Tang's dining table

Chapter 171 The appearance of a person

When the hitchhikers were about to arrive at the imperial city, they all jumped out of the car to say goodbye. Two of them fell down because they didn't jump well.

Seeing them wipe the blood on their hands on the lining of their robes and then wave goodbye, Yun Chu's eyes were sore, because the two people who jumped out of the car and were knocked down were not the people they were calling in the car just now. My dear friend, he should be called grandpa, or at least uncle.

I will probably only see such people once in my life, and next time, they may die.

The guards at the entrance to the imperial city were very tight. The gatekeepers were no longer Jinwu guards, but brightly armored military guards.

At this time, the city gate has been opened, and some people in official uniforms are coming in and out.

So, Yunchu got off the carriage, shook his green robe, and followed the example of the man in front of him. After coughing to attract everyone's attention, he walked squarely, looking very majestic in the eyes of everyone. and walked towards the imperial city.

"Ah, brother, if we enter like this, will it block the people behind?"

"Ah, brother, no, I have no official duties in Japan today. I came here specifically to let these people know what official authority is!"

"Ah brother, why do you think walking step by step like this looks so stupid? Look, the guy in the red robe over there is staring at us."

"Ah - then run quickly, don't let the damn censors copy your name, they will fine you copper and deduct your salary."

Watch as this junior official from the eighth rank dashes away along Chengtianmen Street like an arrow in the butt.

Yunchu, a high-ranking official of the eighth rank, shook his robe, turned left, and went straight to the Sifang Hall of Honglu Temple to check the conditions of the examination room first.

In fact, all the people living in Sifangguan are barbarians.

There were basically people from Silla, Baekje, and Japan who were part of the Tang tributary system, and even Goguryeo people.

Although the two countries often met each other at war, the Goguryeo people never paid a penny less for their worship. This was even better than the Japanese who respected the Tang Dynasty the most.

I heard that when Emperor Taizong went on an expedition to Goguryeo, both families had pig brains. The Goguryeo people also sent fifty white blankets and fifty beautiful maids to Emperor Taizong on his birthday. Warm tent.

Although Emperor Taizong graciously returned to the envoy fifty heads of Goguryeo nobles who were accidentally chopped off by the Tang army, he was still grateful.

I don’t know if any of the people participating in the Jinshi Section today are from Sifangkan. It would be very disturbing if you accidentally meet a Japanese.

The Sifang Pavilion is very big, it can be said to be very big. There are no rooms in the huge palace, only a huge hall. The floor is covered with wooden boards with shiny patent leather, but there are too many pillars.

At this time, the hall was filled with tables and futons. Some officials and servants were checking the pens, inks, paper and inkstones on the tables. They also had to place the tables horizontally and vertically to make the examination room look more formal.

Yun Chu watched outside with his head shrinking. An official who might have felt tired left the examination room and came out to get some fresh air.

"This brother, I wonder where he is employed in the yamen?"

"Without a high-level job, Xiao Xiao was appointed as a doctor in the Imperial Medical Office. Seeing that my brother was very tired, he chewed a piece of licorice to refresh himself.

Let me tell you, licorice is a good thing. Not only can it refresh you, it can also detoxify hundreds of poisons. "

While talking, the two officials happily chewed licorice and chatted together.

"Such a young eighth-level official has a bright future ahead of him. Hey, do you have any relatives or friends who are going to take the Jinshi Science and Technology Examination this time?"

"My little brother is about to take the exam. I don't know what to expect. Come and take a look first. I won't be nervous when I get there."

"Oh, you have to be careful. This time the examiner of the Jinshi Department has been changed to Chu Suiliang. If you want to take advantage of this person, basically don't even think about it."

"Huh? Aren't they Li Yifu and Xu Jingzong?"

"Chu Suiliang refuted Xu Jingzong, saying that his behavior was corrupt and he was not a good teacher, so he insisted on replacing him."

"Brother, help me find a place behind a pillar to avoid these superiors."

As he spoke, Yunchu took out his exam post and handed it to this brother.

"Yunchu, it's easy to say, easy to say, I'll move you from the middle position to behind the pillar in the ninth row."

"There is work, there is work."

"you are welcome."

Seeing the officials entering the examination room again, Yunchu leaned against a thick pillar under the eaves and stared blankly at the ridged beast on the eaves of the examination room opposite.

For a moment, he felt that this exam was really not interesting at all.

Seeing the scholars swarming in from the gate, Yun Chu entered the examination room. Starting from the ninth row, he easily found his position behind a thick pillar. For this reason, he walked towards the examination room from a distance. The officials bowed their hands in thanks.

As soon as he sat down, Yun Chu took a deep breath, poured some water into the inkstone from the kettle he brought in, and began to use the time of grinding ink to regain his mind.

"I can't find my name. My name is Zhong Yingda. My name is Zhong Yingda. Who sees this name?"

When there are more people, it will become noisy. Some mentally fragile guys can't help shouting when they can't find their names.

"Oops, I knocked over the inkstone. Give me some more water. I write hard and consume ink..."

"Brother, I'm sorry, my eyes are dim. This place is really too dark. Please move me to a place with strong sunlight."

I don’t know how long the noise lasted, but with the sound of “The examiner has arrived—” the examination room suddenly became quiet.

Yun Chu hid behind the pillar and couldn't see the face of the examiner in front of him, so he closed his eyes and continued to rest his mind.

"The Talent Recruitment Ceremony is a grand event for the country and an important matter for the country. Do not be scornful, noisy, or cheating. Otherwise, you will be severely punished..."

The voice of a loyal minister came from over there, and every word in the cadence could be heard clearly, but the murderous spirit was a little stronger, causing some mentally ill people to faint on the spot, and were dragged out by the legs of the military guards. .

This conversation lasted for a full quarter of an hour, and then it slowly subsided.

Then a treacherous minister's feminine voice came from the other side, and his words were very pleasant. He only said that all the students should take the exam carefully, examine carefully, and understand the meaning of the strategy before writing. Finally, he also said that the mother-in-law at home is still there. I am waiting for my husband to go to high school. I hope everyone can get good results in the exam.

I have to say that compared with what the traitor said, the loyal minister should be dragged off to feed the dog, because as soon as the traitor finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter.

After the loyal ministers and traitorous ministers appeared, the exam began. An official in green clothes walked around the crowd holding a wooden sign to ensure that every candidate could see the test questions on the sign.

Yun Chu looked up and found that the three words "state-owned property" were written on the sign. It seemed that this was the first of the five strategies.

What does state-owned property mean?

Does it mean Datang is very rich?

Yunchu didn't know if the Tang Dynasty had any money, but he knew that there was less than 600 guan left in the Wannian County treasury. I don't know what the money could be used for. Is this considered state property?

When the official came over again, Yun Chu looked at it carefully and found that what was written on it was indeed property, not talent.

I don’t know if the person who asked the question is asking for money, or if he is planning to discuss how to keep the money. At this time, it is time to figure out the mind of the person who asked the question.

First of all, it is absolutely impossible for an official to ask this question, because as long as he is an official, it is absolutely impossible for him to tell others that the country is very rich and such a stupid thing.

Once other officials know that the country is rich, the country will immediately become moneyless, because those officials will definitely spend all the money.

An official would never tell everyone that the country has no money. This is very detrimental to morale, and sometimes even affects the speed of local government financial payments to the central government... This is worse than what would happen if the country had money.

So, who came up with this question? Yunchu felt that it could not be the emperor's fault, because the emperor would not ask this question to some scholars who knew nothing about the actual situation.

Then, Wu Mei's charming face appeared in Yunchu's mind, and a vague frankincense enveloped him, making him confused for a moment.

Yunchu took a sip of cold water, picked up his pen, and wrote at the beginning of the volume: "Increased revenue is not enough to quench thirst, and throttling is not enough to moisten the soil. In the past, there was a Kuafu family who was thirsty and drank water from the river in one mouthful. When it was not enough, he drank water from the Wei River... …”

After half an hour, Yun Chu finally wrote down the story of Kuafu, a man named Datang, who died of hunger and thirst. Here, he focused on Kuafu's strategic mistakes, which should be prepared before the day. Water, besides, if you know that the Yellow River and the Wei River are not enough to quench your thirst, you should abandon the Yellow River and the Wei River in advance and go straight to Daze...

The Tang Dynasty Examination is not only a test of daily accumulation, but also a person's quick wit. People with talents that can be relied upon are most sought after.

Therefore, when he saw the second question, Yun Chu smiled and became more and more certain that the questions in this Jinshi subject were all from Wu Mei.

Who are you!

who I am?

Who are you?

Who is who?

A white horse is a horse, but a white horse is not a horse.

When he was debating in school, Yunchu had been exposed to such topics that were useless and not based on facts. It was only when he came to society that he realized that these things that cost him a lot of energy were useless.

Maybe Xuanzang and others will like it very much, Taoist priests will also like it, and those great Confucian scholars who are obsessed with old stories will also like it, and find a lot of fun in it.

Yun Chu found it boring.

So, I took up writing.

"A pure heart is the root of the cure, and a straight path is the strategy of the body. Good work will eventually build a building, and fine steel will not serve as a hook. Rats and birds are happy when warehouses are full, but rabbits and foxes are sad when grass is gone. There are lessons in history, don't bring shame to those who come."

He felt that it was a good and correct answer to this question. Since people live in heaven and earth, they should look like human beings...

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