Tang's dining table

Chapter 285 There is no airtight wall in the world

Yunchu liked the way Chang'an looked after being washed by the rain the most. Such Chang'an was as fresh as a girl who had just taken a bath.

It’s just that the Big Wild Goose Pagoda looks very masculine and ruins the overall scenery.

A heavy rain did not drive away the scorching heat in Chang'an. On the contrary, it became even hotter here.

In hot flash weather, food spoils too quickly, and no one is willing to run around in such weather just for a bite to eat. Therefore, Yun Chu ordered the closure of the cafeteria and Jinchangfang, and everyone stayed in a quiet home together. enjoy the cool air.

At the same time, Liu Yi also specifically issued another prohibition, that is, sleeping naked on the roof of the house.

Unable to move, Li Honglei came to Jinchangfang again. After being stripped naked by Yun Chu, he was thrown into a ditch and practiced the great skill of floating dead pigs in the ditch with a large group of children.

The so-called floating pig means lying flat in the ditch. Without moving, the current will carry the person away along the ditch. On such hot days, there is no other way to enjoy the coolness than floating the pig.

The dignified prince of the Tang Dynasty stayed in the ditch of Jinchangfang for a whole day in order to practice his skills of floating dead pigs.

When he left, his whole body was dark, but he could also see a hint of toughness in this guy.

There was no way he could not be brave. When a large group of children lined up to lie down in the canal and enjoy the wash of the water, no matter how timid Li Hong was, he could only grit his teeth and pour water under the worried eyes of a group of guards. Lie inside.

After doing it a few times, you will naturally become more courageous.

This was Yunchu's revenge on Li Zhi for fined him and defrauded him of his money.

Naha lay in a huge bathtub and groaned. She felt that soaking in cold water to relieve the heat was too different from floating dead pigs in the ditch.

Fortunately, she finally has some differences between men and women, so she is not willing to float dead pigs in the ditch.

Yu Xiurong sat in another bathtub holding the fat girl. She was about to give birth. Her body was extremely bloated and she was even more afraid of the heat.

Everyone in the family wanted to peel off their own skin so that they could cool down for a while.

The old monkey was sitting leisurely on a recliner, gently shaking the cattail leaf fan.

"Your Majesty gave Master Xuanzang five hundred kilograms of gunpowder."

Hearing what the old monkey said, Yun Chu nodded. With this reason, the gunpowder flowing out of his hand finally had a good explanation.

"However, His Majesty made it clear that he did not want to hear the sound of these gunpowder explosions in the Tang Dynasty."

Yun Chu nodded again, another restriction like this was necessary.

"His Majesty secretly captured almost all the Feiyous who knew how to prepare gunpowder in the Tang Dynasty. Now these Feiyous who know how to prepare gunpowder are all working in gunpowder workshops."

Yunchu sighed and said: "I know that many drug-haired puppet actors have disappeared in Wannian County.

I also knew that this might have been done by the emperor, but it was beyond my expectation that these people could survive. "

"It is estimated that gunpowder will be kept secret by the royal family for a long, long time. Although no one seems to be asking about the Xianyang Bridge explosion now, in fact, I heard secretly that a group of extremely capable people are still secretly pursuing it.

Therefore, if you feel that you have not cleaned up the mess there, clean it up as soon as possible before it is too late to regret it when trouble comes. "

"Are you leaving again?"

"Well, it's time to leave. This time I have gunpowder in my hands. I just took the opportunity to open up the corridor west of Hexi.

We must also leave enough Buddhist imprints there. "

"How to stay?"

"Carving Buddhist caves."

"Where does the money come from?"

"Businessmen from the Western Regions, and merchants going to the Western Regions."

"So, are you going to tie Buddhism and merchants tightly together?"

"Yes, in the past, Buddhism relied on those in power. We always thought that as long as we persuade those in power, Buddhism can be prosperous.

However, even if we can make the emperor believe in Buddhism and become a monk himself, Buddhism has not prospered. Instead, Buddhism has become a scourge that those in power cannot avoid.

Of the 480 temples in the Southern Dynasties, how many remain today, how many Lanruo, and how many jungles have fallen into decline after the people in power failed or died, becoming the habitat of tree spirits and wild foxes.

Buddhism's efforts again and again came to nothing.

This time, I plan to try the merchants to see if these people who travel all year round need the blessing of Buddha. "

Yunchu sighed and said: "If you dare to tie Xiangji Kitchen to merchants, I can predict that you will definitely suffer the most violent and ruthless blow from the imperial power."

The old monkey smiled and said: "Buddha is everywhere. You can see Buddha in the water and in the soil. You can see the Buddha when you are alive and you can see the Buddha after you die."

Therefore, Buddha is everywhere. "

Yun Chu was speechless. People with faith are not afraid of life and death. Even if they are limited to a moment, if the timeline is extended, they will still live well. The eyes of the old monkey, Xuanzang and the others are very In the long run, when arranging something, at least five hundred years will be used as a judgment time.

The Dharmaxiang Consciousness Sect's journey to the Western Regions has become an unswerving goal for their group, and they cannot give up just because they encounter some obstacles.

That is to say, because Xuanzang gave up going south and expanding eastward, the Buddhists in the Tang Dynasty gave up some prejudices and stopped harassing them. They even provided as much help as they could when they moved westward.

What the old monkey is doing at this time is called "hollowing out the Western Regions", which means taking a hammer and chisel and heading westward little by little, and finally entering the hearts of everyone in the Western Regions.

Everyone seems to be doing great things.

Li Zhi is ready to be the king of people all over the world.

Wu Mei is ready to be the queen.

Li Ji made great preparations to destroy Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje.

Now, the old monkey has to take the hammer and chisel to dig into the Western Region.

So, this is a very great era.

"Those who abandon me will not be able to keep yesterday's day; those who mess up my heart will be troubled and troubled today..."

Sitting in the stuffy government office, Yun Chu slapped the table with his hands and unknowingly sang a famous line through the ages.

Wen Wenwen, who was looking for the paperwork, stopped, looked at Yun Chu and said, "Keep singing, I just heard something."

Yun Chu spread his hands and said, "No more."

Gentle sighed regretfully: "I always feel that such a good sentence should not come out of your mouth."

"Why, because of Mingzhu's secret investment?"

"Yeah, who says it's not the case? Some people are born with the ability to speak well, and some people study hard all their lives and write until they die, but they still can't come up with a good thing. You come up with a sentence every now and then. It really makes people sigh. unfair."

Yun Chu nodded and said, "I also think God is quite unfair."

Seeing Yunchu holding a mat, Wen Wenwen asked in confusion: "Where are you going? The solar energy outside will bake people to death."

Yun Chu said: "I'm going to sleep in the prison. Now, that's the only place where people can sleep peacefully."

After hearing what Yun Chu said, Wen Wenwen quickly picked up a mat and followed Yun Chu to the Wannian County Prison.

Just after entering the Wannian County Prison, a cool breeze blew in my face. This was the wind blowing in from the prison's vents. After being cooled down by the cool prison, a very comfortable small environment was formed.

Today, there are no prisoners in Wannian County Prison, not a single one. All the prisoners were beheaded at the beginning of spring.

It wasn't that Yunchu, the county magistrate of ten thousand years, couldn't wait for the Autumn Judgment, but he followed the order issued by the Ministry of Punishment.

According to the decree issued by the Ministry of Punishment, those who can be killed must be killed, those who can be killed or not are killed, and prisoners who do not meet the conditions for decapitation but have caused bad effects are also included in the execution.

Following this order, Wannian County Magistrate accidentally killed all the prisoners, leaving no one behind.

Yun Chu's own prison, of course, he clearly knew that, to be honest, not a single prisoner in his prison was innocent.

The most minor crime was because he had a grudge against his neighbor, so he threw his child into the well and drowned.

However, when it comes to the words "treacherous and evil", no criminal can match it. If there must be one, it is Yun Chu and Wen Wen who just came in.

Yunchu really hated those guys in Wannian County who did things without thinking and ended up being guillotined.

Killing someone without a clear idea is one of the most striking characteristics of Guanzhong criminals.

If you owe money, you will kill someone. If someone sleeps with your wife, you will kill someone. When someone crosses the boundary of a field and lights a row of beans, he will beat out his brains with a hoe. After committing a crime, he will not run away, but insists on holding his neck. A life is worth a life.

There was nothing that could be done. In the spring, Zhang Jia found four executioners who specialized in eating this bowl of rice. Click, click, with a stick of incense, they chopped off eleven heads at the entrance of Dongshi.

Then, the prison in Wannian County, which was specially used to hold felons, became empty.

This caused the cell leader Yan Jiu to complain a lot. There were no prisoners inside. If he, the cell leader, wanted to drink a glass of wine and eat meat, no one would be willing to pay homage to money.

Seeing the two Shangguan come in, Yan Jiu immediately opened the two spotless prison doors that he had tidied up and invited the two Shangguan in.

Yun Chu took a look and saw that the prison was indeed clean. The ground was covered with a thick layer of golden wheat straw. Not only was it dry, it was also very soft. It looked like it had been rolled over in advance.

Yun Chu handed Yan Jiu a handful of money and ordered: "Go and get some ice wine and bring back some delicious seasonal side dishes. After an hour, we will make pots of tea for us. It will be delicious when we wake up."

Yanjiu took the money and left with a smile.

Yunchu yawned, spread the mat on the straw, took a bamboo pillow and stuffed it under his head, and quickly closed his eyes without blowing out the oil lamp.

Next door, Wen Wen fell into sleep faster than Yun Chu.

It was an extremely comfortable sleep, and he didn't know how long he slept. Yun Chu got up and found that Wen Wen next door was still sleeping soundly.

He wanted to push open the prison door and go out, but he didn't. Just when Yun Chu was about to call Yan Jiu to come over and open the door, a face that glowed green under the light appeared in front of Yun Chu's eyes.

"Bold Yunchu, do you know your guilt?"

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 8 pm on the 3rd. You read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first to be published. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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