Tang's dining table

Chapter 225 Who is the opponent in scene kung fu?

The snow falling in Chang'an is very beautiful, and the snow in Chang'an is very unique. It always falls at night and stops during the day.

When the Big Wild Goose Pagoda is covered with snow, it looks a bit slim. This may be because the surrounding scenery has become fatter, making it appear slimmer.

Without the wild pigeons to destroy the white snow on the tower, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda is like a toy sealed in a glass cover by time, pure beauty.

The snow that fell last night was not very heavy, only about two inches. By the time the people from Wannian County started to clear the snow, the opposite Chang'an County had already finished clearing the snow on their part of the ground.

It can be considered a win over Wannian County.

Liu Rengui placed all the homeless people in the county government office and clearly told these homeless people that as long as their new houses were not built, they could continue to live in the county government office.

Not only did he make promises to the people, he even subsidized them with some firewood, grain and rice.

It is because of such a series of actions that people in Chang'an County have developed a slight affection for the county magistrate who led them to clear the snow. They all call him the snow-clearing magistrate instead of calling him Chang'an County before. Before the official, be sure to add a specific title such as the county magistrate for a dog or the county magistrate for a pig.

However, since Liu Rengui received his appointment, most of his thoughts have not been on Chang'an County, but on frequent visits to the palace.

Wen Wen deliberately did not inquire more about the news in the palace. Since Liu Rengui criticized the lax management of the royal palace in the main hall last time, and leaked air everywhere like a sieve, there was basically no such news in the rumors that Wen Wen had obtained.

In fact, everyone knows that once a foreign minister has a connection with an eunuch or a palace official in the palace and is discovered by Liu Rengui, then whether it is the eunuch, the palace servant, or the person who is connected, Liu Rengui will send him to the eighteenth level of hell. , and will never be able to stand up again.

Many times, the disintegration of a group does not come from external forces, but from internal problems.

When Concubine Xiao Shu began to accuse Queen Wang, the balance of power within the palace was suddenly broken.

Now, He Lan was murdered by Empress Wang. The eunuch in Yilan Palace, Concubine Xiao Shu, was naturally murdered by Empress Wang. Even the pile of cat poop in the corner of Changchun Palace was caused by Empress Wang sending a cat to remove it. .

At this point, the queen was deposed and there was no room for change.

Maybe Queen Wang is not the murderer, but this is the simplest and most convenient way to deal with it.

After all, before this happened, Queen Wang had been blamed for the victory-wearing incident that occurred in the palace. Her mother, Liu, was also expelled from the palace, and her uncle was demoted to a local governor.

Everyone in the palace cannot be a conspirator, and everyone cannot be a villain. Therefore, all the blame can only be placed on the king and queen, and then the innocence of the other palace concubines can be preserved.

Sometimes the records in history books are just that. Just like if Yun Chu was a historian now, he would not be able to record much information, and most of them would be speculations and guesses. Even though the incident happened in his life, he It is impossible to know any better.

Yunchu always felt that Concubine Xiao Shu's betrayal had something to do with Liu Rengui, but when he saw this strange-looking man again, he felt that he was not responsible for such a disgusting thing.

An upright official like him should have his own bottom line and his own persistence.

However, all the news finally pointed the finger at him, proving that he was the one who did it.

In short, it is very contradictory.

Liu Rengui officially came to Wannian County Yamen to meet with Yunchu in a very formal manner. There were many people paying homage to him, driving, and serving as officials.

You can tell from the way Liu Rengui drinks tea that he is a man who has no requirements for life.

He poured the Yun family's good tea into his mouth in one gulp, and put the remaining tea leaves into his mouth with his fingers to eat.

"I know you are capable. Mr. Yun Lang's reputation can now be used as money, so I will give you a chance to show off your skills."

Liu Rengui was very honest and lay down as soon as he came up. What he meant in his words was that as long as Yun Chu helped him clean up the mess left by Pei Xingjian, he could let Yun Chu bully him.

For an official, or a very proud official, to be able to say something like this proves that he is solving the problem with the utmost sincerity, has abandoned his own face, and wants to get things done.

In fact, being willing to put yourself in an inferior position in order to deal with this mess is equivalent to actively admitting defeat.

Taking the initiative to admit defeat is not common among officials. It can even be said to be rare. When everyone is striving for the top, you say that your skills are inferior to others, and the superior officer is asked how to promote you and entrust you with important responsibilities?

Liu Rengui said it, and he was not ashamed at all when he said it, or he originally thought that this was the shortest way to solve the problem.

Therefore, when Yun Chu looked at Liu Rengui again, it was like looking at a plump roast duck with crispy skin, tender meat, golden color and dripping oil.

Now that everything was on the table, Yun Chu naturally took out the knife and the drawings and showed them to Liu Rengui.

Seeing the familiar floor plan of Anyefang, Liu Rengui looked at Yun Chu and said, "Has Yunxian Cheng already had this intention?"

Yun Chu pointed to his heart and said: "The county magistrate feels sorry for the people of Chang'an who have been displaced. Could it be that Mr. Yun's heart is made of iron and stone?

The plan has been prepared. If we start clearing the ruins now, preparing materials, and allowing these people to move into their new houses in May, I think it is still feasible. "

Liu Rengui looked at Yun Chu and said, "I originally thought you were a selfish person, but I didn't expect that you have such a side of serving the country and the people."

Yunchu said with a smile: "The county magistrate has thought too much. I want half of the land that will be saved after building a house in Anyefang."

After hearing this, Liu Rengui looked at the white snow on the red plum tree outside Yunchu's official house with some dejection and said: "After all, it's all about fame and fortune, so let's just do it.

Starting from tomorrow, I will gather the people and start cleaning up the ruins. You should also start preparing materials. "

Yun Chu looked at Liu Rengui strangely: "Once the matter does not go through the government, then all matters should be resolved through commercial behavior."

Liu Rengui was stunned for a moment and said: "How to solve it?"

Yun Chu tapped the drawing with his knuckles and said, "Now that we have agreed on a solution to the matter, everything on the Anyefang construction site has nothing to do with you."

"Are you saying that I don't need to bring people to clean up the ruins?"

"Of course not, ruins are just ruins in your eyes, but they are great wealth in the eyes of the professional team that specializes in cleaning up ruins.

They will clean out the wood and iron tools from the ruins and sell them for firewood or blacksmiths. Even the mud, broken bricks and tiles that you think are useless are valuable in their eyes.

In Chang'an City, there is no waste, it just depends on where it is used. "

Liu Rengui solemnly raised his hands to Yunchu and said, "Wood, iron, and tattered bricks and tiles have their uses. Liu can understand. As for the purpose of those tattered mud embryos, please let Yun County Cheng know."

"The terrain of Chang'an is low, but it has been raining heavily in recent years. Many people need soil to raise their homes, and there is no place in Chang'an where you can get soil at will. If you get it from outside the city, it will cost a lot of money. cost."

Liu Rengui shook his head and praised: "You really have to spend every penny."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "A large part of the merchants' profits are obtained by snatching mud from the swallow's mouth.

If the county magistrate mobilizes the people to do these things in vain, then it means that the teams that specialize in doing this will lose their jobs.

Therefore, sometimes, free things are not a good thing. At least, when these people finish the ruins, they will give me a flat foundation that requires little correction.

The county magistrate will understand when he goes to the construction site in a few days. "

Of course Liu Rengui will watch. He will not only check how the professional people who clean up the ruins as Yun Chu said are doing, but also see whether Xinfang City, which has been built in Guangfufang, is as useful to everyone as Yun Chu said. There are benefits.

Standing on Guangfufang Street, people were already coming and going, and it had long since returned to its original lively appearance.

Yun Chu put his hand on the head of a little girl who was very familiar to him, pointed to the workshop on the first floor of the girl's house and said: "This is one of the first families we renovated.

Their family is a bamboo craftsman, and their business cannot be said to be good or bad. In short, they can only make ends meet. The house was reduced to ashes in a fire. If they relied on their own abilities, it would be extremely difficult to build a new house.

Now, the area of ​​their house has not actually changed, it has just been spread out and stacked up. It is such a small change that allows their family to have a new brick house that can live in for a hundred years. "

As Yun Chu spoke, he also patted the little girl on the head, appearing to be very approachable.

For the Bianjiang family, two big officials came at once, and they stood at the door at a loss, wondering whether they should invite them in.

Yunchu led Liu Rengui into his house naturally, without even having to be greeted by the owner. He pointed at the structure on the first floor and continued talking to Liu Rengui: "When we first built the house, we planned the warehouse and working space on the first floor. Many times when building a house, the owner's livelihood needs are even taken into consideration.

Because bamboo craftsmen need a lot of space to work and store bamboo, the first floor of their house is almost connected, with doors at the front and back, making it very convenient to work. "

Liu Rengui nodded while watching, apparently very satisfied with Yunchu's introduction.

Yun Chu opened someone else's rice vat, grabbed a handful of yellow rice from it, looked at it, then opened someone else's porridge pot, and said to the housewife: "The price of rice has dropped a bit this year. It's cold. Oh my god, the porridge should be thicker, but it’s too thin and won’t help you with hunger or cold.”

The housewife nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

The two went up to the second floor of the bamboo craftsman's house. Yun Chu pointed to the small window and said, "There were some jokes at first because of this window. At the beginning of the design, I always thought that larger windows would provide better lighting. It's also beautiful. Unexpectedly, what people want is to make the windows smaller and warmer in winter.

It seems that I have made the old mistake of not eating minced meat after all. "

Liu Rengui didn't say a word, and just followed Yunchu, watching and listening, watching Yunchu try to figure out the thickness of the little girl's clothes, watching Yunchu open the bed to see if the bedding was warm.

Watching Yun Chu use a wooden spoon to dig out a spoonful of rice porridge from the pot, put it in his mouth to taste the taste.

Along the way, Liu Rengui became even more silent.

Watching Liu Rengui leave lonely, Yun Chu grinned and said to himself: "Compared with me as a people-friendly person, you are still far behind."

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 9:00 pm on the 19th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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