Tang's dining table

Chapter 265 There must be a place to vent anger.

There are two famous bridges in Chang'an, one is Ba Bridge and the other is called Xianyang Bridge.

Whenever someone goes east, they break the willow tree and say goodbye on the Ba Bridge.

If they go west, most of them will say goodbye at Xianyang Bridge.

Chang'an people don't like separation very much, so what happened on these two bridges is not a good thing.

People who leave Chang'an and set foot on Baqiao often leave the magnificent city of Chang'an, just like leaving home. The future is uncertain and the return date is uncertain. In addition, catkins are flying like snow, and friends fold willows into their arms and part ways. Heart overflowing with love.

Taiyuan is east of Chang'an, so Yunchu established the pinnacle of Baqiao's farewell poems with a magnificent, generous and heroic "Farewell to Di Da".

Nowadays, those who bid farewell to Baqiao will shamelessly steal the famous "Farewell Di Da" written by Yun Chu to Di Renjie.

Therefore, Baqiao is a bridge that focuses on lyricism. For many years, I don’t know how much separation sorrow this bridge has carried.

Xianyang Bridge is different.

The Wei River runs through the entire Guanzhong Plain. As long as you leave Chang'an and want to go to the northwest, the Wei River cannot be avoided no matter what.

There are many bridges on the Wei River in the Tang Dynasty, but Xianyang Bridge has been opposite the city gate since the Han Dynasty. Therefore, whenever people go to the northwest, they must choose Xianyang Bridge.

At Xianyang Bridge, Yunchu's famous poems also remain. Because Xianyang is also called Weicheng, the "Weicheng Song" that Yunchu recited at home was classified as Xianyang Bridge.

Compared with "Bie Di Da", which is praised by everyone, "Weicheng Song" has been criticized a lot. Countless talented people think that "Weicheng's morning rain is lightly dusted, and the guest house is green and the willows are new", which is already a masterpiece. , but it is extremely inappropriate to put the following "The most advantageous spring of the year, the overwhelming smoke and willows all over the emperor's capital" here.

They believe that Xianyang Bridge is a farewell bridge. Since people have arrived in Weicheng and it is inevitable to leave Yangguan in the west, why do they turn back to Chang'an?

As a result, countless people took it upon themselves to rewrite the last two sentences of the song "Weicheng Song".

Among them, the last two lines of the poem that Yun Chu was most satisfied with were - I urge you to drink another glass of wine and leave Yangguan in the west without any old friends.

Later, as the poetry entered Pingkangfang, people gradually forgot Yunchu's original work and changed it to, The morning rain in Weicheng is lightly dusted, the guest house is green and the willows are new, I urge you to have another glass of wine, and go out to the west to the sun Not related to old friends.

The changes don't stop there.

Some famous singers always feel that they are not happy enough after singing this poem. They often sing the last line of the poem three times in a row, each time in a higher key than the last time, and finally form a new artistic method.

People are willing to call this art form - Yangguan Sandie!

Yunchu wanted to know which talented person accurately restored Wang Wei's "Weicheng Song". After asking many people, he could not find out the source.

It seems that in the Tang Dynasty, Yunchu was the only person who could plagiarize other people's works with peace of mind.

Lun Qinling had already left Qinghaitou. He was impatient and took a detour to Shuzhong. He led 300 soldiers directly through the dilapidated Tuyuhun and entered Datang from Longyou. He would also pass through Xianyang Bridge and go straight to Chang'an.

Ever since Lun Qin Ling entered the territory of the Tang Dynasty, for some reason, he was protected by the soldiers of the Zhechong Prefecture of the Tang Dynasty along the way. It was not until Xianyang Bridge that the soldiers of the Zhechong Prefecture of Longyou turned around.

Therefore, if Yunchu wanted to rob and kill Lun Qinling, he could only do it within the short distance of thirty miles from Xianyang Bridge to Chang'an.

And this area happened to be one of the most densely populated areas in the Tang Dynasty. There were densely populated areas within thirty miles, and there were only two county offices.

Once a large-scale battle occurs within this distance, the military guards stationed outside the city will be dispatched quickly, and it will be difficult to escape the court's pursuit.

In the past few days, Yun Chu had knocked Wen Wenwen unconscious twice because he felt that no matter how he planned, no one could kill Lun Qinling in such a short period of time and escape unscathed.

"Once a war breaks out at Xianyang Bridge, within one cup of tea, the beacon fire will be lit, the people and Zhuang people will assemble, and the soldiers in the countryside will put on armor. Within two cups of tea, the people and Zhuang people closest to Xianyang Bridge will assemble. Under the leadership of the Fu soldiers, they march towards Xianyang Bridge. Within three cups of tea, the people are strong and the Fu soldiers will form an arc to cover up Xianyang Bridge.

As long as you are entangled by the people and soldiers, what awaits you will be the heavy cavalry of the military guards. "

Yun Chu frowned and said, "Why are the people gathering so fast?"

Wen Wen looked at Yun Chu and said: "Because your heads are very valuable, cut off the heads of traitors like you and reward them with money, three guans, honors, first level, and two years of exemption from corvee."

Yun Chu smiled and said: "When I was at the border, I didn't get such treatment."

Wen Wen sneered and said: "Because this is Chang'an. Are you still planning to attack Lun Qinling in Chang'an?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Those who are good at fighting will attack the Nine Heavens."

Wen Wen dropped the pen in her hand dejectedly and handed a thick stack of documents to Yun Chu, saying: "This is all the things I have collected these days. It may be useful to you. As for how to arrange the attack on Lun Qinling, I'm sorry. I can not do anything."

Yun Chu took the document and said, "Have a good sleep and recuperate your energy. Remember to go to Xianyang Bridge early to watch the excitement."

Gentlely pressed Yun Chu's hand holding the document and said, "Although you are very confident, I still recommend not to do this, it is too dangerous.

Whether all your men can evacuate is also a big problem. Once someone breaks through a point, you will have no way to escape.

It's not worth risking everything just for the sake of Lun Qinling. "

Yun Chu said: "You don't understand that Lun Qinling must be killed, and some of my subordinates may be scattered if they are not used to cultivate their sense of honor."

Wen Wen looked at Yun Chu and said, "Since you have made up your mind, let's see what you are capable of.

If, I mean if, if you really become it, I want to join your team and get to know it slowly. "

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Once this happens, it will definitely shock the world. You must be prepared to welcome the new era."

Gentle smiled bitterly and said, "I only have you as my friend, don't make me sad."

Seeing Wen Wen leaving with a lot of worries, Yun Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

What Yunchu couldn't stand the most in Datang was the friendship here. Mainly because Datang showed no regard for friendship.

It often seems that there is calcium in the air. In the Tang Dynasty, a pair of mandarin ducks were not meant to express lovers and husbands, but to express friendship. Can you believe it?

It is not necessary to kill Qinling.

However, the power of gunpowder must be tested at this time. When testing gunpowder, the most powerful army in the world must be found as a reference.

Originally, the strongest army in the world was the Tang army. Using the Tang army as a guinea pig, Yun Chu couldn't do it, so he decided to use Lun Qinling to try his hand.

In the past three years, the Yun family has supported one hundred and twenty-four soldiers who have returned from the southern battlefield.

These people were carefully selected by Yun Chu. If Yun Chu had not taken them in, these lonely ghosts who had been fighting for eight years would have turned into bandits, horse thieves, or murderers.

The biggest reason for this situation is that the Tang Dynasty's military system is gradually collapsing, and the Tang Dynasty's rental and commission system can basically not be maintained because there is no land to divide in Guanzhong.

In addition, they themselves are not the most elite soldiers. When new and powerful soldiers appear, their needs will be pushed back without limit.

The land issue of Yunchu Tangtang, a sixth-grade imperial official, has just been resolved. One can imagine what will happen to such a large number of low-level soldiers.

No piece of unowned land could be found in Wannian County's land account books, so some soldiers fighting in the south were rewarded with fields, and the furthest ones were even assigned to Zhangye.

Anyway, they are all Longyou, which sounds very reasonable.

They have not returned for eight years. Some of their grandparents have passed away, their wives have remarried, and their original land has been divided up by their families. There is no place for them in Guanzhong.

The younger brother joins the army and the aunt dies, and the evening leaves and the morning comes, so the color is gone. This kind of poem is not only applicable to the singers in the church, it is also extremely appropriate to be used on these homeless soldiers.

The government soldiers are still the government soldiers, but it is a pity that they are no longer the government soldiers in Guanzhong. They have lost the land and family that maintained the glory of their government soldiers.

Then, like all big families, Yunchu quietly collected some tribes, a total of one hundred and twenty-four people.

In order to cover up the problem that the Yun family had collected far more troops than they could own, the large dining hall and the Yun family's transportation team outside the customs recruited many soldiers to run for the Yun family's huge business.

This is the whole point of Jinchangfang’s long-table banquets held all year round.

The homeless soldiers who came down from the northern battlefield had no chance of being united by the Yun family.

This is also the reason why most of the Yun family are soldiers who have returned from fighting in the south.

These people have been living peacefully in the Yun family for almost three years. Some work as cooks, some as grooms, some as watchmen, and some as housekeepers. Everyone has their own life.

However, after living this way for a long time, some people don't like it very much. These one hundred and twenty-four people don't like to live a peaceful life. They like the life of licking blood on the tip of a knife.

The last time he massacred the Tibetan envoys, Yun Chu used sixteen people.

This time, he was going to use a hundred of the best people in the south who practiced water skills.

On the way there, we dispersed to Xianyang Bridge and on the way back we took the waterway. At this time, the Weihe River was flooded. With just a few boats, we could travel hundreds of miles away in an instant.

As early as when Wen Wen was meditating hard, Yunchu's people had already arrived at Xianyang Bridge in various identities.

Just wait for Yunchu to transport the gunpowder, wait for the arrival of Lun Qinling, and then complete the final assault.

It was 12 degrees, it was too cold, and it was raining, so I got under the quilt and slept for a while. As soon as I opened my eyes... it was so bad...

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