Tang's dining table

Chapter 199 The fish that lost its bait

Yun Chu looked at this person's face carefully and expressed that he didn't recognize him at all.

Wen Wen also looked at it for a while before hesitatingly said: "Princess Gaoyang, Prime Minister Yuanshou?"

Di Renjie smiled and said to Yun Chu: "Master Xuanzang treats you well, and Old Monkey treats you well. Although Qiuji did not take the initiative to approach you, he will not refuse anything you ask for.

So, do you want to know how Xuanzang’s disciple Bianji died? Did he really have an affair with Princess Gaoyang and was beheaded by Emperor Taizong? "

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I don't want to know."

Di Renjie put his head in front of Yun Chu and said, "Why don't you want to know? Don't you want to know why the thirty-six-year-old Bianji fell in love with the sixteen-year-old Gao Yang and couldn't wait to have sex in the wild?"

Yun Chu continued to shake his head and said: "Where love comes, where pleasure comes, what's not easy to understand?"

Di Renjie chuckled and said: "A monk who has practiced hard since childhood can still maintain a handsome and handsome appearance at the age of thirty-six. Do you believe it?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I've seen people who can seduce young ladies at the age of fifty. It's not unusual."

"The year before Emperor Taizong Long Yu passed away, Princess Gaoyang was still serving Emperor Taizong's decoction. In the third year after the new emperor ascended the throne, Gao Yang was also canonized as the eldest princess of the Tang Dynasty. As a princess, she also had a The eldest princess is about to reach her peak. If she had an affair with Bianji, do you think Emperor Taizong, Your Majesty, would treat her like this?"

Yun Chu didn't answer. He realized that Di Renjie was a little crazy now, so he pulled his arm, took the iron hook, and let go of the eunuch Yuanshou who was locked by his neck and rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue.

Immediately, the man went into the darkness in fear.

Di Renjie's laughter sounded in the dim corridor, which was very harsh, like a large group of crows cawing.

After waiting for a long time, Di Renjie calmly said to Yun Chu and Wen Wen: "This is the reason why I am planning to leave Chang'an and return to my hometown in Bingzhou to become a facao.

I'm actually not afraid of these people in Dali Temple. None of these people have clean butts. As long as Brother Wenwen's channels are open, they can't do anything to me.

What I'm afraid of is that if I continue to stay here, I will find more and more unexplained cases.

You know me, solving each mystery has endless temptation for me.

Now, I found out that Bianji died in a conspiracy. So, how did Gao Yang die? Was her death another conspiracy?

If Gao Yang's death was a conspiracy, then what about people like Xue Wanche and Chai Lingwu?

If the deaths of Xue Wanche and Chai Lingwu were a conspiracy, then what about Li Yuanjing, the king of Jing who joined them in the rebellion?

If Li Yuanjing's time was a conspiracy, then what about Li Ke, the king of Wu who died in the Gaoyang case?

Ah ah ah ah, a death row prisoner waiting for the autumn battle is just a death row prisoner in your eyes, but in my eyes, it contains countless secrets, like suddenly discovering a gold mine, I can't help but I want to dig it out.

It's a pity that I can't dig anymore. I can already smell the danger.

Therefore, I want to go back to my hometown in Bingzhou, get a wife, heal my wounds, and stabilize my mind.

When I come back, I may have forgotten these things. "

Yun Chu laughed and said, "I'm getting married soon. You and Wen Wen are going to be my besties and go to welcome the bride."

Di Renjie smiled and said: "Okay, okay, let's pack up and leave this damn Dali Temple. Or go back to my shabby room to live. First go to the bathhouse and let Er Niu give me a good bath. I I feel like my whole body will stink if I stay in Dali Temple.

I will happily enjoy some delicious food in the big cafeteria, and when I get the official title of Bingzhou Law Cao, I will go back to my hometown to get married. "

Wen Wen looked at the two people from the side, a little envious. The reason why he brought Yun Chu over was that he found something was wrong with Di Renjie, and hoped that Yun Chu could come over and give him a warning so that he could run away as soon as possible.

As a result, Yun Chu didn't say anything after coming over, and the two of them just listened to Di Renjie say some crazy things.

Then, Di Renjie became exactly the same as before. He could take the fruits of victory back to Bingzhou to get married and be promoted.

He could also see that Di Renjie didn't need anyone's advice. He knew very well that he had made a huge discovery alone in Dali Temple but no one told him about it.

Now that he finally said it, his thoughts became clear.

When Yun Chu entered Dali Temple, no one paid attention to him. When he left with Di Renjie, many heads poked out of the windows of the public houses, some were gloating about others' misfortune, and some seemed to be receiving amnesty.

Just returned to Jinchangfang, not only did Di Renjie take a deep breath of the air here, but even Gentle seemed to be much more relaxed.

"You Yun family are really powerful. During the three days before and after September 12th, a total of seven days, twenty-three beauties in Pingkangfang were taken care of by your Yun family. You have to be careful. Those dandies in Chang'an City are looking for trouble for you."

After hearing Wen Wen's words, Di Renjie's eyes lit up and he immediately said: "That night, you have to deal with Yu Xiurong, so you probably don't have time to waste on the other beauties. Leave the matter of entertaining these beauties to me...and Brother Wen Wen. "

Yun Chu sneered and said: "You are wrong, those beauties are not prepared for my marriage at all, but there are two slaves in the family who plan to turn my marriage into a sales event similar to the Lantern Festival. .

By then, Jinchangfang will be filled with colorful flags, gongs and drums, beauties like clouds, delicious food everywhere, good wine like water, mountains of goods, various colored lanterns, various juggling, puppet shows, shadow puppet shows, medicine-haired puppets, and strong men with bare feet. Climb the ladder to heaven. I heard that the ladder is only a dozen feet high. The beauty only wears water clothes to swing. When she reaches a high place, she will jump from the swing frame into a huge wooden bucket filled with water..."

Di Renjie was stunned, and after a long time he said: "They must charge you for the entrance fee to Jinchangfang, right?"

Yun Chu looked at Wen Chu and said, "Two hundred dollars!"

Wen Wen said dullly: "I also heard that Jinchangfang pours fine wine into the pool and lets anyone drink it with a spoon?"

Yun Chu smiled bitterly and said: "Anyway, those who come to Jinchangfang will be partying until dawn on that day."

"Until dawn?"

"Yes, you can even rent the polo horses in Jinchangfang Polo Ground to play polo. Of course, it is only for women."

Di Renjie was very excited and said, "How many people can I bring in?"

Yun Chu sneered and said, "Don't even think about it. You can come in because you live in Jinchangfang. If brother Wen Wenwen wants to come in, I need to spend money."

Gentle and puzzled: "Why is this? It will embarrass you."

Yun Chu sighed and said: "This is not even a private matter, but a government matter.

In the past few days, people from the Dongshi Municipal Affairs Bureau will be stationed in Jinchangfang to measure the commercial tax collection status in the past few days, and then evaluate whether it is necessary to continue this kind of thing. They also want to see how many days the people of Chang'an will party. , in order to consume all the idle money in their hands, and also consume all their thoughts of having fun.

Therefore, no one can be selfish. The two slaves in the family hope to get an accurate profit figure.

Let’s see if this profit can support the opening of two private schools and two pharmacies in Jinchangfang. "

Di Renjie put his hands on his hands and laughed and said: "When I left Dali Temple, I really returned from hell to the human world. This is what the human world should be like.

Brother Wenwen, after we send the newlyweds into the bridal chamber, how about you and I holding hands and going out at night? "

Wen Wen shook her head and said: "No, Zhuo Jing likes to go to the Yuan Dynasty the most. This year, she just gave birth and couldn't play. She has been regretting it for a long time. This time she just makes up for it."

Yun Chu sneered and said: "Try to bring as much money as possible when you come. You have to know that the most important thing I want to do during this cruise is to sell you things. I'm worried that you will suffer a big loss."

She smiled softly and said: "It's just some copper coins. As long as you are happy, it doesn't hurt to have more money."

After saying that, Wen Wenwen went straight to the cafeteria, Di Renjie went to the bathhouse, and Yun Chu was left standing by the bamboo forest sighing.

The paperwork I sent to the Yongzhou Mu Yamen has not yet received a reply. It seems that Li Shen, the Yongzhou Mu, is really useless.

If possible, Yunchu didn't want to go back home. Today's home is really overcrowded, and everyone has guests to entertain.

In the front yard, Liu Yi led a group of men to a very serious meeting, which was not only serious but also very mysterious. His two sons were guarding the left and right like door gods.

In the middle hall, Gongsun was entertaining a large group of beauties with their own characteristics. They almost filled the middle hall. A group of beauties with high buns and flame patterns on their eyebrows gathered around a table, pointing, and their faces looked... Very serious.

Yunchu really wanted to ask what they were talking about, but in the end he didn't dare to come forward.

The back house was lively. Mrs. Cui, along with a group of fat women and some young maids, were rehearsing something over and over again.

When he returned to his study, he saw the old monkey wearing a red robe nestled on his bed. Naha and Big Fat each held one of his legs and massaged it there.

Yunchu sat on the edge of the bed and said to the old monkey with his eyes slightly closed: "I saw a person in the prison of Dali Temple today."

The old monkey opened his eyes and said: "Bian Ji is seeking his own death. Princess Gaoyang is already dead, so let's never mention this matter again."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "It turns out you know it very well. I thought I was the only one who knew about this."

The old monkey sat up straight, touched Naha's head and asked her to go out to play with Big Fat, and waited for the two little girls to go out.

He looked at Yun Chu and said: "Don't be so smart. When Changsun Wuji is really angry, few people in the world can bear it, including the current emperor.

The reason why he didn't kill the eunuch Yuanshou was because he was fishing with that person as bait.

Unconscious dangers are the most terrifying, while conscious dangers are less terrifying because they can be resolved in advance.

Until now, you are not qualified to participate in some things. If you want to participate, wait until your five thousand troops can really come in handy. "

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 0:00 on August 13th. This book is first published by Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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