Tang's dining table

Chapter 321 The indomitable Wu Mei

Because of Sun Simiao's sudden involvement, the imperial court was temporarily forced to postpone the investigation of the land.

Sure enough, as Yunchu expected, since we can't check from top to bottom, we should check from bottom to top.

Chang'an County and Wannian County are the first to be affected.

There is nothing to investigate in the land outside these two counties. There is only so much land. If you touch any piece of land, it will be obvious that there are lice on the monk's head. Therefore, for Chang'an and Wannian counties, the most investigated are the homesteads inside the city.

It is said that this was a very serious investigation. Then, Yunchu invited the chef from the cafeteria to Wannian County Yamen to prepare various refreshments and delicacies, and also prepared many exquisite souvenirs.

Therefore, when more than twenty officials from the six departments and two stations arrived at the Wannian County Government Office, they immediately felt good about Wannian County.

Although it is already a cold and windy season, the pines, cypresses and bamboos in Wannian County Yamen are still green. Dotted with clusters of yellow chrysanthemums, the long table is filled with exquisite products from all over the world. Pastries, red grape wine, and warm rice wine. If someone likes a stronger wine, there is also a jar with a skull and crossbones pattern on the end of the table, anti-virus!

As soon as you enter the door, a cook wearing a white silk shirt, a white hat, and a white mask will serve you a bowl of Tremella and Lotus Seed Soup that can warm your heart and lungs.

After a bowl of hot and sweet soup, the coldness disappears.

The next examination was easy and pleasant. Huang Shilang, the Minister of Revenue, was nicknamed Weasel. He was said to be the most sensitive to money. He could tell where there was money with just a sniff. He was very capable.

As soon as I walked in, I smelled a strong smell of money.

As the leader of this inspection, he skillfully took out a box of gems from Yunchu's broad sleeves as soon as he entered the door.

Seeing that Huang Shilang was holding Yun Chu's hand and refused to let go, Yun Chu knew that he was in trouble, so he changed his hand to hold Huang Shilang's hand and exchanged greetings. Then, his other heavy sleeve also Suddenly it became soft and elegant.

Feng Yushi, who came from the Procuratorate, had always regarded money as dirt. However, this person liked fragrant wood the most. It happened that what Yun Chu was wearing today was an agarwood accessory, and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

Yun Chu took off this agarwood accessory and admired it with Feng Yushi for a long time. Agarwood was always more valuable than gold in the Tang Dynasty, but that was what the common people said. Feng Yushi tried to wear it and felt something. good.

Yunchu enthusiastically invited Feng Yushi to see the yellow chrysanthemums that were still blooming in the cold autumn. As for things like agarwood, he had long forgotten.

Qin from Menxia Province is the most difficult person to deal with. As soon as this person starts to run errands, he will be blackmailed. He doesn’t give face to anyone. He only knows how to handle official business. I heard that all the prisoners punished by his hands are... Take it heartily.

Not only was this man honest and honest, but he was also good at handwriting. I heard that he had mastered the essence of Ouyang Xun's regular script. Seeing him today, how could Yun Chu let him go and force Qin Langzhong to leave a volume of regular script for Wannian County?

Yun Chu was overjoyed when he got this treasure book. He immediately sent a servant to pull a cart of paper made of cinnamon bark, pepper bark, and ivy bark, which was antiseptic and insect-proof and worth a thousand gold to Qin Langzhong's house. He expected Qin Langzhong to see it. Write more, write better words, and promote the calligraphy of the Tang Dynasty.

Zhongshu Sheng's disciple Zhou Sheren is the most difficult to deal with. He has been practicing Taoism for many years and has long had no desire for worldly things. I heard that the new concubine who has been with him has been sleeping with him for three months and is still a virgin. , it can be seen how firm this human heart is.

Seeing such a person, there was nothing he could do. Yun Chu had no choice but to reluctantly hold out a cup of the heavenly material and earthly treasure that Di Renjie and Rourou had recently discovered - stone milk!

Gao Jifu, a member of Zhongshushe at that time, wrote many times to state the pros and cons of current affairs. Taizong specially gave him a stalactite and said: "The kind words you gave are like medicine stones, which can heal the country. I will give you medicine stones in return."

According to Taoist books, stone milk almost has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. Yun Chu hoped that Zhou Sheren would accept this cup of stone milk.

When Zhou Sheren saw the stone milk, his index finger moved. He picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp. Then he told Yun Chu to find him a quiet room. He wanted to powder the medicine and not to disturb him until evening.

The work of the county government cannot be without loopholes or mistakes. After a while, petty officials continued to come to report that Wannian County's financial and taxation accounts were not balanced.

Yun Chu was furious and ordered Hu Cao to check quickly. Hu Cao was all in a hurry and his feet didn't even touch the ground.

After a while, another official came to report that the name on the land album did not match the actual owner, and Yun Chu became furious again...

After five or six times in a row, Yun Chu could no longer be angry because Huang Shilang and the others started to become angry.

As a result, the entire Wannian County Government Office began to panic. Yunchu, the Wannian County Magistrate, was even more impatient and kept rubbing his hands and pacing in the lobby.

Finally, when the sun went down in the west, Huang Shilang and others finally severely criticized Yun Chu for his poor work and lax control of his subordinates, and recorded it on the verification document to observe the effects, and then took the powdered medicine with them. Zhongshu Sheren said goodbye to Yun Chu and other county officials who had lived for thousands of years in tears.

Everyone has this problem of being careless in doing things and not strict in controlling their subordinates. Even the emperor often said this about himself.

Since they are here to investigate and deal with the problem, if nothing is found, one party must be a fool. If they cannot find it out, the people on the inspection team will be fools, and of course they don't want to be fools.

Therefore, when someone is holding a knife, Wannian County can only consider itself a fool. This is the wisest approach.

Check it once and you will be safe for three years!

Therefore, today's efforts were completely worth it. Even though everything came out of the warehouse, both the bookkeeper and the county captain thought it was appropriate.

Compared with Wannian County, Chang'an County is miserable this time. Liu Rengui has just left, and the newly appointed county magistrate has a surname of Linghu and a first name of Xiuji. I heard that he is Taichang Qing. The eldest son of Bachelor Linghu Defen.

This family was addicted to compiling books, and they participated in all compilations in the country. Linghu Defen was especially diligent in writing in his later years.

It may also be because Xiu Shuxiu's family was full of disciples. As soon as he took office, he found that Liu Rengui had left him such a prosperous Chang'an County. He couldn't help but move his index finger and almost emptied the county treasury in a month.

When the court began to conduct a thorough investigation, they began to deal with it in a hurry.

This group of people only found some minor problems in Wannian County, so they must find big problems in Chang'an County, otherwise they will not live up to His Majesty's expectation of ordering a strict investigation this time.

I thought that with Liu Rengui's clear mind, Chang'an County would definitely not be able to find any major problems, but it didn't matter after the investigation. After the investigation, even Huang Shilang, who was known as the weasel, was stunned.

Who could empty out more than half of the county treasury within one month of taking office without even recognizing his subordinates?

This person clearly came to be an official with a box.

A thorough investigation is required!

After checking and checking, Dali Temple intervened. The person who came was Di Renjie, the chief minister of Dali Temple.

When the people in Chang'an County heard that it was Di Renjie who was coming, they were all frightened. A few years ago, Di Renjie had already taken the blame for a term of Chang'an County officials, so he was coming again this time?

When Yun Chu heard the news, he was still in a good mood. He hated the fact that there was another magistrate in Chang'an County who didn't care about anything but only wanted to make money, so he took this opportunity to get him away.

This time the picket mainly focuses on land. Who has the most serious land problem in Chang'an?

There is no doubt that it is Wannian County. Today, Wannian County is being demolished and built everywhere. If these people are willing to use the deceptive spirit of Di Renjie and Wen Wen to investigate Wannian County, they will soon find out. , the housing base that originally belonged to the common people has been reduced by more than 20%.

The extra land basically exists in the land register in the form of being owned by the city. It looks like it belongs to the common people, but the common people are not qualified to deal with it. It also looks like it belongs to the country. These lands are not reflected in the land register. on the book.

This is a real, yet fuzzy gray area.

It is also a gray area that Yunchu can use and operate.

A large-scale corruption case was discovered in Chang'an County, so Li Yifu heard the news and took action.

It has to be said that Li Yifu still had some tricks. It only took three days for Linghu Xiuji to plead guilty, and his old father Linghu Defen was also implicated.

King Ji was protected by Sun Simiao, so he had no choice but, if he couldn't kill King Ji, how could he kill you, a duke like Linghu Defen?

As a result, the elderly Linghu Defen was sent to prison, and more than 1,400 people were implicated.

The emperor ordered Linghu Defen to be deprived of all his official positions, nobles, and rewards from past dynasties, and demoted to a commoner.

This time, a total of more than 26,300 acres of land was recovered.

Seeing Linghu Defen leading his family to leave Chang'an on foot, countless noble families began to feel chills behind their backs.

Therefore, King Ji returned three thousand acres of land to the court in the name of abandoning the land because he lived in Yongzhou, had a small family, and few servants.

As soon as Li Shen's idea of ​​returning farmland started, more and more people followed suit. Wannian County alone received 38,600 acres of farmland from honorees.

It stands to reason that if there is spare land, the extra land should be distributed to the people waiting for land allocation according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, so as to continue to maintain the shaky rental and commission policy and the government army system.

However, the court did not allow Yunchu to do this.

The purpose is already very obvious, Li Zhi wants to grow cotton on these lands.

Therefore, Yunchu planned to plant all the cotton after spring, so that Li Zhi could see the cotton fields day after day.

Di Renjie's wife Wang was finally giving birth. Early in the morning, Yun Chu and Wen Wen rushed to Di Renjie's house with gifts.

Yu Xiurong and his gentle wife even went directly into the back house to cheer up Mrs. Wang, which had the meaning of seeking luck. After all, these two women both won men at one stroke. "

Attachment: The next chapter will be released at 7 pm on the 12th. You can read it first, and I will continue writing. This book is the first release of Qidian. Everyone is welcome to read it on the Qidian app——

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