwest, killing everyone. A traitor who did not bow to the Tang Dynasty.

This battle was extremely hard, but Zhao Xiaozu still killed all the barbarians in that mountainous area.

The reason why they said they were all killed was because the newspaper had the word "broken" in it. People who didn't know better thought that "broken" meant they had defeated the enemy.

People like Yunchu who have been among the border troops will understand that the word "break" is really cruel, a hundred times more terrifying than massacre.

During the massacre of the city, some people said that the sword would be sealed after a few days of killing. This destruction means that the city and the pass were breached by the Tang army in the battle.

Since the fighting has been going on, it means that people have been killing people, and there is no way to count how many days they can kill.

When the news of Zhao Xiaozu's victory came, the people of Chang'an had no reaction. In the Tang Dynasty, killing any tribe and pacifying any country were all basic operations. It would be very embarrassing if there was no such record.

What people are more concerned about is that Emperor Taizong's palace, Yuhua Palace, two hundred miles away from Chang'an, was turned into a temple by the current emperor.

Yun Chu didn't feel much about this matter. He was still immersed in Zhao Xiaozu's victory. Although he had already seen Liang Jianfang's tyranny, Zhao Xiaozu's victory in Langzhou shocked him even more.

I thought that the Tang army could only be invincible on the plains and the Gobi. Unexpectedly, Zhao Xiaozu defeated the local indigenous people in the jungle and achieved such a result of gathering together and annihilating them. It was really unexpected.

For this battle, Zhao Xiaozu himself lost an arm, and more than 1,200 soldiers died.

This event should have been celebrated with great vigor, but there was no discussion in Chang'an City.

Everyone is talking about the fact that Emperor Taizong's palace, a Taoist jungle, turned into a Buddhist temple in an instant.

For this reason, Yunchu deeply felt unworthy of the dead Tang soldiers.

"Next year, Master Xuanzang will continue to translate Buddhist scriptures in Yuhua Palace, a pure place, and will no longer preside over Daci'en Temple."

The old monkey had just come to Yun's house and informed Yun Chu of the shocking news and asked him to make some preparations in advance.


The old monkey smiled and said: "The change of Yuhua Palace into Yuhua Temple, although it is only a one-word change, is a great victory for my Buddhist sect.

Yuan Tiangang has been in charge of Yuhua Palace for thirty-one years. As long as he is here, we cannot enter Yuhua Palace. Eight years ago, Yuan Tiangang knew that his life was over, so he forcibly reversed the movement of the five elements in his body. As a result, he failed and died. , and there was not even time to retreat.

Nowadays, Li Chunfeng is alone and unable to support himself. Just six days ago, His Majesty finally issued an order to change Yuhua Palace into Yuhua Temple.

Li Chunfeng and others were unwilling to give up, so Master Xuanzang took the initiative to ask for a post in Yuhua Temple in the name of finding a place for Qing cultivation and translating scriptures. His Majesty also agreed yesterday. In this way, the last hope of Li Chunfeng and others was cut off. . "

Yun Chu scratched his head. He really couldn't understand the meaning of reversing the five elements. He couldn't explain these terms to Bing. He always felt that the old monkey was telling a fairy tale.

Moreover, Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng were too far away from his life.

Even if Master Xuanzang went to Yuhua Temple, Yunchu didn't believe that greedy Zhike monk and dared to stop the monthly subsidy of 300 guan to Jinchangfang.

Besides, the value of those three hundred coins has dropped by more than 60% after being invaded by private money. For today's Jinchangfang, it is no longer the main income.

It seems that it really has nothing to do with Taoist temples turning into temples.

Seeing the confusion on Yun Chu's face, the old monkey sighed and said, "When the strong wind blows, every tree will bow its head."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "We are not big trees, we are grass. As long as there is an earth platform to protect us from the wind, we will be safe and sound.

Can you tell that Zhike monk that money is no longer money, and ask him to increase the salary he pays to Jinchangfang to 500 guan, which is the same as the money paid to Di Renjie from Liquanfang Hu Temple? "

The old monkey shook his head and said: "It's good to be able to keep three hundred strings. Next year, in May, the construction of the Buddhist scripture tower will inevitably begin. This will be a big expense for the Great Ci'en Temple."

"Didn't you say that the money for building the tower was raised by His Majesty selling the clothes of the dead maids and eunuchs?"

The old monkey stood up and looked at Yun Chu and said: "Since your Majesty visited Jinchangfang last time, I feel that it is very wrong if everything in the world requires royal money or the use of national funds. Ci'en Temple independently raised money to build the tower.

His Majesty also specifically requested that this tower must be built into a ten-story all-blue brick tower.

When the monk Zhike heard about this, he was so angry that his teeth were almost broken. The fact that he can continue to give you three hundred strings is for Master Xuanzang's sake.

If you go to Zhike Monk to ask for money at this time, do you think he will beat you out with a big stick? "

"But you have already obtained the Yuhua Palace. You can't just settle small accounts. Maybe you can win the Yuhua Palace with my contribution."

"Okay, I'll give you five hundred guan. Tomorrow, I will spread your words and see if Li Chunfeng will come over and chop you into a pulp with a sword."

Everyone, watch it first, I will continue, it will be ready soon. Also, can you give me a monthly pass? This thing is in short supply.

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