Tang's dining table

Chapter 253 Politics is personnel affairs

"Naha has grown up."

Yu Xiurong was holding a big red bellyband and was embroidering it. The flowers were yellow, and it seemed that it foreshadowed the meaning of the yellow flower girl.

Since yesterday, Naha has been hiding and unwilling to see people.

Now that Yu Xiurong said this again, Yunchu immediately understood that his sister had finally grown into a big girl, and Tiankui began to appear.

Naha has always been a healthy child and has never lacked nutrition. Except for the short time of breastfeeding, her nutritional history has always been smooth and stable.

"Isn't it a little early?"

"It's not too early. She is eleven years old. She has grown into a big girl. It's time to lock her up and raise her."

"Can you lock her up?"

"I'll lock her up even if I can't. My husband will also start looking for a good family for Naha and prepare to get engaged."

"If this doesn't work, the first condition for finding a husband for Naha is that Naha likes her. As long as she likes a beggar, she can marry her. If Naha doesn't like it, the prince will not marry her."

"What should I do if I become an old girl?"

"Then keep raising it."

Yun Chu turned over and hugged his wife's body. Even though she was pregnant, her waist had become thicker, so he moved his hands upward.

Yu Xiurong also moved closer to the man, feeling at ease.

In the spring fields, the clouds float low in the sky, as if they will fall at any time.

Yun Chu was wearing clothes full of various streamers, and his whole body was covered with pockets. He was waving a thin wooden stick wrapped with various colored silks in his hand, beating it while jumping, and in front of him was a cow made of wheat straw.

In front of Chun Niu, there were many large and small incense burners, filled with incense. Yun Chu and Chun Niu were both shrouded in light smoke. A lean man sang loudly, and Yun Chu couldn't even hear a word. clear.

However, the common people seemed to understand. Whenever the lean man's voice became high-pitched, they would kowtow in unison.

The dance of beating the spring ox is fixed. Yunchu learned it specially at the Ministry of Etiquette. After passing the examination, he was now qualified to beat the spring ox.

It was very interesting. Unknowingly, Yunchu's dance matched the strange chanting of the lean man.

The man who was beating the drum on the other side began to sway left and right, nodding his head up and down randomly, as if he had entered the realm of God.

The process of beating the spring ox was extremely cumbersome, so Yun Chu danced for an hour at a stretch. Even though Yun Chu was strong, he still had a slight sweat on his forehead after this dance.

After the dance, I thought the people would bury or burn the spring cow. Unexpectedly, the people who rushed forward tore the spring cow made of wheat straw to pieces in an instant.

Anyone who caught a bit of wheat straw would happily take the captured spring cow carcass and light it in their own field. Finally, they would throw the torch high and spread the burning wheat straw as evenly as possible on their own field.

In Guanzhong, you can't wait for the cuckoo to sing before sowing begins. Once the solar term enters February, the temperature in Chang'an will rise rapidly, which is very suitable for crop growth.

Under the guidance of doctors of agriculture, the cotton seeds that had been soaked in water were planted into the ground one by one by the farmers.

I believe it won’t take long for them to thrive in the land of Guanzhong.

Next, the farmers will no longer have a moment of peace. From now on, they will guard the farmland and beware of the annoying birds in Guanzhong that steal the cotton seeds in the ground.

At the beginning of Yun Dynasty, in order to save time running around, one of Liu Rengui stayed in the city to check the cotton grown on the construction sites in the city, and the other stayed outside the city, running around all day long.

After all the ten thousand acres of cotton were planted, Yunchu and Liu Rengui had the opportunity to meet and drink cans of tea.

"I lay in my office and listened to the rustling bamboos, which I suspected were the sounds of suffering among the people. I am a small official in Caozhou County, and I care about every branch and leaf.

Lord of the county, please use tea as wine and drink this cup to reward us for all our hard work these days. "

Liu Rengui smiled, picked up the tea cup, toasted Yun Chu, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Ten thousand acres of cotton fields and the cold clothes of one hundred thousand soldiers. If it succeeds, we can be considered as doing our best for the great Tang Dynasty."

"Actually, if some cotton is successfully planted in Guanzhong, it can be promoted in Guanzhong in the future. By exchanging this kind of cash crop with grain-producing areas for grain, it can effectively reduce the pressure that Chang'an brings to other states and counties in Datang."

"Having said that, once a disaster occurs in a grain-producing area, Chang'an will be the first to be unlucky. I wonder if the county magistrate has ever seen scenes of starvation everywhere?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "I grew up in the Western Region, where the land is vast and sparsely populated. If the pasture is not good, we will drive the cattle and sheep to a pasture with rich water and grass. We have been lucky over the years and can always find good pasture. .

Therefore, Yunchu was not allowed to see the scene that the county magistrate mentioned with his own eyes. "

Liu Rengui pointed to an elm tree outside the window and said: "In times of famine, this thing is a good thing. People will peel off the bark of the elm tree and grind it into powder in a millstone, and they can live for a period of time.

When there was a locust plague in Hebei, locusts flew over like an overwhelming force. I still remember the despair I felt at that time. It wasn't even despair, but despair.

No matter how many locusts you kill, more locusts will fly over. Wherever the locusts go, there will be no vegetation, but everyone in the disaster area clearly understands that their end has come.

So, County Magistrate, you must remember that sometimes it really doesn’t matter whether you make money or not. In any case, the real important thing is to ensure that there is enough grain in the granary. "

Yun Chu sighed and said: "Yes, there never seems to be enough food in the Tang Dynasty.

In the final analysis, the yield per mu is too low. If the yield per mu can be doubled, the grain transported into Chang'an from other places can be reduced by half.

The eight hundred miles of Qinchuan has always been rich, but now it cannot support a huge city in Chang'an. It is a pity. "

Liu Rengui refilled Yun Chu's tea, stopped sitting cross-legged, stood up, pointed at the blue sky outside the window and said: "In the past, everyone thought that these eight hundred miles of Qinchuan could nourish the emperor's energy for hundreds of years.

Judging from the current situation, another twenty years of support will be the limit. Otherwise, public resentment will inevitably arise due to excessive exploitation. Shandong, Hebei, Huainan, Huaibei, even Hanzhong and Shuzhong are also supporting Chang'an.

Once this public dissatisfaction really arises, the Tang Dynasty will face the same problems that Qiang Qin faced in the past. Once the people rise up, chaos in the world will be a foregone conclusion. "

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Does the county magistrate also think that moving the capital to Luoyang can solve this problem?"

Liu Rengui was silent for a moment and said: "Chang'an is too far to the west, which is not conducive to long-term peace and stability."

Yun Chu nodded, finally understanding. Moving the capital to Luoyang has become a common understanding among officials of the Tang Dynasty.

If this is the case, he will be relieved, and only in this way can Chang'an truly become his city.

Since Yunchu felt that this city would become his city, he always spared no effort when developing Chang'an.

Even selflessly.

Liu Rengui's cotton textile workshop is under construction in full swing. From site selection to selection of craftsmen and Weaver Girl, he is doing it all by himself. For this reason, he is willing to work day and night, hoping to leave more time for himself for training. Those cotton spinning hands.

He has now studied the assembly line work method that Yun Chu mentioned very thoroughly. This good work method that has been around since the Qin Dynasty has been lost for so many years, which makes Liu Rengui very puzzled.

Therefore, Liu Rengui believes that once these ten thousand acres of cotton are successfully planted, millions of kilograms of cotton must be turned into finished products in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, with the current storage methods, a lot of cotton will be wasted.

With the cooperation of Liu Rengui and Yunchu, all the cotton in Chang'an City was purchased by Chang'an and Wannian counties. Even so, Yunchu also encouraged Hu merchants to send cotton from the Western Regions to Chang'an. He would rather not collect the shipping tax from these barbarians.

Searching Chang'an, if you don't search Yunchu's house, the cotton you can get is still very limited, but it is more than enough to use this cotton to train weavers.

It is easy to recruit two thousand poor women from Chang'an County, but it has a bad reputation. It is unique for an official to recruit two thousand maids at one time in Chang'an.

It was spread a little bit by those boring people in Chang'an City, and Liu Rengui became the devil in sex every night.

When things are done well, things tend to develop in strange directions, which is not surprising at all to practical officials like Liu Rengui and Yun Chu.

Although I still wanted to sew their mouths shut with needle and thread, things had to go on.

Immediately afterwards, Wannian County also recruited a thousand women into Dongshi for early training in cotton spinning operations.

Yunchu had already discussed with Liu Rengui that the products from Chang'an County would be military products and the products from Wannian County would be civilian products.

Yunchu had a very good reputation in Wannian County. Not only was he an honest gentleman who promised ten thousand gold, but he also proved that he was not a pervert with his good deeds day after day.

Then, things took a new turn. The objects of discussion were no longer Liu Rengui and Yun Chu, but the lustful reputation was placed on the emperor.

Because only the emperor has such great ability to summon three thousand women at once...

"So, Yun Chu and Liu Rengui work well together?" Li Zhi asked Li Yifu as he kicked the sleeping giant bear at his feet with disgust.

Li Yifu cupped his hands and said: "I believe that the two counties in the capital are too harmonious, which is not a good thing for the capital."

Li Zhi reached out and took out a piece of candied fruit, gropingly stuffing it into the bear's mouth under the table, and said disapprovingly: "Can these two people be stronger than the sixteen guards and horses?"

Li Yifu shook his head honestly and said: "No."

"Are these two people dissatisfied with me and the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Yifu sighed and shook his head again: "No, I just feel uneasy in my heart."

Li Zhi waved his hand and said: "Step back, there is nothing to worry about."

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 7 pm on the 26th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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