Tang's dining table

Chapter 177 Everything is for Zhang Jianzhi

Zhang Jianzhi was once again deposed without any surprise. This is why Di Renjie was furious when he saw those people reveling at the Qujiang Banquet.

Such a good talent has ended up with the title of "Failed General", and now he is drunk in a run-down tavern, while those fat-headed people who are accustomed to flattering others are sitting high at the Qujiang Banquet and talking arrogantly.

It is because of this that Yun Chu likes the real Di Renjie even more, even though he just squeezed Naha's face vigorously and was chased by Naha with a stick.

Young people don't seem to stay at home much.

As early as when Di Renjie came to Beijing, his family sent an old servant and a book boy. This was the standard for the children of officials who came to Beijing to take exams.

The book boy is responsible for protecting the safety of his young master, and the old servant is responsible for correcting his behavior, lest he throw all the money he brought into the bottomless pit of Pingkangfang instead of spending it on studying.

Since arriving in the capital, Di Renjie did not allow the book boy and the old servant to follow him. He rented a farmhouse courtyard for them outside the city and went into the city alone. At that time, Di Renjie had less than 500 copper coins in his waist.

Now, he probably has more than 100 guan of money, and he belongs to a very wealthy scholar who went to Beijing to take the exam.

When Yun Chu asked about the source of his money, he couldn't explain it clearly. Anyway, after doing some things, someone gave him money. When he met some elders, some people also gave him money. Over the past three years, he had accumulated so much. .

"The biggest money I ever made was when I helped a woman find a dog. When she found the dog, she gave me a handful of golden beans... Seeing the woman hugging the dog and crying, Brother Rumor said I did a very bad thing that I’m sorry for the woman’s husband.”

"How is Brother Rumor? He also participated in this competition. I heard that after high school, he plans to become an official there?"

"People have said that the skills passed down from our ancestors must not be thrown away in his generation. Of course, he went to Xitai to serve as a reserve censor. I heard from him that his favorite position is to patrol the city. The censor walked around the streets, ate, drank tea, listened to folk anecdotes, and settled important matters."

"This idiot wouldn't dare to work as a patrol censor in Wannian County. Wherever he goes, there will be disaster for officials."

"There's nothing we can do about it. My Azu is the second boss of the Taiyuan Palace, and my uncle is the chief censor of the Palace Palace. He's the kind of person who can chase away rude officials at court meetings and get out of the hall. Censor.

Since such a family wants to be a censor of the city, shouldn't they just go wherever they want?

Did you forget about the last time you took someone by the collar and threw them out of the window? I don't think he is an open-minded person. He may come to Wannian County to be the censor of the city.

Do you want to have a dinner party first to enhance the relationship? "

Yun Chu shuddered and shook his head: "You are overthinking. The best skill of this kind of person is climbing along the pole. The more you interact with him, the better he will understand you...

Unless you invite him to a brothel, you can't fool around with him. "

"You are talking nonsense. Under the "Six Supervision Laws", he dares to go to a brothel? This is a way to die."

Yun Chu scratched his hair and said, "With him here, many things can't be done." "Eh? Do you want to kill someone again?"

"What do you mean? I have never killed anyone."

"Didn't you do it to Qiu Shenji who had his lower body amputated in three years?

Oh, and Pei Xingjian, according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, you two are the main culprits that caused Qiu Shenji to amputate one leg every year, two legs every two years, and be a eunuch for three years. So far, he eats and drinks, and has diarrhea in bed. "

"That means nothing happens without you, right?"

"Of course it's nothing to do with me. I yelled at that time, and I was still talking about "killing dogs" and other gossips. Even if I are taken to court, I will be fine. I will be slapped in the mouth five times at most and punished. I will not be allowed to do it. If you yell indiscriminately from now on, I am an official now and you can’t slap my mouth. The most you can do is give me a warning.

Tell me, who did you put on your chopping board this time? Remember to call me when it’s served to the table and I’ll try it too. "

Yun Chu stood up and took a map from the bookshelf and spread it on the table. Di Renjie held up the candle and read the map again, pointed at the map with his finger and said, "Tuyuhun? Do you have such a big chopping board?"

"Chop it into pieces and dispose of it on the chopping board."

"Where are you going to start first?"


"First suck away the fat, leave the flesh and bones, and continue to contend with Tubo?"

"Yes, we invite the nobles of Tuyuhun to settle in Chang'an and support the Tuyuhun herdsmen in their fight to the death with Tibet."

"Then what?"

"After the Tuyuhun battlefield was cleared, the Tang Dynasty soldiers and horses were stationed, allowing those Tang people who did not have land in Chang'an to go to Tuyuhun to graze and cultivate land."

"I think no one from Tang Dynasty would be willing to go."

"As long as Yongye provides enough land, doesn't have to pay taxes for a few years, and provides certain support policies, there will be no wasteland in the world."

"The wealthy people you're talking about are Tuyuhun nobles and wealthy people?"

"Yes, I have enough wealth, but no place to enjoy it. This must be the regret of many noble people in Tuyuhun. I intend to fill their regrets and welcome them to settle in Chang'an with all their wealth."

"In this way, Chang'an has become a city of barbarians."

"You are wrong. They only brought money to build Chang'an. What does Chang'an have to do with them after the construction is completed?"

"In this case, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

"Who are these people referring to? Are they barbarians?"

"I'm afraid such a one-shot deal won't last long."

"Believe me, as long as Chang'an is good enough, there will be a lot of Hu people in the world, and most of the rich Hu people are the smartest people in the tribe. The more of these people come, the more stupid people will stay in the tribe. The weaker the strength, the easier it will be for us to continue to restrain those barbarian tribes.

What's more, as long as those with power and money come to Chang'an, if they want to maintain their luxurious life, they have no way to make money in Chang'an and can only continue to exploit their former tribe or tribesmen.

In the future, even if their tribe was oppressed by them to the point of deprivation of their livelihood, and the people rose up to resist, the people they resented at this time were not the Tang Dynasty, but the clan leaders and leaders who oppressed them. "

Di Renjie nodded and said: "At this time, as long as Chang'an returns the heads of the culprits who have caused wars by squeezing the tribesmen to those people who are full of hatred, the chaos can be easily quelled, right?"

"That's true, but we must go further. From now on, in the hearts of all Hu people, the Tang Dynasty should not be a conqueror or an oppressor, like Liang Jianfang did in Laoshan and created some bullshit Jingguan. Such low-level behavior as throwing into the fire must be strictly prohibited.

The Anxi Army of the Tang Dynasty in the Western Regions should also make some changes. From now on, they will no longer be a force to suppress one party, but a force to protect there, killing horse thieves, bandits, and ruthless bandits, and protecting herdsmen so that they can graze in peace and merchants can The main combat purpose is to go on the road with peace of mind.

If Datang wanted to achieve long-term peace and stability in the Western Regions, it should define itself as a judge and protector.

Even if you must be a massacre, you must consider the problem from the perspective of the people of the Western Region. You cannot just draw a circle on the map with your finger and kill all the rats in the circle.

If Chang'an wants to prosper, it must extend its tentacles to the west. If you only want to let the people in the east and south use their clan strength to support Chang'an, as time goes by, there will definitely be complaints, which will only make Chang'an decline day by day. The recently reported move of the capital to Luoyang is an example of this situation. "

"The reason why the Zhenguan period was strong was that Emperor Taizong was revered as the "Khan of Heaven" and was the Khan of everyone in the world. All wealthy tribal leaders were willing to send their nephews to Chang'an.

Since Emperor Taizong Long Yu Bintian, more and more barbarians have come to Chang'an. However, these barbarians are all Hu merchants who come today and leave tomorrow. Although these people can bring prosperity to Chang'an, such prosperity is only short-lived. .

As long as the Hu people find a better place to do business, Chang'an will no longer be important. You want the Hu people to settle in Chang'an. This is an excellent strategy. Only in this way can the wealth you used to talk about land in Chang'an. "

"Yes, that's it. It doesn't matter whose hands the money is, as long as the money is in the big pot of Chang'an City, that's it.

This money can make Chang'an more prosperous, add countless houses and shops, and at the same time bring countless ways of survival to the poor.

This is why I want to run Tuyuhun with all my strength. "

"I'm afraid you told me this for a reason, right? It's impossible for me to help you go to Tuyuhun to arrange such a big scene...

Oh, you want Zhang Jianzhi? "

Talking to Di Renjie really saves time and effort. In just a few sentences, you can always get to the core of things and fill in the gaps.

"Zhang Jianzhi is such a talented person. It's a pity that he was deposed once again. And I know that at this time, Zhang Jianzhi must be filled with grief and anger, and he is eager to find opportunities to prove that he is actually extremely talented. .

At this time, Zhang Jianzhi doesn't care about the safety of his life. At this moment, as long as he is given a chance to shine and heat up, I think he will go all out, what do you think? "

Di Renjie thought for a moment and said: "I think you are right. If Zhang Jianzhi is allowed to sink like this, it will be a waste of his talent and it will also make him unable to meet his elders in his hometown. After all, when he came to Chang'an to study at Imperial College , but it was really sent by the efforts of the whole family.

Therefore, in Chang'an, he can only succeed, not fail! "

Yun Chu looked at Di Renjie with admiration and said, "Brother General Meng, I am truly lucky to have a friend like you."

Di Renjie said with a smile: "We scholars only want to make achievements in this life. No matter life or death, let him go to Tuyuhun. He will definitely do something great."

As a friend, I can give him the greatest help. "

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 0:00 a.m. on August 8. This book is first published by Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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