Tang's dining table

Chapter 242 Confidentiality

From the beginning of planning, to formal implementation, to the start of construction, there are many joints in the process.

Therefore, in the twelfth lunar month, Yunchu and Liu Rengui kept appearing in various yamen in the imperial city.

Ask the Shaofu Supervisor for weavers, ask the Sinong Temple for a doctor of agriculture, ask the General Supervisor for blacksmiths, carpenters, and masons, ask the Taipu Temple for oxen, horses, and carts, and ask the Capital Water Supervisor if he can open a river mouth to build a water wheel. , and finally, you have to find the Ministry of Accounts to ask for a large amount of start-up capital.

Under normal circumstances, when you hand over something to these departments, they will be extremely enthusiastic. As long as you ask them for something, even if it is a piece of dog feces, they will refuse.

Especially asking the Ministry of Finance for money is almost like asking for their lives.

The tough candidate for the Ministry of Household Affairs was Liu Rengui. After being rejected once, he found a bench and sat at the door of the official residence of Cui Xiu, the left servant of the Ministry of Household Affairs. He would not leave even if he found that there was no water in Cui Xiu's tea bowl. , he will take the initiative to refill it, and when he sees the ground is dirty, he will take a broom to clean it up himself.

For one day or two, everyone regarded it as a joke. On the fourth day, Liu Rengui impeached Cui Xiu at the court meeting for not doing anything.

Cui Xiu defended himself for a few words, and Liu Rengui took out a notebook and wrote down in detail what Cui Xiu had done in the past three days, even the time he left.

He also said that Cui Xiu's effective office hours were less than half an hour every day, and he hoped that the emperor could severely punish this guy who wasted national funds.

Naturally, this matter can be big or small. After becoming a high official, who doesn’t rely on fishing all day long to survive?

Small things cannot be brought to the table of the fourth-rank official, Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Revenue, but big things... To be honest, if there are big things happening every day in the Ministry of Revenue, it can only mean that the Tang Dynasty is about to end.

With Liu Rengui carrying him in front, Yunchu felt relaxed and happy when doing things. Taipusi Shaoqing just hummed a few words, which meant that the court did not have enough cattle and horses, and there were not enough cars. There was nothing extra for Yunchu and the others to do. Textile workshop.

Then, Yun Chu found a long bench and sat at the door of the young minister's palace in Taipu Temple. He stared at the young minister with piercing eyes. He also held a pen and a notebook in his hand, and wrote on it. Write and draw.

The Shaoqing of Taipu Temple was not as good as the Zuo Shilang of the Household Department. He was an official of the fourth rank, while he was an official of the lower rank.

The left minister of the Ministry of Revenue can fight with Liu Rengui in the main hall. He is not the second-in-command of a key department, and he really can't withstand Yunchu's tossing.

So, before the Spring Festival was coming and the yamen was about to lock its offices and stop working, Yun Chu and Liu Rengui finally got everything they wanted.

Drinking tea was boring in winter, so Yunchu and Liu Rengui stayed in the magistrate's mansion in Chang'an County, cooking pots of tea on a small red clay stove. Liu Rengui didn't know what pots of tea were.

However, Yunchu knew that this thing was the best thing to add to the fun when two or three people were chatting.

It must not exceed four people. Once there are more than four people, the tea in cans will lose its original charm.

The stove was a small, boxy red clay stove with only a fist-sized flame hole, and dried pine cones were burned inside.

It's just right to put two pine cones in at a time, the bottom one is responsible for burning, and the top one is responsible for producing incense.

Yun Chu placed a thick cast iron piece on the eye of the fire, and soon the cast iron piece became hot.

Drinking cans of tea is a very ritualistic behavior, and this ritual is also part of cans of tea.

The tea jar is a black clay pot the size of a fist. After sitting on the iron plate, Yunchu always puts the tea leaves into the jar first, bakes it on the fire, then pours the cold water in and waits for the water to boil. At that time, he also took out two dates and roasted them slowly on the iron sheet. Seeing that the outer skin was burnt, he used bamboo tongs to throw the two burnt dates into the pot and cook them. There are three dried longans that have been pinched open.

After the water boils and bubbles, don't rush to drink tea. Instead, pour out the first batch of tea and add new water to continue boiling.

At this time, the shortbread buns brought from home had been slightly yellowed by the charcoal fire in the brazier.

The tea also started to bubble, so I used a bamboo spoon to add a spoonful of icing sugar to the small ceramic cup, and then slowly poured the bubbling tea into the cup.

Each time he poured only a sip of tea into the teacup, it was enough to melt the icing sugar. Yun Chu pushed one of the cups in front of Liu Rengui.

Although he had never drank it before, Liu Rengui still drank it in one gulp while sucking in the cold air. At the same time, Yun Chu also finished the tea in the cup...

This was Liu Rengui's first time to drink such weird tea. However, the burnt aroma of the tea leaves mixed with the strong sweetness still made him feel that this thing was very good. Not to mention, just a little aftertaste, the burnt aroma of dates, dried longan The sweet taste will also come back, refreshing you.

Adding more cold water and continuing to cook. While waiting for the water to boil, he would usually take a bite of the browned puff pastry buns. When the buns were swallowed, the tea would just bubble, and the cycle would repeat...

"It's just drinking tea, Yun County Cheng made it so elegant, but this tea is probably not something that ordinary people can afford."

Liu Rengui pointed to the shortbread buns stuffed with sesame salt and felt a little emotional.

Yunchu felt a little nauseous and thought there were bugs in the tea he just drank.

In his world, no one has ever said that canned tea is an elegant drink. On the contrary, it is a common thing used by northwest farmers to relieve fatigue before and after work. Here, it is Has it become something elegant?

"It's not unattainable. It's just some tea leaves, some icing sugar, two dates, and a few dried longans. As for the puff pastry buns, although they are rarer, it's also good to use Hu cakes instead."

Liu Rengui took a bite of the crispy bun and said, "I'm not accusing the county magistrate of being too extravagant. Just talking about the etiquette of this tea meal has already separated the county magistrate from ordinary people."

Yun Chu poured Liu Rengui another cup of tea and said, "Etiquette can be learned, and it doesn't cost anything.

A person should always live his life in a refined way.

When I went to the countryside last year to check on people's lives, I found some children eating with their hands. I asked why they were eating with dirty hands. They told me that they were poor and didn't have chopsticks.

I took a look and saw that there was a bamboo forest at the door of his house. If he wanted to, he could use bamboo to make a pair of very good chopsticks.

Oh, the chopsticks I use now are also made of bamboo.

Their home was so filthy that no one could enter. There was a large canal right in front of his house, which contained water all year round.

Their hair has become matted and their clothes are in indescribable tatters, but they don't know how to wash them.

A certain family asked him to work in a brick kiln. As long as he was willing to work, it would not be a problem to support their family of five.

However, he said that his family is poor and once he leaves, there will be no one to take care of his mother at home. He hopes that I can give him a way to survive as a night shift..."

Liu Rengui said indifferently: "How did the county magistrate deal with it?"

Yun Chu sneered, drank the tea in the cup in one go, put the tea cup heavily on the low table and said: "The head of the house played twenty big boards, the housewife played ten big boards, and the five children in the family, five years old Five lashes as above.

The forty-year-old woman who moved freely and called herself an old woman was also scolded by the officer on the spot and ordered to clean up her home within two days, otherwise she would be severely punished. "

Liu Rengui clicked his lips and said, "If this beating continues, they may really starve to death."

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I won't die of hunger."

Liu Rengui looked at Yun Chu and smiled, waiting for his answer.

"A certain family lent him one hundred kilograms of grain, two kilograms of salt, twenty chicks, thirty ducklings, and a piglet in the name of a brick kiln."

Liu Rengui frowned and said: "This is not a good idea. The reason why that family is in such trouble is probably not just as simple as laziness, right?"

Yunchu laughed and said: "I don't have time to understand how their family ended up in this situation. I just need to let them know that now, their family owes a lot of things to the brick kiln. If they want to survive, the man must immediately To work in brick kilns, women must start raising poultry and livestock from now on.

If their family refuses to seize this last chance, this kind of person will have no need to live at all.

Killing them alive is a great relief for everyone. "

"There seems to be no law in the Tang Dynasty that kills laziness."

Yun Chu looked at Liu Rengui and said, "The county minister seems to have killed quite a few people in Lantian County."

Liu Rengui pointed at Yunchu and said, "Those are bandits, they can't be compared to each other."

Yun Chu said while biting the puff pastry bun: "Their family is also a bandit. With their behavior, I can't continue to carry out the plan of raising poultry and livestock in the countryside, because I have to give some subsidies to the people.

If the subsidy is given to this lazy family, they will never work hard again, and more lazy people will be created.

After all, who wants to stand up and work when you can eat lying down? "

Liu Rengui was not very concerned about Yun Chu's killing of a family. The county magistrate was on the herdsman side, and the local people were the cattle and sheep under the officials' control. Killing a few black sheep was not a big deal to the county magistrate.

What he is interested in now is why Wannian County's yamen can have so much surplus to subsidize rural farmers in Wannian County.

You should say what you say to whomever you want to talk to, and it is best to be honest with someone like Liu Rengui.

This is what Wen Wen taught Yun Chu. He believes that people like Liu Rengui, who are not lacking in wisdom, knowledge, courage, and ability, had better not get themselves into trouble. This is not conducive to quickly approaching Liu Rengui. , and it is not convenient to get along with each other in the future.

Especially when the military was already dissatisfied with Yun Chu, it had to find another reliable ally as soon as possible.

Although Liu Rengui is just a fifth-rank official, this fifth-rank official is a reef with only one corner exposed on the water. If you dare to underestimate him because of this, you will definitely be smashed to pieces by the hidden part of the reef underwater. .

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 11:00 pm on the 23rd. You read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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