Tang's dining table

Chapter 223 Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest

Wannian County's crushing of Chang'an County was almost all-round.

Since Pei Xingjian left, the houses that were demolished in Chang'an County are now in tattered places, covered with a layer of snow.

The broken walls and ruins all over the place indicate that a disaster has just occurred here.

This kind of business plan that made things happen due to people eventually turned into a piece of chicken feathers all over the place with Pei Xingjian's departure.

Liu Rengui frowned. The problem in Chang'an County was far more serious than he thought.

Not only the old, weak, women and children who came to the county government gate and lost their voices in pain, but also more people who pitched tents at the county government gate and prepared to live there for a long time.

The government promised to demolish their dilapidated houses and build new ones for them, and they believed the government. As a result, in the cold winter, they no longer even had the dilapidated houses that could provide shelter from the wind and rain.

Chang'an County Government almost uprooted the original group of officials after Di Renjie's magic operation. Now, after Pei Xingjian's review, it has become severely withered.

There are ten officials in the six cao, four departments, and the only one who can still work normally is Sun Hucao, who was transferred from Wannian County. The rest are either awaiting investigation or are already in prison. The most outrageous one simply walked in naked. In the Qinling Mountains, no bones were left in the end.

It's not that Chang'an County has never thought about making up for the officials, but it's a pity that people from outside who are qualified to enter Chang'an County as officials would rather die than enter Chang'an County to be beheaded officials.

This caused great trouble to Liu Rengui. As a last resort, a group of people were transferred from Lantian County to finally assemble the official team of Chang'an County.

However, he soon discovered a more serious problem, that is, the people of Chang'an County generally distrusted the Chang'an County government.

The previous Chang'an County officials were almost killed and all were exiled. This can be called a classic interpretation that there are no good officials in Chang'an County.

The previous government was very successful in doing things, but he ran away before half of the work was done.

As a result, Chang'an County government offices have been equated with scum in the eyes of the people.

Liu Rengui decided to start by cleaning the streets. As a fifth-rank county magistrate, he personally held a broom to sweep the streets. He was determined not to let Duke Yan bury his few remaining teeth in Chang'an County. on the street.

Wannian County is different. Although there was a serious White Bones incident there, after that incident, Wannian County quickly got back on track. Since the officials received two rewards, people's hearts have been Gradually settled down.

They believed that the previous White Bones Incident was just a way for the county lieutenant to kill chickens and scare monkeys. Because the county lieutenant was from the military, the chickens were killed more miserably.

Now, all the monkeys are obedient, so there is no need to kill chickens to scare anyone.

The two large rewards also let these officials know that the reason why the county captain looked down on the black money that was not on the table was because he looked down upon it and had no idea of ​​rectifying the government.

In addition, the original chief secretary of Wannian County and his whole family were sent to serve in the Western Region Army by the supervisory censor.

The county magistrate's family also followed the master's footsteps fifteen days ago.

Magistrate Zheng is now moving around like a frightened donkey, hoping to survive until next year and go to the humid and hot lake to become a governor.

The black money in the past has become clear money that can be taken openly, and the amount is more than the black money. Naturally, the officials have no dissatisfaction.

Nowadays, everyone is working hard to complete the tasks assigned by the county captain. As long as they complete the tasks assigned by the county captain in the coming year and become the leader, the position of chief bookkeeper will basically be obtained.

The county lieutenant is about to be promoted to county magistrate. The position of county lieutenant is obviously reserved for the head catcher Zhang Jia. Although this guy cannot be ranked as a seventh-rank official like the current county lieutenant, a ninth-rank official will be promoted to a junior official. It's not impossible to be an eighth-grade county captain.

Six Cao, four ministries and ten officials all have their eyes fixed on the position of chief registrar. They even believe that as long as the county lieutenant becomes the county magistrate, there will be a vacant position for the county magistrate here.

If the magistrate of Jingxian County is sent to other places, he will at least be the magistrate of Shangxian County, which is often called Bailihou.

Therefore, even in the twelfth lunar month of winter, the officials did not stay in the yamen, but used their own talents to think of ways to prosper the rural economy.

Prepare to provide more material support to Wannian County next year.

The more than 8,000 guan of cash stored in the county government's treasury was the courage of these officials. With this money, they believed that no matter how many supplies they obtained, they would have money to purchase them.

Yunchu could make money, but there was no way to improve the production level and agricultural level of the Tang people overnight. This was a terrazzo effort that took time and accumulation.

He couldn't do this kind of thing, and he didn't have the patience to do it. However, as long as the officials of the Tang Dynasty used it well, they were all experts, because their connection with the land was much closer than Yunchu's connection with the land.

And these officials know the situation in the countryside very well. No one knows what is suitable for work and what to raise. No one knows it better than them.

Leaving professional matters to professionals will generally not go wrong.

The Guangfufang fire reconstruction project was finally completed as scheduled. Even before the first snow fell, all 137 households affected by the fire had moved into new houses.

And as quickly as possible, Chang'an City's usual fireworks were restored at the original fire accident scene.

This time when Yunchu came to Guangfufang, he did not accept the Hu cakes offered by the young man selling Hu cakes. The aura of keeping strangers away from him also made the young man selling Hu cakes afraid to approach.

The heads of all one hundred and thirty-seven households were summoned to the cross streets by Yunchu, and they took out one hundred and thirty-seven documents guaranteeing the handover of houses. After everyone confirmed that they were correct, the one hundred and thirty-seven households were asked to hand over another document. A document was set on fire.

This means that the first phase of the Guangfufang old and dilapidated house renovation project launched by Yunchu has finally come to a successful conclusion.

Immediately afterwards, he convened the second batch of 233 households participating in the dilapidated house renovation project, redrawn the handover guarantee, and set the handover date on May 1st of the following year.

This is a very formal document. If the house cannot be handed over by then, Jinchangfang will guarantee them that they will have a house to live in in the future.

After all, the construction of the large inn and canteen that Yunchu needed was not completed on schedule. If they wanted to open, they would have to wait until at least May of next year.

Countless merchants were sitting under the bamboo shed built by the Yun family, drinking hot soup and warming themselves by the fire, eagerly hoping that Liu Yi would call his name soon.

Today is the day to settle payments to all suppliers, and the scene is magnificent.

A carriage and a carriage of copper coins were pulled out of the Xiangji Kitchen of Da Ci'en Temple, and then pulled into the account room. Then they were pulled one by one by the suppliers who had completed the payment and returned to the Da Ci'en Temple. Xiangji Kitchen.

The process seemed extremely funny, but none of the merchants, the Yun family, and the Daci'en Temple were laughing.

When merchants sell goods, they naturally have to collect copper coins. When the Yun family receives services, they naturally have to pay copper coins.

Daci'en Temple Xiangji Kitchen pays out a sum of money and receives another sum of money. These are two concepts and must not be confused.

Every time a sum of money was settled, under the joint witness of the Yun family's accountant and merchants, all the incoming and outgoing bills were burned to indicate that the matter was over.

The more complicated the Yun family makes things, the more the merchants agree that a good business must be done from beginning to end.

Although the settlement took a little longer, the merchants were very satisfied because the Yun family did not lose a penny of the agreed money, and they did not find any difficult excuses to delay the payment.

Even if there were disputes, fights, or even bloodshed during the business process, the merchants were not treated harshly and received a lot of money.

After the business ended, when the shopkeepers sat down with Liu Yi to discuss the supply of the second phase of Guangfufang's renovation project, everyone acted extremely relaxed and happy.

At this point, Yunchu's name can be used as money among the merchants in Chang'an City, and Yunchu's reputation as an honest and honest young gentleman has been officially confirmed.

Since Wu Mei entrusted her child to Sun Shenxian, she seemed to have forgotten that she had a daughter. The person who also forgot about her daughter was Emperor Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty.

Now, the child can crawl and is very restless. However, no matter how you look at it, he is a healthy child.

Yu Xiurong had just made a scarf, which was tied in front of the child's neck to block drool.

Seeing the child greedily eating the wet nurse's milk, Naha swallowed greedily.

There's nothing I can do about it. This child has been like this since he was a child. He doesn't want to see other people's children take milk. This is also the root cause of his illness when he was a child. He may not be able to change it in this life.

So she stroked Yu Xiurong's flat belly and said, "When will my nephew come out?"

Yu Xiurong rolled his eyes at Naha and said, "When it's time to come out, you'll come out. Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Grandma Sun lied to me, saying you were a good childbearer, but it's been more than a month and you haven't even laid an egg."

"It's chickens, ducks and geese that can lay eggs, not people."

"Nonsense. Turtles can also lay eggs. My brother also said that snakes can also lay eggs and crocodiles can also lay eggs. There are many things in the world that can lay eggs. Why don't you lay eggs?"

Yu Xiurong stretched out a finger, tapped Naha's forehead and said, "When you get married, if you don't lay an egg, see how I deal with you."

Yun Chu, who was lying on the brocade couch and had just woken up, stretched out and looked at the window covered with peach blossom paper. When he heard the sound of falling snow outside, he opened the window and saw a vast expanse of white outside. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest, it's really good."

Yu Xiurong thoughtfully brought warm tea and said, "You have been working hard for a year, why don't you take a good rest?"

Yun Chu smiled and said, "I had a very good dream. I dreamed that the pomegranate flowers in your old yard were blooming again. They were blooming in full swing, as if they were on fire. They were so beautiful."

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 2 pm on the 19th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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