Tang's dining table

Chapter 3 The Uighurs who are taken care of by heaven

Naha is a beautiful Uighur girl!

She had just laid down under the goat's belly and sipped the delicious goat's milk, and then she smiled at Yun Chu with a dirty face and two white marks left after the snot was thrown away under her nose.

Two front teeth are also missing...

"Brother, let's go catch marmots!"

Facing her brother's gloomy gaze, Naha quickly wiped her nose with the sleeves of her shiny leather robe and showed her weird and flattering smile again.

"I washed your robe just the day before yesterday and used plant ash. Why did it look like this again in two days?"

"The Huihe people don't wash their robes!" Naha counterattacked stubbornly.

Yunchu's robe is not very new. Compared with Naha's new robe, his robe still looks older. Even so, the original wrinkles of the sheepskin can still be seen in Yunchu's robe, and even the soft wool on the cuffs has no traces of it. The roots are distinct, unlike the wool on the cuffs of Naha's sheepskin jacket, which has become felt.

As an older brother, Yunchu felt that he had the responsibility to teach Naha to love cleanliness. How could a girl not love cleanliness?

So, on a sunny morning, on a hillside with green spring grass, Yunchu raised his hand, and Naha's heart-rending cry sounded again. Yunchu knew that he was not his mother Selema's biological son, but Naha was her biological daughter.

However, Selema insisted that Yunchu with black eyes, black hair, and yellow skin was born to her in the ninth month of her pregnancy. She saw Yunchu crawling out of her intestines with her own eyes... Therefore, as a breeder, Yunchu It was difficult to raise any objections at first.

He dragged Naha to the Grasshopper Lake, took off her fur coat, and then wrapped her dirty six-year-old girl with her own fur coat, and roughly washed her face, hands and feet, and it was very painful. Soon, a pink little face appeared in front of him.

Selema often says that she is a rare and peerless beauty among the Uighurs, and Yunchu is an unprecedentedly beautiful man among the Uighurs. So, Naha should be the number one beauty in the Uighur tribe in the future!

Yun Chu didn't understand why his pure Tang Dynasty appearance affected the appearance of Naha, who had light yellow hair and two green eyes. He felt that this was purely Selema using Naha's appearance to conceal Yun Chu's arrival. Lu's plan.

This plan is clumsy, but the people in the tribe really believe it. Many women will even swear that when Selema’s belly was as big as a girth, they used their feet to step on the wooden stick to remove Selema’s belly. Rolled out.

After hearing this legend, Yunchu finally understood why the Uighurs only stayed in their mother's womb for nine months.

Naha is the exception!

Nine months after Selema Huinaha, a group of Uighur women, led by a witch, held wooden sticks to help Selema give birth. Yunchu, who was seven years old at the time, stood guard at the entrance of the tent with a knife and acted like a madman. He wielded the knife until he cut the witch's buttocks, thus avoiding Selema's fate of having her belly rolled with a wooden stick to pull Naha out of her belly, and Naha was born at full term.

Children born at full term are better than those who are rolled out with wooden sticks.

When you can crawl, you can accurately find the ewe with milk in the sheep pen, and you can sip the milk from the milk without any instruction. After drinking enough milk, you can curl up in the belly of the milk goat. Down below, he and the other lambs slept warmly next to the ewe...

Having been carried back from the sheepfold by Yun Chu countless times, she would still make the same choice as long as she had the chance.

Selema is very proud. She believes that only a strong mother like her can give birth to two good children who can grow up healthily without much care.

Needless to say, Yunchu, this child has never had any urine or feces on her body. When she was a little meat ball, she knew how to express her request to urinate and defecate by moaning or crying.

When he could walk, he would hold a bowl and drink goat's milk, and he would look for some strange food on his own. Whenever there was a chance, he would fiercely jump into the arms of a woman with milk and tear open her clothes to look for it. Drink milk.

With Yunchu Zhuyu in front of her and Naha having the habit of looking for milk goats, Selema felt that it was not a big deal.

Yun Chu found it hard to accept that his family knew about his family affairs. If he hadn't done that at that time and used Selema's extensive method of caring for children, he would have had no chance of surviving until now.

Fortunately, the child Naha is very healthy. She has never been sick since she was born. It has to be said that the silly child will really take care of her one day.

Yun Chu calculated based on the women around him that for every ten Uighur children, two pregnant women died and three children died.

This is for children born from spring to autumn. If it is winter, the mortality rate is about one-third higher.

The life expectancy of a six-year-old child like Naha would be reduced by about half.

Selema, like other Uighur women, can only give birth to children but not raise them. If it weren't for Yunchu, the child Naha would have died eight times ago.

Rather than saying that Naha is Selema's daughter, it is better to say that Naha is Yunchu's child. After all, he has basically taken care of this child since birth.

"Brother, can we eat marmots?"

Naha's freshly washed little face was full of saliva flowing down her chin. Yunchu sighed and slopped her face with water again.

As long as he perseveres, he will be able to save this child from the rough living habits of the Huihe people.

The advantage of leather robes is that there is basically no need to wash them with water. You only need to knead the newly grown alkali grass into a ball and wipe it once to remove most of the dirt on it.

Just when Yunchu put on Naha's leather robe, belts, and leather boots, and was about to call the sheep home, a wolf howl suddenly came from not far away.


Naha was so frightened that she jumped into Yun Chu's arms, while Yun Chu looked at the instigator with fierce eyes.

A young man wearing a sheepskin hat, holding up his trousers, and leading a ewe with a big tail walked over from the mountain col. As he walked, he imitated the howl of a wolf, and he looked very similar to it.

The Uighurs like wolves and even regard themselves as wolves, especially these proud teenagers. They even like to get praise from others for this matter.

However, if you learn howling like a wolf next to a flock of sheep, this will obviously scare the pregnant ewes into miscarriage.

Yunchu is the bravest young man among the nine-surnamed Tiele Huihe Aries tribe.

He is the first boy in the Aries tribe to dare to climb the cliff to catch blue sheep.

He is also the first boy in the tribe who can subdue an argali with his bare hands.

He even single-handedly beat up twelve children from the tribe. Yes, it was a group beating. Yun Chu beat a group of them by himself.

Ever since the Yunchu family's breeding sheep were frightened by the wolf howlings of the Uighur boys, Yunchu no longer was unreasonable and would beat them whenever he had the chance.

After seven or eight beatings, they finally learned and understood that if they wanted to avoid being beaten, they had to give the best food to Yun Chu...

So, Yunchu continued to beat them. They would not listen to you when you reasoned with them. Instead, they thought you were afraid of them. In the Aries tribe, being reasonable meant that you thought you couldn't beat them.

The principle they can understand and recognize is the fist!

Yun Chu had gone through hundreds of battles and gained countless combat experience. After he no longer had a single enemy under his command, the boys of the Aries tribe finally learned not to learn howling like a wolf next to Yun Chu's family's sheep.

Yes, they took countless beatings to understand this.

Of course, the reason why young people are so idle that they learn to howl like wolves has a lot to do with the fact that the girls in the Aries department are all sallow and skinny, and they are not good-looking at all. At least, the girls in the Aries department have butts like those of big-tailed sheep. They don't have it, none.

Yunchu stroked Naha's light yellow hair with one hand, while squinting at the guy who clenched his fists tightly in fear.

He had made up his mind that as long as this wolf dared to approach him or put his dirty hands on the back of his sheep, he would kick off this dirty guy's legs!

Mi Man, a young boy from Huihe, saw Yunchu early. He originally didn't want to pass by Yunchu's grazing land, but his legs were weak at this time and he didn't want to take a long way around. So he had the courage to call out and say hello to Yunchu. Bite the bullet and lead the ewe through Yunchu's grazing land.

"Yunchu! I didn't touch your sheep!"

Mi Man tied the sheep's leather rope around his waist and walked cautiously past Yunchu's sheep with his hands raised.

"You'd better walk more steadily. Also, keep an eye on your sheep. If you dare to drop a hair and dirty my sheep, I will break your dog legs!"

After hearing what Yun Chu said, Mi Man was shocked. He raised his leg and kicked the ewe hard on the buttocks. The ewe screamed loudly in pain, and then dragged Mi Man and ran towards her flock. , until he disappeared from Yunchu's sight.

"Brother, burn the marmot for me!"

No wolf was seen, and Naha became lively again.

"Why are you eating a marmot? That thing is not clean!"

“I’m going to eat a marmot—wow!”

Yunchu roughly threw Naha onto his back and patted the black-eyed ram beside him.

"Bah ah..." Hei Yanwo called out twice, and the Yunchu family's ewes naturally gathered around Hei Yanwo.

The grazing effect was very good today. Every sheep's belly was bulging with food. It was time to go home.


A louder and more vigorous shout came from the other side of Grasshopper Lake, and then a war horse appeared on the horizon, then a second horse, a third horse, and then countless horse heads emerged from that A small low slope appeared behind it, and waves poured down.

Yunchu couldn't get enough of the scene of thousands of galloping horses, especially the horses under the sunset, covered in golden light, with their majestic limbs and heads held high, as if nothing in the world could stop it, full of power. beautiful.

The Uighur cavalry is so brave!

There were several human heads hanging under the neck of the horse running at the front, and it was unclear whether the left ear of the heads was still there.

Their shouts were filled with the joy and pride of victory.

These cavalrymen ran around the Aries camp three times. After that, they stuck the human heads on the wood and shot arrows at the heads while riding horses to demonstrate the powerful force of the Aries tribe.

Put the human head next to the tribal camp and slowly wait for it to rot, letting the stench envelope the entire tribal camp. Then slowly wait for the flies to breed maggots on it, and then slowly wait for the fly eggs to hatch and produce more flies. to spread the plague.

This was a matter of course, but Yunchu had never seen an extremely powerful plague in these thirteen long years.

Thinking of the powerful Uighurs hundreds of years later, Yunchu had to admit that God really takes care of fools!

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