Tang's dining table

Chapter 178 Give a little sunshine and it will be brilliant

"Walking this way, walking that way, just fold the flowers and willows.

Walk this way, walk that way, and drink wine from gold bottles.

Ah - walking this way, walking that way, don't hate the golden wine. "

Zhang Jianzhi fell into a mess and fell into Hu Ji's arms. He held a wine bottle and poured wine into his mouth. After taking a sip of wine, he went down, and there was another burst of ghosts crying and wolf howling.

These days, there are many drunkards like this in Chang'an City, but Zhang Jianzhi is more restrained. Even though his whole body collapsed, he still restrained himself and only cried and howled in Hu Ji's arms in Chang'an City.

Hu Ji smiled. She couldn't understand what Zhang Jianzhi was shouting. She only knew that this man with a goatee was not causing trouble on her, he was just yelling for a while, and his money bag was still bulging.

The light green line of wine fell on his face, Zhang Jianzhi ignored it, drank what fell into his mouth, and let the wine wet his clothes if it didn't fall into his mouth.

Yun Chu and Di Renjie, who were unwilling to walk, entered the Western Market by boat. When they entered the wine shop street, they saw Zhang Jianzhi lying in a dilapidated wine shop, and Hu Ji was obviously a little older, screaming. .

Di Renjie scratched his face and said with embarrassment: "The drinks here may be cheaper."

After saying that, he shouted towards the shore: "Brother General Meng, Brother General Meng..."

Zhang Jianzhi opened his sleepy drunken eyes and looked around. When he didn't see anyone he knew, he simply hugged Hu Ji and put his head on his chest for comfort.

Yun Chu sniffed and said to Di Renjie: "The smell in Hu Ji's arms is very strong, especially the one with blue eyes."

Di Renjie said angrily: "People are drunk and they still failed the exam. Do you have any sense of humanity? You still find fault with others.

Brother Meng, Brother Meng, we are on the boat. "

Zhang Jianzhi turned a deaf ear and this time simply opened Hu Ji's clothes and got in.

Yun Chu looked at Di Renjie, who was turning green, and said, "You can obviously jump ashore to find Zhang Jianzhi, why do you have to shout?

Do you also feel embarrassed and don’t want to be implicated? "

Di Renjie said angrily: "I don't go up just because I want to save some face for Brother Meng. If I go up directly, he won't be able to bear it anymore."

Yun Chu laughed and said: "That's nonsense. Even if we are drinking in a pig pen, friends should still be together. Come up quickly. If you don't, this guy will stuff his head into someone's skirt."

"You can't harm people like this - huh? Brother Meng, wake up, there are so many people watching."

Di Renjie watched as Zhang Jianzhi lifted up her skirt again, leaped ashore, pushed aside a large group of people watching the excitement, and lifted up Zhang Jianzhi, who was barely able to put his head into Hu Ji's skirt.

Yunchu said to Hu Ji in Turkic dialect: "Go, bring me the best wine, the best food, and the most beautiful Hu Ji on this street."

After saying that, a golden bean popped out. Hu Ji caught the golden bean, put it in her mouth and bit it, then left happily. She felt that her small wine shop was going to have a big business today.

Yunchu found a futon and sat down, while Di Renjie was still trying hard to turn Zhang Jianzhi's red face towards him.

No matter how hard he tried, Zhang Jianzhi just wanted to find a hole to crawl into and never come out in this life.

Yun Chu took the spout of the wine pot and took a sip. He felt that the wine was sour, so he turned around and spit it out.

After the wine arrow left the wine shop, it turned into a rain of wine, spraying the heads and faces of those who wanted to watch the fun and bored people.

A few angry ones started to curse, but Yun Chu jumped out, punched and kicked them in the stomach, and threw them all into the canal before vomiting. Seeing those people falling into the river and splashing large amounts of water.

Seeing Di Renjie and Yun Chu, two newly minted scholars, Zhang Jianzhi, who was ashamed and helpless, finally calmed down a little.

Pulling Di Renjie's sleeves, he said: "Brother Meng Jiang has become a scholar, do you still like to solve problems with your fists as always?"

Di Renjie shook his head and said: "He is inherently violent and will not change at all after becoming an official."

Some bad guys came in angrily, but when they saw it was Yun Chu, they turned around and left. However, one of them didn't run away. Yun Chu pulled his leg and threw him into a ditch full of floating objects.

In this way, the door of the small wine shop became quiet, and people who could take other roads took a detour. Even those who had to pass by the door of the wine shop did not dare to take another look at the wine shop.

The Orchids are not afraid. The more unreasonable the guests are, the more they like them. From their experience, only when such bad-tempered guests appear, can they and their group make a lot of money.

The guest comes here to drink, and all he needs to do is serve him well. As for how he likes to be served, just pay him and let him do as he pleases.

Jars of fine wine, plates of delicacies, and orchids in gorgeous clothes immediately surrounded the three of them.

Hu Ji, who was a little older and looked a little older, took the initiative to take on the task of pouring wine for the guests.

"I originally said that I would treat you to see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day. Now, Zhang Jianzhi is so embarrassed that he is so ashamed."

Di Renjie opened a jar of wine and handed it to Zhang Jianzhi: "Is the knowledge in your belly, Zhang Jianzhi, gone?"

Zhang Jianzhi took the wine jar and patted his belly and said: "It's still there, but there is no room for display."

Yun Chu grabbed the most beautiful Orchid and put it in Zhang Jianzhi's arms and said: "Do you still have the courage to overcome all obstacles and dare to be the first in the world?"

Zhang Jianzhi hugged Hu Ji with his big hand, raised the wine jar with the other hand, took a sip and said: "Catch the wolf or stab the tiger?"

Di Renjie smiled and said: "Seek the country."

These two words instantly dispelled most of Zhang Jianzhi's drunkenness. He turned away from Hu Ji and said in a seductive voice: "That country?"

Yunchu took a bite of the roasted pigeon and found it tasted unpleasant, so he threw it aside and said, "Tuyuhun."

Zhang Jianzhi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What's the plan?"

Di Renjie took a bite of the roasted leg of lamb and said: "Peel off the silk and peel off the cocoon. Finally, take away the silk and leave the cocoon shell."

"Si, what does it mean? Cattle and sheep, warriors, or beauties?"

"Bulls, follow the rich!"

"Niu, that's understandable. What's the point of being rich?"

When Di Renjie heard Zhang Jianzhi's question, he exchanged glances with Yun Chu. Not surprisingly, both of them were a little disappointed.

Yunchu put down the pigeon legs in his mouth and said calmly: "It was an old thing to carry out the Qin Dynasty's government and bring the rich and powerful people of the six countries to Xianyang. It was an old thing to do the Han Emperor's move of 300,000 yuan to Chang'an. But this time, what we want is the rich households of Tuyuhun."

Zhang Jianzhi frowned and pointed at the crowded West Market: "Isn't Chang'an rich enough?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "It's too far."

Zhang Jianzhi asked again: "As wealthy as Jinchangfang?"

"The 6,000 people in Jinchangfang have only food and clothing, so they can't be considered wealthy."

When Zhang Jianzhi was about to speak, he was directly interrupted by Di Renjie, who said directly: "You go to Dafeichuan, walk to Tuyuhun, and bring back Tyuhun nobles to live in Chang'an. You bring back Tyuhun's cattle to fill the big canteen and meat warehouse. Returning to Qinghai, the horses filled the stables of Cao Shizi."

Zhang Jianzhi looked at Di Renjie and said, "What do I have?"

Yun Chu said: "Five thousand copper coins will be used for you to purchase goods and form a caravan. Three leaders from the Tuyuhun tribe will serve as your guides, and ninety-nine members of the armed forces of the Yinggong Mansion will serve as your second-in-command."

Zhang Jianzhi thought for a moment, looked at Yun Chu and said, "Can I make a decision?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Power is never given by anyone on their own initiative, but earned through relying on one's own talents.

In the next four days, you need to rely on these documents in my hand as a basis, plus your own understanding, to convince Ying Gong, convince me, convince Huaiying, and perhaps convince Pei Xingjian. "

Zhang Jianzhi nodded, looked at Di Renjie and said, "Aren't you worried that I will die in Tyuhun?"

Di Renjie said angrily: "I was very worried and worried about this, but when I saw you crawling under the skirt of an old Hu Ji, I suddenly felt that dying in Tuyuhun was actually a good choice.

In this way, when I go to your home to announce the funeral, I can still say that you died for the country, not because you were suffocated to death because you got under the skirt of the Orchid. "

Zhang Jianzhi took a breath and said: "It sounds better to die for the country, at least you don't have to bear the reputation of a crotch-picking general."

After answering Di Renjie's words, Zhang Jianzhi looked at Yun Chu and said, "My life is not much for three hundred strings, right?"

Yunchu said: "It's cheap."

Zhang Jianzhi sat up straight and said: "This is the price of friendship. Give me three hundred guan to entrust my wife and children. In three days, we will go to the Yinggong's mansion together to accept your examination."

Yun Chu took out a piece of paper from his arms, wrote a number on it, and then handed it to Zhang Jianzhi and said: "Four hundred coins, Da Ci'en Temple can withdraw money, whether it is gold or copper coins."

Zhang Jianzhi took it over without looking at it and put it in his arms. He looked at the mountains of fine wine and the dazzling array of delicacies, and then looked at the beautiful Orchid around him. He laughed and said: "Golden bottles of sake, jade plates of delicacies, The red sun is in the sky and the beauty is in my arms. How wonderful is this joy!

What a pleasure it would be to sell my Zhang Jianzhi's good head for 400,000 yuan!

He is about to go to the border state, exercise power as a man, carry out the ambition of a warrior, and open the arms of heaven and earth. How wonderful is this pleasure!

Di Renjie, Mr. Yun Chu, is about to drink. Don’t stop drinking. After drinking today, let’s see what Zhang Mengjiang does! "

At the beginning of the cloud, Di Renjie picked up his wine bowl one after another, touched Zhang Jianzhi's wine bowl heavily, and drank it all in one gulp...

The wine and meat are gone, and the fun is over.

Di Renjie looked at the back of Zhang Jianzhi, who was walking and dancing, and said sadly to Yun Chu: "Why do I always feel that he can't succeed?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "He is indeed a little bit uninterested. If you go, I will be able to sit back and relax."

Di Renjie said with a bitter look on his face: "You go, I'm most at ease. Whether it's on the horse or off the horse, you can make a gesture, and the rest is irrelevant."

Yun Chu sighed and said: "It seems that there are too many mediocre people in this world. When it comes to heroes in the world, Chu and Renjie'er are the only ones."

Just when the two were about to look at each other, smile, and then laugh loudly, a human head suddenly appeared between their shoulders.

"It's strange that the defeated general was still drunk in a liquor store at noon. How come he became so restless and restless after just two hours? He wished he could go up to the sky to catch the moon and swim down to the five oceans to catch turtles?"

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 0:00 a.m. on August 8. This book is first published by Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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