Tang's dining table

Chapter 318: It’s all your choice

Abe rode a cow, swaying and surrounded by the wind together with Qiuye into Chang'an City.

Abe is neither thin nor tall, his face is ordinary, and his clothes are not gorgeous, he is just Zhou Zheng.

But such a person received great courtesy when he entered the city. Even the military guards guarding the city gate gave him a rare salute when they saw him.

It's not that Abe himself is so great, but that there is a big word "reward" burned out with a soldering iron on the forehead of the scalper under his crotch.

This word "reward" cannot be stamped on casually. Only cattle rewarded by the government to common people with great achievements can be stamped with the word "reward" on the forehead.

In theory, you can go anywhere on a scalper like this without shuddering.

Today was the day when the Japanese envoys from the Tang Dynasty gathered together. Abe got up early early to wash the cow clean, trim the uneven hair on the cow, and repair the cow's hooves.

So when this Japanese man with a little moustache entered Chang'an, everyone ignored the fact that he was a Japanese man.

It was the first time that a Japanese man walked on Zhuque Street without legs. Abe was filled with pride. Even the cow under his crotch did not wear a dung bag and made a pile of cow dung on Zhuque Street. The bad people did not punish him. I also found cleaning tools for him and asked him to clean up.

This was the first time that the Japanese were treated kindly on Suzaku Street. Abe was very grateful. Even if he took off his clothes and hung them behind the cow's buttocks, he would not let the cows dirty the clean Suzaku Street again.

Just like the city gate, when he entered the imperial city, they didn't make things difficult for him. At least they didn't ask him to take off his clothes for inspection, let alone pick up his crotch.

Entering the Waguoguan Station, Abe found that the people here were lifeless, and some even cried loudly after seeing their companions.

Among them were two Japanese people who were lucky enough to enter the Imperial Academy.

"People in the Tang Dynasty don't treat us as human beings. My Chinese language is not good and I can't understand my lessons. I ask my teachers for advice, but they ignore me. When I ask my classmates for advice, they scold me and tell me to get away...I am humiliated and made things difficult for me everywhere." , I don’t want to go.”

When Abe heard what his companion said, he pointed at his nose angrily and said: "We risked our lives to cross the ocean to come to the Tang Dynasty. Before we came, we knew that we would not have an easy life. If you just wanted stability, you wouldn't have done it in the first place." It’s time to come, let those who can endure humiliation and want to make Japan stronger come.”

When the crying Japanese heard this, not only did he not feel ashamed, but he pointed at Abe and said, "You learned the art of bricks and tiles in the richest village in the Tang Dynasty, and you will soon learn the art of architecture. The people there are simple and honest. You will be kind to the Japanese. I know that you have received a big reward recently.

Otherwise, if you come to the Imperial College and give it a try, you will know that the people in the Imperial College are completely different from the simple people of the Tang Dynasty. "

Abe put his hands into his sleeves and hugged his chest, and calmly said to the Japanese: "Xing, do you really think so?"

A-Xing nodded and said, "Yes, that's what I think."

Abe pointed to the door of the Japanese envoy's room and said, "In that case, let's go to your lord's place to change it."

Axing snorted and pushed open the door of the Japanese envoy's bedroom. As soon as he entered, he knelt down and begged: "I am willing to exchange study places with Abe."

The messenger coughed and said, "Xing, you should know that you already have the best position in the Imperial College."

Ah Xing said stubbornly: "I suffered a lot of humiliation in the Imperial College. If I exchange it with Abe, I can also get a big reward from the Tang Dynasty government."

The messenger said softly: "Axing, His Majesty has different requirements for you. Abe is obsessed with architecture. After returning, he will be responsible for building our Pingcheng Jing. What you have to learn is the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

You are all disciples of Lord Abe, and you are shouldering different responsibilities. It would be wrong to give up so easily. "

A-Xing lowered his head and said nothing, but he looked even more depressed.

Abe said to the envoy: "Let me go. Ah Xing can spend his leisurely life in Qujiang, and possibly eat the delicious food in the Jinchangfang cafeteria. Perhaps, this is the life he hopes for." "

The messenger looked at A-Xing and said, "Is this what you are pursuing?"

Akira didn't say anything, just put his head on the floor.

The messenger turned to Abe and sighed: "Then, go ahead."

Abe showed a smile on his face, nodded and said: "Wannian County Magistrate Yun Chu's poem goes like this: The great roc rises with the wind in one day and soars ninety thousand miles. Let's see how I can win over the vast water of the Tang Dynasty in the Imperial College. "

and left the messenger's room.

"A person's confidence is extremely important. If the person has a firm goal and a determined will, then success is something that can be expected. If God despises him or loves him, he may succeed. If God despises him and does not want to see him, , if his life is not required, success can be expected.

In any case, giving up easily is not an option. "

Facing Liu Tao who came to his door, Yunchu sighed and prepared to persuade him to stay in the government-run weaving workshop, where he could accumulate merit and resume to lay a solid foundation for becoming an official in the future.

Liu Rengui has already left Chang'an with his wife. No one knows where he went. Perhaps Li Zhi is leaving a way out for Liu Rengui. Once he cannot stand firm at the seaside, it will not affect his officialdom when he comes back. Voice.

Therefore, as Liu Tao's elder, Yun Chu still worried a little more.

Liu Tao saluted and said, "My nephew really can't stand the arrogance and bossing of those eunuchs. He just wants to concentrate on his studies."

Yun Chu sighed and said: "Yang Ying's family background is rich and luxurious. He can work well in the government weaving industry. Your brother and you are the same mother. He can also do well in the government industry weaving. Why?" Are you just always depressed, even to the point of retreating?"

Liu Tao was silent for a moment and said: "I only want to get straight from the truth, not seek from the twists and turns."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "Since you think Taixue is the place where you can display your talents, you might as well pursue it with all your strength. As for your job of weaving in the government camp, I will naturally find someone to take your place."

Liu Tao himself felt a little ashamed. After silently saluting, he left Yunchu's official residence.

Wen Wen walked in from outside, looked at Liu Tao's back and said, "Don't force it. The reason why he can't stay under Bai Qisi shows that he has no ability to eat this bowl of rice. It may not be a bad thing to quit early." Good thing."

Yun Chu nodded and said: "It's almost impossible to succeed just by relying on his general talents.

The Imperial College is getting more and more crowded now, and I'm worried that he won't be able to get ahead. "

She smiled softly and said, "No matter what, this is his own choice. He can't blame anyone else. Even Liu Rengui has nothing to say."

"Didn't you go to the Yushitai? Why are you back again?"

Wen Wen shook her head and said, "I think it would be better for me to continue to stay in Wannian County as an inspection censor."

Yun Chu looked at Wen Wen and said, "Is the wind blowing in the court again?"

She smiled softly and said, "You may not have thought that there was a problem with the fiefdom of King Ji Li Shen in Gaoling.

The Li Yi Mansion impeached King Ji Li Shen, saying that he had been quietly invading his fiefdom into Sanyuan County over the years. So far, he had invaded private land and official land totaling more than 1,100 acres.

Now, the censors are investigating. Once the censors verify that it is true, Li Shen will definitely be in trouble this time.

If something happened to Li Shen alone, I wouldn't take it seriously. However, the Yushitai began a thorough investigation. From the first year of Yonghui to the present, I think this is not normal for all the changes in the noble fiefdoms.

It is difficult to explain clearly the royal affairs, let alone the six-year-old accounts. There are too many tricks that can be used in this process.

I don't want to get involved, so I'd better go back to Wannian County and hide for a while. After the situation calms down, it won't be too late to get promoted. "

There are more gentle rumors. Since he has already sensed the danger, he did not even take the promotion opportunity that he finally got by presenting two Zhou Dynasty bronze tripods. This shows that the problem is really serious.

The main reason why there is no bronze tripod from the Huangdi era is that the things required for the bronze tripod of that era are too complicated, and the copper quality is not as clear as the Zhou tripod. In addition, what do the characters of the Huangdi period look like? Until now, there is no one. In conclusion, if someone uses Cangjie's bird and animal patterns, and Wen Wenwen and Di Renjie make a mistake, then it will be a catastrophe.

Therefore, it is safer to use a bronze tripod from the Zhou Dynasty.

Hearing that Wen Wenwen was not going to the Yushitai, he regretfully said, "It's a pity that those two Han cauldrons were ruined by you and turned into such a horrible state."

Wen Wen spread her hands and said: "It seems that I am not destined to be promoted through evil ways after all. I'd better give up this idea in the future."

Yunchu laughed and expressed deep sympathy.

In the early morning of October, there was already frost on the slate. The maroon horse's hoofs were shoed and refused to obey, so sparks often appeared after the hoofs rubbed against the bluestone.

Doctor He finally received a letter. He will arrive at Luofangou by boat today, along with the old god Sun Simiao.

Luofangou is the entrance and exit of the Imperial Palace Garden of the Tang Dynasty. The so-called Imperial Palace Garden refers to Qujiang Pool. Because ships from afar had to drop their sails at the mouth of the ditch before entering the imperial garden, it was named Luofan Ditch. The boats were then dragged through the narrow ditch by oxen and horses, and finally arrived at Qujiang Pier.

It had been a year and a half since I had seen the old immortal, and Yun Chu missed him a lot. In addition, today the Imperial Medical Office had already mobilized their entire army to welcome the old immortal who had conquered the plague and returned victoriously. Naturally, Yun Chu was indispensable.

This year's winter has come extra early, and a thin layer of ice has already formed on the edge of Qujiang Pond.

It is estimated that in another half month, as long as there is a cold wave, the Chang'an water transport will be completely over.

Therefore, there are many sails waiting to enter Qujiang outside Luofangou. From a distance, they stretch for ten miles.

A tugboat team consisting of twenty livestock was slowly towing a black sailboat from the narrow ditch.

Yunchu took a closer look at the black sailboat and found that it was actually the flag of Teng Wang Li Yuanying.

Yunchu was quite familiar with Teng Wang Li Yuanying, because this guy built a total of three Teng Wang Pavilions.

One is in Tengzhou, Shandong, and the other is in Hongzhou (Nanchang). These two Tengwang Pavilions caused him to be demoted twice. It is estimated that this time when he comes to the capital, he will still be demoted. He is going to go to Sichuan to build his third Tengwang Pavilion.

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 12:00 pm on the 11th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

There is one more chapter, before 12 o'clock.

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