Tang's dining table

Chapter 315 The temptation from Japan

When the flood came, Yun Chu stood on this temporary dam made of bricks, wearing a raincoat.

The people from Qujiangfang, as well as the manpower brought by Yunchu, were busy dredging the waterways on both sides of the dam.

Yunchu had to admit that this Japanese method did make sense. The water that could overflow from Qujiang Pond was only two feet high. At the beginning, due to the pressure, the water flow would be very turbulent and the waves would be very high. high.

This is when the flood is at its most ferocious. As long as this wave of flood is resisted and enough pressure is released from Qujiang Pool, the speed of the water waves will slow down, and eventually the extra two feet of water in Qujiang Pool will be The water is evenly spread in Qujiang.

The Qujiang River is much larger than the Qujiang Pond. If the two feet of water were spread flat in the Qujiang River, it would not even be a foot deep.

What's more, the new houses in Qujiang are basically built on the original foundations of the earth mountains, which are relatively high.

Theoretically, this was the case. After a dull roar, a moment later, when the rapid waves of water rushed over from the Qujiang River and spread the originally uneven land into a patch of land, Yun Chu still felt frightened.

Waves seven to eight feet high carried all kinds of things, just like when a huge cavalry hit the embankment. The highest wave even climbed over the embankment and entered the village.

However, because all the strength was exhausted, the small amount of water flowed to a lower level along the drainage ditch.

The huge waves hit the embankment one after another, smashing into pieces. Although the embankment under Yunchu's feet was shaking, it finally withstood the impact until the huge waves slowly turned into gentle water.

At this time, Yunchu looked around. In the drizzle, Qujiang River had turned into the Zeguo that could not be seen to the edge.

Only seven huge chimneys were still smoking thickly.

Master Wu looked at Yunchu standing on the embankment in awe and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, Qujiangli is saved."

Yunchu smiled at him, walked down the embankment, and said to Zeng Erniu: "You did a good job, and you also know how to protect yourself."

Zeng Erniu pointed to the Japanese man Abe who was following them silently and said, "This is a capable man. Doesn't the county magistrate need a moment?"

Yun Chu said: "How do you want me to use him?"

Zeng Erniu whispered: "The last time Mr. Gentleman came over, he told me that he wanted me to keep an eye on this Japanese man. If I didn't notice any bad intentions in him, I would leave him alone.

The younger one belongs to the county magistrate. If this person is useful, he will naturally be sent to the county magistrate first. Only the one you don't need will get a gentle husband. "

No matter how good the relationship between Yun Chu and Wen Wen was, Yun Chu still felt very comfortable when he heard what Zeng Erniu said.

Walking into Qujiangli, it was still gray here. After the rainwater was blackened by coal ash, it gurgled outward from the drainage channel.

Perhaps because this place was originally the foundation of a mountain, even if it was hit by heavy rain for four or five days, there was still no water on the ground here.

All the people in Qujiangfang gathered here. Although the men's faces were gloomy, the women and children seemed very unconcerned.

"Is there enough food?"

"Enough, as you know, the brick kilns are full of big-bellied men. When the summer grain came down this year, Qujiangfang stocked up on three thousand tons of grain. The autumn grain that fell before the heavy rain was also hoarded by villains.

In addition, there is no shortage of coal in the brick kiln, so there is no problem in supplying food to these people. "

"Give it for free?"

"No, the rain has been light in the past two days, so the younger one took these people to continue digging the mountain of soil, and piled the excavated soil to the edge of Qujiang River, forming a high embankment there. When the court approves it, we will On those mounds, build a small market based on the walls of Jinchangfang. When the gate is installed, it will be easier for us to manage, right?"

Yun Chu looked at Zeng Erniu in surprise. He didn't expect this guy to be ambitious. Now it seemed that he had really tempered himself when he asked this guy to be the shopkeeper of the bathhouse.

Well, there are not many good people among the people who can be greeted by Er Niu personally. Li Shen is not a good person, Yun Chu is not a good person, Wen Wen is not a good person, and neither is Di Renjie. Even Liu Rengui is not a pure good person.

"Don't even think about building a castle wall outside Chang'an City."

Er Niu chuckled and said: "Since it is a law of the imperial court not to build a castle wall, we naturally don't violate it.

However, Mr. County Lord, if we don’t build a wall, we can always dig a hole, right? "

Yun Chu frowned and said, "What about digging a hole?"

Erniu smiled more and more proudly, pointed at the Japanese man behind him and whispered: "Abe said that the Japanese people are not good at building walls, mainly because the huge rocks cannot be transported to high places, but how can the castle be defended without high walls? .

Therefore, a smart Japanese man came up with a way. "

Yunchu suddenly remembered the castle tower he saw when he went to Japan. Outside the castle tower, there was no city wall, only countless cherry blossoms.

Although there is no city wall, there are several zigzag pits outside the castle tower. These pits are more than fifteen meters deep and twenty meters wide. At first, they thought they were moats. However, there was not a drop of water in these pits. .

After listening to the explanation, I realized that these deep pits are actually the walls of the castle tower.

It just turned the originally tall city wall into several zigzag pits. If the enemy wanted to enter the castle tower, they would have to fight along the nine-winding corridor bit by bit.

If you accidentally fall into a pit, you will have no chance to climb up. You will be shot into a sieve by the defenders above the pit, or the defenders will pour fuel into the pit and set the entire pit on fire...

Thinking again, Qujiangli is a big consumer of soil. With the current strong demand for bricks and tiles in Chang'an City, no matter how much soil there is, it will be eaten up by these brick kilns, and eventually it will be turned into houses in Chang'an City.

In this way, as long as the brick kilns in Qujiangfang continue to smoke, Zeng Erniu can completely build a tall and upside-down city wall outside Qujiangfang, and it will not take a few years.

The earthen hill that originally stood here has lost 80% of it in just a few years. It is really not a very difficult task to dig a large pit around Qujiangfang and finally turn it into their unique city wall. .

"Your Majesty, the Japanese country doesn't have much that can be used in the Tang Dynasty. Even so, Abe still contributed it.

I know the magistrate looks down upon such techniques, but this can show Abe's heart to the magistrate.

The people of Japan still live a life of slash-and-burn farming. We pray to the sky for some food, plant some food from the land, and get some food from the sea. Even so, we never have enough food to eat.

The ground there often shakes and rolls, and just after people move into the newly built houses, the houses will collapse, burying the people inside alive.

The mountains there are always billowing with smoke, and sometimes they emit blazing flames that can melt even rocks.

Not to mention the dangers from the sea, strong winds that can break waist-thick trees, and waves higher than mountains, which are taking away the lives of Japanese people every moment.

Many children died just after birth, and many people died of diseases when they were still very young. So in many places, once people live too long and get too old, in order to save the few grains, they Their descendants had to carry them into the mountains and let them be eaten by wild beasts...

County Lord, the people of Japan are human beings, not weeds that fend for themselves. The purpose of Abe’s coming to the Tang Dynasty is to introduce the life of the people of the Tang Dynasty to the country of Japan, so that the people of Japan can have as much food and clothing as the people of the Tang Dynasty.

I pray to the county magistrate, please allow us to learn and allow us Japanese people to live a happy life like the people of the Tang Dynasty many years later.


After Abe finished speaking, he knelt on the ground, spread his hands flat on the ground, and put his forehead on them.

Abe's Chinese dialect is very good, his words are precise and well-tongued, and he also has a strange rhythm that is very deceptive.

The people present, except Yun Chu who still looked calm, all looked at Abe with pity.

Many officials from Wannian County feel that their county minister is good at everything, but is too narrow-minded.

Yunchu suddenly smiled, looked at Abe who was prostrated on the ground and said, "Don't worry, sooner or later, someone from the Tang Dynasty will personally land on your island and teach you all these things with his own hands."

Abe raised his head happily and looked at Yun Chu and said: "Really, is this really the case? Thank you so much.

I have long heard that the magistrate is a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. If the magistrate can go to Japan one day, Abe is willing to accompany the magistrate to see the smoking Baektu Snow Mountain. When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom in March every year, Abe will Bring some wine and feel the cherry blossoms falling like snowflakes in the breeze. It is certain that such a scene will make the county poets flourish and leave poems to the Japanese country that will be passed down for thousands of years. "

Abe's description reminded Yunchu of his visit to Mount Fuji, the time he and his colleagues watched the cherry blossoms in Kyoto, and even his stroll in Lake Ashi.

Not to mention how beautiful the scenery there is, but it is really artistic.

However, I still feel that Abe is pretending to be stupid. What he said clearly is that in the future, soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty will definitely set foot on the Japanese country, and they will set foot on the Japanese country in the name of a monarchy, rather than going to the Japanese country again as a guest.

Yunchu didn't like going to Japan as a guest, because as a guest, he couldn't even enter the higher-end custom houses, which was very disappointing.

Seeing Abe's cheerful look, Yunchu didn't intend to tell the truth. Anyway, Liu Rengui would become the general of the Tang Dynasty Navy in the future, and it would not be impossible to visit the Japanese country.

To be honest, not being able to go to Hokkaido to take a hot spring bath on a snowy day was Yunchu's biggest regret when he went to Japan.

"Prepare a rich meal. After all, everyone is a hero today."

Erniu bowed happily and said, "Wei!"

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 2 pm on the 11th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

I have actually been to Japan, at the Yuewen Annual Meeting, twice in Japan. The first time I almost starved to death. I really couldn’t stand the smell of sweet soy sauce. Damn it, maybe I’m not used to it. The roast costs 400 yuan and two taels. The wagyu beef, with only salt, made me vomit. The second time, I was lucky to have instant noodles brought by the tiger, so I didn't starve to death.

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