Tang's dining table

Chapter 216 A wise man never falls in love

Pei Xingjian left. At this time, he was as rude as a low-level brigade commander, shouting and shouting at the soldiers under his command, just like a real brigade commander.

However, it can be seen that this guy is really happy.

To him, Chang'an is a shit pit, his wife is, his lover is, and everyone around him is shit in the shit pit, and Yun Chu is undoubtedly the smelliest shit peg in the pit, and that's the way it is. A glowing dungeon.

Now, he is finally going to the Western Region. It is the place he is most familiar with and the place where he can survive without covering his nose.

So, this guy is carrying himself like a piece of shit at this moment.

Yun Chu looked back and saw that the sun was shining on the land of Guanzhong, a large area of ​​yellow, with some small mountains in the middle that might be black. However, after mixing with the large area of ​​yellow, Yun Chu lost interest in eating.

"A wise man never falls in love!"

Brother Rumor rode up the high slope, looked at Huangbulaji's land in Guanzhong, and said to Yunchu.

"I heard rumors that the virtuous couple are very loving and they are a couple that is envied by all women. How can one say that a wise man does not fall in love?"

Brother Liuyan said with a smile: "When a certain family is full moon, Zhuo Jing is also full moon. Because the adults of the two families are close friends, they put me and Zhuo Jing together.

Then Zhuo Jing peed so much that Brother Yu was drowned.

Because there was urine on both of their butts, my grandfather decided that it was me who had peeed and drowned his daughter.

Then, my grandma and grandma, and my grandpa and grandma thought that we were already close to each other!

The marriage was decided on the spot. "

Yun Chu nodded and said, "Of course."

Brother Liuyan looked at Yun Chu and said, "Brother Yu thinks so too. Ever since I was sensible, my father-in-law and mother-in-law have said this to me every time they see me. They also say that I have prevented his daughter from marrying a better man.

This always made me feel sorry for Zhuo Jing. She snatched my things, but I kept silent, and she beat me behind my back, but I kept silent. Until I was eight years old, I occasionally heard my mother-in-law tell the truth about what happened back then. Then I realized that it was Zhuo Jing who should say sorry. "

"So, you called back?"



"She was taller than me at that time and stronger than me. I couldn't beat her."

"No, my sister-in-law and my younger brother have also seen her. She is a lady, beautiful on the outside but wise on the inside. She is a rare good woman in the world."

Wen Wen glanced at Yun Chu with disdain and said, "Not only you said that, everyone said that, even my grandpa and grandma doted on her and thought she was born not to lose her temper.

In addition, she got a boy again this year, and her status in the family is far better than mine.

Now, do you understand why I say that a wise man never falls in love? "

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "What you said was messy. I didn't understand it. I always felt that you were bragging to me that you have a good wife."

Wen Wen looked at Yun Chu and said with a smile: "What I mean is, you can't be too nice to a woman. If you are too nice, you will not have a good life."

Yunchu looked at Wen Chu and said, "Why are you so emotional all of a sudden?"

Wen Wen said: "Pei Xingjian is a lesson learned from the past."

Looking at the gentle and weird smile, Yun Chu suddenly understood that the reason why this bastard talked nonsense was not talking about him, let alone the scumbag Pei Xingjian, but Yun Chu.

If Yun Chu guessed correctly, the Cui family's revenge against the Yu family should have already begun, and hit the Yu family where it hurts.

Yun Chu is now a political ally with Wen Wen. This guy is worried that Yun Chu will step into a manure pit to vent his anger on his wife, not only making himself smelly but also disgusting others.

It is not that the Yu family cannot be provoked, but it is definitely not something that Yunchu can provoke. The Tang Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and disobedience and unfilial piety have a bad reputation. If the Yun family wants to build a famous family from Yunchu, they must not do anything wrong. There should be no such stains, at least, during the period of building a family.

From Xianyang Bridge back to Chang'an, it took half an hour to reach the destination on a fast horse. If we didn't have to accompany Wen Wen, it would have taken even less time with the pace of the bay-red horse.

When he returned home, Yun Chu didn't mention it, especially when he saw Yu Xiurong's bright smile, there was no need to mention it.

He has become a fucking cruel official, why would I care about other reputations?

There is a basket full of red pomegranates on the table, which are grown on the old pomegranate tree in Yu Xiurong's old house.

Yunchu broke open a pomegranate and took a bite. He thought it was really good. Even though there were too many seeds, it was considered a good fruit.

Yu Xiurong would not spit out the seeds when eating pomegranates. She would chew the pomegranate seeds together and eat them.

Her mouth full of little white teeth is so strong that any pomegranate seeds that enter her mouth will be chewed.

Yu Xiurong, who became a young woman, has indeed begun to change a lot. Those loose and loose clothes in the past have now become slim, and she is a delicate and graceful beauty.

Just as the two were discussing the book printing workshop, Naha and her maid Da Fat came back from outside dragging Zicuckoo, who was like a dead dog.

Needless to say, they went to play polo again. Nowadays, the rental rate of Yun's polo field is very high, especially at night, there are always a large group of men and women playing polo in the field.

This kind of playing does not mean just playing one or two games, but playing polo all night long. When you are tired, you will go to Erniu's bathhouse to bathe and have a massage, and then go to the newly opened guest house in Jinchangfang to have a good time. Take a rest and go back after dawn.

This kind of healthy life has become a new life for fashionable men and women in Chang'an. Especially in the bathhouse, after adding aromatherapy and essential oil massage, there are far more women than men.

For this reason, Cui had to send two more elderly stewards to run this business.

Judging from the current situation, bathhouses still need to undergo large-scale expansion to meet the growing needs of Chang'an people.

After entering October, many leaves on the trees in Chang'an City have fallen off.

Because Chang'an City focuses on defense, there are not many trees in the city. Therefore, once it enters the leaf-falling season, the city becomes bare.

Jinchangfang is different. Although Yun Chu wants to clear away the annoying bamboos, there is no way to eradicate them. There are still large tracts of bamboo forests here.

Erniu stood on the edge of the bamboo forest, holding a food box and looking dreamily at a small yard beside the bamboo forest.

In this small courtyard, there lived three women who were injured at the World's No. 1 Food Conference.

Er Niu likes Qi Niang who dives from the swing.

The courtyard door opened, and a woman with a big mouth, big eyes, and a lame leg came out of it laughing. After spotting Er Niu, she immediately opened her mouth and shouted: "Seventeenth Mother, your lover is here."

"Stop talking nonsense." A familiar voice came from the yard.

Er Niu's somewhat confused eyes immediately brightened up. Seeing Shi Qi Niang coming out of the yard with a cane, Er Niu's face turned into a big red cloth, and he walked over in three steps and two steps at a time. But when he was only ten feet away from Seventeen Niang, he put the food box on the ground, lowered his head and said, "These are the big bones I asked San Fatty Niang to stew for you. It's good for your legs."

After saying that, he turned around and left, as if he had just completed a grand undertaking.

The lame woman with a big mouth rushed over to pick up the food box, opened it, took a look, and said with envy: "They are all tube bones, and there is bone marrow in them. They are also injured. Why didn't anyone give me the bones to chew on?"

Qiuniang walked out of the yard and said to Qiuniang: "You can eat the bones, but you must be grateful, but you can't flirt with him."

The Seventeenth Mother smiled and said, "My daughter understands."

Qiuniang said: "You'd better understand that if he sleeps with you, you will be worthless."

The lame woman with a big mouth said: "Such a man is actually quite good. I heard that he is the steward of Yun's bathhouse, and he manages fifty or sixty people under his command. His salary for a month is enough to earn three thousand dollars. If he marries He is a proper lady in charge, and can live a good life."

Qiuniang sneered and said to the lame woman with a big mouth: "Chu Laoliu's knife will be able to make another hole for you if you use it a little more. In this way, you can have two men like this at once. Wouldn't it be better?" ?

How dare you, a dirty bastard like you, instigate the Seventeenth Lady here. The Seventeenth Lady is a person who was personally rewarded by His Majesty. How can she be compared to you? If the people in Jinchangfang didn't do things in an orderly manner, you would be worthy of being here. Recuperate here?

Get out of here! "

The lame woman with a big mouth, her big eyes full of tears, slowly put down her food box and walked into the small yard with tears in her eyes.

Qiuniang picked up the food box, opened it, sniffed and said, "They are indeed good things. Eat more in a while to build up your bones as soon as possible. You don't know, there are so many people who want to see you swinging and diving that you can't even count them." "

The Seventeenth Mother smiled and said, "I will listen to my mother-in-law in everything."

After Qiu Niang helped Qi Niang into the yard and closed the door, Er Niu's smiling face appeared from behind a large tent of bamboo.

He made a fist with his right hand and punched it in the palm of his hand, feeling that his goal should be achieved soon.

Mother, she just wants a daughter-in-law who has a good child, is obedient, preferably pretty, and has seen some worldly things, simple...

"Three guans a month, that's the wages given by the master. I don't accept a reward of 100 fen for one day now?"

Erniu left the bamboo forest with his hands behind his back, and couldn't help but sing loudly: "I'm waiting for the moment when my beloved comes back, and I will sing for you with my tears..."

In this world, it is most important to understand one's own position. Erniu felt that he had become a lot smarter after being with people like Lang Jun, Di Langjun, and Prince Ji all day long.

On the fifth day of October, Li Zhi's newborn daughter suffered from high fever and convulsions. He quickly invited Dr. Sun into the palace. At dawn, the child calmed down.

On the seventh day of October, the child who was about to recover suddenly developed a high fever again. Dr. Sun used antiseptic medicine to smear the child's palms, soles of feet, and armpits, and the high fever was repelled again.

On October 9, when the palace officials were cleaning up the dead flowers and trees in Zhaoyi Palace, they found a civet cat full of iron thorns in the flower bed in the northeast corner.

The civet cat was still alive, but its mouth was pierced by an iron thorn and it couldn't make a sound.

Li Zhi looked at the dying white civet cat, with veins popping on his forehead and furious.

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 4:00 pm on the 17th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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