Tang's dining table

Chapter 238 I’m just a spectator

Xuanzang lived more and more like the Buddha, while Yunchu lived more and more like the human world.

The development of Jinchangfang has reached a bottleneck period. If it still wants to move forward, it must make a major adjustment in the industry.

However, when people's ideas cannot keep up with the pace of development, before making changes, they have to wait until the people of Jinchangfang spontaneously think that they need to move forward.

Forcing a cow to have its head pressed without drinking water is definitely not a good way to develop.

Today's Jinchangfang people have gradually begun to stop wearing those gaudy advertising clothes in their daily lives.

Instead, he put on his old homespun clothes again. Although they didn't look good, they were clean, well-fitting, and seemed to be simple and simple.

When doing business again, no one was as impatient as before, but seemed very calm.

This kind of calmness comes from having enough food and money at home.

Even those craftsmen who refuse to give up know that after working for a month, they should set aside a day or two for themselves to rest, drink tea, and look at those beautiful butts on the polo field.

In the twelfth lunar month, when the dogs in Jinchangfang hide their long muzzles in their arms and refuse to show them, the tourists and business in Jinchangfang also usher in the dullest days.

The businessmen in Jinchangfang were not in a hurry. They chatted around the warm table that only the people in Jinchangfang were willing to buy.

Suddenly there was a rapid sound of horse hooves on the quiet street, and people on the street stuck their heads out to take a look.

He found a knight who had wrapped himself up like a bear and was galloping on the streets of Jinchangfang.

Fortunately, it was the twelfth lunar month, so there were only a few religious men and women in Jinchangfang who went to Daci'en Temple to offer incense.

He quickly arrived at the door of Yun's house. The gatekeeper, Fei Shi, first carefully looked at the big man in front of him. Finally, he shouted happily: "Fei Jiu, are you back?"

Fei Jiu jumped off the horse, hugged Fei Shi's body first, and immediately asked, "Is Lang Jun at home?"

Fei Shi nodded repeatedly, and Fei Jiu left his horse and hurried into the inner house.

In the dead of winter, Yun Chu was sweating profusely and steaming with heat. He played with a spear like a poisonous dragon that came alive, with murderous intent everywhere.

After he flipped several times in the air, he thrust the spear out of the air. Although the tip of the spear only made contact with the wooden stake on the opposite side, a hole as thick as an egg appeared on the wooden stake.

Through the hole, Yun Chu saw Fei Jiu, who was so excited that he couldn't even speak.

Slowly retracting his spear, Yunchu exhaled a mouthful of white turbid air, which slowly became lighter after two feet.

"came back?"

Hearing Lang Jun talking to him, Fei Jiu trembled a few times and took the towel hanging on the rope next to him and handed it to Yun Chu.

While Yun Chu wiped the sweat from his face and head, he said to Fei Jiu: "Go take a good bath and warm up, then go to the big cafeteria to have a good meal. It's best to drink some wine and sleep, and wait for your body to heal." Okay, tell me more about what happened in Tuyuhun."

Fei Jiu shook his head repeatedly and said: "I can't wait any longer, Lang Jun. Li Jingye took the troops from Duke Ying's Mansion and went to Qinghai with the dead soldiers he recruited in Tuyuhun."

Yun Chu frowned slightly and said, "Why is he going to Qinghai?"

Fei Jiu said angrily: "Robbery!"

Yun Chu led Fei Jiu into the house and asked him to sit by the stove, but he was not allowed to take off his shoes.

"What can we grab from Qinghai?"

"Ludong praises marrying a daughter."

"What did Zhang Jianzhi say?"

"Zhang Jianzhi disagreed with Li Jingye's idea and said that what we have to do in Tyuhun is a good start. At this time, if Lu Dongzan is angered, Qinling and his son will bring a lot of trouble to the Tang Dynasty. .

However, Li Jingye refused to listen and took his family and horses away. It was because of this incident that Zhang Jianzhi sent me back quickly to inform Lang Jun about Li Jingye. "

Yun Chu poured Fei Jiu a cup of hot tea, motioned him to moisten his chapped lips, then thought for a moment and said, "Actually, it's nothing."

Fei Jiu drank tea and said, "Zhang Jianzhi said it is very troublesome."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "The left and right are just a group of bandits. If Lu Dongzan can't even fight off a group of bandits, how can he be the regent and prime minister?

What else did Zhang Jianzhi say? "

"Zhang Jianzhi said that he has united more than 3,700 homeless Tuyuhun people from 600 households. If Lang Jun does not stop Li Jingye's behavior, he is going to take these 3,700 Tuyuhun people to raid Chi. Water source, if things go well, he will return along the original route, if things go wrong, he is ready to go directly from Tuyuhun to the Western Regions."

After hearing Fei Jiu's answer, Yun Chu looked at Fei Jiu's pockmarked face that was cut by the cold wind and said, "Why are you back?"

Fei Jiu chuckled and said, "Old slave is here, Li Jingye can't be unscrupulous, and Zhang Jianzhi can't do whatever he wants."

Yun Chu said angrily: "That's nonsense, our family's business is the most important."

Fei Jiu smiled and said: "If we follow Lang Jun's arrangements, our family can collect several thousand cattle and sell hundreds of houses at most.

If either Li Jingye or Zhang Jianzhi succeeds, the old slave will think that our family can have our own pasture, cattle and sheep. In this way, wouldn't it be better than the one-shot deal planned by Lang Jun? ? "

Yun Chu looked at Fei Jiu again and said, "What did you do again?"

Fei Jiu sneered and said: "The old slave has a low status. He can't deal with Li Jingye and Zhang Jianzhi on weekdays. Therefore, he can only deal with Li's tribe and those Tuyuhun people who want to come to the Tang Dynasty. Need more time.

They now know that Lang Jun is the one who can really benefit them.

The old slave of Li's tribe couldn't say anything, but the Tuyuhun people were still willing to listen to the old slave. "

"What can they do even if they find out? You just said that our family will have a ranch? Is this possible?"

When he asked this question, Yun Chu already had a smile on his face.

Fei Jiu drank the hot tea in one gulp, poured himself another cup and continued: "The Great River Valley is actually a very good place, with abundant water, lush vegetation, and the dangerous terrain. Although the river cannot be navigable, it can A raft made of sheepskin is used to travel.

Fei Jiu thought that as long as the Tuyuhun people followed Zhang Jianzhi's attack on Chishuiyuan, regardless of victory or defeat, and headed to the Grand Valley, there would be no way out for the Tuyuhun people.

We can only survive by relying on our family.

Lang Jun, the most important thing is that we discovered this time that there was no major war between Tuyuhun and the Tubo people. There were only some small-scale fights occasionally, and they were all Tubo bandits, not the Tubo army. "

Hearing what Fei Jiu said, Yun Chu's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he confirmed again: "There is no war between Tuyuhun and Tubo now?"

"No, the Tubo people who came down are all bandits. Even the army is doing bandits' work."

Yun Chu patted Fei Jiu's arm and said, "Go and rest. Rest for a few more days. As you said, our family doesn't do anything, just watch Li Jingye and Zhang Jianzhi."

Fei Jiu shook his head and said, "No, I'll sleep at home one night and leave tomorrow. Tuyuhun is really too lively.

I couldn't help but watch the excitement, and I couldn't live without it even a day. "

"Are you watching the excitement so much that you risk your life?"

Fei Jiu laughed loudly and said, "Isn't it important for me to watch the excitement in my humble life?"

Seeing Fei Jiu, Fei Shi and Fei Ba going to take a shower arm in arm with their relaxed clothes, Yun Chu murmured to himself: "Tuyuhun is so weak that he can't even stop the Tubo thieves." Reached?"

After saying this, Yunchu put on his coat, gloves and hat, and rode his bay-red horse to the Wannian County Government Office.

In the twelfth lunar month, the yamen did not have much official business to handle, so there were only some left-behind personnel in the Liucao and Sibu, and the rest were at home.

There is a person who does not know what Xiu Mu is. He is immersed in a mountain of documents all day long and cannot extricate himself.

So, when Yunchu pushed the gentle man away, he was sitting cross-legged on the futon wearing underwear and no shoes, still reading the documents that he would never finish.

The room was surprisingly warm. When Yunchu entered, he realized that there was a wall of fire behind the house.

"Why is there no such thing as a fire wall in my mansion?"

Wen Wen said without raising her head: "You are the county magistrate, and your requirements for the public house are bigness and good scenery, not warmth."

"I heard a good rumor, do you want to listen to it?"

"If it was about Prince Hong capturing a giant bear alive with his bare hands, you don't need to tell me. I know more about the ins and outs of this matter than you do."

"This is impossible, I am the initiator."

Wenrou looked up at Yunchu and said, "You know what you know, but you don't know other things related to this matter."

Yun Chu sat down, poured a cup of bright red wolfberry soup for Wen Wen, and said: "There was no major war between Tuyuhun and Tubo at all.

The same goes for Dafeichuan. If you tell this rumor, how much can you sell it for? "

After Wen Wen finished drinking the wolfberry soup, she took out the wolfberry hanging on the wall of the cup and threw it into her mouth to eat. Then she looked at Yun Chu and said, "If the Tubo people didn't attack Dafeichuan, how could those veteran generals get away from the imperial court? Want money, food, soldiers and horses?"

Yunchu laughed and said, "They have shot themselves in the foot. Li Jingye led a team of nearly 800 people, including 99 experienced soldiers. He went to rob Lu Dongzan’s married daughter.”

Wen Wen stopped flipping through the documents, looked at Yun Chu and said, "I really don't know about this rumor."

Yun Chu added: "Zhang Jianzhi actually organized nearly four thousand people to prepare for a raid on the Chishui source in Tuyuhun. Do you know this rumor?"

Wen Wenwen stood up in surprise and said, "What are these two going to do?"

Yun Chu laughed and said: "One wants to prove that he is the real good son of the Li family, and the other wants to tell everyone by raiding the source of Chishui that he is qualified to be an official and can also be a big man who can stand alone. official."

She smiled softly and said, "I remember that going to Tuyuhun also had something to do with your family, right?"

Yun Chu took a sip of the wolfberry soup and said, "My family is just a spectator, and then I'll see if I can get some benefits for my family while watching the excitement.

You know that my servants are all good. Although they are not attractive, they are the most practical. "

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 11:00 pm on the 22nd. You read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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