Tang's dining table

Chapter 175 Yunchu was treated differently

Of course Yunchu didn't know that the paper he had written so hard was used as a piece of waste paper for calligraphy practice by a child.

Even if he knew, he had no choice, because it was Wu Mei who gave the child the test paper, and it was Li Zhi who encouraged the child to write randomly.

Yun Chu actually doesn't like coincidences, not at all coincidences or chance encounters.

Especially when he is already wealthy and has a bright future, coincidences and adventures will only bring him a lot of trouble.

Only those who have nothing hope for adventure and hope to live a good life without hard work.

And Yun Chu is already living a good life now.

Yunchu came to the construction site of Guangfufang again and was kind enough to pay 30% of the money to the craftsmen and material dealers.

Mainly because beef is so popular in Chang'an, especially when Yunchu had no time to make beef jerky, he braised beef in a big pot. This thing just came out in Chang'an, and it made the people of Chang'an go completely crazy.

Two thousand kilograms of cooked beef are put out every day, but they are already sold out by those who ordered them in the past few days.

Those who order braised beef are still big families. When it is the turn of small families to buy, they can only get some braised beef offal to try.

Jinchangfang's braised beef is the only opportunity for most people in the farming area of ​​Chang'an to eat a piece of beef weighing three to five kilograms.

Although the price was expensive, almost double the price of raw beef, the uniqueness of the goods made the cattle business more than half the profit for Yunchu.

If beef didn't shrink, he would definitely make more money. In other words, the money Yunchu got from selling beef was enough to pay off the wages of these craftsmen and the material dealers at once.

Looking at the foremen and material dealers who burst into tears of gratitude after receiving 30% of the wages and materials, Yun Chu truly felt the simple inner character of the Tang people.

"The mayor shouldn't have to pay them. Three bricks in my house are broken, three! They haven't been replaced yet."

Yunchu followed the frantic homeowner to his house and found three broken bricks halfway up the five-and-a-half-meter-high wall. They were probably from when the masons were building the wall. It was accidentally broken, but this thing should not affect the quality of the wall.

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 0:00 a.m. on August 7. This book is first published by Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

After seeing it, Yunchu yelled at the homeowner: "You are a dead person, why didn't you keep an eye on it when you were building the wall?

Now I have no use for you. The wall is up. You ask them to dig out these three bricks and replace them with new ones. Do you know that this is even worse? Why not replace them?

Be sure to watch carefully from behind. Don't let them break a beam in your home, you idiot. "

Yun Chu finished his scolding. In fact, nothing was solved, but it made the man from Guanzhong, who looked very strong, almost burst into tears.

Because, Yun Chu was also yelling and scolding with his grandparents and his wife. When those three scolded people, it was like a barrage of fire.

And without exception, they pointed the finger at their own sons and husbands, and no one thought it was Yun Chu's fault.

Three Tuyuhun people who exchanged 500 heads for five houses really had to stay on the construction site day and night, watching their houses grow from scratch and then be raised from the foundation to five or six meters high.

Judging from the current progress, this batch of houses should be completed in two months.

The old Tuguhun businessman had a nice surname - Murong, and his first name was Murong Zhe. According to his explanation, the meaning of this name is that he can chop the enemy into pieces.

This name should have a lot to do with the Tuyuhun royal family.

Of course, Yunchu didn't care whether this person was from the Tuyuhun royal family. He just wanted to know whether these people could get more cattle from Tuyuhun, and whether they could take Fei Jiu and the stewards of Yinggong's family to make a big mistake in person. Sichuan.

He felt that Pei Xingjian's way of doing things was wrong and he could ignore him, but he had to prepare for the upcoming battle of Dafeichuan.

If you give birth to a girl, you still have to marry your neighbor, but if you give birth to a boy, you will have to marry her neighbor. Don’t you see, Qinghai Tou has no one to collect the bones from ancient times. New ghosts are annoyed and old ghosts are crying, the sky is cloudy and rainy, and the wet voice is chirping!

Yun Chu was extremely suspicious. The reason why Du Fu wrote this song "Army Chariots" was not to satirize his own era, but to express his grievances for the soldiers who died in the Battle of Dafeichuan.

"I need more yaks!" Yun Chu squatted beside Murong Zhen and said casually while chewing licorice.

"I can't go back, and there are no more cows."

"You want to live in Chang'an City in the future. How can you do it if you don't find a way to survive? The money in your hand is spent. How will your youngest son propagate your Murong family here in the future?"

"It's better to beg for food here than to have your head cut off by the Tibetans and hung under the horse's neck."

"In Chang'an, no one can hang your little son's head under a horse's neck. You should think more about what he will eat and wear in the future, and whether he should enter a school to study. In this way, you can avoid battle forever. You can live without any worries.”

"You also heard that I don't have that much money. Even if I sell all the green salt, I won't be able to get enough money to buy cattle. Besides, the herdsmen of Dafeichuan don't need copper coins. They need grain, iron pots, and knives. , scissors, tea leaves.”

"Look, I've prepared these goods for you. You go there again and bring back more yaks, and I'll share the money you earn.

These days, you have also seen that the braised beef in Jinchangfang is selling very well. As long as we have more cows, we can make more money. "

Murong Zhen raised his head and looked at Yun Chu and said: "Are you Tang people so greedy? You should have a lot of money already, why don't you feel satisfied?

When I was in Dafeichuan, as long as I had a bite of wheat cake to eat every morning, I would thank the gods. If I could have another bowl of butter tea, I would have nothing to ask for that day, and even if I die, I will not complain. .

You are in Chang'an City. There are enough delicious foods, enough gorgeous clothes, and enough tall palaces. What else do you want?

Like a monster that wants everyone's life? "

Yun Chu nodded and said: "I have a very, very grand ideal, and it will take a lot of money to complete it.

You can enjoy six days in Chang'an City. After six days, you will return to Dafeichuan with the goods I prepared for you. "

As Yun Chu spoke, he gave a bulging money bag to Murong Zhen, then turned and left.

"I don't want to go back."

"You must go back."

"Are you going to kill me?"

"No, I will kill your youngest son hiding outside the city, and your more sons..."

In the past few days, during the restless investigation of Zhang Jia and other bad guys, Yun Chu had figured out all the details about Murong Zhen.

They also found the members of the Murong Zhen family who had been hiding outside the city and had not come in. They were a small tribe that had escaped from Tuyuhun.

Moreover, they were a group of Tuyuhun traitors who killed all their clansmen on the road, leaving only the Murong family behind.

Even if all the rest of the tribe were killed, there would still be forty-three people left.

"Okay, I promise you, I will help you find the cows, and you must also promise me to protect my children."

Yun Chu, who had already walked away, still heard Murong Zhen's plea, so he waved his hand gracefully and agreed.

At this moment, he hoped that Pei Xingjian could be here, so that he would know the correct way to use the Tuyuhun people.

Tonight, Di Renjie is going to attend the Qujiang banquet hosted by the emperor for them in Qujiang. Although the emperor may not attend, Di Renjie is still very happy. Even more excited than when he learned the news about his high school.

As for Yunchu, although he also passed the exam and was ranked ninth as expected, he didn't know what evil he had done. The others had already received invitations to Qujiang to attend the Qujiang Banquet, and only he got one. The official qualification for being granted the title of Wannian County Lieutenant is that of taking office immediately.

As for the Qujiang Banquet, it has nothing to do with him.

The official from the Ministry of Civil Affairs who came to present his official certificate was a very noble and powerful person. Such a person would usually be promoted to the right minister or left minister of the Ministry of official affairs, and finally become the minister of the Ministry of official affairs. The person who is called the prime minister also has no knowledge of such differential treatment.

Even after Yunchu gave a generous gift of one hundred kilograms of braised beef and asked the Qing officials to strengthen his memory, the Qing officials named Yan Guangcheng still could not remember why Yun Chu was not invited to the Qujiang banquet. , but took office immediately.

Participating in the Qujiang Banquet is a great honor for these new scholars. However, compared with this, Yunchu was directly promoted from an eighth-grade doctor to a seventh-grade Jingxian County Lieutenant and immediately took office, which seemed even more appreciated. Royal favor.

I have to admit that Di Renjie, who is qualified to wear a green official robe, looks much more like an official than Yun Chu. At least, as long as he pulls his face down, his official power is immediately revealed.

Di Renjie put on the official uniform, which made Cui tremble with excitement. She knelt on the ground and kept adjusting the hem of Di Renjie's official robe, for fear that an unsightly wrinkle would appear and affect the emperor's view of Di Renjie.

"I still need a jade pendant to press the hem of my robe!"

Gongsun Cai muttered what he said, and everyone in the room looked at Naha who was standing on the stool playing with Di Renjie's long hair.

Naha curled her lips, took out a white jade pendant from her sleeve and threw it to Gongsun: "I told you back then that brother Renjie is much better than that Pei Xingjian. If you don't listen, it's over now. He will find one when he comes back today." Nice wife."

This was the first time that Di Renjie heard Naha call him Renjie brother. You must know that Naha has been calling him Fatty since they got acquainted.

Gongsun took the jade pendant and put it on Di Renjie, then he said resentfully: "How can a good man get my turn? He already has his master."

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